New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Anita Meyer said:
...make a change to one particle, and that change is instantly reflected in the other(s) - however far apart they may be
This is a bit confused. An observer can measure the state of one particle, and so they know the state of the other particle "however far apart they may be".
The observer can't "use" this information, or do anything about the other particle. A different observer, say located at the distant particle, can measure a different state locally, and so they "know" the state of the other particle. The only reflection possible is if the observers can communicate (say via a telephone) and compare measurements. this is time-dependent, and so is measurement.
Also, it seems you have a direct contradiction with this:
The only thing the sun is doing here is nourishing and sustaining. The seed will continue to have within it the information that it needs to grow as a tree/plant, to in turn grow and produce more seeds that in turn grow another tree/plant (provided that there is sunshine to nourish it and keep it going). This is all the “information” that the seed contains. There is nothing new happening here. There is no “true” open system as you like to call it.
So the sun doesn't "communicate" any new information to the seed? Despite weather conditions, seasons and so on, the seed "knows" how much sunlight it will receive? (??).

You have a rather prosaic version of "new information". It's something that is being created in an apparently continuous way all the time. Light is information, growth of seeds is information.

Genes encode information and the seed reproduces new cells which differentiate (genetically), so information increases in a seed which is growing. It increases in a rock being warmed by the sun too. If an amoeba divides in two, are there more cells or the same number? (Duh, there are more cells after division, so there is more information, twice as much in fact.)

Entropy increases, and information has entropy, have a look at Shannon's theories, which are based on gob-smackingly simple predicates.
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Hardly. What a king says is law.

No. I gave you a 3000 year proof of one of history's greatest king being overuled by the law. Yet you disregard it. We see a US President taking oath to abide the country's laws - that is seperation of state and law, and it comes from the Hebrew laws. And the law must be written down and mandated.
More historically incorrect bupkis.
Europe for the most part instituted a direct copy of the Roman legal system. The Roman Empire's legal system was the first to allow representation, i.e. the modern concept of a lawyer (Julius Caesar began his career as one of these), and legal precedents based on case histories, petitions and so on.

And Europe pushes only European preferred history - which is not 2000 years old! Legal Representation is hardly Roman but antithesised Romanism - it comes from a mandated Hebrew law before Rome existed:

NOT TO HEAR ONLY ONE PARTY'S SIDE. [One of the 613 Hebrew laws.]

Rome flaunted this law, and later secummbed by providence - IOW, it seccumbed to the pre-dating Hebrew law. All of today's judiciary laws come from the Hebrew bible - exclusively. Most Islamic states, for example, forbid non-muslims [infidels] from taking a muslim to court or having any representations. Naturally, there are a host of extensions of these primal laws, and the law of decrees by so-called divine kings became over ruled by laws, which called for representation of the other side. This is also what Moses argued with the Pharoah - and Liberty and inaliean human rights were born - al beit it was coined differently later.
IamJoseph said:
Rome flaunted this law, and later secummbed by providence - IOW, it seccumbed to the pre-dating Hebrew law.
So you're saying Julius Caesar was a "lawyer" after Rome conquered Syria and Palestine? That's when Rome first encountered the Jews and their culture as far as I know....
Julius Caesar was born over a century before Tiberius became a general. Don't you know your history?

Note that Rome became an Empire after Julius became a general and conquered Gaul. He was intimately involved with the existing Roman legal system which was instituted long before he was born; the legal system he became a representative of, was set up during the so-called Classical Roman period, when it was a Republic, i.e. before Gaul was conquered and Rome became an Empire.

Back when Julius was a brief, the distant lands of Syria and Palestine were pretty much an unknown culture. The Romans didn't know anything about Hebrew customs, so I guess they just relied on their own (as you do). Or they picked up some ideas from the Greeks, who colonised the Italian peninsula. But Rome was the first to have what we call lawyers (look it up).

You are making things up.
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So does Islam and Scientology and Time Cube, doesn't make it so.

It does not follow that everything Islam says is right. You will find that wherever Islam or the Gospels contradicts the Hebrew - the latter is right. This applies to laws, history and geogrpahy datings, etc. It does not mean all Christian and Muslim singers of song are wrong or bad!

So slavery is good?

Use whatever term you like, but a worker without rights is not good. And contracted worker rights come from the Hebrew bible.

Stoning unruly children is good?

Unruly children are bad. Honor of parents is good. The penalty is time relevant.

Punishing anyone who tries to convince you your religion is wrong with death is good? To say nothing of the immoral 'law' put down by god that a person's actions are not as important as their belief.

The only correct way of impressing one's belief is via example ['Being a light unto others'].

Do you think slavery is good? Given all the issues jews supposedly had with slavery in Egypt you'd think the bible wouldn't say its okay to own another human being, okay to beat them and okay to 'mark' them as property. Lovely bit of immoral hypocrisy, but then Moses wasn't a stranger to such things. He ordered the genocide of other groups, except those girls who have not known a man by lying with him, his followers got to keep them for themselves after they'd killed everyone in a particular town. 32,000 such girls. And if you consider what fraction of a population virgin females above the age of 10 represent that means if there were 32,000 such young virgin girls then the population before being killed under the orders of Moses must have been into the hundreds of thousands, if not a million.

As I said, slavery/worker is fine if correct and fair rights apply. If one calls a worker a slave - it means worker's rights are lacking. Egypt had no worker's rights. There is no other way of abolishing slavery than the mandating of workers/slaves' rghts - this is how the Egyptians were overcome by Moses - by majestic laws.

Great example Moses makes, he complains about how his people are slaves and mistreated and then once he helps them out of slavery he commands them to do the same thing (and worse) to others?!

Correct yourself: you are now agreeing the law is the right way, but complaining Moses flaunted it. My reading of the text says that the Israelites were commanded not to take a cubut of land of others, and the land of others was clearly described with amazing aerial mapping topography. The Israelites were canaanites, born and incepted in Canaan, now Palestine. My history lessons says Jews have never occupied another peoples' land in all their 4000 year history: you will find that in utter desperation, the world is accusing Jews of occupying Jerusalem and Hebron! And look who is making these accusations - the world's greatest land robbers and genociders of natives! Do you have an example of Jews occuying another peoples' land aside from Palestine - go ahead, you have 4000 years and every corner of the planet Jews have lived to choose from!

That's probably one of the things which made Jefferson consider Moses the most detestable character in the bible.

And guess who won! Moses remains the most believed human - by period of time, impact and by cencus:

14M Jews, 1.5B Muslims and 2B Christians revere and follow Moses' laws.

Seriously, that's your argument? You think Saddam's rigging of elections is an example of democracy?

Yes - this is the Greek version of democracy. Jim Carter said Arafat and Hamas were legally elected. This was based solely on LET THE MAJORITY DECIDE. It did not apply LET A CORRUPTED MAJORITY NOT DECIDE [Hebrew democracy]

The fact someone goes through the motions of an election and then ignores the result doesn't mean democracy failed, it means the leader failed democracy.

No - it means the wrong democratic laws failed.

Creationist seem to have a problem with understanding the difference between doing something and appearing to do something. An example is how they think if they make their own review journals so to 'publish' creation claims then they are doing science. Putting on a lab coat doesn't make you a scientist just like holding rigged elections is not enacting democracy.

Come on, at least try to come up with something which isn't a blatant strawman.

Science comes from Genesis, as does evolution, medicine, all Judiciary laws and the first alphabetical books. And that is no strawman.

If you're not following a 'CORRUPTED MULTITUDE' then you could be following a single corrupted person (despot, kinda like how god is) or you could follow a non-corrupted multitude or you could follow no one. You've presented a false dichotomy.

A despot happens when the correct laws [Hebrew] are flaunted. Greece was full of despots, nor did Greek follow any democracy laws: the entire population was not allowed to vote, and you cannot produce a Greek writing of democracy older than the Hebrew or before 300 BCE.

And you didn't provide any example of an election held in the bible.

True. But in this ancient times there were no polling booths nor did the population yet learn and write. The pivotal factor is a king was not appointed by the people but the prophet of the day [one who represented a written, mandated set of laws]. IOW, there was no cloak and dagger mode of ascension. This is equal to election in today's terms: sons did not automatically attain the throne - David was a sheppard who was appointed by Samuel over Saul - and these two were not related to each other.

Yes, Europe had things like the Crusades. We also have the more detailed recorded history of any part of the world, the US is a new born compared to Europe. During the Dark Ages, when religion was rife, there was more violence in day to day life than now.

The crusades were Pope appointed orders to commit robbery in the name of religion. The crusaders lost!

The Middle East wouldn't be as much of a flash point if that were the case.

Today's flashpoint in the M/E is directly the result of European Christianity. The British had no cause to corrupt the Balfour - and all Christians remained silent of this genocidal deed - it makes 'ALL' Christians guilty. It also made the Islamic regimes created by Europe to be a flashpoint for Europe. The dementia of Jews' homeland is a Europe VE VERE NOT AVARE lie that will haunt Europe and all who kept silent. Here is what Europe wants to make a saint:


You haven't had 2 massive wars fought in your front garden. The only people to be killed on mainland America during all of WWII was a few people killed by a Japanese bomb which was attached to a balloon which had traversed the Pacific due to the jet stream. Britain got bombed flat. Before that we were the most powerful nation ever but war exhausted our wealth and weakened our hold on the rest of our colonies.

I have seen footage of pearl harbour. The prefix of 'great' was removed from Britain when it corrupted the Balfour following W.W.II and commited nothing short of a genocide on the Jews - for 30 barrels of oil. Now Britainistan is happening. A pity - I love all things British aside from its horrific antisemitism and Regime worship.

This whole "We're awesome, we're special, all due to our faith" self gratification so many Americans have will evaporate into denial when the East overtakes the West as industrial superpowers, its only a matter of time.

I do admit that while all countries have their issues, America is the greatest nation in geo-history. The east is only standing today because America and Israel are not emulating terrorist tactics - otherwise not a single terrorist regime would be standing today. If any other nation employs terror tactics, Muslims will be the easiest target.

When atheist socialist China and Hindu India overtake your country and mine in economic power you'll have to come up with some excuse why your god has forsaken you. No doubt Pat Roberson will blame it on gays, abortion clinics and the ACLU. :rolleyes: If the squinty eyed dick isn't dead by that point that is (China overtaking the US is a few decades away, assuming nothing major happens).

If those nations take over, it is because of antisemitism and the distraction this causes to those who use it: life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans.

So why didn't god explain it to people? Why didn't god say "Hey, it'd be in your interest to get along and be lead by people you trust and whom you can hold accountable to their actions"? I suppose that'd contradict his "I'm god, shut the fuck up and do as I say!" attitude.

Humanity has been given laws. None have been able to add or subtract from them thus far - it means there is nothing new to say.

Nonsense. Agreeing not to kill or steal or hurt one another was already embedded in societies because if it wasn't a society would dissolve into chaos. A group of people who have formed a stable society must have agreed on basic rules to govern their interactions else they wouldn't be in a stable society. Thus the fact there were societies pre-bible means the notion of "Don't kill one another" was already in the Zeitgeist of most human cultures.

That hardly makes the law wrong!

Which could occur by purely secular means. The fact a nation is powerful doesn't mean god or faith in responsible. Two of the most powerful nations of the latter half of the 20th century were the USSR and China, both officially atheist. China is still on the rise, as is India. Clearly their lack of faith in the bible isn't holding them back.

Its not about faith or belief. Why should China and India not prevail over those who flaunt the laws?

Well they didn't get that from the bible. Jeptha (however you spell it) promised god he'd sacrifice to him the first thing which came out of his house when he returned from a battle if god helped him win. He won and then his daughter was the first to greet him. Given god is supposedly all knowing he knew such a thing would happen and he didn't communicate with Jeptha, he didn't alter the battle and he didn't cause something else (like an animal) to come out of the door first. If god thinks human sacrifices are wrong, as you're implying if it was supposedly made against the law by applying bible rules to everyday life, why didn't he do something to stop that one? God clearly broke his own rule, he was responsible for the sacrifice of someone in his name.

Jeppy was wrong. Period. You connot blame God for man's folly. God never said to sacrifice the first thing you see. The Gospel blames the Jews for Rome's genicide of Jerusalem and accounts this the hand of God. But the Romans and Europeans, not God, were holding the swords! And Europe lost - the only non-virtual ressurection the last 2000 years happened in 1948 - while Europe's chimneys still fumed and hordes with swords screamed allah akbar in F minor. Selective blindness and demantia does not set the guilty free.

If the US is so awesom because its so influenced by the bible and capital punishment is forbidden in the bible, so you claim, why do many US states have capital punishment? Is your god so inept at making his wishes clear that supposedly the good old US of A can't agree on the message? Surely if god is all knowing he's got the literary skills to have been able to get across his message clearly? And Islam, which is an off shoot of Judaism and which accepts the Abrahamic god and much (if not all) of the old testament, still have it. Saudi Arabic has public executions!

Israel was the frst nation to forbid capital punishment and human sacrifice. The issue of punishment is itself a test on the nation - to see how they administer the law - cruely or not. This is a subjective hot topic and not impacting on the right or wrong of the law, only its mode of dispensation.

God sure has poor communication skills it seems.

Yes, in a way from our POV. Its been 1000's of years of darkness. But light always overides in time - as in '48, now seen as a catosptrophe for Europe and Islam. Sorry that Israel exists!

The US ploughs money into Israel! What helped Israel do things like win the 6 day war wasn't faith, it was being armed to the teeth with the latest technology provided by other countries. If Israel didn't have military power it wouldn't have lasted very long.

No - the reverse is the case. America is a super power because of Jews and Israel. America does not pay a cent unless it has an interest to do so. Even as America is the only country which partially supports Israel, with the world targeting this small nation with unconditional genocodal demands, Israel has numerously asked America to cease her $3B donations - for a host of demands and benefits America derives. You are proposing genocide of the Jews as your preferred premise - and you will deny this forever. Been there, seen it - had it. At least the Nazis were honest about it.
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You have previously been informed that this is factually incorrect.
Stop espousing your ridiculous lies.

What I am saying is that all world accepted laws are contained in the Hebrew bible - exclusively, and that no world accepted laws are found in the Gospels or Quran. This does not mean that many good laws did not predate the Hebrew bible. Laws not to murder, steal or commit incest, for example, predate the Hebrew - but these are selected as right laws and included, while we do not see laws such as banishment to hell and salvation if one is of a different belief - the proof what are world accepted laws and which are not.
So you're saying Julius Caesar was a "lawyer" after Rome conquered Syria and Palestine? That's when Rome first encountered the Jews and their culture as far as I know....
Julius Caesar was born over a century before Tiberius became a general. Don't you know your history?

I know my history. Cesaer agreed the Hebrew laws predated Rome and thus not against Rome. The totally depraved Caligula and Nero later resurrected the law of Heresy, flaunting the right to belief, and this was rejected by the Jews. Rome lost! Christianity and Islam again resurrected the heresy laws - and they too lost!

Note that Rome became an Empire after Julius became a general and conquered Gaul. He was intimately involved with the existing Roman legal system which was instituted long before he was born; the legal system he became a representative of, was set up during the so-called Classical Roman period, when it was a Republic, i.e. before Gaul was conquered and Rome became an Empire.

Back when Julius was a brief, the distant lands of Syria and Palestine were pretty much an unknown culture. The Romans didn't know anything about Hebrew customs, so I guess they just relied on their own (as you do). Or they picked up some ideas from the Greeks, who colonised the Italian peninsula. But Rome was the first to have what we call lawyers (look it up).

You are making things up.

Your using some history wrongly. These do not impact the issue: the relevant Hebrew law of legal representation predates Rome and Roman laws. Rome, as was Europe, savage peoples till they applied the Hebrew laws and flicked off their dieties of Zeus and Jupiter. That they also have a problem admitting this is another issue. Usually, a robber does not like to see the robbed around!
IamJoseph said:
Cesaer agreed the Hebrew laws predated Rome and thus not against Rome.
Do you have any evidence, other than your personal view of history, that Julius Caesar ever knew that there were Jews living in the Levant? How often did he comment on Jewish laws and customs when he was a lawyer? Did he say or record anything about the Jews while he was Emperor, perhaps? Do you have references?
the relevant Hebrew law of legal representation predates Rome and Roman laws.
Yes, and the Mongols predate the British Empire, so what?
Did the British adopt Mongolian legal customs, because the Mongol Empire certainly existed before the British Empire did.

Rome became an Empire in about 70BC. When did Judaic laws influence the Romans? In my version, they never influenced the Roman legal system, not one bit. It never happened, they were separate cultures until the Tiberian conquest. dude.
Anita Meyer said:
All of nature, every organism and the cells down to the very structure of the Atom (particles) are formed from the Hebrew letters.

Going further... When you mention sounds, it boils down to "frequency" which are also formed from the Hebrew letters and their individual sounds assigned to them. Enoch called them frequency keys known in Hebrew as "ketav einayim" (eye writings).

That G-d (within the Bible) describes for us (in mathematical terms) just how He went about creating man and woman (including all living things). G-d created all things by using the Hebrew letters which themselves are formed from an increasing unit of growth that mathematicians know as Phi/Pi, Fibonacci sequence and Golden Mean Spiral (these unites of growth work hand in hand with each other). Our Universe bears these same measurements (just observe the spiral arms). This same pattern reveals itself down to the minutest form of the life cycle of atom.

So if you want to know how G-d created everything in existence, He used the Hebrew letters. But it goes much deeper than this because He goes one step further and computes for us in the very first paragraph of the Hebrew Bible (in Hebrew using Gamatria). The opening verse of the Bible: In the Beginning G-d created the Heaven and the Earth. When its Gamatria value is added up it comes out to 3.14, which is Phi/Pi.

This is only the half of it... there is so much more. I plan on turning the scientific community upside down with this knowledge.

Websites that Anita Meyer is on as she talks about her book

Atlantis Rising;f=7;t=000151
The Authors Den website

The website:

The Kenosha/Racine Arts Network:

The Kenosha writers guild:

“I plan on turning the scientific community upside down with this knowledge.”...:crazy:

Anita Meyer said:
Referring to AlphaNumeric-I checked out your stats… your only 26. That explains your intellectual immaturity in your responses to me. As I said you are just a pin head with a PhD. You can get all A's and still flunk life!
“Flunking life”, are you kidding me? You are a simpleton, a liar, and a scam artist, which qualifies you for a big fat “F”. I'm a year older than you, which might explain your intellectual immaturity.

Anita Meyer said:
Typical! You are loosing the battle in wits, so you hand me over to the next person to have a try.
I would be embarrassed if I made this statement and misspelled “losing”. I noticed that you haven't included SciForums on your list of websites. It does show up when you search your name, however. Notice how it’s tagged…

You’re stirring up a hornets’ nest. You might become my new pet peeve. Perhaps, I’ll join a few of the forums on your list.
If you haven’t noticed, you are between the devil and the deep blue sea...:mufc: - Threads Tagged with creationist dishonesty
anita meyer, batshit, books, compelling, crackpot, creationist dishonesty, stupidity New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator ... - Cached
Do you have any evidence, other than your personal view of history, that Julius Caesar ever knew that there were Jews living in the Levant? How often did he comment on Jewish laws and customs when he was a lawyer? Did he say or record anything about the Jews while he was Emperor, perhaps? Do you have references?

Yes, I can post factual Roman archives of what is commonly known by anyone with a small, limited knowledge of this history. Depraved Caligula overturned Caesar who sided with the Jews, and decreed the heresy law - deeming himself divine and all must worship his statye - which was rebuffed by Herod after a rebelian by the Jews. Then equally depraved Nero resurrected Geligula's heresy law again in 66 CE - as a deflection of his crimes of starting a fire in Rome and blaming this on the Jews. Nero's heresy decree was the start of the Roman war with the Jews which climaxed in 70 CE in Jerusalem and 73 at Masada.

Rome became an Empire in about 70BC.

LOL! Try 339 BCE! Stop your fiction.

When did Judaic laws influence the Romans? In my version, they never influenced the Roman legal system, not one bit. It never happened, they were separate cultures until the Tiberian conquest. dude.

Yours is not a version. The Greeks influenced the Romans, the Greeks were influenced by the Septuagint in 300 BCE - this is where Greece got its alphabetical writings and laws from - this is how the Greeks begat democracy. Greece became embedded in the Roman empire. The Hebrew predates both Greece and Rome.
For those of us connected with a more realistic history
Caesar was a politician and general of the late Roman republic, who greatly extended the Roman empire before seizing power and making himself dictator of Rome, paving the way for the imperial system.

From the BBC History site.
After conquering the Gauls, he more or less marched unopposed into Rome and assumed power as its first Emperor. Or so I was told in high school.
Ok, so in 70BC Caesar would have been 30, but already had a strong following, he was a popular general because he won battles.
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Pls name one world accepted law from elsewhere.
WTF is a "world law"?

Pls don't talk about parking rules again - these are extensions of a primal law.
Incorrect. As has been pointed out.
"Extensions" sort of invalidates your point, doesn't it, since your claim is that "All of today's judiciary laws come from the Hebrew bible - exclusively".
"Exclusive" precludes extensions, amendments, etc.

Where in the bible does it state that it's law that a TV licence is required?
Where in the bible does it give a maximum speed limit of 70 mph on UK roads?
I feel obliged to correct my high-school version of Roman history. I was being a little OTH there, Caesar had to defeat Pompey to become dictator, and the first true Emperor was Augustus. I should have said Julius was the first of the Caesars.

Also the extent of Roman conquests, in Julius Caesar's time included parts of the ME, however I seriously doubt that the movers and shakers were all that interested in Judaic laws and customs in the period 100-44BC. The Jews were just another ethnic group in a faraway place, actually one of the farthest from Rome.

As to the Greeks being influenced by Hebrew writings post-Alexander, well, I don't know about that. But the Greeks already had a written language of their own, with an alphabet when Alexander was alive.