'No evidence' for extraterrestrials, says White House,....

I feel sometimes you intentionally fail to think outside the box.

Who is to say they haven't been here for a very long time, stumbled across us? Remember what I said, if the universe is teeming with life, then you would expect a small handful of civilizations to atleast stumble across each other, that is just an exponentially increasing fact as time would go on.

Other possible things to consider, is that they will have techniques to search for habitable galaxies that will be far advanced to our own. You are limiting aliens to our finite influences on this universe. You are personalizing aliens on your own inferior ways.

Nope, you totally ignore physics.

Photons are photons, and so we can only resolve things at a certain distance and evidence of our existence can only spread outward at the speed of light, and it decreases in intensity with the square of the distance, and so it's not too far out that it is the same as the background, and not detectable.

Don't matter how advanced a civilization is, at a certain distance (not that far in cosmic scales) we are just a star.
Nope, you totally ignore physics.

Photons are photons, and so we can only resolve things at a certain distance and evidence of our existence can only spread outward at the speed of light, and it decreases in intensity with the square of the distance, and so it's not too far out that it is the same as the background, and not detectable.

Don't matter how advanced a civilization is, at a certain distance (not that far in cosmic scales) we are just a star.

How did photon's get involved in this... Keep this as simple as possible, my point of the post, which highlights again your innability to think outside the box when appropriate is that the technology would most likely be beyond your usual kind of techniques we use. They might have technology for instance, have super-powerful telescopes located very deep in space with little background interference from local stars that can zoom in on planets, see what color of their atmosphere is like, for instance. That would first of all dramatically reduce the cost of searching for planets not only in the habitable zone but also showing signs of a stable carbon friendly atmosphere... darn... they may even have technology to just brisky see some kind of land mass.

You need to think extraordinary.

Do you think the Egyptains would have yawned at the concept of a modern age computer? To them, the computer would have been incomprehensible, and that is the sign of an advanced technology, so I almost feel sorry for your lack of imagination.
The Chronological Protection Conjecture is just that, a conjecture. Please learn the terminology before you spout it off as proof.

There is no proof that one can travel backward in time.

So in the meantime I'll take Hawking over your unsubstantiated assumptions every time.
How did photon's get involved in this...

He asks?

Keep this as simple as possible, my point of the post, which highlights again your innability to think outside the box when appropriate is that the technology would most likely be beyond your usual kind of techniques we use. They might have technology for instance, have super-powerful telescopes located very deep in space with little background interference from local stars that can zoom in on planets, see what color of their atmosphere is like, for instance.


What color the atmosphere is requires photons.

Hawking has also been known to make pretty wild claims, such as proposing that information is lost in black holes.
Yes. Surely light bounces off planets. I don't get your point.

I pointed out that physical limitations, such as photons emitted from the earth limit our detection at a distance.

Which is why Kepler can't actually see the planets based on the light that reflects off of them, even though it is in space, it can only detect the slight drop in light as the planet transits the sun.

But we are looking only 100s to 1,000s of LYs within in our own Galaxy.

The problem is magnified many billions of times, to the point of absurdity, if you are 2,500,000 LY away in a different Galaxy.
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Well whatever the techniques an alien race will have, my point still stands. You are basing human limitations on them, which I believe could be one of the greatest mistakes skeptics can make.
Well whatever the techniques an alien race will have, my point still stands. You are basing human limitations on them, which I believe could be one of the greatest mistakes skeptics can make.

Limitations of physics and the fact the EMR decreases with the square of the distance.
Which is why an entire galaxy of ~600 Billion stars 2.5 million light years away (Andromeda) is only 1/40th as bright as a single nearby star to us in our own galaxy (Vega at 25 LY).
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