New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Use whatever term you like, but a worker without rights is not good. And contracted worker rights come from the Hebrew bible.
That doesn't retort what I said. Even if the concept of a contract worker comes from the bible the fact remains that the old testament specifically endorses slavery. Exodus 21 and Exodus 31. Moses spends years trying to get the Egyptian ruler to "let my people go" and then he tells his followers to kill all the men, all the non-virgin women and to keep the virgin girls 'for themselves'. Any way you spin it, anything else the bible says, that is endorsing slavery from a person who was deemed worthy by god to receive the 10 commandments and who spent time bitching to the Egyptians about their use of Hebrew slaves was wrong.

Moses was both immoral and a hypocrite.

Unruly children are bad. Honor of parents is good. The penalty is time relevant.
So what was moral then is immoral now? Morals are time dependent? I thought god was 'unchanging'? He specifically says it!

The only correct way of impressing one's belief is via example ['Being a light unto others'].
Which every religion has epically failed at. Take my example of Moses. He complains when his people are slaves but then orders his newly freed people to go and make slaves of young virgin girls, tens of thousands of them. As I said in a previous post, that means hundreds of thousands of people were killed on his order.

Or Abraham. God ordered him to kill his son, an act which any rational person would consider utterly immoral and wrong, but Abraham was willing to do so. This brings up another point, the character of god. People say "Oh he stepped in and stopped it, he was never going to let Isaac be killed" but this misses the point. Abraham believed it to be in god's character that he would request a pointless human sacrifice purely for personal pleasure. That speaks volumes about what Abraham thought about the character of god, that he was a violent jealous immoral (by our standards) dick.

As I said, slavery/worker is fine if correct and fair rights apply. If one calls a worker a slave - it means worker's rights are lacking. Egypt had no worker's rights. There is no other way of abolishing slavery than the mandating of workers/slaves' rghts - this is how the Egyptians were overcome by Moses - by majestic laws.
Please don't say 'slavery/worker' as if those two as synonyms. They aren't and the very fact you can say such a thing shows you have no understanding of what morals and rights really are. But then that's to be expected if you think something is 'moral' simply because an invisible man in the sky says so.

and the land of others was clearly described with amazing aerial mapping topography.
No, it wasn't. Besides, you seem to be unaware of how well people could make maps in the days before Google Maps and satellite photos. Look at maps from the Lewis and Clark expedition, they are amazingly accurate, all done by someone with a keen eye and artistic talent. The fact now we're used to detailed maps done via means which were not available even 50 years ago doesn't mean its impossible to achieve similar things without that technology. You are leading yourself to the conclusion you've already decided upon.

And guess who won! Moses remains the most believed human - by period of time, impact and by cencus:

14M Jews, 1.5B Muslims and 2B Christians revere and follow Moses' laws.
Argument from popularity. 3000 years ago most people thought the Sun went around the Earth, didn't mean it did. What people believe and what is true are often entirely different things.

Science comes from Genesis, as does evolution
Evidence says otherwise. Even ardent theists can't agree on that. For instance, you say evolution comes from the bible. Anita says evolution is nonsense. Both of you are bible thumping scientific illiterates. Clearly the bible isn't as obvious and clear in its proclamations when even you two can't agree.

Genesis is also wrong on a number of counts, not least cosmology and the structure of the universe.

A despot happens when the correct laws [Hebrew] are flaunted. Greece was full of despots, nor did Greek follow any democracy laws: the entire population was not allowed to vote, and you cannot produce a Greek writing of democracy older than the Hebrew or before 300 BCE.
And which election did David or Solomon stand in to get elected? Who voted in Moses?

True. But in this ancient times there were no polling booths nor did the population yet learn and write.
You can't seriously think that's a retort?! The polling booth is basically a small room, its function is to provide privacy. And you don't need to write or even read, you just need to know how to put a mark on a bit of paper and put it in a box. Plenty of people who are illiterate in the Third World take part in elections, your argument holds no weight.

e pivotal factor is a king was not appointed by the people but the prophet of the day [one who represented a written, mandated set of laws]. IOW, there was no cloak and dagger mode of ascension. This is equal to election in today's terms: sons did not automatically attain the throne - David was a sheppard who was appointed by Samuel over Saul - and these two were not related to each other.
Doesn't matter whether they pass the ruling power to their son or not, the ruler was picked 'by God', which is akin to a dictator putting all his lackeys in positions of power. Happens all the time even now, including in some degree to democracies (ie the US president appoints Supreme Court judges) but at least the people voted in the president (well, even when Bush Jr. won in 2000).

The crusades were Pope appointed orders to commit robbery in the name of religion. The crusaders lost!
The reason why so many people took up the call was they believed they were doing god's work. If the person making the call hadn't been a powerful religious person I doubt few would have listened. Religion meant the pope was listened to and it could also be the motivating factor for the pope to call for a crusade, due to him 'interpreting' the bible in some way.

The reason the Middle East is such a problematic area is because one religion believes another is violating its holy rights.

Today's flashpoint in the M/E is directly the result of European Christianity.
No, if it were only the result of Christianity who'd the Christians be arguing with? The three Abrahamic religions all make various claims about holy lands etc there and they disagree. If there were only one party there'd be no one else to disagree with.

Now Britainistan is happening. A pity - I love all things British aside from its horrific antisemitism and Regime worship.
Speaking as someone who is British and has lived here all my life I can tell you your extreme views about the current state of the country are wrong.

Do you have any attachment to the real world?

I'd continue but its time for me to go to work. Suffice to say all of your responses are either irrelevant, hypocritical, factually false or delusional ignorant views based on nothing but your predisposition to accept the word of a 2000+ year old book over reality.
IamJoseph said:
Now Britainistan is happening. A pity - I love all things British aside from its horrific antisemitism and Regime worship.

I missed this until AN quoted it, and I find it pretty offensive. The way Israelis cry about antisemitism when anyone criticizes their blatant war crimes in the middle east is utterly disgusting (and you can stop crying about that before you start - how many UN resolutions did Saddam Hussein break before Iraq got invaded? debatably 1? How many have Israel simply ignored?).

Anyway, I'd like to point out that the bible says that the current Israeli regime is antisemitic. The word "semite" is derived from Shem, the son of Noah and according to the bible the arab people are also descended from Shem via Ishmael. Therefore, Israel is antisemitic. Suck it up.
I missed this until AN quoted it, and I find it pretty offensive. The way Israelis cry about antisemitism when anyone criticizes their blatant war crimes in the middle east is utterly disgusting (and you can stop crying about that before you start -

I happen to see Britain's corruption of the Balfour one of the greatest crimes in the modern world - and the cause of world chaos today. Its use of the term 2-STATE COMPROMISE for carving off 80% of a tiny land is telling - mostly it asks what % is not a compromise! Britian now calling another state in what's left for the Jews also a 2-state is more telling. Britain's clear genocidal deed failed. At least the Nazis were honest about it.

how many UN resolutions did Saddam Hussein break before Iraq got invaded? debatably 1? How many have Israel simply ignored?).

"17". Plus using chameical weapons on villagers, abusing the rights of the Kurds - a people which predate both Islam and the Arab race - and the result of a chaos caused by Britain's creation of regimes such as Iraq - for 30 barrels of oil. Who's the real Judas?

Anyway, I'd like to point out that the bible says that the current Israeli regime is antisemitic. The word "semite" is derived from Shem, the son of Noah and according to the bible the arab people are also descended from Shem via Ishmael. Therefore, Israel is antisemitic. Suck it up.

No - the term semite was coined 120 years ago. No, the Arabs are NOT derived from Ishmael, nor did the Pre-Islamic Arabs follow the Abrahamic belief. What planet are you referring to - please show your proof Arabs are from Ishmael?
how many UN resolutions did Saddam Hussein break before Iraq got invaded? debatably 1?
Lots, and most are not debatable at all. Look at UNSCR 1441 and the resolutions referenced therein.

