New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...

why don't you suck my hairy balls bitch.

Will you obsess over it if I don't?
Serb05 said:
If you can’t take 1 minute to correct your piece of crap of a reply, i can’t take 1 second to read it. Seriously, i’ve seen in many other posts, you just talk about some irrelevant crap, which makes no sense. I'd add you to my block list but last time i checked, i still had a dick.

I think it's hillarious that you would respond like this to duendy. He's agreeing with you.
Well, that must mean then that Serb05 had written a piece of crap of a reply, one can’t take 1 second to read it.
and just talk about some irrelevant crap, which makes no sense.
Serb05 said:
If you can’t take 1 minute to correct your piece of crap of a reply, i can’t take 1 second to read it. Seriously, i’ve seen in many other posts, you just talk about some irrelevant crap, which makes no sense. I'd add you to my block list but last time i checked, i still had a dick.

haha..dahhhlin've made me have to agre wit Oph, congratulations. words hey? they can be very strange. some times people read other than wasmeant. i will try again. i am on your side. i told you that tis dude was diagnosed 'mentally ill' cause he mentioned 'coincidence'....! i dont agree wit that. ok?...your side dude...chillll
Serb87 said:
Firstly, at a very young age, i'm guessing 4-5 something odd happened to me, something unexplainable. I woke up fully dressed staring at a mirror without any memory or recall of how i got there. Even though i was of such early age i asked my parents if they knew who had dressed me and got me out of bed, they loughed, and i guess didn't think much of it.

Sounds like it could be some combination of sleep walking, hyponogigic hallucination, and dreaming. Completely normal for a little tyke.

Serb87 said:
At roughly 9 years of age, me a friend and his sister were playing behind my house looking at the stars, trying to find UFOs and just pretty much being kids. I was right behind my friend facing towards different direction when he told me to look up at the tree... what we saw was something very odd, something that i cant explain in full detail. It seemed we saw some extremely bright lights in abstract shape, but the lines which formed this object seemed straight. It could not have been: 'falty lights, reflection, thunder' because it was night time, and i remember it was so dark we hesitated going there alone. It was one of those experiences i will never forget, and one of those i will never let a sceptic try to prove wrong. (Forgot to mention, this was not a sighting in the sky, this was about 3-4metres away from us)

Sounds like christmas lights or a dangling lantern some kind. If you see it again, make some additional observations about it and get a flashlight to get a good look at it's structure.

Serb87 said:
Odd things happen to me all the time, such as Street Lights going off whilst i walk under them, such as always seeing the number 11:11 everywere, specificaly on digital clocks.

Same thing used to happen to me in high school. I would walk by a few particular lights in my neighborhood and they would go off. What made it weird is that the event always occured as the sun was setting (i.e. getting darker). At some point I found out the reason, the lights were a particular type that take some time to reach max brightness (like they were booting up) and any dips in electrical flow would turn the lights off. They would then need to fully cool before the bootup sequence could begin again (taking even more time). I just happened to be around frequently enough to observe the results of poor electrical flow with a few of these lamps.

There was a long time where I actually keept on catching 4:20 (not kidding) in digital clock displays. It was like whenever I looked, there it was. I figured that I simply looked around at digital displays frequently and for some reason was noticing 4:20 in particular. I trained myself to filter it out as unimpotant noise and eventually I stopped noticing 4:20.

Serb87 said:
P.S: I've read through heaps of forums and posts, some say that there is a group of people called the SLIders, which have subconcious powers that enable them to switch of street lights, and that it could be as a resort of being abducted. And yes, oddly enough, this is plausable in my case...

Sounds like the name 'Sliders' was ripped off from an 80's television show about some characters whom traveled between parallel earths through 'wormholes'. In any event, there is no evidence (none whatsoever) that any kind of psychic or otherwise paranormal ability exists.
The mistake you have made here Crunchy Cat, in your severely flawed post, is to use logic, objective reasoning, and a rejection of fanciful explanations to account for Serb87s experiences.
As Serb has so eloquently expressed with a true passion and raw emotion that surely trumps your unemotive scientific detachment is that it cannot be coincidence. It's all real. There is something really wierd going on.
I'm sure he'll be along in a moment to explain your errors in a much more colourful manner than I could hope to achieve.
I mean, shit, Crunchy Cat, with a post like that you must have thought you were on a science forum!

