New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

So Moses was too stupid to know geometry? Isn't the fact that humans discovered these mathematical contructions proof that God was not required?
...It’s quite obvious here who the religious racist are that will do anything to suppress the truth from the public, maiming it with money, racial comments, and negativity.

That's just it Anita. We all know your books assertions are simply not true. Spidergoat already demonstrated the books initial premises to be objectively incorrect (which invalidates it).

This is a religion subforum on a science site and the "truth" that your book claims isn't truth at all. We know this, we can see it, and we're letting you know.

By not correcting your assertions and instead re-iterating them as "truth", it crosses the line of ignorance to an outright intent to deceive.
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But I am in all respects very knowledgeable in all fields.
That is your most fundamental error: either you are deluding yourself about the extent of your "knowledge" (as evidenced by your comments on evolution and carbon dating for example) or you're trying to delude us.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot:
It’s quite obvious here who the religious racist are that will do anything to suppress the truth from the public, maiming it with money, racial comments,
Racial comments?
Such as?
I had googled the book the primordial language by Anita Meyer and found her at this forum.

I have had the privilege of reading this book. Let me tell you it is fantastic! It ROCKS!

This book had put the Divinci code and the book by Richard Dawkins the God delusion to shame! If this isn’t a best seller very soon I will be really shocked.

Never mind these trolls Anita, because that is what they are. You will run across such people that are very ignorant and belligerent and serve no use in the real conversation here or anywhere.

I do have some questions for you though? Your book was so overwhelmingly powerful concerning Egypt and the Great Pyramid that I was just blown out of the water. Tell me, do you still think the Great Pyramid has that working ability?

Thanks, Heidi L.
More dishonesty Anita?
Creating sockpuppets to support your view?
That's what I thought, but the IP's don't match. I think it's probably a friend sticking up for her.
Funny, I just reported that post because as far as I can tell the IPs DO match...
And here I thought lying was a sin. Silly me.

I'm not trolling, I'm trying my best to point out the errors in reasoning and evidence in this book.

You can't just assert that evolution has no proof, and then support that with incredulity about abiogenesis. At least show why the massive body of evidence supporting evolution by natural selection is wrong.
I say just ban Anita. She has demonstrated an intent to decieve... not just by peddling her work of fiction as fact but also by creating sock puppets to agree with it.

None of that belongs on a science site.
I’d like to set the record straight here… I have been unjustly accused! I am not this poster. Did it ever occur to you that this IP address is registered to the Kenosha Wisconsin Public Library system. This is a PUBLIC PLACE that anybody can walk into and use the internet to post. This library is a huge place and pulls in many people.

Hello guys… and my book is available there. I live in this town! So it would logically make sense that this person has my book. To accuse me of being a Sock Puppet (as you call it) is rather in lame standing as the rest of your name calling, racial comments, lame comebacks, and the mean act of deliberately attempting to sabotage me and my book.

Here’s a little wake up call… its not happening!

Good news for you guys though, I definitely will not be posting here anymore so good luck in your trolling endeavors. Anything said after this posting I will have no course of rebound. So spout away, since I know you will foolishly do so anyways.

Happy trolling, Anita Meyer
Bye, Sweet Anita!


:shh: Hey, I'm also a lapsed Jew, do you want to go out some time? (PM me). :mufc:
Only one question for you:

What's with: "G-d"

Does whatever god it is you believe in kill a kitten everytime you dare include an 'o' or what?
Only one question for you: What's with: "G-d" Does whatever god it is you believe in kill a kitten everytime you dare include an 'o' or what?
She did not make that up. It's a common imitation of the way Jews write YHWH in the Hebrew abjad without the diacritical marks for vowels. It is supposed to be the worst form of blasphemy to say God's name out loud. To prevent it they have never written the vowels, so no one knows how to pronounce it.

An arbitrary set of three vowels has been adopted and these days it's usually written Yah'weh. Apparently those aren't the correct ones because God has not smashed the Earth into tiny fragments in one of his Celestial Tantrums. The Romans put in different vowels and used their own consonant symbols, transliterating it as Jehovah. Today we pronounce the J and the V differently so there's no chance we're saying it right.
Hello Dyw...

This is Author Anita Meyer. You had commented on the forum that my book was not available at the Kenosha Public Library. You said precisely that it was not available according to their catalogue.

YES IT IS! And you (or anyone) can check it out to verify that!

It was also for sale there "PRIOR" to it being entered into the Library system.

Author Anita Meyer
Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Anita, you posted this message on my Visitor's Board and sent me it TWICE as a PM.
I will now give the same reply publicly since you seem not have read any of the ones I previously gave.
With regard to your comment about the book being at the library: when I checked (half an hour or so before I posted my statement) the library's OWN catalogue did not list it. I was correct. If the library carries it NOW that isn't relevant.
It also doesn't alter the fact that your book is a mish mash of errors, prejudice and flawed thinking: you failed to respond to any of the posts pointing out errors and simply plowed ahead reiterating your nonsense.

Edit: I not also that you add one more lie to the list.
Anita Meyer said:
I definitely will not be posting here anymore
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I've noticed that you have selective reading.

Note what I said: It was also for sale there "PRIOR" to it being entered into the Library system.

Which means that it was available for people to read!

You had unjustifiably banned an innocent person (Heidi) who had posted here!

And quite frankly I am tired of you disclaiming that my book is a mish mash of errors, prejudice, flawed thinking and nonsense when you haven’t even read it.

Confucius say: Man who throws dirt is loosing ground! :)

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator.
I've noticed that you have selective reading.
The selective reading is yours: I didn't retract my statement because it happened to be true. The book was not in the library's catalogue.

Note what I said: It was also for sale there "PRIOR" to it being entered into the Library system.
And we have only your word for that.

You had unjustifiably banned an innocent person (Heidi) who had posted here!
Heidi was trolling: she added nothing whatsoever to the thread. (And had some difficulty in comparing books: Da Vinci Code is fiction, Dawkins isn't). Personally I find it to be stretching coincidence when someone from your home town (purportedly) happens to appear in this thread to support you, a "someone" using the exact same computer that you do (out of how many possible in that building?).

And quite frankly I am tired of you disclaiming that my book is a mish mash of errors, prejudice, flawed thinking and nonsense when you haven’t even read it.
I've read the first chapter and your own claims (which have been shown to wrong). Please acquire some intellectual integrity.

***MOD NOTE***
Although I'm not the mod of this sub-forum, unless you reply to the refutations already made (i.e. actually defend your case instead of making more unfounded claims), I will push for you to be banned also. You have been shown where and how you are wrong (Fraggle's exposition on the origins of Hebrew writing for example). I suggest that you pick ONE single point and stick to the defence of that: once that one is resolved (either way) then there may be some point in continuing. For example the title of the book is false: "Confirmation of the Divine Creator". How can the existence be confirmed when you have already admitted that god's existence is a circular argument with no other support?
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