New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...

candy said:

Have you tried any form of meditation to help you understand what it means?

I have better things to do with my time then obsess about seeing 11:11's on digital clocks. Meditation? hmmm... LOL? :bugeye:
Welcome Serb, You've had some pretty odd experiences and your revealing them should be applauded. Why anyone would log on to this forum and actually make stuff up for the purposes of self aggrandizement, is beyond me, so this couldn't be the case. And yes it is odd to find yourself awake and perfectly coiffed in the middle of the night.

The psycho-social profilers are a hoot, not realizing their own personalities are likely more pathological than those they smear.

Serb--Have you ever considered that Csicop was set up to discredit claims of the paranormal because that's the realm they tinker in and they'd like to maintain a kind of monopoly? Hmmm? So don't get too bent out of shape. It's irritating having to swat at flies, but there are some real dragonflies here, who don't for a minute believe their own cantankerous debunking line. They are adepts themselves and absolutely brilliant.
Serb87 said:
Heh, seriously what freaking reason would i have to try and lie to some scifi geeks who i've never seen or give a shit about, i'm just talking about some real life experiences, and trying to see if anyone else had something similar happen to them.
Why would i search the subject on the internet if all i have is lies?
As for you Odin'Izm, i'm not trying to bullshit you or anyone, and none of what i wrote is bullshit, i dont claim to have supernatural powers you moron, all i said was, the boundaries of coincidence have been tested.
Seriously, have more of an open mind and quit bitching about everything that cant be scientificaly proved you pathetic moron.

These people are here to demean and attack people such as yourself. I've been in these attacks before, and say more about them than yourself. Just realize that THEY did not go through what you say you did.

So if you have had some genuine unexplainable events in your life, gather real life people in your area who have had similiar events and talk with them about it. You could also try to find a paranormal investigator to study and report what happened to you, as well as try to learn more about it. A message board like this one is the last place for anything meaningfull to be found. Issues like this do require great personal trust to study, something that the internet does not offer.

Again, do not take this thread too seriously. I mean, in reality what you see here are just angry, bitter skeptics trying to destroy (who they percieve as) wacko's. Let's hope they don't bother responding to me, eh? :)
btimsah, to be honest, i regret getting worked up over other people's distrust and scepticism. Everyone has a right to believe/disbelieve in anything they want. The thing that pissed me off was the attitude in which they approached their scepticism.

Paranormal investigator? no thanks, it doesn't bother me that much.
People in my area? hmm... if i happen to collide with a good looking girl, and happen to find out she's had similar experiences, why not?

Believe me, i don't take this thread seriously no more, i've stopped with this particular thread, all i do is respond to questions/quotations. Even though i couldn't find any answers in this forum, i found interesting threads with interesting theories.
HEY Serb...i relly value what you shared have had/are having what may be called Big Experience

i is stuff that completely undermines accepted know-ledge and experience

i also have experienced strange phenoemna....some years back i had a 'OBE' where i met and interacted with humanoid entities and mythic-looking was a real as a wall!

but you share tis with peole from all fiffernt cross section and reponses can range from nervous giggling to some so-clled 'expert' telling you what it 'really' means, or dismissing it etc etc

we kno what w know is all thee needs to be...fuck tem. they are really fearful, ....caus the DONT RELLY KNOW>>>>>>.NOT saying i do, but i dont pretend
Why anyone would log on to this forum and actually make stuff up for the purposes of self aggrandizement, is beyond me, so this couldn't be the case.

And yet... it is the case.
btimsah said:
These people are here to demean and attack people such as yourself. I've been in these attacks before, and say more about them than yourself. Just realize that THEY did not go through what you say you did.

So if you have had some genuine unexplainable events in your life, gather real life people in your area who have had similiar events and talk with them about it. You could also try to find a paranormal investigator to study and report what happened to you, as well as try to learn more about it. )
In other words wallow in ignorance and ignore the genuine efforts to offer explanations. Coincidence. Coincidence. Fucking coincidence.
Oh, and give hard earned money to people who will tell you, "Oh, that was definately a UFO".

One of my favorite shows right now is "Ghost Hunters" because they actually try and use scientific methods to PROVE that ghosts exist. I don't believe in ghosts, but the techniques they use are interesting, and they don't fly off the handle and say "Look GHOSTS!" every episode. They note interesting things that happen, but fully analyze everything, and don't jump to conclusions.
They note interesting things that happen, but fully analyze everything, and don't jump to conclusions.

And have they ever found any evidence whatsoever to suggest ghosts exist?

Or, have they merely come up with yet another silly idea for a TV show?

Yup, after doing a quick search on TV shows, it appears the latest round are based on supernatural dramas.

It's easy to understand why so many people come to this forum with such notions, they are the ones who watch TV rather than reading books.
No they haven't. They saw some weird stuff, and actually caught some of it on film. It's definately not ghosts, but they have recorded some weird magnetic fluxes or temperature variations in old basements that turned out to be hidden rooms in the house or other things.

Your right, it is silly, but it's still interesting that they actually investigate, and record their results.

Like I said, I don't really care about the show, I just like their investigative measures. The don't rely on "psychics" and other BS to show a house is haunted, they try and prove it empirically.
Serb87 said:
I thought so too, but than again... i just saw 11:11 now, on the computer, just as i was writing this. 11:11am australian eastern time. As i was saying, that cant be the case since even if the time is not right, even if its extremely wrong i'll just happen to look at it at exactly that time, odd indeed.
Sometimes we get these assurances that we are were we are meant to be, I guess this might be one of them, so I recommend you to take it as it is and just sit back and relax. Or you could wonder about it, like I use to, imagine what it could be, what is this telling you? Maybe it's just natural, there's only one reality, and that reality has to be meaningful. If you would do only one thing in your life, then you'd feel that you'd do it right.
(Q) said:
Why anyone would log on to this forum and actually make stuff up for the purposes of self aggrandizement, is beyond me, so this couldn't be the case.

And yet... it is the case.

Hey i might be crazy or disillusioned but hell, i didn't make shit up.
Seriously Q, my anger has turned in to pity. If you truly believe i'd search for a website for no particular reason and lie about experiencing some strage phenomenon, which i never said could "not" be scientificaly solved/proven, then don't post on this thread.
Ophiolite said:
In other words wallow in ignorance and ignore the genuine efforts to offer explanations. Coincidence. Coincidence. Fucking coincidence.

Coincidence? the 11:11s? Sure, even though i test the boundaries of coincidence on a daily basis, i will still not disregard that simple and over-used word 'coincidence'. Over-used in this topic atleast...
Wow... isn't life so simple, everything 'weird' is coincidence, and everything that appears unearthly is some form of bent light from the antennas reflecting on light segments in the stretosphere, which is then reflected magnetically back into the earth forming weird hovering white lights.
I feel so much better knowing that all i've experienced are just some 1000000000000/1 chance sightings of unearthly white lights hovering freely 10 feet in the air.
Yay!! go science!!
Hey i might be crazy or disillusioned but hell, i didn't make shit up.

No one said you were crazy, did they?

Seriously, there is nothing wrong with seeing 11:11 twice a day on a clock, it's perfectly normal.

To obsess over it, as you're doing, is another story.
hee's a CONINCIDENCE for you....just a while back i had been chatting with a mate, and we got onto te subject about a mate of his whooo had been diagnosed mentally ill because he mentined he was familiar with ...coincidences...apparently as soon as he metioned that word the shrinks ticked him schizophrenic...

this is of course reflected in the general society wit those stuck in that world view. ...mention it and they---follwoing the psuedoscience they ironically follow (yet pertaining to unCOVER pseudoscience, how funny hey?) othe words, they are policing how we interact with reality!
(Q) said:
Hey i might be crazy or disillusioned but hell, i didn't make shit up.

No one said you were crazy, did they?

Seriously, there is nothing wrong with seeing 11:11 twice a day on a clock, it's perfectly normal.

To obsess over it, as you're doing, is another story.

Obsess? aha... great, i mentioned it once, and a few other times whils't writting that particular reply. An anecdote is not an obsession, but since you love undermining everything i say with or without good reason, why don't you suck my hairy balls bitch.
duendy said:
hee's a CONINCIDENCE for you....just a while back i had been chatting with a mate, and we got onto te subject about a mate of his whooo had been diagnosed mentally ill because he mentined he was familiar with ...coincidences...apparently as soon as he metioned that word the shrinks ticked him schizophrenic...

this is of course reflected in the general society wit those stuck in that world view. ...mention it and they---follwoing the psuedoscience they ironically follow (yet pertaining to unCOVER pseudoscience, how funny hey?) othe words, they are policing how we interact with reality!

If you can’t take 1 minute to correct your piece of crap of a reply, i can’t take 1 second to read it. Seriously, i’ve seen in many other posts, you just talk about some irrelevant crap, which makes no sense. I'd add you to my block list but last time i checked, i still had a dick.