'No evidence' for extraterrestrials, says White House,....

For instance, I am aware if it is intelligent life, you may think about looking for mining operations on asteroid belts. But in all my years, I think this is the only method of finding aliens I am aware about. Starships maybe? If so, what about all the life which hasn't managed to make it into the deep of space yet? They will go unnoticed surely?

No, life would change a planet.

Besides, for the purposes of this thread, if they haven't made it to deep space then they haven't made it here obviously.
Yeah, much easier.

Communication patterns are not natural and would stick out.

Communication patterns... as in what? Electromagnetic signals?

I actually think it's been proven that radio signals (fitting the type that was sent into space by Arecibo) would have been absorbed by the background activities. It would never have reached it's destination, so I find it doubtful we will ever get any messages from aliens in spacetime.
No, life would change a planet.

Besides, for the purposes of this thread, if they haven't made it to deep space then they haven't made it here obviously.

Obviously. But then again, we haven't made it to other star systems but doesn't mean we won't in the future. Sure, this thread is about aliens who have managed to cross the cool stretch of space. But our discussion has somewhat evolved.
Communication patterns... as in what? Electromagnetic signals?

I actually think it's been proven that radio signals (fitting the type that was sent into space by Arecibo) would have been absorbed by the background activities. It would never have reached it's destination, so I find it doubtful we will ever get any messages from aliens in spacetime.

And they won't get any messages from us either.

Or be able to detect us beyond that 50 LY circle I showed you earlier even with FAR better antenna's and signal processing then we are using.

So any life that could detect us would be from one of those 133 stars. And we've looked at them and we've listened to them and NADA. Which is why the chances of anyone coming to this unremarkable star in a rather backward arm of the galaxy are so remote as to be far less than winning the lottery.
And I responded saying that would be true, unless life is teeming in the universe, then you may apply the logic backwards and say that it would be unlikely that any two civilizations would not meet. In fact, it dramatically restates your little statistic into a completely new light. The idea that two civilizations distanced by space and time (considerable amounts of spacetime) would be remote in an otherwise dead universe. It would be like looking for a needle in an infinitely large haystack. If aliens have reached us, it is not because of a remarkable stroke of luck, even though I have hinted at that possibility before, but it will most likely be because our universe is teeming with life.
And I responded saying that would be true, unless life is teeming in the universe, then you may apply the logic backwards and say that it would be unlikely that any two civilizations would not meet. In fact, it dramatically restates your little statistic into a completely new light. The idea that two civilizations distanced by space and time (considerable amounts of spacetime) would be remote in an otherwise dead universe. It would be like looking for a needle in an infinitely large haystack. If aliens have reached us, it is not because of a remarkable stroke of luck, even though I have hinted at that possibility before, but it will most likely be because our universe is teeming with life.

And yet we have no evidence that it is teeming with life.
And we've been looking for quite a while.
And yet we have no evidence that it is teeming with life.
And we've been looking for quite a while.

Maybe we should be looking closer to home ;)

Seriously though, I honestly don't know what they expect to find. Even if radio signals could be sent over spacetime, I doubt that an intelligent civilization might even use radiotechnology. A tiny ship would never be noticed. So I am unsure what their techniques are and the general math explaining how long a search should be conducted for before you may provide some ''evidence''.

SETI was a waste of money. Still is in my eyes. We should be developing news ways to get off this planet and searching the stars, increasing our scientific knowledge ---- because let's face it, if we could, we would.
We should be developing news ways to get off this planet and searching the stars, increasing our scientific knowledge ---- because let's face it, if we could, we would.

We are increasing our knowledge every day.

But face it, for the forseeable future the distances to other stars are too great to traverse and no other planet in the solar system can sustain many of us for very long at a reasonable cost. For the vast majority of us, this is our only home in the universe for a very long time to come.
look there is all kinds of evidence for extraterrestrials

if we look back upon the pyramids , in Eygpt , mesoamerica etc

to hide your head in the sand , doesn't take away the evidence thats all over the world
But the fact remains, we have found but 33 planets and only ONE planet in the GLZ that is at all earthlike, but it is too massive to likely support life.

Am I missing some context here?

An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside the Solar System. A total of 716 such planets have been identified as of December 22, 2011.[1] It is now known that a substantial fraction of stars have planets, including perhaps half of all Sun-like stars.[2] It follows that tens of billions of exoplanets must exist in the Milky Way Galaxy alone.

The complete database
Am I missing some context here?

That is the number we have found with Kepler.
Which is looking for Habitable planets.


Other older techniques (usually based on how much the huge planet made the sun wobble) tended to find non-habitable Jupiter size planets.
Yes we have found quite a few of those, but they aren't really relevant to this discussion.
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well tell me how to lift 70 ton blocks of granite 175ft up off the ground back then , then ?

That is hotly debated but it isn't the point. A mystery doesn't stand as evidence for ET.

Even assuming that ET was here back then, what evidence do you have the ET could lift heavy rocks? :D
That is the number we have found with Kepler.
Which is looking for Habitable planets.


Other older techniques (usually based on how much the huge planet made the sun wobble) tended to find non-habitable Jupiter size planets.
Yes we have found quite a few of those, but they aren't really relevant to this discussion.

Ah. So what is the maximum [theoretical] detection rate of Kepler? That is, how fast is it capable of finding planets?
“ Originally Posted by river
well tell me how to lift 70 ton blocks of granite 175ft up off the ground back then , then ?

Build a sand ramp & roll it up.


They knew how to make rope and they knew how to make basic block and tackle and they had plenty of manpower.

It certainly didn't require aliens.

I see , 70 tons ( x2000lbs= 140,000lbs ) was done by block and tackle , rope and plenty of manpower

so what rope , block and tackle can handle , 140,000lbs just to lift this block of granite ?
Lots of them used together I presume.

Are you saying you think it's IMPOSSIBLE, given the massive work force available to them that they could not do so (remember, they don't have to lift it, only drag it)?
Isn't that a bit disingenuous? I don't believe there is an accepted answer here.

No, the link explains the methods and while we might not exactly know how they were built, there is nothing to suggest that humans didn't build them.

It's NOT rocket science.