New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

These forms are simply the result of packing spheres into the smallest possible area (such as within an elastic membrane).
Thank you Trippy,

Those pictures you supplied show precisely that the Tetrahedron is the first platonic solid in all those structures…




Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Well in any event, yes as I’ve shown in the picture above a crystal grows by units starting out with the first basic visibly recognizable shape of a Tetrahedron.
No it doesn't. Read and learn.

You were the one who originally threw the Archimedean solid at me without explaining how it derived at such.
So what? I gave a link. And you haven't explained how Platonics are derived... Er, correction, you think you've given an explanation of some, but it doesn't hold true.

Now you are changing your tune and acknowledging that I was correct when saying that it doesn’t just pop up out of nowhere
Wrong again.
I said that I'd tell you how they got their shape: your comment was "Find me a polygon or an Archimedean solid that started out that way", to which I replied - show me one and I'll tell how it got that way. :rolleyes:

it gets built by Tetrahedrons.
No it doesn't.

Well I never said it was, but actually it does turn into a platonic solid structure at around the 2nd day
No it doesn't, that's a two-dimensional geometrical construct that is nonsense as far as biology is concerned.

Stick around (add nausea) you might actually learn something in all of the nearly 4,000 posts you’ve posted here. :)
Not from you, that's for sure.

Anita, you have so far failed to validate (or even demonstrate) a single one of your claims. But you have shown yourself to be ignorant, deceitful and unwilling to actually learn.
You're a worse troll than I thought you were, and far more pernicious.
Most of our trolls here are simply misguided, but you have the gall to also charge money for your lies...

Is that why I’m getting so much hatred here? Because I’m promoting a book? Do you think they are jealous because of that?
Nope, it's because your book is a tissue of lies and ignorance.

I don’t see why they should be because I’m only sharing truth and looking to spread the good word.
There is no truth contained the book, unless it's accidental.
Those pictures you supplied show precisely that the Tetrahedron is the first platonic solid in all those structures…
Also wrong: it shows how a cube may be constructed using tetrahedra, but it doesn't show anything at all about the other solids.

Well if you read a couple pages back you would know that I said that money was not the object. I also said that I was willing to talk to people and discuss subjects that are in my book without people actually reading my book (now what author would do that)? I also explained that I was only attempting to spread the Good Word and get this revolutionary idea out that shows some incredible evidence of G-ds existence. That’s all!

Truthfully I don’t even know why I’m hanging around here since I’ve been royally racially decimated against, called a liar and threatened more than once that I was to be banned. On top of all this an innocent person was banned because she happened to post from the same IP address as me from a local library in town that I frequent.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Well if you read a couple pages back you would know that I said that money was not the object. I also said that I was willing to talk to people and discuss subjects that are in my book without people actually reading my book (now what author would do that)? I also explained that I was only attempting to spread the Good Word and get this revolutionary idea out that shows some incredible evidence of G-ds existence. That’s all!

Truthfully I don’t even know why I’m hanging around here since I’ve been royally racially decimated against, called a liar and threatened more than once that I was to be banned. On top of all this an innocent person was banned because she happened to post from the same IP address as me from a local library in town that I frequent.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

But you are still promoting your book, aren't you?
Thank you Trippy,

Those pictures you supplied show precisely that the Tetrahedron is the first platonic solid in all those structures…




No they don't you great nonce.

To the best of my knowledge, you can't construct a non-platonic solid from a platonic one.

It's like... Trying to add even numbers together to get an odd number.

The only platonic crystal in that image I posted was Halite.
Well if you read a couple pages back you would know that I said that money was not the object.
But it still costs nearly $40 for a copy...

Truthfully I don’t even know why I’m hanging around here since I’ve been royally racially decimated against
That is (at least) the third time you have claimed racial discrimination. Please either retract the accusation or show where it occurred: this is yet another claim you have been asked to prove and have so far failed to do.

called a liar
You are a liar. Most simply because the claim of the book is confirmation of god when you have already admitted that you have assumed his existence from the start.

On top of all this an innocent person was banned because she happened to post from the same IP address as me from a local library in town that I frequent.
And who was trolling.
Oh so now you switch your story to “biology”?
Excuse me: it's not me that's switching to biology:
You: How about cell division in a human egg Post #114
Me: What makes you think a human egg is a Platonic solid? Post #116
You: Well I never said it was, but actually it does turn into a platonic solid structure at around the 2nd day Post #120
You could at least try to keep track of your own arguments.
Oh wait, I understand now. You don't think that human eggs are anything to do with biology. God made them as crystals.

Fine if you want to go down that route!
Atomic structure of a crystal:
You talk about biology and then proceed to crystals?
From a homoeopathy site, no less! :eek:
(And you'll also note that that diagram does nothing for your case on Platonic solids).
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You still haven't shown us how it's possible to construct a C[sub]1[/sub] symmetry from a T[sub]d[/sub] symmetry.
There is even some evidence that suggests the “atom” itself may actually be tetrahedron in form which would explain why all living things start out with this simply shape.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

No there isn't, and stop dodging questions. There aren't even atomic orbitals with tetrahedral symmetry, that requires hybridization.
***MOD NOTE***
I repeat my previous question:
That is (at least) the third time you have claimed racial discrimination. Please either retract the accusation or show where it occurred: this is yet another claim you have been asked to prove and have so far failed to do.

You have made serious accusations and have still not backed them up (in fact the first accusation was made in post #57, 01-28-10).
You WILL be banned for making the (so far as I can see, false) accusation (which was repeated in posts #71 and #128) unless you can show where this discrimination occurred (and the offender will be banned).
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