(One of my favourites is UNSCR 687 from 1991 in which Iraq (amongst other things) is essentially given 15 days to destroy its chemical and biological armaments and submit for inspection. If I recall correctly, Iraq did so only very half-heartedly in 2002 or 2003.)
Anyway, I'd like to point out that the bible says that the current Israeli regime is antisemitic. The word "semite" is derived from Shem, the son of Noah and according to the bible the arab people are also descended from Shem via Ishmael. Therefore, Israel is antisemitic. Suck it up.
No, the etymological history of the term is pretty clear - it was invented specifically to mean "hatred of jews", even though its decomposition might suggest otherwise.

Arguing about this is just a cheap shot at Israel, essentially damning them by analogy to "other" antisemites. It's nothing more than a polite way to say the Israelis are nazis, and you should be above it, even if IamJoseph rubs you the wrong way with his insane rantings.
No - the term semite was coined 120 years ago. No, the Arabs are NOT derived from Ishmael, nor did the Pre-Islamic Arabs follow the Abrahamic belief. What planet are you referring to - please show your proof Arabs are from Ishmael?
It's from your own book of nonsense. Of course, the Arabs are not really descended from Ishmael any more than the Jews are descended from Isaac - since none of those persons ever existed.
That doesn't retort what I said. Even if the concept of a contract worker comes from the bible the fact remains that the old testament specifically endorses slavery.

You are spouting a contradiction in terms. Slaves with rights are not slaves. The word slave is an anglish translation of worker without rights. The fact is "ALL" worker's rights come from the Hebrew bible. There is a lacking of honesty here - pursueing a multitude's wish list than truth.

Exodus 21 and Exodus 31. Moses spends years trying to get the Egyptian ruler to "let my people go" and then he tells his followers to kill all the men, all the non-virgin women and to keep the virgin girls 'for themselves'. Any way you spin it, anything else the bible says, that is endorsing slavery from a person who was deemed worthy by god to receive the 10 commandments and who spent time bitching to the Egyptians about their use of Hebrew slaves was wrong.

Moses never said the thrash in your post. The world turns by the laws brought down by Moses.

So what was moral then is immoral now? Morals are time dependent? I thought god was 'unchanging'? He specifically says it!

Yes, morals are time dependent. Chopping hands for stealing a piece of bread was like a parking ticket today. Doing such stuff in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia today should be your focus more than with Moses. Yes, God does not change - he speaks in the language of the people. The Hebrew bible is true to its time - and today.

Take my example of Moses. He complains when his people are slaves but then orders his newly freed people to go and make slaves of young virgin girls, tens of thousands of them. As I said in a previous post, that means hundreds of thousands of people were killed on his order.

You have posted corrupt statements which have no relation to the texts. Such forgeries by Muslims are rampant on the net.

Or Abraham. God ordered him to kill his son,

False. He was asked to 'OFFER' - stop corrupting the texts.

an act which any rational person would consider utterly immoral and wrong, but Abraham was willing to do so.

Agreed - that is why Abraham was tested - then stopped. FYI, child sacrifice was rampant in the ancient world, even till recent times in many countries - it was forbidden FIRST in Israel. Stop corrupting the facts. Briton was steeped in human sacrifice even 2000 years ago.

This brings up another point, the character of god. People say "Oh he stepped in and stopped it, he was never going to let Isaac be killed" but this misses the point. Abraham believed it to be in god's character that he would request a pointless human sacrifice purely for personal pleasure. That speaks volumes about what Abraham thought about the character of god, that he was a violent jealous immoral (by our standards) dick.

The only factor which speaks volumes is it was stopped and forbidden by the forthcoming laws as a first in humanity's history.

Please don't say 'slavery/worker' as if those two as synonyms. They aren't and the very fact you can say such a thing shows you have no understanding of what morals and rights really are. But then that's to be expected if you think something is 'moral' simply because an invisible man in the sky says so.

Any difference between those terms is exclusively the result of the Hebrew bible. Please show us any other scripture which mandates worker's rights?


One day of rest with pay.
Legal process for ill-treatment, with compensation applying; safe environment.
Retirement and superannuation [a worker cannot leave empty handed after a certain duration of service]
Automatic freedom every Jubiliee year.
The right to marry and raise a family while working.

That's just a few examples - where are yours? Guess why the Hebrew laws rule the world!

Besides, you seem to be unaware of how well people could make maps in the days before Google Maps and satellite photos. Look at maps from the Lewis and Clark expedition, they are amazingly accurate, all done by someone with a keen eye and artistic talent. The fact now we're used to detailed maps done via means which were not available even 50 years ago doesn't mean its impossible to achieve similar things without that technology. You are leading yourself to the conclusion you've already decided upon.

LOL! I was referring to a 3,500 year depiction of the middle-east, with distances and directions of a host of countries and nations, with names of highway routes - e.g. The King's highway - or the long route around Moab [Jordan]. It was 39 day's journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai; 3 days journey from Ramasey city to Goshen. Say hi to Google.

Argument from popularity. 3000 years ago most people thought the Sun went around the Earth, didn't mean it did. What people believe and what is true are often entirely different things.

The Hebrew bible is the only scripture which does not say the earth was flat.

For instance, you say evolution comes from the bible. Anita says evolution is nonsense. Both of you are bible thumping scientific illiterates. Clearly the bible isn't as obvious and clear in its proclamations when even you two can't agree.

Yes, evolution - and all the factors of this theory - come from Genesis. It is not nonsense, but it becomes nonsense when incorrectly placed - as in ToE. Genesis' version is that evolution is a later process which follows a directive program. The seperation of the land from the sea, and the host seed factor, for example, are part of Genesis' version - but absent in Darwin's version.

Genesis is also wrong on a number of counts, not least cosmology and the structure of the universe.

Cosmology began with the first verse in Genesis - that the universe is finite.

And which election did David or Solomon stand in to get elected? Who voted in Moses?

Both were appointed by the peoples' representative of the country's laws, then called Prophets of the day. Both were also deposed [impeached] when they failed the country's laws. Don't you read the whole passage in the text?

You can't seriously think that's a retort?! The polling booth is basically a small room, its function is to provide privacy. And you don't need to write or even read, you just need to know how to put a mark on a bit of paper and put it in a box. Plenty of people who are illiterate in the Third World take part in elections, your argument holds no weight.

Its not a retort but a commonsense fact. There were no polling booths even 200 years ago. There are none today in almost all Islamic states.

Doesn't matter whether they pass the ruling power to their son or not,

LOL. The regimes will be happy of your views. Assad, appointed by his father, is charged with hiding $40B in swiss banks - and has named his son as heir. Hello?

the ruler was picked 'by God', which is akin to a dictator putting all his lackeys in positions of power.

But the text says they were appointed by the peoples' representative of the law. Who appointed Jordan's monarch as a monarch?

Happens all the time even now, including in some degree to democracies (ie the US president appoints Supreme Court judges) but at least the people voted in the president (well, even when Bush Jr. won in 2000).

Not in Israel! Not for 3000 years.

The reason why so many people took up the call was they believed they were doing god's work. If the person making the call hadn't been a powerful religious person I doubt few would have listened. Religion meant the pope was listened to and it could also be the motivating factor for the pope to call for a crusade, due to him 'interpreting' the bible in some way.

Why compare Israel with the Pope!?

The reason the Middle East is such a problematic area is because one religion believes another is violating its holy rights.

Not so. Its because one religion calls all others as infidels and a blessing to kill. You cannot impose your own conclusions when it has nothing to do with a religion's texts and beliefs. All religions are not the same.

The three Abrahamic religions all make various claims about holy lands etc there and they disagree. If there were only one party there'd be no one else to disagree with.

Israel's rights are not just religiously based - Israel has 100% historical rights, and was re-established legally, with all nations voting. Who voted for Iraq?

Speaking as someone who is British and has lived here all my life I can tell you your extreme views about the current state of the country are wrong.

Than speak like an honest Brit and tell me you agree with dishonoring a mandated pledge, carving off 80% as a compromise, issueing a White paper that sent boatl oads of refugees back to Germany's camps - and calling a 3-state as a 2-state today? Britainistan is happening - guess why. :eek:
It's from your own book of nonsense. Of course, the Arabs are not really descended from Ishmael any more than the Jews are descended from Isaac - since none of those persons ever existed.

Your link is from a corrupt Wiki, nominating Islam's voluntary assertion of Isaac - with no basis in facts. The Hebrew bible does not mention what Wiki asserts. Isaac may not be proven yet to your satisfaction, but only one scripture has 55 books issued every 100 years the past 3,300 years mentioning Isaac, his geneology and history - with names of cities, dates and neighbours of that period. Where is Islam's equivalence, that you place both in the same statement?

Further, the inference the figures in the Hebrew bible are not historical is itself dis-historical. Unless you know of a 3,200 year figure such as David which has been scientifically proven?! :shrug:
IamJoseph said:
You are spouting a contradiction in terms. Slaves with rights are not slaves. The word slave is an anglish translation of worker without rights. The fact is "ALL" worker's rights come from the Hebrew bible. There is a lacking of honesty here - pursueing a multitude's wish list than truth.
The "rights" that God gave these so called "workers" are not rights, but wrongs. Fantastic loopholes, wouldn't you say? Great way to turn "workers" into life long slaves.
Exodus 21:2-6
2 If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
3 If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him.
4 If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's, and he shall go out by himself.
5 And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free:
6 Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever.
AlphaNumeric said:
Take my example of Moses. He complains when his people are slaves but then orders his newly freed people to go and make slaves of young virgin girls, tens of thousands of them. As I said in a previous post, that means hundreds of thousands of people were killed on his order.
IamJoseph said:
You have posted corrupt statements which have no relation to the texts. Such forgeries by Muslims are rampant on the net.
Numbers 31:17-18
17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
How are they corrupted? :shrug:

Numbers 21:1-3
1 And when king Arad the Canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that Israel came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Israel, and took some of them prisoners.
2 And Israel vowed a vow unto the LORD, and said, If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand, then I will utterly destroy their cities.
3 And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites; and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.
If you vow to destroy people god will grant you favors. Nice…:mufc:
You’re stirring up a hornets’ nest. You might become my new pet peeve. Perhaps, I’ll join a few of the forums on your list. If you haven’t noticed, you are between the devil and the deep blue sea...

Bring it on Trooper, that’s of course if you can truly think of anything intelligent to debate? You take the opposition with little to none data, information, statistics, facts, figures, numbers, report… only to concede with hate and anti-Semitism.

I’m still waiting…
Again, I fully back Joseph that Hebrew was the first written/spoken language of humankind. Greek writing was originally Phoenician, and Phoenician was originally Sumerian and Cuneiform, which is also the same thing as the Hebrew letters written sideways with arrows/dash marks. All we are doing is dabbling with the same writing, WHICH IS HEBREW.

I already revealed this here:

Additionally the Greek alphabet was brought to Greece via Phoenician traders, and hence of all Western alphabets.

Moreover, and here is the real key of the Greek writings origin… The early Greek alphabet was originally written, like its Semitic forebears, from right to left. :) This gradually gave way to the boustrophedon style, and after 500 BC Greek was thereafter written from left to right.
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I don't see a problem with the Bible, the problem is with people claiming it's the only book I need to read. Or that I shouldn't read the Koran, or anything written by Hindus.

In other words, to believe what the Bible has to say, I have to proscribe all other so-called "scriptures". I've never been able to see why, there are some quite obvious parallels I can see between the Bible and say, the Mahabharata, or the Koran.
Perhaps the best advice any of these writings have, is that people tend to become like the company they keep--lie with dogs, wake up with fleas; keep the company of saints and holy men, wake up with a desire for enlightenment.

Live with soldiers, wake up with a desire to kill someone.
Study your ass off and wake up with a desire to win a Nobel, etc.

Arfa brane,

I’m not suggesting that you not read other religious books. I did, and this was a learning process for me in gathering the true answer to the riddle of things.

Firstly, it is imperative to first know who your enemy is.

As I had said in my previous posting, the characteristics of evil is to confuse and corrupt by twisting the truth. I will flat out tell you that Islam is the enemy here!

See look, Alphanumeric’s already innately knows this and I didn’t even mention Islam! :rolleyes:

You mean 'resorts to reasoning'. You put forth Pascal's wager and I explained why its flawed. If Islam is right you and I are both going to hell so you believing the bible doesn't make you 'safe'. If god is unlike anything any religion has ever considered but he still ends people to hell then you're not 'safe' either. The "What if you're wrong" argument assumes a false dichotomy, that its atheism or your religion. Even if, some how, I knew that one of the religions in the world today was the 'true' one I have no way of knowing which one it is, none of them present any reason or evidence.

So tell me, what if you are wrong and Islam is the true religion? Are you going to hell too?

I will go into great depth as to why Islam is the enemy here… They believe the New Testament was corrupted by the Christians and the Old Testament was corrupted by the Jews. The whole reason for Islam coming into being is to correct the Judeo Christian religion that was supposedly (in the minds of the Muslims/Mohamed) corrupted. With this aspect in mind we can begin to get a glimpse (almost a sense) of antichrist orchestrating himself throughout the woodwork of religious aspects, and adamantly seeks to spinning religious aspects. The apostle John in the New Testament tells us that whoever denies the Christ is antichrist. 1 John 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

Now if you’re interested in understanding the spirit of antichrist you must search in the Bible for antichrist and how antichrist thinks (along with his demeanor and motives). He is antichrist which means against Christ. He is not going to come like Jesus and say here I am, he will deny the attributes of G-d/Christ and cause “confusion”. The antichrist is a master of confusion and as I pointed out in my previous post, this can be traced back to Genesis in the garden when he created confusion with Eve. Genesis 3:1-7 - Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord G-d had made. He said to the woman, Did G-d really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden? The woman said to the serpent, We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but G-d did say, You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die. You will not surely die, the serpent said to the woman. For G-d knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like G-d, knowing good and evil. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

The question is why did antichrist pick on the woman instead of the man? Is it because she was more influential or easily swayed? No! The reason antichrist picked on the woman is because he has a special “hatred” toward the woman. Why? Because it is her seed that brought about the redemptive messiah. In fact this is the whole reason for the gospel of Jesus in a nutshell! Antichrist also adamantly hates Israel because Israel is the sowing grounds that brought about the seed of the messiah and eventually will also bring about the 2nd messianic fulfillment (the 2nd coming of Jesus).

Jesus tells us something to this fact mention in Matthew 10:16 - I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes (antichrist) and as innocent as doves. Therefore, by understanding the serpentine wisdom is to understand antichrist! Without the Old Testament Bible we can never understand why Arabs hate Jews, Israel, America or any other country or persons that represents or backs those countries, or why there is hostility, hate, antagonism, or bad feelings between the races. This is because antichrist is involved.

Muslims in their confused minds think that they love G-d. But they have the spirit of antichrist. Remember, the antichrist detests and despises woman! In fact according to the Koran, Muslim woman are considered second class citizens. Muhammad himself said that the woman has half the value of a man! Antichrist doesn’t honor the desire of woman - he has no respect for women. Daniel 11:37 - Neither shall he regard the G-d of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.He is also constantly about change. He wants to also change times and laws - as antichrist wanted to supersede G-d and change the laws (making himself equal with G-d). We can see that Islam is constantly wanting to change the whole world to one world government under “Sharia law” (one world religion that is administered under an Islamic state that only acknowledges Allah and Mohamed as its prophet). Daniel 7:25 - And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. The true definition of Islam is not really a religion.

The government enforces religion on all its people for the mere purpose of converting them to seek salvation only by the submission of death (as aforementioned, the word “Islam“ means submission). Islam is not a religion, It is actually a holy declaration of war! Additionally the only way a Muslim can reach salvation is by themselves dying for the cause of Allah. They become in a way the messiah/G-d incarnate. In other words they claim to be G-d (or an incarnation of G-d). 2 Thessalonians 2:4 - He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called G-d or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in G-d’s temple, proclaiming himself to be G-d. But for the Judeo Christian, remember, Jesus wanted us to offer our body as a “living sacrifice“, not as a dead sacrifice. Romans 12:1-2 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of G-d, that you present your bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy, acceptable to G-d, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of G-d. 1 Peter 2:5 - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to G-d through Jesus Christ. Matthew 12:7 - If you had known what these words mean, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the innocent. This is trickery all the way around… as one can see Satan did a first-rate number on a people at attempting to spin this truth. Let us be able to clearly see that the one that causes death is the antichrist (even from the beginning in the garden).

If you want to know what business the antichrist is involved in now? Follow where all the confusion and corruption is happening in the world, both throughout history and at the present moment (this will follow through to the future). The antichrist is called the King of Babylon mentioned in Isaiah 14:12-23 (which is ancient Iraq). This also includes all the Arab and Muslim countries. They claim Islam is a peaceful religion but overlooking the fact that Muhammad turned out to be a prophet of doom. This peculiar mind-set should have us all questioning, because no leader in today’s world can literally come out and say that Islam is a violent religion, not even the Pope without uproar and threats of demise mainly from the Arab nations as well as other nations were Arabs reside. There is a reason for this uprising in attitude for those who talk down on Islam … because the prophesized passage about the antichrist from the Old Testament tells us that by peace the antichrist will deceive many, most likely by saying that he is about peace, but in reality he is really about war. Matthew 24:4-5 - And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Daniel 8:25 - And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

I am not saying that the Muslims or their religion is the actual antichrist in disguise, but I do think that they play hand in hand and exist together for malevolent and uncanny purposes. Remember, like the Father, the Son and the holy Spirit, Satan too uses the trinity (3 in one nature) as a matter of organizing himself. And I believe that somehow these 3 elements will play out together and finally culminate as one, revealing the antichrist. Revelation 19:20 - Then the beast (antichrist) was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 20:10 - The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Now, according to this passage (adjoining below in red) it is all the Arab/Muslim nations who seek to destroy Israel from the face of the earth! And being that America is a democracy that was originally born from the roots of Israel, they are now considered by the Muslim nations to be part of Israel. This also goes for any other country who supports Israel, and to the fanatical Muslims these countries and their people must be destroyed! It has always been this outward “fanatical” agent that we witness from the ideologies of the Muslim people that involve destruction and corruption. Psalm 83:4 - Come, they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.

Muhammad himself said in Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176 and 177 of the Koran: The hour and day of judgment shall not come to pass until the tribes of Islam defeat the tribes of Israel in Jerusalem and the surrounding nations and than the stones will cry out, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come O Muslim, (slave of Allah), come and kill him till not one Jew is left. The only way the Muslims know that the end is coming is when they destroy all the Jews in the surrounding nations. In other words, what the antichrist did was brilliant! He was crafty alright! He caused confusion, he took biblical prophesies and corrupted, spun and tweaked them to make them for Islam (he did this by reversing the scriptures). The Muslims according to the Koran see the Jews as the bad guys, while on the other hand it is the Jews that are told through biblical scripture that the Muslims are the bad guys that will eventually be destroyed by G-d, as witnessed in Zachariah in the Old Testament it tells us (in future tense) that the surrounding Arab Muslim nations will come to defile and kill the Jews and G-d will put an end to them. Zachariah 14:12 - THIS IS THE PLAGUE WITH WHICH THE LORD WILL STRIKE ALL THE NATIONS THAT FOUGHT AGAINST JERUSALEM:

So as we can clearly see, it is the Muslims (antichrist) who are the corrupters of the Bible. The corrupters are calling the innocent corrupters, and everything is turned around and in reverse! Let us not be confused here in knowing which religion is the correct religion. The correct religion is obviously the one that came first, which is the Old Testament followed by the New Testament that prophetically feeds off the Old! The correct religion is the one religion that tells us that we are of a living spirit of salvation (Jesus), rather than the submission spirit of death (antichrist).

We can also witness just what antichrist has done with the Muslim religion by reversing, turning, and twisting religious aspects around. This is exactly what happened when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden which brought about entropy. Satan said to Eve, you shall not surely die. Genesis 3:4 - You will not surely die, the serpent said to the woman. We witness this with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the 6th president of Iran. He wants to completely annihilate the Jewish nation of Israel. He believes that once he destroys the Jewish nation, the holy day that Mohamed spoke about will have come.* This is the Muslim version of the Messiah coming.
Unless you know of a 3,200 year figure such as David which has been scientifically proven?! :shrug:
I'll take your flimsy-evidenced king of 3000 years ago, and raise you another 2000 years. And by your logic (loath as I am to sully that term by linking it to your delusional utterances), because pharaohs are mentioned in that despicable book of yours, it must be true! Or is your book, perchance, wrong?
Bring it on Trooper, that’s of course if you can truly think of anything intelligent to debate? You take the opposition with little to none data, information, statistics, facts, figures, numbers, report… only to concede with hate and anti-Semitism.

I’m still waiting…
Waiting for what? You have already been successfully refuted many times but you refuse to accept it.

What evidence do you have that Hebrew was the first spoken language? I highly doubt that any linguists would agree with this. Many experts in Linguistic Archaeology feel that Hebrew was not the original human language. That is an unfounded theological view that is not based on any evidence. Do you wish to be schooled on evolution or are you just peddling your inaccurate book? Evolution has won case after case. You are not debating me, little Missy. You are opposing the entire scientific community, smart one...:poke:

"We have concluded that Intelligent Design is not science, and moreover that I.D. cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious antecedents."
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Alphanumeric, (regarding Quantum mechanics/physics) you don’t have the sense G-d gave an animal cracker! :bugeye:
For what? Actually giving a shit what is true? Expecting people to support their claims with reason and evidence? Considering reality to be a better representation of reality than some book?

Did we ever stop to wonder that this is the reason why cell phones, GPS and satellite technology works - these are things we can call “non-local“, which means that it does not just relate to a particular area, but a widespread area.
I stopped to think about it because I have done work relating to quantum mechanics, relativity and many other areas of physics. The fact you are unwilling (and clearly unable) to try to grasp things doesn't mean we all have your short comings.

And you clearly have no clue as to what 'non-local' means. GPS is based on general relativity, which doesn't violate locality. The quantum mechanical properties used to design computer chips do not include non-locality. Cell phones don't work via non-locality, they work by electromagnetic processes, which are local.

The definition of non-locality can be formalised in terms of correlations between quantum measurements of systems spatially separated. To make use of such quantum mechanical notions in a practical application you have to use entangled particles. Currently its beyond our ability to make anything more than very unstable very small sets of particles. Typically we can only manage a handful in any one experiment. As a result there's certainly no non-locality dependent concepts used in cell phone and computer designs, there's nothing entangled. And certainly its not in GR as GR requires locality.

Once again you try to convince people you're not the ignorant hack you are and fail utterly. I know the current state of entanglement research because its literally my job to know. Do you seriously think you're not going to get called on your BS? You know you don't understand it yet you try to tell a physicist physics!

If we can understand that this is biophysically possible and than we understand that consciousness (even in death) is part of this, the constraints of space and distance are no longer relevant (also suggesting a Heaven and a Hell).
Once again you display how little you understand. Quantum mechanics allows entanglement and it allows for things very far apart to exhibit correlation properties which cannot be explained via classical methods but its not possible within quantum mechanics to formulate a way to send information faster than light. Two people sharing lots of pairs of entangled particles and very far from one another can do a set of measurements, then come together,compare results and then find there's a relationship between their results. However it is not possible for them to determine what the other did to their part of the entangled pair. I know from personal experience this is something which is looked at a great deal for future applications in technologies, while you're just making stuff up or failing to understand what you've read.

Additionally in a sense the Quantum Mechanics of cell phones (particle physics) and satellite technology is also a form of “Time Travel“ especially the new science of “particle entanglement“ which may also send particles of information at the speed of light across vast distances. “Particle Entanglement” in such ways that two identical particles that are ranges of distances apart are still connected and act as though they were still joined in terms of identical response and reaction - make a change to one particle, and that change is instantly reflected in the other(s) - however far apart they may be.
That's an overly simplistic and flawed understanding. As I just explained, its not possible to send information faster than light, all you can do is alter correlations.

This action is amazing, and rigorous tests have virtually proven it to be true! However, Quantum Mechanics does not and cannot pinpoint the exact values for the position or momentum of a certain particle in a given space in a finite time, but, rather, it only provides a range of “probabilities” of where that particle might be. To get a better understanding of this… when you split an atom you find that it has a nucleus of protons and neutrons along with tiny electrons bustling/fleeting around. Now these protons and neutrons also contain quarks which are like shifty/dodgy puffy semi-transparent clouds that constantly blink in and out of existence blurring the answers to when and where. Therefore, it becomes necessary to describe these states as uncertain, unknown and unable to be measured. It can also be likened to pixels (tiny dots of light) making little quantum leaps from one pixel to the next. Thus we have “non-locality”, thanks to natures variances. Whereas “bio-location” of ones being (soul) becomes possible outside the realm of the physical body.
You have failed to grasp the science which you're referring to and you're idiotic enough to try to tell a physicist the nature of physics. If I'm wrong in this assessment then how about we go over to the physics & maths forum and have a discussion on the details? I've got nothing to hide, I doubt the same can be said of you.

No, what I am implying is that there is no “new information“ in the closed system of the Universe.
When you're looking up the actual meaning of 'non-locality' look up the definition of 'information' too.

As a hint, I suggest you learn about Shannon entropy, which gives a measure to the information within sequences, ie things like bit strings on a computer hard drive. If you ask a computer to print out a billion random sequences of 50 numbers and then compute the entropy of each 50 number set you'll find that there's mostly high entropy sequences but there'll be a few low entropy ones. A random process gives different entropies each 'iteration' and sometimes it does down.

For instance, suppose I have the sequence of 5 letters AAAAB, which has some entropy value (which I can give if you wish). I now get a computer to randomly change one of those randomly to any other letter in the alphabet. Most of the time you'll get things like AAJAB etc, which have higher entropies than the original sequence. If the computer changes the B to something other than A then the entropy doesn't change. However, its possible the computer changes B to A and the sequence AAAAA has lower entropy than the initial sequence. If you leave the computer running long enough you're bound to have this happen at some point. Thus a random change can lower entropy or add information. The 2nd law of thermodynamics is not one which is absolutely true on all scales, its a statistical thing, in that over large sets of objects and lengthy periods of time (for atomic systems this can be into the fractions of a second) entropy will increase but for small subsystems over a short period of time it can go down naturally, it undergoes a fluctuation.

You have clearly never looked at what entropy is and how information is related to it. You've clearly never done any thermodynamics. You've clearly never done statistical systems.

If you really believe you have a firm grasp of this stuff then you're simply deluded.

There is no “true” open system as you like to call it.
Do you eat? Do you drink? Do you breath? Do you pass waste from time to time? If you do any one of these you are an open system.

I checked out your stats… your only 26. That explains your intellectual immaturity in your responses to me. As I said you are just a pin head with a PhD. You can get all A's and still flunk life!
My my, you've run out of things to parrot from creationist websites I see, now you're just going to the ad homs. By what criteria are you judging my 'flunking' of life? You know nothing about me other than what I've told you or put in my profile.

My PhD got me a job within a fortnight of finishing university, which says a lot given the current state of the jobs market. And the job I got was to research maths and physics (and this has included non-locality as it happens). You clearly have a chip on your shoulder about people who managed to succeed in the education system and make something of themselves as a direct result. I managed to do something you couldn't do even if you tried and as a result you're trying to denigrate that, in a "Yeah well PhDs suck anyway, that's why I don't have one" way.

You've commented in this thread how you're interested in learning and you seek out information, so you obviously want people to think you're intellectually curious, well read and scientifically literate. You failed to do so and so turning around and bashing me for being able to do what you couldn't is just your defence mechanism. You want to be taken seriously, be seen t be in the 'well read gang' and when you aren't you make excuses "I didn't want to be in that group anyway!"

Additionally your “malevolent secular reasoning”
And yet you didn't retort any of it.

Maybe with another 20 years under your belt you will open your views as I have now at 43.
You have not opened your views, you have narrowed them so much that you cannot even grasp that its possible to have a world view without god. An example is how you keep quoting the bible to me. Despite me explaining repeatedly you don't grasp that quoting the bible to someone who considers it a work of fiction isn't going to support your position. For me to regard the bible as justification you must first show it is the work of a deity. Using the bible to justify the position there's a deity is circular reasoning. I'm not using 'secular reasoning', I'm just using plain old reasoning. There aren't two kinds of logic, 'secular logic' and 'logic', there's just 'logic'. Your arguments, your 'evidence', all fail to present logical justifications for your position.

As I previously said… The nature of genius is to provide idiots like you with ideas twenty years later.
And in the meantime I'll continue doing physics, contributing to our understanding of the universe, and all without getting it from the bible. I am a counter example to your claim that all science has its source in the bible.
Lots, and most are not debatable at all. Look at UNSCR 1441 and the resolutions referenced therein.

(One of my favourites is UNSCR 687 from 1991 in which Iraq (amongst other things) is essentially given 15 days to destroy its chemical and biological armaments and submit for inspection. If I recall correctly, Iraq did so only very half-heartedly in 2002 or 2003.)

I'm not denying Saddam was a bad man, but what I am saying and what I think you agree with is that Israel is worse.

There are over 200 UNSCR's listed there. I doubt Saddam matched that.

No, the etymological history of the term is pretty clear - it was invented specifically to mean "hatred of jews", even though its decomposition might suggest otherwise.

Arguing about this is just a cheap shot at Israel, essentially damning them by analogy to "other" antisemites. It's nothing more than a polite way to say the Israelis are nazis, and you should be above it, even if IamJoseph rubs you the wrong way with his insane rantings.

I didn't say that, although I wouldn't disagree now that you have said it. I don't think there's any question that Israel is an extremely ruthless, brutal and repressive country which is made even worse in that the pro Israel lobby, and the Israeli govt. is so hypocritical that they think they can play the antisemitism card when someone so much as farts near them, never mind legitimately criticizes them for being perpetrators of the most outrageous crimes against their neighbours. I'm particularly glad I don't live next door.
Once again you display how little you understand. Quantum mechanics allows entanglement and it allows for things very far apart to exhibit correlation properties which cannot be explained via classical methods but its not possible within quantum mechanics to formulate a way to send information faster than light. Two people sharing lots of pairs of entangled particles and very far from one another can do a set of measurements, then come together,compare results and then find there's a relationship between their results. However it is not possible for them to determine what the other did to their part of the entangled pair. I know from personal experience this is something which is looked at a great deal for future applications in technologies, while you're just making stuff up or failing to understand what you've read.

That's an overly simplistic and flawed understanding. As I just explained, its not possible to send information faster than light, all you can do is alter correlations.


Firstly, I never said anything travels faster than light (you are putting words in my mouth, or misinterpreting what I had said). Secondly, you are strictly talking about the only physics you can understand (which is limited because you cannot think outside the box), but I am stretching it to matters of the “soul”. This is something that physics cannot understand yet. But the same laws apply for when the “soul” leaves the body and travels to another place. However it may be done through the channels of energy, nature allows for this transference of energy. There is nothing in the laws of nature or physics that goes against it. NONE! That’s right “alter correlations” (as you say).

Do you eat? Do you drink? Do you breath? Do you pass waste from time to time? If you do any one of these you are an open system.

Its just an exchange of energy, there is nothing “new” happening here, and it cannot cause one type of creature to change into another even over a vast period of million/billion years!

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Additionally your “malevolent secular reasoning” ”

Originally Posted by Alphanumeric
And yet you didn't retort any of it.

No I didn’t, what would be the point? The obvious speaks for itself!

Using the bible to justify the position there's a deity is circular reasoning. I'm not using 'secular reasoning', I'm just using plain old reasoning. There aren't two kinds of logic, 'secular logic' and 'logic', there's just 'logic'. Your arguments, your 'evidence', all fail to present logical justifications for your position.

Likewise! However you see the Bible does support more evidence than say the Theory of Evolution provides simply because it informs us of something that is clearly evident to the nature of all life (today as we know it) and that is like-life coming from like-life. This is the way that life has existed for thousands of years and will continue to do so. No not in light of evolution, but in light of G-d’s true word.

And in the meantime I'll continue doing physics, contributing to our understanding of the universe, and all without getting it from the bible. I am a counter example to your claim that all science has its source in the bible.

Again, and as it has been clearly brought forth within my posts that all such science sources had originally came about from the Bible. All you are doing is “rediscovering”! Take for instance “alchemy” it is also a form of chemistry which transform base metals into gold to produce a life-prolonging elixir and solvent called “alkahest” which can cure disease. This is also the chemical bases of medicine and poison compounds for making conventional medicine today and is also the forerunner of modern pharmacology. The Bible tells us in in Exodus 32:19-20 that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments from G-d, he found that the people had taken their jewelry and fashioned themselves a G-d in the form of a “golden calf“: (Exodus 32:19-20) tells us: And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. And he took the “golden calf“ which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it.

This is the first prescription given in the history of mankind. Alkahest which is considered a universal solvent, also called liquid gold. It was prescribed for anxiety and impatience because G-d had described them as a stiffnecked people. Exodus 32:9*- And the Lord said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people. It still works for these and many other symptoms today to promote healing and control pain. It is even known that Tuberculosis cannot live in the presence of gold. (Tuberculosis is a bacteria that effects the lungs, the central nervous system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, bones, joints and the skin). Gold has even been injected and implanted under the skin such as in knee joints to relieve pain. It was also used to treat arthritis. Gold is also known for healing the activity of the heart and improve blood circulation, and also includes treatments for skin ulcers, burns, and puncture wounds. It was also commonly used to cure “dipsomania” (uncontrollable craving for alcoholic liquors). Gold has also been used to rejuvenate the glands, stimulate the nerves and release nervous pressure. The body’s temperature is also affected by gold, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, and night sweats. And interestingly enough Gold can be used as a remedy against obesity. And even more strangely it can be used for terminal malnutrition and starvation because it reduces pain and discomfort and the need of opiates (narcotics).

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught ~ Oscar Wilde
Secondly, you are strictly talking about the only physics you can understand
At least I understand some physics. You've failed to understand quantum mechanics or thermodynamics.

but I am stretching it to matters of the “soul”.
You should first demonstrate a soul exists or at the very least outline a clear and precise definition of a soul and then formalise your description. Otherwise you're just making stuff up to suit your purposes, that seems to be a running theme in religion.

However it may be done through the channels of energy
And Santa may exist but without evidence or reason why should anyone believe in Santa or your claims?

There is nothing in the laws of nature or physics that goes against it.
You've already demonstrated you don't understand what does or doesn't go against science, you put your foot in it when you failed to grasp thermodynamics.

Its just an exchange of energy, there is nothing “new” happening here
'New' has nothing to do with it, if two systems exchange anything, be it energy or matter, then they are each an open system. Whether or not the pair of them then exchange energy or mass with other systems is immaterial.

You've failed to understand the meaning of 'open' and thus you've just building a strawman.

nd it cannot cause one type of creature to change into another even over a vast period of million/billion years!
Simply asserting your position, particularly in the face of evidence, doesn't make your position valid. Do you accept it when some people assert god doesn't exist? Even if they do it repeatedly? Of course not. Then you should realise why your 'argument' doesn't hold any weight.

No I didn’t, what would be the point? The obvious speaks for itself!
The 'obvious' being you have to retort and any response would just be unjustified claims.

However you see the Bible does support more evidence than say the Theory of Evolution provides simply because it informs us of something that is clearly evident to the nature of all life (today as we know it) and that is like-life coming from like-life. This is the way that life has existed for thousands of years and will continue to do so. No not in light of evolution, but in light of G-d’s true word.
And how do you know 'God's true word'? Oh yeah, the bible. And why do you believe the bible? Because its God's word, it says so.

Even you should see the circular reasoning you're employing.

All you are doing is “rediscovering”!
Please point to the part of the bible which explains how the parameter space of deformations in a six dimensional manifold with SU(3) holonomy forms a manifold which is locally a combination of a Kahler manifold and a special Kahler manifold, which in turn can be embedded within a larger Kahler manifold whose symmetries relate to a particular type of extended exceptional Lie algebra.

If that's not in the bible then my work is a counter example to your claim. And some vague interpretation you make up (after you've Googled to find out what the hell I'm talking about) is insufficient, as the result requires a very very special set of things to be true.

Take for instance “alchemy” it is also a form of chemistry which transform base metals into gold to produce a life-prolonging elixir and solvent called “alkahest” which can cure disease.
The fact some things which are similar to current areas of science are mentioned in the bible doesn't mean all science is in the bible. Making crude medicines from plants is something all ancient cultures knew about. The indigenous cultures of the Americas, Australia and various islands in Asia all had such things, despite them never being in contact with Christianity until long after Jesus (supposedly) died.

Further more the concept of brewing things to make medicine doesn't mean all the medical and biochemical scientific knowledge of today comes from the bible. Did the bible provide us with antibiotics? Did it give us instructions on how to make them? No, the painstaking work of countless scientists and doctors lead to that.

The bible hasn't provided specific detailed science and even though it might mention concepts like alchemy or using the stars for navigation that doesn't mean the concepts originated in the bible, as isolated cultures, which never knew of the bible until Western civilisation discovered them, have such concepts too.

This is the first prescription given in the history of mankind.
You have absolutely zero evidence for that claim. And, as I just explained, its contradicted by the fact people in the middle of the Pacific or the Amazon rainforest were doing such things, all without the bible.

It is even known that Tuberculosis cannot live in the presence of gold. (Tuberculosis is a bacteria that effects the lungs, the central nervous system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, bones, joints and the skin). Gold has even been injected and implanted under the skin such as in knee joints to relieve pain. It was also used to treat arthritis. Gold is also known for healing the activity of the heart and improve blood circulation, and also includes treatments for skin ulcers, burns, and puncture wounds. It was also commonly used to cure “dipsomania” (uncontrollable craving for alcoholic liquors). Gold has also been used to rejuvenate the glands, stimulate the nerves and release nervous pressure. The body’s temperature is also affected by gold, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, and night sweats. And interestingly enough Gold can be used as a remedy against obesity. And even more strangely it can be used for terminal malnutrition and starvation because it reduces pain and discomfort and the need of opiates (narcotics).
All of that stuff was common knowledge, as people realised through accidents or trial and error that certain plants or materials did certain things.

There's nothing divine about the bible stating things which were known at the time, like poppies relieve pain. That's the sort of stuff the local 'witch doctor' would know in ancient cultures.

Your claim it was the first prescription is only valid if you can demonstrate that no one before that had ever noticed the useful properties of any plant or mineral.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught ~ Oscar Wilde
Yes, experiencing things for yourself is an important part of learning but that doesn't absolve you of your wilful ignorance. You've made claims about thermodynamics and quantum mechanics without having spent the time to even find out what they actually say. There's no excuse for that, its just flat out dishonest and lazy.
You are spouting a contradiction in terms. Slaves with rights are not slaves. The word slave is an anglish translation of worker without rights. The fact is "ALL" worker's rights come from the Hebrew bible. There is a lacking of honesty here - pursueing a multitude's wish list than truth.

IAmJoseph should never use the word "honesty" as he makes stuff up all the time.


Origin of SLAVE
Middle English sclave, from Anglo-French or Medieval Latin; Anglo-French esclave, from Medieval Latin sclavus, from Sclavus Slavic; from the frequent enslavement of Slavs in central Europe during the early Middle Ages
First Known Use: 14th century
Originally Posted by alphanumeric
At least I understand some physics. You've failed to understand quantum mechanics or thermodynamics.

Nice of you to leave some leeway for yourself by saying that you only understand “some” physics.

No I didn’t fail to understand Quantum Mechanics or Thermodynamics, my reasoning’s are what’s called outside of your “academically incorrect school of thought”. Maybe in your little circle of closed off associates they may seem correct, but fail miserably in the full scale and true scheme of things.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
but I am stretching it to matters of the “soul”. ”

Originally Posted by alphanumeric
You should first demonstrate a soul exists or at the very least outline a clear and precise definition of a soul and then formalise your description. Otherwise you're just making stuff up to suit your purposes, that seems to be a running theme in religion.

The soul exists for the mere purpose of us consciously thinking about it. This falls into the "anthropic principle", which is the philosophical argument that observations of the physical Universe must be compatible with the conscious life that observes it.

The double slit experiment proves this, where it was discovered that the very act of “just looking” at these very particles in magnification, “observing” and measuring them caused the atoms to react differently and change course. Oddly enough, it was also discovered that the person performing the experiment actually influences the outcome. It seems the atomic particles have become AWARE! Not only does this apply to observed particles taking different paths through slits, but this strange phenomenon also occurs in the course of our everyday life, activities and choices. This transpires in the routines of everyday life when we look at impending situations in a certain way it becomes one path and if we turn away (avert) it takes another path. An additional way to perceive of it is to look at it as a ceaselessly flowing quantum soup of waves. However, whenever one turns around and tries to see this soupy wave, ones glance instantly congeals and solidifies this wave and turns it into actual reality. It seems the atomic particles are not only AWARE, they are also swayed by the consciousness of the observer. So lets forget the term Quantum Mechanics, lets call it “Consciousness Mechanics“.

What this all proves is that conciousness exists outside the bounds of the physical body, therefore its logical to assess that the soul must also exist outside the bounds of the physical body. What we are actually observing here falls into the realm of “spiritual matters“.

Additionally recent experiments suggest and demonstrate that all matter in the universe exists in a mesh of interrelationship and continuous influence. For instance, they had discovered that the building units of matter (atoms) have a far and wide instantaneous connection, and that atomic particles linger in a state of potential or probable position where they remain open to outside influences. It has even been observed that all existing things emit a constant tiny current of photons (which are tiny particles of light). Amazing as this all sounds, directed thought (tiny current of light) can create the very reality that we all see. Hebrews 11:1 in the New Testament it tells us - that FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In Hebrews 11:3 it tells us - that through FAITH we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of G-d, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. And it was also John 6:63 that said, - it’s the spirit that gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.

There have even been scientific experiments that have been done to show beyond a reasonable doubt that “conscious intention” DOES have an effect over matter” starting at the atomic level of the atom and emanating itself into the physical/material world. One of the early experiments were conducted using the flip of coins that suggested that INTENTION directed them to their fallen places. Now such test consist of more subtle things as black boxes with LED lights, laser lights and fiber optics. It may still be arguable, debatable and unsettling, but yet the consistent results speak for themselves. But of course your “limited” knowledge of physics does not allow you identify with this.

I marvel at the Bible, it is a quantum manifold of sorts, and to me a flawless masterpiece. Moses wrote the Pentateuch (first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible) centuries ago and no one to this day can dispute the fact that it is the most amazing book ever to be written - surpassing all other books. In its progression and addition to the New Testament we are presented with Jesus’ thought provoking messages, which I might add are also very “quantum thinking” in nature. Such as in the parables spoken by Jesus and recorded by the disciples. Asserted statements like, the mustard seed being larger than the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 17:20 - in which Jesus says, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.

Luke 11 - Ask, and it will be given you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you.

Matthew 4:4 - It is written, one does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of G-d.

Matthew 21:21 - Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the sea, it will be done. Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Matthew 5:28 - But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Matthew 7 - Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 8 - For everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seeks, finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 8:3 - I do choose. Be made clean!
Matthew 5:13 - Go, let it be done for you according to your faith.
Matthew 8:23 - Why are you afraid, you of little faith?
Matthew 9:28 - Do you believe that I am able to do this?
Matthew 14:31 - You of little faith, why did you doubt?
Matthew 15:28 - Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.

My favorite one is the one about the camel going through the eye of a needle. Matthew 19:24 - Jesus said, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of G-d. Clearly, as we all know, a camel cannot go through the eye of a needle! It is impossible and this leads to a contradictory paradox! Except, IT IS possible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle! Yes, you might want to know that in today’s physics there is another branch of quantum physics called “Quantum Tunneling” and this is just not unknowable theory, but fact. Most scientist know that electronics work because of a quantum tunneling effect. In Quantum Tunneling, it is possible for an object the size of an electron to go through any obstacle - and thus if we realize that all things are constructed of atoms, this then becomes possible.

All of these parables are implying a very important message, that our state of mind and what we are thinking is actually our true reality, and that if we ask and believe in what we ask for, we will receive. Jesus clearly exemplified the teachings of Torah to openly expose and teach the principles between science, religion and G-d. These parables were designed to be understood conceptually by non-conversant people living in a time when the terms, scientific study of matter, energy, force, and motion, and the way they relate to each other where not heard of. Mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, thermodynamics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics were also not known. And it is my interpretation of “Quantum Mechanics” that this is the closest science will ever come to explaining Jesus’ interpretations allowing for both G-d and science to coexist together and simultaneously. And when we finally awaken to the future we will have discovered that Quantum Mechanics is the only correct analogy applied for everything that exists endowed to us by our Creator.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Its just an exchange of energy, there is nothing “new” happening here ”

Originally Posted by alphanumeric
'New' has nothing to do with it, if two systems exchange anything, be it energy or matter, then they are each an open system. Whether or not the pair of them then exchange energy or mass with other systems is immaterial.

You've failed to understand the meaning of 'open' and thus you've just building a strawman.

No, what I’ve done here is OVERTHINK the system, thus realizing that in its totality of energy it is a CLOSED LOOPED system. The real dummy here is YOU!

Of course you can go on talking in “academic terms” if you like, but it is futile.

This is where you fail because you cannot think outside the box. Your parameter of thoughts are quarantined by your piers (school of thought). All its done is dumb you down and hinder you, exactly where the government wants you!

Originally Posted by alphanumeric
Please point to the part of the bible which explains how the parameter space of deformations in a six dimensional manifold with SU(3) holonomy forms a manifold which is locally a combination of a Kahler manifold and a special Kahler manifold, which in turn can be embedded within a larger Kahler manifold whose symmetries relate to a particular type of extended exceptional Lie algebra.

If that's not in the bible then my work is a counter example to your claim. And some vague interpretation you make up (after you've Googled to find out what the hell I'm talking about) is insufficient, as the result requires a very very special set of things to be true.

I’ve already told you (in previous posts here) that this equation can be found in Genesis 1:1. Aside from it equating to Pi, it also has a six dimensional manifold to it, which is none other than the “Star of David“.

Aside from this… Yes G-d is in the details, along with Quantum Mechanics!

Herein lies the secret… Quantum mechanics is the brainchild of algorithms (mainly fractal in nature). And algorithms are mathematical and contingent to all things that exists in nature. They reveal themselves in self-similarity such as in a trees branches and leaves. Similarly with the repeating pattern in a shell, and in addition flowers, mountains, landscapes, shorelines, clouds, waves, currents, the “Star of David” pattern, the DNA in all living things (anything that is structured by patterns of self-similarity). Algorithms are quantum in nature since they grow from the smallest quantity branching out to an almost infinite extreme (when small cannot get any smaller).

What algorithms show is unmistakably intelligent design - NOT evolution! When G-d spoke His utterances - which can now be understood as a series of algorithms. Psalm 119:89 - Your word, O Lord, is eternal, it stands firm in the heavens. Algorithms are possibly the one program that G-d used when He designed all that exists. Surprisingly, all this adds up to what my book demo demonstrates, which is self similarity… one model form that produces all the others:

Your answer here is… there cannot be accidents in a Universe which has an organizing intelligence - hence G-d!

Originally Posted by alphanumeric
Further more the concept of brewing things to make medicine doesn't mean all the medical and biochemical scientific knowledge of today comes from the bible. Did the bible provide us with antibiotics? Did it give us instructions on how to make them? No, the painstaking work of countless scientists and doctors lead to that.

Alphanumeric, whether or not you want to say that medicines came from either the Bible or Nature, it still equates to G-d incorporating it into nature. Drugs are a part of G-d’s good creation, provided as a part of His plans and purposes to be useful and beneficial to humanity.

I also happen to be very up on pharmaceutical medicines and the chemical ingredients that go into them. I can say with confidence that many of the drugs that we have today in modern medicine are just “derivatives” of natural sources that are already used in nature. Researches have discovered that olive oil’s phenolic compounds carry the same pain relieving benefits as ibuprophen. Aside from this olive oil has been used for thousands of years. Numbers 18:12 - I give you all the finest olive oil and all the finest new wine and grain they give the Lord as the firstfruits of their harvest. Deuteronomy 8:8 - A land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey.

So again, my point was that man has not created anything new. All we have done is to continually emulate that which already exists. Even in this arena it is a CLOSED LOOPED SYSTEM.

However, the most significant antidote of all is given within the Bible and this is the antidote for “SIN”, and was first introduced by Moses as the “serpent on a pole“… Numbers 21:4-9 - And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom, and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way. And the people spake against G-d, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water, and our soul loatheth this light bread. And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died. Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, we have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee, pray unto the Lord, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole, and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

So as one can see the meaning of the brass serpent that Moses was instructed to set upon a pole is significant in understanding the holistic field of Homeopathy where medicines were/are used to treat, like with like - fighting poison with poison… and it is in this same manner that G-d heals with the very same thing with which He smites. This is the very same method and approach that modern medicine uses today to produce vaccines that immunize the body against deadly diseases and viruses, as illnesses could be healed by taking tiny doses of the natural substance that is actually causing the suffering. This tiny dose is mixed in with water. In essence, what’s actually occurring is that the “information” is being used to cancel out the information of the symptoms.

So as one can perceive, the serpent of brass set upon a pole by Moses was merely an antidote for sin, treating, like with like, and fighting poison with poison, (which was later fulfilled with the crucifixion of Jesus). What this literally means is that Jesus took on the sins of the world as though they were His own sins. Even though He Himself was sinless, yet by the very act of taking on our sins He appeared to G-d the Father as a sinful serpent worthy of death. However, in this case there appears to be a an overriding clause which G-d has allowed as the healing antidote for sin. John in the New Testament clarifies this connection for us John 3:14-18 - And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For G-d so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For G-d sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of G-d.

Peter in the New Testament tells us in 1 Peter 2:24 - Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

Jesus also tells us in Luke 10:19 - Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

This in effect is none other than the "placebo effect", which science knows today does in fact work. Mind over matter, thus FAITH - Quantum Mechanics!

I doubt your feeble mind can understand this. :(

Originally Posted by alphanumeric
The bible hasn't provided specific detailed science and even though it might mention concepts like alchemy or using the stars for navigation that doesn't mean the concepts originated in the bible, as isolated cultures, which never knew of the bible until Western civilisation discovered them, have such concepts too.

Yes I will have you know that using the stars for navigation, even the Zodiac originated from the Bible!

The constellations are also referred to as signs. Genesis 1:14-15 - And G-d said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so. These are the 12 major constellations (or Mazzaroth as the patriarch Job calls them). Job 38:32 - Can you bring forth the constellations (Mazzaroth) in their seasons or lead out the Bear (Arcturus) with its cubs?

It is these constellations which mark a continuous circle around the earth today, which most of us are familiar with called the Zodiac. Today and even in the recent past these constellations have been twisted to tell a different story. Many of them being used by soothsayers, fortune-tellers and astrologers to mean many mythological things in opposition to G-d. But surprisingly as you are about to find out, the constellations bare no other meaning or purpose other than bringing the promises (prophesies) concerning the coming messiah (Jesus the deliverer) into fulfillment. It should also be noted that the Bible patriarch “Job” was not the first to tell of these constellations (which most people think he was). It was Enoch (before the deluge of Noah’s Great Flood) mentioned in the Old Testament that was actually the revealer that pointed out and exposed the constellations (given to him by the appointed angel of G-d - Uriel). Most people don’t know about this because the “book of Enoch” was left out of the Bible. And it was this knowledge of the constellations given to Enoch that was later passed down to Abraham, and Abraham who was latter commanded to teach the Egyptians. And it was the Greeks who are said to have received their knowledge of the constellations from the Egyptians. And it is the Egyptians from which we get what’s known as the modern constellations. Again all of these constellations literally testify and bare record of the coming messiah - Jesus.

This was Enoch’s assigned mission from G-d! Again, what all these constellations truly represent were symbolic of the angels message of the coming deliverer (the abolisher of sin). The ancient constellations are all picture prophecies of Jesus, and are also in accordance WITH THE WRITTEN WORD OF G-D. In fact, many individual star names are recorded in the Bible as characteristic attributes and aspects of Jesus.

Here are the 12 constellations:

[Capricorn us] [December - January] [The Sea Goat] The Sacrifice… Romans 3:25 - Whom G-d hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of G-d.

[Aquarius] [January - February] [The Water Bearer] The Living Water… John 7:38 - He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

[Pisces] [February - March] [The Fishes] The Liberator… Genesis 48:19 - And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. Mark 1:17 - And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

[Aries] [March - April] [The Ram/Lamb] The Crowned Lamb… Revelation 5:6 - And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of G-d sent forth into all the earth. (Incidentally this is also when the Jewish holiday of Passover occurs in April. When the sun rises in Aries the lamb/ram is sacrificed).

[Taurus] [April - May] [The Bull] The Judge… John 5:22 - For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.

[Gemini] [May-June] [The Twins] The King… Romans 1:3 - Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh.

[Cancer] [June - July] [The Crab] The Protector… Isaiah 4:5-6 -And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence. And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

[Leo] [July - August] [The Lion] The Victor… Revelation 5:5 - And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. (Incidentally, the sun rising in Leo is the resurrection - the time of the second coming of Jesus).

[Virgo] [August - September] [The Virgin] The Incarnate Son... Isaiah 7:14 - Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

[Libra] [September - October] [The Balance] The Redeemer… 1 Corinthians 6:20 - For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify G-d in your body, and in your spirit, which are G-d’s.

[Scorpio] [October - November] [The Scorpion] The Sufferer… 1 Corinthians 15:55-56 - O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

[Sagittarius] [November - December] [The Archer] The Conqueror… Revelation 6:2 - And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

I don’t know maybe this will give you a sense of buoyancy to your sinking mind?
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