New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Anita Meyer do you actually believe your own dribble. Well i guess religion has always thrived on the exploitation of the ignorant. How sad people like you still get to sell your snake oil.:bawl:
Firstly, I cant believe that this forum is not moderated better. On some forums people which such responses as you’ve responded with would have been kicked off. If I could please ask you to be more considerate instead of aggressive, loud-mouthed, quarrelsome, or spoiling for a fight.

Spidergoat you commented back saying: So you ask for a transitional fossil, I point it out, and then you change your tune and say that similarities do not imply evolution. Giraffes are related to horses, and they had a common ancestor.

I’m not changing my tune - you are changing it for me. What I am merely stating is that this animals that you’ve pointed out looks more like a horse than a Giraffe. I’m not debating that they may share some similarity, I am merely saying that they are not the same aminal - they are two completely different species.

Spidergoat you go on to say: Evolution proves that the nesting heiarchy of species we see are not just God's variations on a theme that works. It is a mechanism by which new forms appear with no designer whatsoever. Living things show variation based on random mutations, variation leads to variable survivability. Successful variations breed more variations on that successful form. That's how evolution works. Evolution is not abiogenesis, as you incorrectly claim in your book. Evolution does not explain how the first form came about, although there are several plausible scenarios.

Well first you have to prove that this is happening (evolution that is), and to date there is no more evidence for evolution occuring than to that of having faith in G-d. Evolution still remains a theory. And a theory that cannot produce “new genes” which are needed to produce an “evolved” (or mutated) creature - and this does not include tandem repeats in the genes.

Spidergoat you additionally go on to say: Evolution explains why people have sex. Sex leads to greater variation, which is healthy for the species.

I’ve heard this theory thousands of time already and its just not logical - let me tell you why… As the evolutionists theory goes, the environment plays a large role in this, as well as sex (female choice). But here is the thing Spidergoat, we don’t find the evidences for this in the fossil record either. I have found that many people don’t think this through logically concerning "natural selection". Natural selection is actually a loss of information. In fact it’s the “opposite” of evolution since living things are being segregated and then isolated moving to different parts of the Earth. What’s actually happening here is that these creatures are loosing information in their DNA (as you split up these populations and some die). You see over a period of time natural selection results in loss of information, specialization (adaptation or condition in response to environmental conditions), eventually getting to the stage where they cant interbreed anymore.

Now concerning your other response: Anita's premise is illogical. The kind of math she ascribes only to a supernatural entity are in fact found in nature, as the result of simple rules that make the most efficient use of resources.

YES this is the whole point! The FACT that this form is naturally found in nature which can be linked to a supernatural entity. Since these Hebrew letters were given to Moses by G-d we should be examining them a little closer. And when they are examined we find that they are made by the same DESIGN!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Firstly, I cant believe that this forum is not moderated better. On some forums people which such responses as you’ve responded with would have been kicked off.
And on some forums anyone posting such unsupported (and insupportable) nonsense would have been kicked off.

YES this is the whole point! The FACT that this form is naturally found in nature which can be linked to a supernatural entity.
Also wrong: the "supernatural entity" is an a priori assumption ("supported" only by a circular argument).
Since there's no evidence of a supernatural entity then any claim of links to it are totally specious.

Since these Hebrew letters where given to Moses by G-d we should be examining them a little closer.
There's no evidence of that either.
As I pointed out there, is no indication at all that the Hebrew "alphabet" did not exist before the tablets (and the obvious corollary that they actually did), and Fraggle Rocker has already pointed out that the, er, scholarship is more than slightly lacking with regard to the claims about the Hebrew "alphabet".

And when they are examined we find that they are made by DESIGN!
Well how would you know this Dywyddyr, have you examined the Hebrew letters yourself? You could see this for yourself if you’d like in my book.

The Hebrew language is the Mother Language of humankind given my G-d and spoken first by Adam and Eve. Yes, it became mottled and broken into similar designs over the decades and today we can still see many of its relatedness to other languages and writings, but on the whole, it has still remained somewhat the same. My book points this out and shows the similarities in all recorded and documented writings that were ever found across the globe.

My theory of what happened was that many centuries later the Hebrew letters were revised into their proper forms by G-d and given (again) to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Well how would you know this Dywyddyr, have you examined them yourself? You could see this for yourself if you’d like in my book.
A) the bible (your source) does NOT say that god gave the alphabet as an alphabet to anyone: it simply states that he wrote the tablets. Ergo if he wrote the tablets writing was already in place.
B) Fraggle has traced the Hebrew "alphabet" to earlier origins than your tablets.

The Hebrew language is the Mother Language of humankind given my G-d and spoken first by Adam and Eve.

My book points this out and shows the similarities in all recorded and documented writings that were ever found across the globe.
If your book truly does show "show the similarities" I suggest that it does so only because you have
1) used your (wilful?) ignorance to not see anything that disagrees with you and
2) been as academically sloppy in finding "similarities" as you have been in the first 20 pages.

My theory of what happened was that many centuries later the Hebrew letters were revised into their proper forms by G-d and given (again) to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Your theory can be anything you want it to be: however to be taken seriously it needs to have supporting evidence, not ignorance, or a priori assumptions used as substantiation or casual dismissal of reality.
Wasn't there another thread on this? Did it get merged, deleted, what? :confused:
James R deleted it as spam: it was in General Science & Technology.
And included Fraggle's discourse on the origins of the Hebrew "alphabet". :bawl:
Anita said:
I’m not changing my tune - you are changing it for me. What I am merely stating is that this animals that you’ve pointed out looks more like a horse than a Giraffe. I’m not debating that they may share some similarity, I am merely saying that they are not the same aminal - they are two completely different species.

Of course a transitional species is a different species that does not yet look like a giraffe! If it had looked like a giraffe, you would say it's not a transitional species, just a variation on a giraffe!!!!!

I've been through this millions of times. Someone asks, 'what is a transitional species between ape and human', and I point one out. They say, 'oh, that's just a kind of ape". Then I point out one that looks less like an ape and more like a human, and they say, "oh, that's just a variation on a human".

This is a stupid game to play. The fossil record supports evolution, and not just with the giraffe, but with every creature and plant scientists have investigated.

spiderquote said:
Spidergoat you go on to say: Evolution proves that the nesting heiarchy of species we see are not just God's variations on a theme that works. It is a mechanism by which new forms appear with no designer whatsoever. Living things show variation based on random mutations, variation leads to variable survivability. Successful variations breed more variations on that successful form. That's how evolution works. Evolution is not abiogenesis, as you incorrectly claim in your book. Evolution does not explain how the first form came about, although there are several plausible scenarios.

anita said:
Well first you have to prove that this is happening (evolution that is), and to date there is no more evidence for evolution occuring than to that of having faith in G-d.
Incorrect. Both genetics and the fossil record prove that evolution is happening. Since your view is unfortunately common, Richard Dawkins wrote an entire book that outlines the proof.
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

anita said:
Evolution still remains a theory.
A rather common and boring misconception. Evolution is a fact, and the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is the theory that explains how this happens. While some details may legitimately be debated, the major themes are quite correct and well supported by peer reviewed scientific evidence.

anita said:
And a theory that cannot produce “new genes” which are needed to produce an “evolved” (or mutated) creature - and this does not include tandem repeats in the genes.
The Theory does not even need to explain genes, however it does. New genes are created when old genes are copied wrong and they can also be borrowed (in the case of bacteria) from other creatures. Most of the time, such errors are either neutral or not beneficial, but once in a while they are beneficial and they are preserved.

spiderquote said:
Spidergoat you additionally go on to say: Evolution explains why people have sex. Sex leads to greater variation, which is healthy for the species.

anita said:
I’ve heard this theory thousands of time already and its just not logical - let me tell you why… As the evolutionists theory goes, the environment plays a large role in this, as well as sex (female choice). But here is the thing Spidergoat, we don’t find the evidences for this in the fossil record either. I have found that many people don’t think this through logically concerning "natural selection". Natural selection is actually a loss of information. In fact it’s the “opposite” of evolution since living things are being segregated and then isolated moving to different parts of the Earth. What’s actually happening here is that these creatures are loosing information in their DNA (as you split up these populations and some die). You see over a period of time natural selection results in loss of information, specialization (adaptation or condition in response to environmental conditions), eventually getting to the stage where they cant interbreed anymore.
You have accidently described something important. Natural selection does indeed result in the deaths (or to be more accurate, the not-passing-on of a set of genes) of living things. Although this does result in a loss to the gene pool of those genes, THOSE ARE THE ONES THAT ARE LESS WELL ADAPTED. Therefore, the more well adapted (or neutral) genes are the ones that survive. This results in creatures that are well adapted to their environment, since all their ancestors were also well adapted. Natural selection is a comb that weeds out less well adapted genes from the gene pool.

spiderquote said:
Now concerning your other response: Anita's premise is illogical. The kind of math she ascribes only to a supernatural entity are in fact found in nature, as the result of simple rules that make the most efficient use of resources.

anita said:
YES this is the whole point! The FACT that this form is naturally found in nature which can be linked to a supernatural entity. Since these Hebrew letters were given to Moses by G-d we should be examining them a little closer. And when they are examined we find that they are made by the same DESIGN!

Please point out how these mathematical forms must be linked to a supernatural entity. This is an unsupported assumption. Evolution, by removing less well adapted things, leaves the well adapted ones that may have stumbled upon brilliant solutions that are inherent in the dynamics of building things. These forms are the product of simple rules, and do not imply any special intelligence. The sunflower's seeds, for instance, exhibit the famous Golden Ratio, because it is the most efficient way to pack the most seeds into a small area. A sunflower that didn't pack their seeds this way would have less of a chance to survive, and so this packing method was discovered by many species quite by accident.

For instance, you can also show that pi is an advanced mathematical formula only discovered by humans within the last 2,000 years or so (I forget the exact date). And yet the circle can be found in natural phenomenon like a soap bubble or a meteor crater, and is not evidence of any intelligent intervention.

We can even create computer programs today that can solve problems the same way, often stumbling on solutions that no other method could produce. The reason no intelligence is required is that they can go through many, many variations that don't work, and the best working ones are the parents of all subsequent variations.
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This book is revelutionary! Because contained within is revealed one of the greatest mysteries of them all: The Primordial Language (the Mother Language - first language spoken by humankind). A mathematical language of Divine origin - linking the Hebrew letters that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, which was recorded in Exodus 18:31 (of the Bible) to have actually been inscribed by the finger of G-d Himself. It is these letters that were recently discovered by me to be formed from "one prototype form" that incredibly bares nature’s mathematical pattern of unit growth (Phi/Pi, the Golden Spiral, and Fibonacci sequence). One might ask, what does this linkage mean? Well, when we begin to witness this connection between G-d and nature, this then reveals proof of a Divine Entity intervening (and baring witness) that He alone is the almighty G-d - that indeed "did create" EVERYTHING in existence! Hence - Divine Authorship authenticating every word of the Bible.

The book is filled with over 400 photos, diagrams and charts. The book not only reveals this greatest mystery but it goes on to talk about so much more… It talks about the Theory Of Evolution and why it is incorrect... The microcosmic relationship between nature and G-d... Egypt’s real secrets regarding the Great Pyramid and the star constellations... Sacred symbols of esoteric origins... Dimensional insights into understanding Kabala... The Bible Codes - in particular, very specific ones that declare the authenticity of the Bible itself linked to the authorship of G-d... Prophesy both past and present including end time prophesy... Biblical foreknowledge - by some means the Bible knew/knows more about science than we do today... Additionally, you may want to know how G-d's 3-part nature, the Trinity (G-d the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) is found in the very first three letters of the Hebrew Torah (Genesis 1:1 in the Bible). In addition, you will also be privy to witness how the very first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 equates to Phi/Pi (3.14). You will also see how the Great Pyramid of Egypt is linked to the Hebrew letters and a great many other things. The theory of "Time Travel" is also discussed at length and why it is abhorrent to nature, prophesy and G-d. You will also be privy to read about some of life’s secrets such as how to extend the quality and length of your life based on biblical precepts.
Very nice, but ......

This thread, like many others, is disolving into a defense of Evolution, that really has no need of defense, which anyone can understand after even a short span of objective study.

The argument here should be more about the thread subject proposal that there is a creator god, and that really does require significent defense if it is to stand up to any degree of objective scrutiny.

Let's start by looking at the quoted text. Even if all the math and related assertions are true what evidence is there that a god did any of this rather than, say, some very advanced extra-terrestrial aliens?

What evidence is there that gods are possible? What processes would they use to create things? Where does the material come from for creation? Where do gods come from? Just what is a god anyway?

Man has imagined and defined nearly some 7000 gods over the past several thousand years, or something like an average of 1 every 3 years. The fantasies come and go and even within Christianity it is said there are some 20,000 differrent cults and sects all having variations of interpretation of what their god is, what it does, and what it wants.

If you are certain a god exists please start by explaining why that proposal has more merit than say advanced aliens. Unless of course you have any actual evidence of existence beyond what appears to be fantasy speculation. At least evolution theories can show massive correlation between actual events and the proposed causal processes. Can you come even a fraction close to that for the proposal that a god exists and can create things?

It is simply not good enough to argue by default, i.e. attempt to show evolution can't be the cause of life so therefore a god did it. But rather you need to show that a god actually did it rather than some other explanation that perhaps we haven't imagined yet.
Hi Cris,

Cris you say: The argument here should be more about the thread subject proposal that there is a creator god, and that really does require significent defense if it is to stand up to any degree of objective scrutiny.

Yes this is true, I am really expending to much energy into trying to point out that the evolutionary principle is incorrect. But I am in all respects very knowledgeable in all fields. I am as one would say a religious procurement specialist. I hunt for G-d like a needle in a haystack and have found Him in some very inconspicuous places - namely the Hebrew letters. No one has ever thought to look here before. They just seem to look at the Hebrew letters as if they are just some insignificant squiggly lines. That is why I have examined them more thoroughly and have found that they are not just random forms created out of chaos. When one can link the form of the Hebrew letters to natures law this is telling us a very import clue. That clue spells DESIGN. These letters have a intelligence behind them and one that is mathematical. This same mathematical recursion is found in nature and of course it is because the creator uses (as His trademark) this same design to authenticate His word - which can be found in the Bible. The Hebrew letters are what G-d used to create everything in existence and this can be substantiated through Kabala (oral Torah).

Cris you go on to say: Let's start by looking at the quoted text. Even if all the math and related assertions are true what evidence is there that a god did any of this rather than, say, some very advanced extra-terrestrial aliens?

Well this is actually a very good question and I thank you for asking it. The answer to this is that with these very same Hebrew letters that the Bible (Hebrew Torah) scrupulously shows us and tells us about (in the first person), that G-d Himself had created everything and that there is NO OTHER G-D besides Him - therefore aliens or extraterrestrials become null and void.

Isaiah 45:18 - For this is what the Lord says— he who created the heavens, he is G-d; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— he says: I am the Lord, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:21 - Declare what is to be, present it— let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no G-d apart from me, a righteous G-d and a Savior, there is none but me.

There are also other verses in Isaiah that proclaim that G-d alone created everything.
Isaiah 44:24 - Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself. Isaiah 45:12 - I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. Isaiah 48:13 - Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together. Psalm 19:1 - The heavens declare the glory of G-d, the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 8:1-9 - O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Psalm 148:13 - Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens. Psalm 113:4-5 - The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our G-d, the One who sits enthroned on high. Isaiah 55:8-9 - For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Psalm 115:16 - The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man.

You also ask: What evidence is there that gods are possible? What processes would they use to create things? Where does the material come from for creation? Where do gods come from? Just what is a god anyway?

We as humans cannot fathom just what G-d is. In His highest degree of emanation we cannot see Him with our human eyes. But what I do know is that He uses the Hebrew letters to work His ways (through nature the system He created) thus creating all things. This is what Moses saw on Mount Sinai - G-d’s finger of fire.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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Letters are indeed an artifact of intelligent design- human design. This simple explanation is more parsimonious and thus far more compelling.

You have yet to show how humans could not have made such letters. How much do you want to bet that I can show similar patterns in, for instance, Aztec culture?
Anita Meyer are you giving this book away or did you spend all that time and effort to make MONEY. Tell me that this is not for profit and ill will change my opinion. If it is I am disgusted that you should take advantage of ignorants by attempting to pass on rubbish that you your self know is false. Your smart enough to publish a book then your smart enough to know truth from fiction, remember your claiming to prove god while making money out of it.
$38 if you can believe that. Dawkins' book "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution" is only $30, and I bet you could find it for much less.
And make a buck at the same time :rolleyes: You know how you have misrepresented, well lied. The title is a lie in its self "Confirmation of the Divine Creator" you know its a lie. How arrogantly presumptuous that you say you have just proven god exists.

Simple pandering to the ignorant to make a quick buck..
Yeah, my aunt wrote a book too, I couldn't get through it. I found a signed copy once at the local goodwill.

Anita will find a captive market at Christian bookstores.
None of you can truly make a determination about the book until you read it yourself. Money was the farthest thing from my mind when I wrote it and it also says that within the book itself. All I’m interested in as I said above is GETTING THE GOOD WORD OUT! It’s quite obvious here who the religious racist are that will do anything to suppress the truth from the public, maiming it with money, racial comments, and negativity.

I have come here to openly talk about the book and to release the light of this great discovery.

I have nothing to hide so like I had said – ask away?
None of you can truly make a determination about the book until you read it yourself.
Having read the first 20 pages and also read your "supporting" arguments you're incorrect.
Unless the rest of book displays a vastly more rigorous approach then it isn't worth reading.

Money was the farthest thing from my mind when I wrote it and it also says that within the book itself. All I’m interested in as I said above is GETTING THE GOOD WORD OUT! It’s quite obvious here who the religious racist are that will do anything to suppress the truth from the public, maiming it with money, racial comments, and negativity.
Except that you won't tell us what's in the book and keep claiming that we have to read it (i.e. buy it) in order to refute it...

I have come here to openly talk about the book and to release the light of this great discovery.
So tell us exactly what's in the book.
And no, it's far from a "great discovery": it's sloppy "research" and wishful thinking coupled with a gross ignorance of the facts.

I have nothing to hide so like I had said – ask away?
You have (valid) nothing to say.

I have given you an ample description of the book from the very first posting in this thread which said that The Primordial Language is the Mother Language - first language spoken by humankind. A mathematical language of Divine origin - linking the Hebrew letters that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, which was recorded in Exodus 31:18 (of the Bible) to have actually been inscribed by the finger of G-d Himself. And I went on to say that it is these letters that were recently discovered by me to be formed from "one prototype form" that incredibly bares nature’s mathematical pattern of unit growth (Phi/Pi, the Golden Spiral, and Fibonacci sequence). One might ask, what does this linkage mean? Well, when we begin to witness this connection between G-d and nature, this then reveals proof of a Divine Entity intervening (and baring witness) that He alone is the almighty G-d - that indeed "did create" EVERYTHING in existence! Hence - Divine Authorship authenticating every word of the Bible.

One cannot get a good grasp on the whole book from just the first 20 pages, that is why I mentioned that the book not only reveals this greatest mystery but it goes on to talk about so much more… It talks about the Theory Of Evolution and why it is incorrect... The microcosmic relationship between nature and G-d... Egypt’s real secrets regarding the Great Pyramid and the star constellations... Sacred symbols of esoteric origins... Dimensional insights into understanding Kabala... The Bible Codes - in particular, very specific ones that declare the authenticity of the Bible itself linked to the authorship of G-d... Prophesy both past and present including end time prophesy... Biblical foreknowledge - by some means the Bible knew/knows more about science than we do today... Additionally, you may want to know how G-d's 3-part nature, the Trinity (G-d the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) is found in the very first three letters of the Hebrew Torah (Genesis 1:1 in the Bible). In addition, you will also be privy to witness how the very first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 equates to Phi/Pi (3.14). You will also see how the Great Pyramid of Egypt is linked to the Hebrew letters and a great many other things. The theory of "Time Travel" is also discussed at length and why it is abhorrent to nature, prophesy and G-d. You will also be privy to read about some of life’s secrets such as how to extend the quality and length of your life based on biblical precepts.

So if you have any questions please ask away? I am willing to discuss things that are in my book even without you having read it.

Now what Author would be willing to do that? :)

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confiramtion of the Divine Creator
I have given you an ample description of the book from the very first posting in this thread which said that The Primordial Language is the Mother Language - first language spoken by humankind. A mathematical language of Divine origin - linking the Hebrew letters that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai, which was recorded in Exodus 31:18 (of the Bible) to have actually been inscribed by the finger of G-d Himself.
And you have been shown where, and how, you were simply (and utterly) wrong.

And I went on to say that it is these letters that were recently discovered by me to be formed from "one prototype form" that incredibly bares nature’s mathematical pattern of unit growth (Phi/Pi, the Golden Spiral, and Fibonacci sequence).
Why do you keep apparently conflating Phi and Pi? They are two different numbers.

One might ask, what does this linkage mean? Well, when we begin to witness this connection between G-d and nature, this then reveals proof of a Divine Entity intervening (and baring witness) that He alone is the almighty G-d - that indeed "did create" EVERYTHING in existence! Hence - Divine Authorship authenticating every word of the Bible.
Wrong again: you have started with the premise that god exists and then used that premise to support the conclusion: that god exists.

One cannot get a good grasp on the whole book from just the first 20 pages
But one can get an excellent grasp of the *cough* scholarship that the book is likely to contain. And on the present information the scholarship isn't so much lacking as non-existent.

It talks about the Theory Of Evolution and why it is incorrect...
If that argument is at all similar to what you've given already then your conclusion of "incorrect" is false.

The microcosmic relationship between nature and G-d... Egypt’s real secrets regarding the Great Pyramid and the star constellations... Sacred symbols of esoteric origins... Dimensional insights into understanding Kabala... The Bible Codes - in particular, very specific ones that declare the authenticity of the Bible itself linked to the authorship of G-d... Prophesy both past and present including end time prophesy... Biblical foreknowledge - by some means the Bible knew/knows more about science than we do today... Additionally, you may want to know how G-d's 3-part nature, the Trinity (G-d the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) is found in the very first three letters of the Hebrew Torah (Genesis 1:1 in the Bible). In addition, you will also be privy to witness how the very first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 equates to Phi/Pi (3.14). You will also see how the Great Pyramid of Egypt is linked to the Hebrew letters and a great many other things. The theory of "Time Travel" is also discussed at length and why it is abhorrent to nature, prophesy and G-d. You will also be privy to read about some of life’s secrets such as how to extend the quality and length of your life based on biblical precepts.
All of which displays: a priori assumptions, sheer nonsense, mistaken mathematics, faulty logic, inadequate research, ignorance of the facts and general lack of any validity.

So if you have any questions please ask away?
I think the only question worth asking is: are you serious?
The last time I came across a book that purported to be factual and displayed so little reality I was prompted to write a publicly available review and complain in writing to my local library for stocking it.

I am willing to discuss things that are in my book even without you having read it.
And I repeat: unless you're prepared to submit some of the material contained within then there's little to discuss.