The Surgeon General has determined that taking irony in large doses can damage your self esteem if you are uneducated, superstitious, gullible twit, or if your name is Serb 87.
Squeak22 said:
I think it's hillarious that you would respond like this to duendy. He's agreeing with you.

And i care that he/she’s agreeing with me... because? Just because he/she agreed with me i should just forget about the entire illiterate section he/she has posted? No thanks, i'll just hold my grudge.
duendy said:
haha..dahhhlin've made me have to agre wit Oph, congratulations. words hey? they can be very strange. some times people read other than wasmeant. i will try again. i am on your side. i told you that tis dude was diagnosed 'mentally ill' cause he mentioned 'coincidence'....! i dont agree wit that. ok?...your side dude...chillll

I ain't reeeeading that either, go to hell.
Do you hope to get into the Guinness book of records for the greatest number of forum bans or are you just congenitally thick?

Oops, Duendy got between me an my target. You can't actually call that friendly fire, but its close.
Crunchy Cat said:
Sounds like it could be some combination of sleep walking, hyponogigic hallucination, and dreaming. Completely normal for a little tyke.

Sounds like christmas lights or a dangling lantern some kind. If you see it again, make some additional observations about it and get a flashlight to get a good look at it's structure.

Same thing used to happen to me in high school. I would walk by a few particular lights in my neighborhood and they would go off. What made it weird is that the event always occured as the sun was setting (i.e. getting darker). At some point I found out the reason, the lights were a particular type that take some time to reach max brightness (like they were booting up) and any dips in electrical flow would turn the lights off. They would then need to fully cool before the bootup sequence could begin again (taking even more time). I just happened to be around frequently enough to observe the results of poor electrical flow with a few of these lamps.

There was a long time where I actually keept on catching 4:20 (not kidding) in digital clock displays. It was like whenever I looked, there it was. I figured that I simply looked around at digital displays frequently and for some reason was noticing 4:20 in particular. I trained myself to filter it out as unimpotant noise and eventually I stopped noticing 4:20.

Sounds like the name 'Sliders' was ripped off from an 80's television show about some characters whom traveled between parallel earths through 'wormholes'. In any event, there is no evidence (none whatsoever) that any kind of psychic or otherwise paranormal ability exists.

Sleep walking? possibly.

Christmas lights in my back yard, in the middle of summer that appeared to be lightning hovering over a tree? hmm, no.

11:11, Coincidence? possibly, but what ever it is, its freaky and hella repetitive.

Ohh... yes Crunchy Cat. How stupid of me. All this time i didn't even for one second contemplate that it could've been some random scientifically provable events, even though i stated otherwise.

To all the people who want to comment on my anecdotes:

1) I have thought through all of my experiences for long amounts of time over the years. Believe me, i'm not one of those people who likes to settle for an unexplained phenomenon.

2) I don't suffer from ADHD/ADD, or any illnesses that might affect vision or the brain.

3) I don’t lie/exadurate.
Ophiolite said:
Do you hope to get into the Guinness book of records for the greatest number of forum bans or are you just congenitally thick?

Oops, Duendy got between me an my target. You can't actually call that friendly fire, but its close.

Well, i'd rather make a new account and talk back than having to settle for jackasses like yourself telling me that i'm stupid, and not being able to state otherwise.
Good. As long as you have a game plan.
Are you sure, when you call me a jackass, that you aren't exadurating, in much the same way Duendy might?
(Q) said:
why don't you suck my hairy balls bitch.

Will you obsess over it if I don't?

I figured you out. You're a 40+-year-old man with barely a life outside of this forum. You disagree with anything that can be called 'unexplainable' as nothing odd has ever happened to you, in your room. I mean, nothing odd will ever happen to you unless you get out of the house. You consider yourself well beyond my level and undermine everything i write, with or without good reason. You insult me with your cowardly methods, such as the one quoted above, i imagine you do it whilst giggling like a dork. You take great satisfaction when it seems that i've been insulted by one of your, 'i don't believe you, asshole' remarks. Seriously, you're boring and please, don't take this reply as a little victory in which you've made me lose the plot and unleash my anger towards you, its merely a depressing and true analysis.
Ophiolite said:
Good. As long as you have a game plan.
Are you sure, when you call me a jackass, that you aren't exadurating, in much the same way Duendy might?

I wouldn't know as i've never fully devoted myself to anything Duendy wrote.

Calling someone a jackass is exaduration? ok...
Seriously, you're boring and please, don't take this reply as a little victory in which you've made me lose the plot and unleash my anger towards you, its merely a depressing and true analysis.
