New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

So every word in the bible is the literal (and exact) truth?

JOH 10:30 I and my Father are one.
JOH 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

GEN 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
GEN 7:8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, GEN 7:9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

1KI 4:26 And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.
2CH 9:25 And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.

PRO 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
ECC 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
1CO 1:19: "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."

GAL 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
GAL 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.
Need I go on?

if every word in the bible can be taken literally what does "heaven" literally mean in the bible? WOOPS sorry dyw meant to quote anita

Anita has been shown to be wrong and has refused to acknowledge that.
Witness her replies to Fraggle: Fraggle's wrong and she's right because the bible says want she claims it does?
She's using the bible as if it incontrovertibly true. :rolleyes:
And she still hasn't answered why she keeps conflating Phi and Pi...

Oh, and with regard to her "research", how valid is it, bearing in mind that it is blatantly obvious that she has ignored anything that contradicts her and additionally twisted (or outright invented) other data to make the facts conform to her belief?
I know and wanted to be persistent with Anita to have her response below. I would conclude that she is devout but not by faith if you can see the distinction. Faith is a decision and for a decision to be made there has to be two choices. This God or that God, God or No God, you see? If there is no decision then there is no acknowledgment that the decision could be wrong, hence dogma. Nothing wrong with believing in dogma, and nothing wrong with saying it. Just admit that is what you are doing instead of insisting there is no truth outside of your favorite dogma.

I am tolerant of people who believe anything they want if they acknowledge contrary evidence and acknowledge that they could be wrong. Anita crosses the line of tolerance and represents what I see as the cause of self perpetuating religious conflict, intolerance. But that isn't really my thing.
Dyw, your defeat over me is like being savaged by dead sheep. :)

You are a laugh in the face of science itself! How so you may ask? Well for starters you outright disclaim the Bible.

Have you any idea that the most every idea in SCIENCE originated from RELIGION (the Bible)! Including most everything that pertains to the modern world. Some of our most brilliant scientists were not only JEWS, but had harnessed their ideas from the Bible. Not only science, but common sayings and phrases including NAMES. The Bible is also the leading source of everything from military plots to the very issues of morality that to this day shape our politics, law and justice system.

Its you who is living in a fantasy world - WAKE UP you have been dumbed down!

Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. As Confucius says: Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Hello QW,

Yes I do have an answer for you QW and I hope this one hits home. You ask, how if there is one G-d can that G-d be seen so differently by different religions?

In my book I have a whole chapter devoted to the "Proper Religion" which explains this. Basically (if one knows their Bible) humankind is in a fallen state (after sin permeated in the Garden of Eden). From this point on we read in the Bible about the tower of Babel. This was a place where after the Great Flood of Noah that all humans resided, and it was here that G-d confused language into different similar languages and those that related to each other grouped together and spread out across the globe. Many religions are very similar… and all have the basic story of the Garden of Eden in some version, even the Aborigines people of Austrialia have a modified version of this story. Through the centuries people developed certain (different) customs related to biblical scripture… but truthfully they all tell the same story in some way!

You ask, how is one supposed to reconcile the differences? I can only say that one should know their Bible and the words of it. This includes the Old Testament and the New Testament (which can be backed up by the Dead Sea Scrolls). If I am correct in my analogy concerning the mathematical aspect of the Hebrew letters, you can bet that every word of the Bible can be taken "literally" since it is of Divine Authorship!

QW, essentially, without the WORD OF G-D we are lost!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Well, not necessarily lost, just on a different page from you. I consider your response to be saying that in your view you could not be wrong because of what the Bible says. That means that it is dogma to you, the invariant word of God, and any inconsistencies can be accepted or explained by deeper understanding. We don't agree but I respect your right to accept dogma although I think we risk being deluded when we insist we cannot be wrong.
You are a laugh in the face of science itself! How so you may ask? Well for starters you outright disclaim the Bible.
Anita, you are now displaying how utterly and totally ignorant you really are.
The bible is not science, nor is it scientific.

Have you any idea that the most every idea in SCIENCE originated from RELIGION (the Bible)!

Including most everything that pertains to the modern world.
Sheer unadulterated nonsense.

Some of our most brilliant scientists were not only JEWS, but had harnessed their ideas from the Bible.
The first point is largely irrelevant, the second is wrong.

The Bible is also the leading source of everything from military plots to the very issues of morality that to this day shape our politics, law and justice system.

Its you who is living in a fantasy world - WAKE UP you have been dumbed down!
And you are either deluded or a liar.

I think if you're planning on posting any further this is going to have your first pint of call: show that bible is science or scientific*. Otherwise you're spouting hot air from the very start.

* To QW et al., yes I know she can't, (except in her own mind) but I'm foolishly holding out hope that she can at least gain a little bit of education in reality.
Dyw, your defeat over me is like being savaged by dead sheep. :)

You are a laugh in the face of science itself! How so you may ask? Well for starters you outright disclaim the Bible.

Have you any idea that the most every idea in SCIENCE originated from RELIGION (the Bible)! Including most everything that pertains to the modern world. Some of our most brilliant scientists were not only JEWS, but had harnessed their ideas from the Bible. Not only science, but common sayings and phrases including NAMES. The Bible is also the leading source of everything from military plots to the very issues of morality that to this day shape our politics, law and justice system.

Its you who is living in a fantasy world - WAKE UP you have been dumbed down!

Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. As Confucius says: Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

That doesn't mean shit. Religion was the political institution of the day that financed science and controlled all challenging results, often with torture and execution. It was the only game in town. If you wanted to do science, you have to play by the churches rules or else get burned as a witch.
Anita, you are now displaying how utterly and totally ignorant you really are.
The bible is not science, nor is it scientific.


Sheer unadulterated nonsense.

The first point is largely irrelevant, the second is wrong.


And you are either deluded or a liar.

I think if you're planning on posting any further this is going to have your first pint of call: show that bible is science or scientific*. Otherwise you're spouting hot air from the very start.

* To QW et al., yes I know she can't, (except in her own mind) but I'm foolishly holding out hope that she can at least gain a little bit of education in reality.

give her a break dyw, we all know how religion makes people mental sometimes lol, some people are so ignoran/mental that that fiction book becomes there world. may want to just argue with your front door might actually get somewhere lol

Wrong Dyw, this shows how abstract your brain is!

The “Tetrahedron” is the first from which all others emanate.

Each face must have the same number of edges, each edge is shared by exactly two faces, and every vertex has the same number of edges emanating from it.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Wrong Dyw, this shows how abstract your brain is!
In other words you can't prove (or even demonstrate) what you claimed so you're resorting to insults...

The “Tetrahedron” is the first from which all others emanate.
They do not "emanate" from the tetrahedron.

Each face must have the same number of edges, each edge is shared by exactly two faces, and every vertex has the same number of edges emanating from it.
I see, so now you're expanding your description, once the original one was shown to be incorrect. And there are shapes that are not Platonic solids that also fit that description...
Plus, of course, the diagram shows you're wrong.
"every vertex has the same number of edges emanating from it"
Um, take another look, let's pick Adenine and start at the very top: NH[sub]2[/sub].
First vertex: one "edge"
2nd vertex: 3 "edges"
3rd (going clockwise): 3 "edges"
4th vertex: 3 "edges"
5th: 3 "edges"
6th: 3 "edges"
7th (continuing to NH): 2 "edges"

Slight failure, methinks.
In addition to which those molecules are more or less flat, so they don't actually have "faces".
Last edited:
All of you can continue to spout nonsense as well, and in fact I’m quite sure you will continue to do so and we will all witness the “hostility” factor moving more and more into place by the ignorant. Oh I could get nasty too, but I wont lower myself.

I think this is clearly seen by others who may be reading!

Only he who sees takes off his shoes!*:)

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
give her a break dyw, we all know how religion makes people mental sometimes lol, some people are so ignoran/mental that that fiction book becomes there world. may want to just argue with your front door might actually get somewhere lol
Nah, the point is: if she isn't going to actually try and put up supporting arguments then all she's doing is trolling.
And we already have a surfeit of those.

You are still not grasping it!

Find me a polygon or an Archimedean solid that started out that way... wow just popped into existence one day looking like a polygon hu!?

I think not! All who can see know that that this form grew in unit growth from a simple tetrahedron shape since it consists of many tetrahedrons. :eek:

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Find me a polygon or an Archimedean solid that started out that way... wow just popped into existence one day looking like a polygon hu!?
Er, show me where these solids occur in nature and I'll tell you how they got that way...

I think not!
That's probably the first honest and (and certainly the most accurate) thing you've written.

all who can see know that that this form grew in unit growth from a simply tetrahedron shape since it consists of many tetrahedrons
Nonsense. Again.
You're claiming belief as knowledge. Not very scientific of you, is it?
You're supposed to show evidence.
Tut tut, naughty Anita.
“ Originally Posted by sifreak21
give her a break dyw, we all know how religion makes people mental sometimes lol, some people are so ignoran/mental that that fiction book becomes there world. may want to just argue with your front door might actually get somewhere lol ”

Nah, the point is: if she isn't going to actually try and put up supporting arguments then all she's doing is trolling.
And we already have a surfeit of those.

Dyw, And you being one of them yourself - A TROLL!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Find me a polygon or an Archimedean solid that started out that way... wow just popped into existence one day looking like a polygon hu!? ”

Er, show me where these solids occur in nature and I'll tell you how they got that way...

Alright, lets start out with a simple crystal.


How about cell division in a human egg:


Please get a grip on this!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Dyw, your defeat over me is like being savaged by dead sheep. :)

You are a laugh in the face of science itself! How so you may ask? Well for starters you outright disclaim the Bible.

Have you any idea that the most every idea in SCIENCE originated from RELIGION (the Bible)! Including most everything that pertains to the modern world. Some of our most brilliant scientists were not only JEWS, but had harnessed their ideas from the Bible. Not only science, but common sayings and phrases including NAMES. The Bible is also the leading source of everything from military plots to the very issues of morality that to this day shape our politics, law and justice system.

Its you who is living in a fantasy world - WAKE UP you have been dumbed down!

Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. As Confucius says: Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

anita will believe you but you have yet to produce 1 shred of evidence to support you IF you give some hard proof that what your saying to be true
Alright, lets start out with a simple crystal.
And you're unfamiliar (or ignorant) of how a crystal grows?
It doesn't "pop up" from anywhere, it gets built. (And that isn't a Platonic solid, either: notice that the apices are also flat surfaces).

How about cell division in a human egg:
What makes you think a human egg is a Platonic solid?

Please get a grip on this!
Naturally occuring non-platonic solids:

Look closely, Gypsum and Wulfenite are NON platonic.

You know for one thing, I cant believe that they actually made you a moderator! Well maybe the almost 4,000 posts says it. Sheesh, what do you do, sit on your computer all day and play? You would think by now you would have learned something (if anything)? As soon as I post, your right on it immediately. Probably trying to save face.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Alright, lets start out with a simple crystal. ”

And you're unfamiliar (or ignorant) of how a crystal grows?
It doesn't "pop up" from anywhere, it gets built. (And that isn't a Platonic solid, either: notice that the apices are also flat surfaces).

Well this response is nothing new, it shows again your trolling expertise’s at spinning words around to your own advantage. You actually think this helps your case? :confused:

Well in any event, yes as I’ve shown in the picture above a crystal grows by units starting out with the first basic visibly recognizable shape of a Tetrahedron. You were the one who originally threw the Archimedean solid at me without explaining how it derived at such. Now you are changing your tune and acknowledging that I was correct when saying that it doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere, it gets built by Tetrahedrons.

“ How about cell division in a human egg: ”

What makes you think a human egg is a Platonic solid?

Well I never said it was, but actually it does turn into a platonic solid structure at around the 2nd day - the 6th day of fertilization and looks like a Star of David:


Stick around (add nausea) you might actually learn something in all of the nearly 4,000 posts you’ve posted here. :)

Unfortunately I'll be waiting for the next spun and twisted posting from you. You know I think you should change your name to "spinster" it fits your persona more accurately ...

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator