New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

This conversation is becoming null and mute… you could ban me if you want, at this point it wouldn’t matter in the least!

Bottom line here… The book is listed and available at the Kenosha Public Library. I am told that it had to go through a registration process before being entered into the system (I did not know this or how long it would take). Also I had inquired about the IP address and was told that there are at least 20 computers in that library and they ALL run off the same IP address. Now as I had previously also said, the book was for sale there prior to it even being registered into their system which enabled people to have already read it.

Now when you say that my book is fiction therefore false because the existence of G-d cannot be confirmed. I respond in telling you YES it is fiction because it talks about G-d yes, but explain to me something Dyw, you love your mother right (I would hope so?)

Well prove it?

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator.
This conversation is becoming null and mute…
You mean "moot". Your command of English is as bad as the rest of your "academic" prowess.

Bottom line here… The book is listed and available at the Kenosha Public Library. I am told that it had to go through a registration process before being entered into the system (I did not know this or how long it would take).
Bottom Line: it wasn't listed and if it's not listed it's not in the system. It may have been in the process of being listed, but wasn't available until it was. I.e. if it isn't in the system then borrowers can't take it out because the computer won't recognise it.

Also I had inquired about the IP address and was told that there are at least 20 computers in that library and they ALL run off the same IP address.
Unlikely: an IP address is to an individual, specific, computer.
Also known as an "IP number" or simply an "IP," this is a code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the Internet.

Now as I had previously also said, the book was for sale there prior to it even being registered into their system which enabled people to have already read it.
So the library is a bookshop?
How do they sell (and record sales of) a book that's not entered into their system?

Now when you say that my book is fiction therefore false because the existence of G-d cannot be confirmed. I respond in telling you YES it is fiction because it talks about G-d yes
In other words the book is nothing more than fraud (and one based gross ignorance). The title itself claims to confirm the existence of god.
And you're mistaken as to why it's fiction: it is also fiction because it wrong about the claims made: evolution, carbon dating, the origins of the Hebrew "alphabet", etc etc. The book is a tissue of lies and ignorance, that's why it's fiction (i.e. not fact).

but explain to me something Dyw, you love your mother right (I would hope so?)
Well prove it?
And a strawman.
I "prove" it (in fact it cannot be proven, only demonstrated) through my actions regarding her (and, possibly, through measurable physiological and other effects in my body).

Author Anita Meyer The Primordial Language - [fraudulent claims of] Confirmation of the Divine Creator.
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No I specifically meant “mute” as in voiceless (you know wordless)! I could have said "void" to make it easier on you. Either way, you couldn’t match wits with a speak and spell if you tried.

but explain to me something Dyw, you love your mother right (I would hope so?)
Well prove it? ”

And a strawman.
I "prove" it (in fact it cannot be proven, only demonstrated) through my actions regarding her (and, possibly, through measurable physiological and other effects in my body).

That’s right Dyw, and proof of G-d is demonstrated in my book through the Hebrew letters illustrated with pictorial diagrams! When one reads it and acknowledges it, one might feel the Holy Spirit.

I’ve had better conversation with inanimate objects. :rolleyes:

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator.
You would have to prove that those mathematical constructions could only be of divine origin. That's the basic assumption that is wrong.
***MOD NOTE***
Anita, I had a reply all written and then decided it's not worth my time responding to your ad homs (amusing though it would have been).
Final warning.
Either reply to the refutations or be banned.
All you've done so far is troll.
All very good questions?

quantum_wave you say: Science depends on observing and quantifying what we observe. To make an assertion that God did it, and if we look closely enough at nature we can see it, goes against what I think is obvious. The obvious is that if we could ever detect something in nature of such divine origin, and God put it there for us to find, then proof of that primordial divine language would be proof of God.

Yes, this is the whole point! G-d did indeed put it there for us to find. Not only did He put it there in nature (3.14) but He also put it in His word (the Bible). In fact 3.14 can also be equated in the very first sentence of Genesis 1:1 as if to say, if at first you don’t understand it from the very first word (or even smaller letter) it reveals it in the next bigger word… and sentence… and verse… to the next bigger part.

QM you also say: But if there is a God who lays proof out for us, why not just come to each of us in a burning bush and say, “I AM God and you WILL believe in me”?

Because G-d only has to do something once like the flood. As long as it is documented in His Word the Bible it is as good as done for all.

QM you also say: Sometimes striking experiences that people have are interpreted as divine. But there is no irrefutable evidence for or against the existence of God that is in the hands of any individual that can be used to convince other people, IMHO.

Is this the only limits you can expand your mind to. Surely if I could, so could you.

I understand. I have been watching the series, The Story of Maths, and am enjoying it. Numbers and how they correspond to nature and how nature conveys its relationships and complexity through numbers form the origins of math. It is closely tied to religions and faith because religions and the understanding of mathematics came from the same peoples over the same time frames in various societies around the world; the earliest recorded records of the endeavors of man are filled with the origins of religion and the origins of math.

But the maths were in tune with science and enabled science to quantify nature, while religions were in tune with charismatic leaders and the growth of societies. Both math and religion emerged among us almost simultaneously but for different reasons and with different results. Math turned out to be common among people over time and religion tended to perpetuate the divisions among people. I give my appreciation more to the path of science and math through history than to the discord that has survived among religions.

I cannot say that and leave it at that though because of my respect for the good that is done in the world in the name of religion. I don’t blame the discord on religion itself, but on the failure of religions to emphasis a God-fairing common denominator among themselves. If the religious indoctrination of children perpetuates dogma of hate then it goes way beyond a righteous common denominator. The first basic thing I look for in a religion is that in the following of their beliefs they don’t do harm or advocate harm to others. Some religions fail that test and the discord is perpetuated. But the general good that is done in the name of religion cannot easily be replaced by a non religious society. But that is an entire topic in itself :).

That sounds like it should be right from the perspective of a believer but there is a problem in that position in reality. God is not just the God of the Bible. Every religion that has a God, has their view of God, and part of the discord that exists among religions is for that very reason. My God is better than your God. Let our warriors prove that God is on our side. And then the victories change hands over the ages and nothing is proved as to which God is the stronger. If you as a religious person don’t have as your second most important mission to merge all God’s into a common God, then you aren’t doing enough to resolve the seemingly endless discord. The answer to a common denominator among religions is not in defining what the common denominator should be, but it is in how, if there is one God, that God can be seen so differently by different religions?

I could too, it is true. But I expand my mind in a different way and in a different direction. I see what can and cannot be proved, and what I find is that God cannot be falsified and the denial of God cannot be proved while the denial of God cannot be falsified and the existence of God cannot be proved.

If there is anything that is eternal, in my view the universe must be eternal in order for God to be eternal. The logic may not be so good, but if the universe is not eternal, either God created it or it came from nothing. If it came from nothing there is no God, and if God created it then where was God for the eternity before creation (or various other arguments of logic like who created God or other logic not worth mentioning).

So the most logical explanation for the existence of the universe to my deluded brain is that it has always existed; it is eternal in the same respect that the God of religions is eternal. If the universe and God share that characteristic then maybe the universe and God are one in the same but there is no evidence one way or the other. Belief in either is an individual decision.
Anita, before you get banned would you address my response to the post where you responded to my first post?
Hello QW, I am sorry for not responding to you.

I am not quite sure what you are asking me here concerning Math and G-d, but I will give it a shot. I was in a conversation with someone else on another forum and this is how I responded to him concerning how math is linked to G-d and the Hebrew letters and to what effect it has on science today which is also discussed in great lengths within my book.

Lets for instance take Pythagoras. Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible. Moreover from the kabala (Qabalah - oral Torah) which also came down with Moses from Mount Sinai. Now Kabala talks about something called the “Tree Of Life” which consists of the geometric shapes known as the Tetrahedron, Cube and Decahedron, therefore we can additional now know where Pythagoras and even later Euclid got the idea of the 5 platonic solids. Euclid is the man that created (gave rebirth) to GEOMETRY some 2000 years ago which are called the “Euclid Elements” WHOSE PRINCIPLES OF MEASURING WERE DIRECTLY TAKEN OUT OF THE HEBREW BIBLE - THE QABALAH (ORAL LAW) WHICH REFERES TO THE “TREE OF LIFE“. All along modern mathematics has failed to realize that hidden right under our noses is the obvious origin that the very basis of SCIENCE and math is none less then RELIGION.

Euclid was one of the most prominent mathematicians of antiquity. He is still known to every student who studies geometry. Though very little is known about Euclid’s life other than he studied at Plato’s Academy in Athens, he taught in Alexandria and founded the school of mathematics and wrote his prize-work, “THE ELEMENTS“. The Elements are all what is known today about points, lines, angles and simple shapes. Based on Euclid’s work of 10 axioms or postulates. From these 10 axioms he built up the geometry which is still taught today in school.

Its interesting to note that although the name “Euclid“ and the word “Geometry“ have often been used to mean the same thing for centuries. Centuries later the word geometry began to appear on the title page of a book. The first edition in English, published in 1970 had the word in its title: THE ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY OF THE ANCIENT PHILOSOPHER EUCLID MENGARA.

These are Euclid’s “Elements” and they are also known as the 5 platonic solids:

1 - Tetrahedron - element is fire and it has 4 sides.
2 - cube - element is earth and it has 6 sides.
3 - Octahedron - element is air and it has 8 sides.
4 - Icosahedron - element is water and it has 12 sides.
5 - Dodecahedron - element is ether and it has 20 sides.

It is clear to see that Euclid carried over to science the knowledge of the Qabalistic “Tree Of Life” diagram which is the very basis of “geometry“ but often without the greater context of the spiritual understanding attributed to it. There is a lot we can learn from these shapes. In fact when we look under a microscope we discover that the very first shape (or form) of “cell life” comes from a single egg which then multiplies into 2 sections and from 2 it multiplies into 4 sections, and from 4 to 8, 16, 32 and so on… Amazingly the platonic solids multiply in in a similar way starting at the “Tetrahedron” with 4 sides, and multiplies itself into a “cube” with 6 sides. And from a “cube” with 6 sides it multiplies into a “Octahedron” with 8 sides, and then it multiplies into a “Icosahedron” with 12 sides and finally and lastly it multiplies into the “Dodecahedron” with 20 sides. There are only 5 platonic solids that exist in nature, this is because each side belongs to exactly two faces and no more. (research this for yourself). When these shapes are being formed it is also the same principle that goes into creating matter, which turns into form with the combination of atoms forming into molecules and then into cells.

Even Plato associated the Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedrons and Dodecahedron with the elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether know as the “platonic solids”. Qabalah teaches that 3 of the Hebrew letters are assigned to the principle elemental forces - Fire with the Hebrew letter “Shin”, Water with the Hebrew letter ”Mem”, and Air with the Hebrew letter “Aleph” (and these are the exact meanings of these actual letters). This is also symbolic for the days of creation mentioned in Genesis 1... On day one light/“fire” (hydrogen) was created, day 2 Heaven and the expanses/“air” (oxygen) were created, and on day 3 dry land and water/“water” (nitrogen) were created.

So there you have it QW science and math is RELIGION! But we must not dwell on Pythagoras, Euclid or even Plato, we must look further into the recesses of time to reveal G-d behind the scenes. Man did not make this stuff up or had any part in its origin. One must realize that all “numbers” equate and relate right back to G-d!

I hope that helps. If you have any questions you are always free to email me personally at (as one can see this forum has its deterrents).

Love and Light Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible.
What about all the other people that knew about Platonic solids before Pythagoras? Especially the ones that didn't know about the bible?

In fact when we look under a microscope we discover that the very first shape (or form) of “cell life” comes from a single egg which then multiplies into 2 sections and from 2 it multiplies into 4 sections, and from 4 to 8, 16, 32 and so on… Amazingly the platonic solids multiply in in a similar way starting at the “Tetrahedron” with 4 sides, and multiplies itself into a “cube” with 6 sides. And from a “cube” with 6 sides it multiplies into a “Octahedron” with 8 sides, and then it multiplies into a “Icosahedron” with 12 sides and finally and lastly it multiplies into the “Dodecahedron” with 20 sides.
Could you please explain how the sequence 2, 4, 8, 16... (doubling) is similar to the sequence 4, 6, 8, 12, 20?

There are only 5 platonic solids that exist in nature, this is because each side belongs to exactly two faces and no more.
Wrong. That is NOT the reason, as a quick look at the 13 Archimedean solids will show.

(research this for yourself).
Something you should have done before making that statement.

When these shapes are being formed it is also the same principle that goes into creating matter, which turns into form with the combination of atoms forming into molecules and then into cells.
No it isn't.

Even Plato associated the Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedrons and Dodecahedron with the elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether know as the “platonic solids”.
So what? Just because the man associated them doesn't mean the association has any validity.

So there you have it QW science and math is RELIGION!
Pure unadulterated nonsense.

Man did not make this stuff up or had any part in its origin. One must realize that all “numbers” equate and relate right back to G-d!

*** Note QW (and anyone else interested)***
I've asked Cris to move this thread to Pseudosci, rather than ban Anita outright. That way we may (possibly) be able to get through to her rather than simply lose her altogether.
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Hello QW, I am sorry for not responding to you.

I am not quite sure what you are asking me here concerning Math and G-d, but I will give it a shot. I was in a conversation with someone else on another forum and this is how I responded to him concerning how math is linked to G-d and the Hebrew letters and to what effect it has on science today which is also discussed in great lengths within my book.

Lets for instance take Pythagoras. Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible. ...

Love and Light Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

These primitive theories about the nature of the universe were also WRONG.
Anita Meyer said:
Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible.
We have very little reliable information about Pythagoras. Almost everything that is customarily said about him is based on information that was recorded at least 200 years after his death.
This is what I'm trying to reveal in my book that the Hebrew Language is of Divine origin - namely that of G-d.

The science of linguistics has discovered mountains of quite unremarkable evidence that groups Hebrew within the Canaanite languages (which also include extinct Phoenician and Moabite), which are in the larger group of Northwest Semitic languages (which include extinct Amorite and Ugaritic), within the still larger group of the West Semitic languages (which include Aramaic), within the Semitic branch (which includes Arabic, Amharic and Tigre), of the Afro-Asiatic language family (whose other five branches are Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Egyptian and Omotic).

Hebrew has literally dozens of sister languages whose relationships are as obvious as those among English, Danish, Latin, Greek, Albanian, Irish, Russian, Lithuanian, Farsi, Bengali, Urdu, Armenian and Sanskrit--representative members of the Indo-European language family.

DNA analysis and archeological evidence show that the populations who speak these languages have been separated by migrations for more than 5,000 years. For example, the Akkadians migrated into Mesopotamia ca. 3000BCE, when Neolithic Egyptian tribes had already been well established in North Africa in 5000BCE.

The Northwest Semitic languages first appear as a distinct group around 3000BCE. Proto-Canaanite goes back to around 2000BCE, and Hebrew as a distinct language descended from Proto-Canaanite became widely spoken around 1000BCE.

If, purely for the sake of argument, we entertain the metaphorical hypothesis that language was a gift from a god, that gift was not Hebrew. It was a language at least twice as old as Hebrew which was the ancestor of Hebrew, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, Amharic, Berber, Hausa, and an entire language family.

Any assertion that contradicts these obvious and well-established relationships is extraordinary. By the Rule of Laplace, a cornerstone of the scientific method, any extraordinary assertion must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat it with respect. So far that evidence has not been forthcoming. It appears that all of your arguments have been soundly--and rather easily--refuted.

If you persist in pursuing this argument without providing MUCH better evidence, it will qualify as trolling. This thread may then be closed, moved to the Pseudoscience board with all of the other crackpottery, or simply dumped in the Cesspool, at the discretion of this board's Moderator and the Administrators.
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Hello QW, I am sorry for not responding to you.

I am not quite sure what you are asking me here concerning Math and G-d, but I will give it a shot.
Thank you for giving it a shot but you missed the mark. The first sentence in the second paragraph would have better characterized my intend and would result in the response from you that would have explained your view. That statement was, "But the maths were in tune with science and enabled science to quantify nature, while religions were in tune with charismatic leaders and the growth of societies."

What I was doing was setting up the question that I wanted you to respond to. I know I wasn't very clear but I was being too chatty. The question was the last sentence in the fourth paragraph, "... how, if there is one God, can that God be seen so differently by different religions?"

And if you have an answer to that please convey your view and in addition, explain how people who are devout in other religions with a different view of God supposed to reconcile the differences?
Firstly let me address Dyw. Let it still be know that you banned an innocent person (Heidi).

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible. ”

My source is Qabalah along with the Dead Sea Scrolls! (This is a religion forum right?)

What about all the other people that knew about Platonic solids before Pythagoras? Especially the ones that didn't know about the bible?
“ Ornamented models of them can be found among the carved stone balls created by the late neolithic people of Scotland at least 1000 years before Plato (Atiyah and Sutcliffe 2003). ”

This is where you lack in knowledge. These people got the idea directly from Qabalah (again this is oral law that was brought down from Mount Sinai with Moses). For a second time… One of the things mentioned in Qabalah is called the “Tree Of Life” which can also be found and substantiated for in the Dead Sea Scrolls which “match in text” and therefore prove the validity of the Bible as well as the Qabalah. These same basic ideas can also be found in the book of Enoch who was said to live before the Great Flood of Noah (he was the 7th descendant from Adam) which can also be substantiated for in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

“ In fact when we look under a microscope we discover that the very first shape (or form) of “cell life” comes from a single egg which then multiplies into 2 sections and from 2 it multiplies into 4 sections, and from 4 to 8, 16, 32 and so on… Amazingly the platonic solids multiply in in a similar way starting at the “Tetrahedron” with 4 sides, and multiplies itself into a “cube” with 6 sides. And from a “cube” with 6 sides it multiplies into a “Octahedron” with 8 sides, and then it multiplies into a “Icosahedron” with 12 sides and finally and lastly it multiplies into the “Dodecahedron” with 20 sides. ”

Could you please explain how the sequence 2, 4, 8, 16... (doubling) is similar to the sequence 4, 6, 8, 12, 20?

You are selectively reading again! I said they multiply in a similar way. This is not saying they multiply in the “exact” way. One is referring to an egg and the other in the platonic solids. What I am saying is that they both grow by a “unit of growth” that is similar. These numbers synergistically work around each other.

Wrong. That is NOT the reason, as a quick look at the 13 Archimedean solids will show. “ (research this for yourself). ” Something you should have done before making that statement.

No, this is something YOU should have researched properly. There are only 5 platonic solids that exist in nature, this is because each side belongs to exactly two faces and no more.

“ When these shapes are being formed it is also the same principle that goes into creating matter, which turns into form with the combination of atoms forming into molecules and then into cells. ”

No it isn't.

YES IT IS! And besides all cells grow in “unit growth”! Get your facts right, you are certainly not a scientist!

“ Even Plato associated the Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Icosahedrons and Dodecahedron with the elements of Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Ether know as the “platonic solids”. ”

So what? Just because the man associated them doesn't mean the association has any validity.

YES IT DOES! This shows a direct link to biblical scripture - as in Qabalah (in the “Tree Of Life” diagram like I mentioned above).

“ So there you have it QW science and math is RELIGION! ”

Pure unadulterated nonsense.
Well sure its easy for you to say that, but first you have to prove it isn’t?

“ Man did not make this stuff up or had any part in its origin. One must realize that all “numbers” equate and relate right back to G-d! ”


You know the Dead Sea Scrolls are showing right now in Milwaukee Wisconsin at the Milwaukee public Museum. Have you any idea how old they are? :bugeye:

*** Note QW (and anyone else interested)***
I've asked Cris to move this thread to Pseudosci, rather than ban Anita outright. That way we may (possibly) be able to get through to her rather than simply lose her altogether.

Typical! You are loosing the battle in wits, so you hand me over to the next person to have a try. :)

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Hello Fraggle Rocker, why is it that moderators always come to the rescue of their fellow moderator. Cant you let Dyw fend for himself.

Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
This is what I'm trying to reveal in my book that the Hebrew Language is of Divine origin - namely that of G-d. ”


The science of
linguistics has discovered mountains of quite unremarkable evidence that groups Hebrew within the Canaanite languages (which also include extinct Phoenician and Moabite), which are in the larger group of Northwest Semitic languages (which include extinct Amorite and Ugaritic), within the still larger group of the West Semitic languages (which include Aramaic), within the Semitic branch (which includes Arabic, Amharic and Tigre), of the Afro-Asiatic language family (whose other five branches are Berber, Chadic, Cushitic, Egyptian and Omotic).

Yes this is correct to a certain extent. However, no linguistic specialist (the systematic study of language) can truly say with any firm confidence the true origin of language. Any linguist who does not study, acknowledge or understand the many books of the Bible will not have a clue. However the answer does lay within the Bible itself including the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees which tells us that Enoch was the first scribe of written writing. Even more spectacular to Enoch’s claim is that this writing was taught to him by G-d’s appointed angel Uriel - which links this language to divine origins. No where in archeology or in the writing history of humankind does it tell us the origin of language or writing other than in the Bible and other religious books like Enoch and Jubilees.

Hebrew has literally dozens of sister languages whose relationships are as obvious as those among English, Danish, Latin, Greek, Albanian, Irish, Russian, Lithuanian, Farsi, Bengali, Urdu, Armenian and Sanskrit--representative members of the Indo-European language family.

Yes I will agree with this. Hebrew is literally connected to all languages of the world. The similarities in letter writing can also be seen in the Mayan and Chinese letters with similar correlated words (which is illustrated in my book).

DNA analysis and archeological evidence show that the populations who speak these languages have been separated by migrations for more than 5,000 years. For example, the Akkadians migrated into Mesopotamia ca. 3000BCE, when Neolithic Egyptian tribes had already been well established in North Africa in 5000BCE.

I whole heartedly agree with this as well! All people (including DNA analysis and archeological evidence) can be substantiated (and confirmed) to stem from the Middle East region of the world.

The Northwest Semitic languages first appear as a distinct group around 3000BCE. Proto-Canaanite goes back to around 2000BCE, and Hebrew as a distinct language descended from Proto-Canaanite became widely spoken around 1000BCE.

Yes but the Canaanites were ancient Jews!

If, purely for the sake of argument, we entertain the metaphorical hypothesis that language was a gift from a god, that gift was not Hebrew. It was a language at least twice as old as Hebrew which was the ancestor of Hebrew, Arabic, Ancient Egyptian, Amharic, Berber, Hausa, and an entire language family.

Alright then, but one still has to explain the “similarity” in all written writing and languages of the world? My theory is (since no true linguist knows) is that this writing (alphabetical letters) was revised back into its proper forms when G-d gave Moses the Ten Commandments and the Torah on Mount Sinai.

This is what I’m trying to put across in my book by showing that the Hebrew letters that Moses carried down from with him from Mount Sinai (which have been copied identically for centuries afterwards) has the same mathematical unit of growth that appears in all of the natural world. All of the Hebrew letters can be formed from one prototype form (illustrated in my book), and it is this one prototype form that closely matches the number sequence related to Phi/Pi, Golden Spiral and Fibonacci sequence. That’s all I’m trying to say here Fraggle Rocker that there is something very divine about it all (call it Divine Design). And since nobody can truly define what G-d is or where language came from, or even nature itself… this truly lies in the realm of the mysterious with much needed research.

Any assertion that contradicts these obvious and well-established relationships is extraordinary. By the Rule of Laplace, a cornerstone of the scientific method, any extraordinary assertion must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat it with respect. So far that evidence has not been forthcoming. It appears that all of your arguments have been soundly--and rather easily--refuted.

Firstly the verdict is out since as I’ve said… no true linguist can say for certain where language came from? All of it is just THEORY!

If you persist in pursuing this argument without providing MUCH better evidence, it will qualify as trolling. This thread may then be closed, moved to the Pseudoscience board with all of the other crackpottery, or simply dumped in the Cesspool, at the discretion of this board's Moderator and the Administrators.

This also would apply to you also Fraggle Rocker. Please cite your evidence and FACTS of the origin of writing and language.

Would trolling also include moderators that gang up on innocent posters that have opposing religious ideologies?

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Hello Anita, here we are in Pseudo. Don't let the crackpot comment go to your head. You don't really qualify simply because you have research and perception that goes against the mainstream grain. To be one of the crackpots you have to either be proven wrong or you have to refuse to acknowledge that you could be wrong.

I don't plan to read your book because I have twenty books on my shelf to read ahead of you, but from your posts I would say you have written it for a select audience of believers. If you also intend to recruit believes by getting them interested enough to read it and then by presenting convincing evidence to sway beliefs, time will tell how effective you have been.

But the part about admitting you could be wrong is where I come in. On science forums and this one is no different, there is general consensus that there is no irrefutable evidence of the existence of God. My impression is that to most science forum members out side of the Religion forum that general consensus goes even further, even to the extent that there is a good percentage that might say there is no God. That position cannot be irrefutably established either.

Hence I have an open mind on the subject but ...

The possible existence of God, and the existence of a particular God for each religion is where there is an obvious disconnection among the devout. I am simply asking you from your devout perspective how you address the science forum attitude that is suspicious of any God when there seems to be so many different Gods. I'll assume you believe there is one God and then ask you what evidence do you have that distinguishes your view of God from the view of all other devout believers in different religions?

And finally, do you admit that there might not be a God at all but that faith that there is one is what religion is all about?
Firstly let me address Dyw. Let it still be know that you banned an innocent person (Heidi).
The weight of evidence was against it. And we have sufficient trolls.

My source is Qabalah along with the Dead Sea Scrolls!
Oops. Are you telling me that "Pythagoras got his ideas about the “platonic solids” explicitly from the Hebrew Bible" is actually written in the Qabala and the bible?

(This is a religion forum right?)
No, it's Pseudoscience, where we put all the crackpots.

This is where you lack in knowledge. These people got the idea directly from Qabalah (again this is oral law that was brought down from Mount Sinai with Moses).
So you're now claiming that the Qabala was known in Scotland a thousand years before Plato? What evidence do you have?

These same basic ideas can also be found in the book of Enoch who was said to live before the Great Flood of Noah
There was no flood.

You are selectively reading again! I said they multiply in a similar way. This is not saying they multiply in the “exact” way. One is referring to an egg and the other in the platonic solids. What I am saying is that they both grow by a “unit of growth” that is similar. These numbers synergistically work around each other.
And you're still wrong.
One of them (the doubling) is an open-ended sequence, the other halts at 20.

No, this is something YOU should have researched properly. There are only 5 platonic solids that exist in nature, this is because each side belongs to exactly two faces and no more.
And you should learn to read. There are other solids that also have each side belonging to two faces, but which aren't Platonic solids.


please show me on the above diagram (of DNA) where "each side belongs to two faces and no more".

YES IT DOES! This shows a direct link to biblical scripture - as in Qabalah (in the “Tree Of Life” diagram like I mentioned above).
Wrong again. You're assuming that because some guy a long time ago agrees with something written in a nonsense book that there's any actual validity.

Well sure its easy for you to say that, but first you have to prove it isn’t?
Oops, wrong again. You made the claim therefore it's up to you to prove it is.

You know the Dead Sea Scrolls are showing right now in Milwaukee Wisconsin at the Milwaukee public Museum. Have you any idea how old they are?
What, exactly, does the age of a document have to do with its validity?

Typical! You are loosing the battle in wits, so you hand me over to the next person to have a try. :)
One more example of your failure to understand reality. Rather than "hand you over" I have actually come up with a way to let you stay around rather than being banned.
And any time you want a battle of wits let me know when you're equipped and we'll start.
You don't really qualify simply because you have research and perception that goes against the mainstream grain. To be one of the crackpots you have to either be proven wrong or you have to refuse to acknowledge that you could be wrong.
Anita has been shown to be wrong and has refused to acknowledge that.
Witness her replies to Fraggle: Fraggle's wrong and she's right because the bible says want she claims it does?
She's using the bible as if it incontrovertibly true. :rolleyes:
And she still hasn't answered why she keeps conflating Phi and Pi...

Oh, and with regard to her "research", how valid is it, bearing in mind that it is blatantly obvious that she has ignored anything that contradicts her and additionally twisted (or outright invented) other data to make the facts conform to her belief?
Hello QW,

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Hello QW, I am sorry for not responding to you.

I am not quite sure what you are asking me here concerning Math and G-d, but I will give it a shot. ”

Thank you for giving it a shot but you missed the mark. The first sentence in the second paragraph would have better characterized my intend and would result in the response from you that would have explained your view. That statement was, "But the maths were in tune with science and enabled science to quantify nature, while religions were in tune with charismatic leaders and the growth of societies."

What I was doing was setting up the question that I wanted you to respond to. I know I wasn't very clear but I was being too chatty. The question was the last sentence in the fourth paragraph, "... how, if there is one God, can that God be seen so differently by different religions?"

And if you have an answer to that please convey your view and in addition, explain how people who are devout in other religions with a different view of God supposed to reconcile the differences?

Yes I do have an answer for you QW and I hope this one hits home. You ask, how if there is one G-d can that G-d be seen so differently by different religions?

In my book I have a whole chapter devoted to the "Proper Religion" which explains this. Basically (if one knows their Bible) humankind is in a fallen state (after sin permeated in the Garden of Eden). From this point on we read in the Bible about the tower of Babel. This was a place where after the Great Flood of Noah that all humans resided, and it was here that G-d confused language into different similar languages and those that related to each other grouped together and spread out across the globe. Many religions are very similar… and all have the basic story of the Garden of Eden in some version, even the Aborigines people of Austrialia have a modified version of this story. Through the centuries people developed certain (different) customs related to biblical scripture… but truthfully they all tell the same story in some way!

You ask, how is one supposed to reconcile the differences? I can only say that one should know their Bible and the words of it. This includes the Old Testament and the New Testament (which can be backed up by the Dead Sea Scrolls). If I am correct in my analogy concerning the mathematical aspect of the Hebrew letters, you can bet that every word of the Bible can be taken "literally" since it is of Divine Authorship!

QW, essentially, without the WORD OF G-D we are lost!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
If I am correct in my analogy concerning the mathematical aspect of the Hebrew letters, you can bet that every word of the Bible can be taken "literally" since it is of Divine Authorship!
So every word in the bible is the literal (and exact) truth?

JOH 10:30 I and my Father are one.
JOH 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

GEN 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
GEN 7:8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth, GEN 7:9 There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

1KI 4:26 And Solomon had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen.
2CH 9:25 And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.

PRO 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
ECC 1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
1CO 1:19: "For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."

GAL 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
GAL 6:5 For every man shall bear his own burden.
Need I go on?
Hello QW,

Yes I do have an answer for you QW and I hope this one hits home. You ask, how if there is one G-d can that G-d be seen so differently by different religions?

In my book I have a whole chapter devoted to the "Proper Religion" which explains this. Basically (if one knows their Bible) humankind is in a fallen state (after sin permeated in the Garden of Eden). From this point on we read in the Bible about the tower of Babel. This was a place where after the Great Flood of Noah that all humans resided, and it was here that G-d confused language into different similar languages and those that related to each other grouped together and spread out across the globe. Many religions are very similar… and all have the basic story of the Garden of Eden in some version, even the Aborigines people of Austrialia have a modified version of this story. Through the centuries people developed certain (different) customs related to biblical scripture… but truthfully they all tell the same story in some way!

You ask, how is one supposed to reconcile the differences? I can only say that one should know their Bible and the words of it. This includes the Old Testament and the New Testament (which can be backed up by the Dead Sea Scrolls). If I am correct in my analogy concerning the mathematical aspect of the Hebrew letters, you can bet that every word of the Bible can be taken "literally" since it is of Divine Authorship!

QW, essentially, without the WORD OF G-D we are lost!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

wrong. I dont believe the word of god "unless someone can come up with hard evidance of the existance of god" and im completely fine with it not lost at all living life to the fullest, you your life revolves around a imaginary friend then you need to re evaluate things, in otherwords if you would be lost without your faith then you have problems that you may need looked at.