New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

***MOD NOTE***
I repeat my previous question:
That is (at least) the third time you have claimed racial discrimination. Please either retract the accusation or show where it occurred: this is yet another claim you have been asked to prove and have so far failed to do.

You have made serious accusations and have still not backed them up (in fact the first accusation was made in post #57, 01-28-10).
You WILL be banned for making the (so far as I can see, false) accusation (which was repeated in posts #71 and #128) unless you can show where this discrimination occurred (and the offender will be banned).

Off the bat I see one, post #72
Hey, I'm also a lapsed Jew, do you want to go out some time? (PM me).

She was referring to me as a lapsed Jew (maybe not directly, but in an innuendo type of way). I never said that I was a lapsed Jew, she did. And for the record I am not a lapsed Jew, I prefer the term complete Jew!

I went through the thread and it looks like for the most part it has been cleaned up (miraculously). I know in one of the post I was called an idiot and I reported that and it was cleaned up. There were also others and it appears they were also cleaned up. But the fact still remains for those reading and keeping track that these things (racial comments) were indeed said. I also sense a extreme hostility and hatred towards me talking about religion. All these knocking down remarks such as stupid and ignorant are also a type of innuendo referral to mocking religious beliefs. Oh and unjustifiably calling me a liar on numerous occasions.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Oh really, what this then:
Sure looks tetrahedral to me!

Additionally how about this:

And now you're lying.

Here's what I said:
No there isn't, and stop dodging questions. There aren't even atomic orbitals with tetrahedral symmetry, that requires hybridization.

What does your image show?

The three cases of sp[sup]n[/sup] hybridization, and two cases of sp[sup]n[/sup]d[sup]m[/sup] hybridization.

The fact that these orbitals are hybridized means they're compounds of something and something else, namely they're what happens when you add the s-orbital:

the p orbitals:

And the d orbitals:

together in varying combinations.

None of which have tetrahedral symmetry.
Anita Meyer said:
Oh really, what this then:

It's called a fallacy, specifically the one that shows up when you assume that a consequence of predicate logic is also a predicate, or you assume that the result of an argument is the same as a condition of the argument that gives the result... (but I bet you knew that).

As pointed out, the hybridization of atomic orbitals requires something -- atomic orbitals aren't hybridized if this isn't present.
Off the bat I see one, post #72
For the record that came AFTER you made the accusation twice, and refers to information that you yourself have made publicly available (and currently linked to in all of your posts).
How can it be considered a racist remark if the writer also claims what you are (supposedly) being accused of?
In addition you have made the accusation again, within the last two hours. Which post do you claim was racist?

I went through the thread and it looks like for the most part it has been cleaned up (miraculously). I know in one of the post I was called an idiot and I reported that and it was cleaned up. There were also others and it appears they were also cleaned up. But the fact still remains for those reading and keeping track that these things (racial comments) were indeed said.
For the record, as far as I'm aware, no posts have had racist remarks removed (because they weren't there in the first place). Each post does indicate whether it has been edited or not. And prior to your first accusation the edited posts are: two of yours, one from QW and two from Spidergoat - one of which states that it was to remove an insult: presumably the "idiot" comment.
Substantiate the claims or withdraw them.

I also sense a extreme hostility and hatred towards me talking about religion.
The hostility is because you assume automatically that the bible is factual (which it isn't) and work from there.

Oh and unjustifiable calling me a liar on numerous occasions.
Please point out where you have unjustifiably been called a liar.
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Please stop trying to make exceptions! Racial prejudice comes in many forms.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Off the bat I see one, post #72 ”
For the record that came AFTER your made the accusation twice, and refers to information that you yourself have made publicly available (and currently linked to in all of your posts).
How can it be considered a racist remark if the writer also claims what you are (supposedly) being accused of?


“ I went through the thread and it looks like for the most part it has been cleaned up (miraculously). I know in one of the post I was called an idiot and I reported that and it was cleaned up. There were also others and it appears they were also cleaned up. But the fact still remains for those reading and keeping track that these things (racial comments) were indeed said. ”
For the record as far as I'm aware no posts have had racist remarks removed (because they weren't there in the first place). Each post does indicate whether it has been edited or not. And prior to your first accusation the edited posts are: two of yours, one from QW and two from Spidergoat - and one of those states that it was to remove an insult: presumably the "idiot" comment.
Substantiate the claims or withdraw them.

Well obviously some altering was done here for specific reasons.

“ I also sense a extreme hostility and hatred towards me talking about religion. ”
The hostility is because you assume automatically that the bible is factual and work from there.

Yes, so whats so wrong about that? This is what I believe and have found to be correct! I’m truly sorry if you havent.

Like I had stated earlier… prove you love your mother?

“ Oh and unjustifiable calling me a liar on numerous occasions. ”
Please point out where you have unjustifiably been called a liar.

Come on now Dyw! I think you know the answer to this. Please stop spinning!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Trippy, it all depends on how one looks at it! Either way the Tetrahedron form is there whether you wish to conceive of it or not.

It is there for all to see!

No it isn't.

How is a Sphere, on it's own.
Which is what a free hyrdogen atom 'looks' like.
A Tetrahedron?

Answer? It isn't.

All you've done is show that you A) have no clue what you're blathering on about, and B) misrepresent what others have said.
If you're saying tetrahedral symmetry is an ideal form, that may be true, but noone has managed to prove it is.
Not since Plato and Aristotle at least. There is apparently some indication that spacetime looks like a big lattice of the faces of a tetrahedron, and spacetime has 4 "faces", all equivalent (according to a more recent interpretation of ideals)...
Please learn to read.
According to the information on the page that you link to you decided to study Christianity: the inference is that you lapsed...

Well obviously some altering was done here for specific reasons.
Obviously it was never there in the first place.

Yes, so whats so wrong about that? This is what I believe and have found to be correct!
No you haven't been found to be correct. (One more lie).
Because the bible is NOT factual. It doesn't matter how hard you believe, it is not and will not become factual.

Come on now Dyw! I think you know the answer to this. Please stop spinning!
No spin involved: you claim you have unjustifiably been accused of lying. That is not not true, you actually have lied (or are so deluded that you believe the blatant untruths that you come out with are true). Either way you have made demonstrably false claims: repeatedly.
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The worst thing about the Bible is what it's overall done to people of the years. It's been used as a way for people to abuse others, or to accuse them of things or worse still just turn them into a complete nut that spouts the drivel existant within it's many binded volumes as complete fact.

Please take note the bible was and is a compilation of many different books, The old testiment contains books dating back before Christianity and Christianity is actually written in via the new testiment. In fact you could suggest those books prior were used to generate merit for Christianity, a bit like binding your own book to a book by someone famous so as to get coverage by using someone noteworthy.

In essence the Bible itself is just a bunch of drivel created by obsessed cultists. This can be seen mirrored in many other religions. You probably won't believe me now, or ever but lets just look at a scenario:

Let's say tomorrow a new form of equipment is created that allows us to observe a different point in time and the religion community be all into their god and full of holey holy spirits wants to see their messiah as was.

So they setup this equipment to cut in and generate a connection a past point in time with their messiah.

Now this is where it gets a bit tricky, firstly "What if they observe there never was a messiah?", "What would it do to their religions credibility?", "What would it cause worldwide as it's found out it's all a lie?".

The answer to these questions would likely cause the creation of deception, perhaps they would hack the worldwide transmittion of "Observation of a deity" and take it offline, perhaps they would start manipulating events prior so that people play particular roles or parts to the point where they put some poor sod on a crucifix (Would explain "why he died for all your sins")

But the factor remains if historically it's not bullshit created by obsessed cultists, it's likely our very own future would have obsessed cultists creating bullshit. Kind of QED to me.

This is why to me anyone that wants to take an argument of a god existing or not, should take into consideration that humankind will always be filled full of those people that do or do not agree there was one and will likely boil down to a future "grandfather paradox" where either a poor guy is sacrificed for their claims or their entire religion is proved a falsehood.

Either way, while scientifically it's not possible to venture back to observe, religion is a moot point with no substantial evidence other than a group bias.

Incidentally... Evolution exists period and if there was to be a creator, he would of obviously added it because it would be a pain in the arse to have a bunch of dullard colours in a paint palette. You need a little bit of "spontenuity" to add some spice to life.
I could call it pseudoscientific Christian apologetics. I think it's sad this book actually made it into a public library.
Please learn to read.
According to the information on the page that you link to you decided to study Christianity: the inference is that you lapsed...

Dyw, where is it that I said that I was a lapsed Jew. Nowhere is that word used in any of my book. No that is your own “inference” about me, which is incorrect! And again, a inference is ALSO an innuendo which I perceive to be racial discrimination.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Anita Meyer said:
No not from me because I know you are correct...

Please don't turn my argument around and claim "you know I am correct", if you know I am (and honestly, I don't really know that this is the case), then why are you claiming that the tetrahedron is some kind of fundamental building block?
How do you know the sphere isn't the building block, or that a sphere doesn't morph into some other shape--a tetrahedron is one of these--or a shape with an odd number of faces?

Nobody knows this, how come you are saying it's "obvious"?
Dyw, where is it that I said that I was a lapsed Jew. Nowhere is that word used in any of my book.
Keep trying. I didn't say in your book, I said, clearly, on the page that you link to you.
All quotes from Anita's OWN link at the foot of each post.
Anita’s younger years can be characterize by the desire to study her Jewish heritage
I.e. you're Jewish.

While in Israel she learned all about Christianity
Since Christianity only began as a Jewish religion (sect) and is no longer, then the inference is that you lapsed.
Get it yet?

How is posting something you yourself have claimed (i.e. you're Jewish) to be taken as a racist comment? It's publicly available information!

And again, a inference is ALSO an innuendo
An inference is NOT an innuendo, it's a conclusion drawn using reason, one that is based on available information.

which I perceive to be racial discrimination.
So you claim that, although you have stated you are Jewish, Spider's comment was racist? A comment he made about himself, and happened to include you?

And you still haven't pointed out where the accusations are that were (supposedly) made prior to your two previous claims.
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BIT OT but i think its cool that moderators on this forum actually are active and chime in
Shouldn't we?
I'm posting here (mostly) as a forum member. I try (as do the other mods) to keep the "Mod Hat" only for when it's really needed.
Noodler, the Tetrahedron its evident in all of nature! You ask where is the evidence? ITS EVERYWHERE!!! Yes it is a sphere (a ball of information) that then organizes itself into a Tetrahedron (the first platonic solid structure).

You should stop being afraid of these secular peddlers and stand up for yourself. Your thoughts are certainly worth merit as are anyone else’s and should not be suppressed
simply because you are on a forum that rears away from science in ways that illuminate religion.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator