New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator


Apparently there is a rumor going around the Internet that “I am in fact a highly respected biologist at a top US university“. One never knows? :rolleyes:
Are you attempting to imply that it may be true? It is not listed in your bio, which states that you attended college for two years in the field of Criminology.

Moreover, the origin of most science, theories and ideas (if not all) about the nature of things have originated from the Bible that was written thousands of years ago, and continues to do so even in what we consider this advanced age. (keep reading to find out what these proofs are). Additionally, a whole chapter will be devoted to these advanced scientific proofs.
Sounds a little far fetched so far? Therefore to back this rational thinking up I have identified some contradictions and inconsistencies in the theory taught on Evolution. And by far in my analysis all data strongly nominates (and continues to do so) that the
“Evolution Theory” is INACCURATE."-Anita Meyer

Sounds a little far fetched so far? :wtf:

Far-fetched is too kind. :crazy:
Apparently there is a rumor going around the Internet that “I am in fact a highly respected biologist at a top US university“. One never knows?

There is an "Anita Meyer" who is studying for a Masters degree in biology, but that isn't you, is it?

What's up, doc - I showed you a 3000 year evidence, while you propose a 1200 year agreement of it, and after Europe was infiltrated with Jews! All laws which you see as coming from Europe, and accepted by the world - comes from the Hebrew. There are no European world accepted laws and the Greeks got their democrasy and alphabetical writings from the Hebrew 'AFTER' the first translation in 300 BCE. There are no accepted laws from the Gospels or Quran - not a oner. Europe was a savage place before the Hebrew laws greeted them.
A king is not a free civil government, it's a dictatorship.

A king is the same as the American president of today - if he is subject to the law. That is what I proved to you with King David and Nathan - the law won. You are confusing a king under the law with today's Islamic regimes and medevial Europe's Pope ruled ones.

Today's disenchanted with 'religions' have a systematic syndrome of associating the Hebrew bible with the RELIGIONS they have rebuffed. It is their compensation factor.
Are you attempting to imply that it may be true? It is not listed in your bio, which states that you attended college for two years in the field of Criminology.

Sounds a little far fetched so far? :wtf:

Far-fetched is too kind. :crazy:

That it is problematic for Christians and Muslims to be proven wrong via the Hebrew is not a fault of the Hebrew. What happened is that Europe, then the Arabs, assumed Israel is dead when Rome destroyed Jerusalem. They each set their own failed doctrines by voluntarilly claiming themselves as heir to the Hebrew for 2000 years - when none ever observed the Hebrew, and clinging to it only via aligning it with their own failed doctrines. Now, in the light of day, they do not accept the effigies they created are wrong - its like a mother does not want to be told their child is not her own.

Today, Christianity and Islam are obsessed in killing off the witness for the prosecution, seeing themselves being negated otherwise. Its a dire problem hovering over humanity, because 3.5 Billion humans are in a straight jacket in a quicksand, via two groups in total contradiction of themselves - each still insisting they are right and the other wrong: chaotic encounters of the first kind? But this applies:


And we know for sure the multitude is corrupted - they are emersed in mutually exclusive chaos. Imagine as a devil's advocate if this is also true - therein is the rub!
All laws which you see as coming from Europe, and accepted by the world - comes from the Hebrew.
Firstly you have to provide evidence for that. Secondly it doesn't imply that the laws we have cannot be obtained/derived without religion. I've given examples of how a secular origin for things like "Don't kill" can come about.

the Greeks got their democrasy and alphabetical writings from the Hebrew 'AFTER' the first translation in 300 BCE.
Where in the bible is there motivation for democracy? The leaders are 'chosen by god' and if you don't like it tough. Where's the free and universal elections in the bible?

There are no accepted laws from the Gospels or Quran - not a oner. Europe was a savage place before the Hebrew laws greeted them.
Yeah, it got really nice and friendly here between 200AD and 1600AD, that time known as the Dark Ages. And after that Europe never had any wars or disagreements. Other than pretty much every major war which occured pre-1900 and was then primary battle ground in 2 world wars.

Yes, the bible really did its job, if its the source of all morals and laws. :rolleyes: Do you even live in the same world as everyone else?

A king is the same as the American president of today - if he is subject to the law.
Where did they hold elections in the bible?
Firstly you have to provide evidence for that. Secondly it doesn't imply that the laws we have cannot be obtained/derived without religion. I've given examples of how a secular origin for things like "Don't kill" can come about.

There were many laws before the Hebrew emerged - and the Hebrew was late in the ancient world. The pyramids predate Abraham 1,200 years. The Hebrew itself claims there is wisdom and rightious in all nations. What appears to have happened instead is that the good laws were retained and the wrong laws were not included in the 613 [anagram of 10] laws. This is a far greater act: many can copy MC2 - but how many can edit and correct it?

Where in the bible is there motivation for democracy? The leaders are 'chosen by god' and if you don't like it tough. Where's the free and universal elections in the bible?

In ancient days rulers were either chosen or ascended via brute force - the former is nicer. The Hebrew also states one must take advice from wise and righious elders.

Re democracy, this does NOT come from Greece, as spread by European misinfo the last 2000 years. Democracy is not rule by majority: Arafat got 96% voting sucess - but Sadaam beat him by getting 100% voting success. Is that still democracy - why not? Heres why:

'DO NOT FOLLOW A CORRUPTED MULTITUDE' [One of the 613 Hebrew laws].

What that means is:


That is the only correct way of democrasy, which was not seen in the Greece mode. When there is corruption, via fear or inducement - it represents the reverse of demoracy. Real and correct democracy comes from the hebrew - as does real and correct evolution from Genesis.

Yeah, it got really nice and friendly here between 200AD and 1600AD, that time known as the Dark Ages. And after that Europe never had any wars or disagreements. Other than pretty much every major war which occured pre-1900 and was then primary battle ground in 2 world wars.

LOL! Europe mass murdered more innocent humans than any other force in geo-history. This applies even when discounting her last two worst centuries.

Yes, the bible really did its job, if its the source of all morals and laws. :rolleyes: Do you even live in the same world as everyone else?

FYI, Europe fillfilled away the majestic Hebrew laws - because it did not align with its Hellenist beliefs. And Europe failed in this battle. America re-affirmed the Hebrew laws with a bump on Europe's head. Understand why Europe, an older people and land - slid behind, and a new country like America triumphed.

Where did they hold elections in the bible?

That's a poor view of history. In ancient times there were no courts, solicitors, voting boots or party elections. The implementing of the laws took time - they were novel, controversial and subject to great disdain from the nation's divine kings. All I learnt from ancient history was the Hebrews were way ahead of nations mightier and older: they first forbid human sacrifice, capital punishment and ushered all the world's accepted laws. This causes disdain - as we see with Israel today, a small bitsy barren state which became democratic in record time, in the world's most notorious region and while daily facing genocide. Truth is a dangerous and hated thing.
The Hebrew itself claims there is wisdom and rightious in all nations.
So does Islam and Scientology and Time Cube, doesn't make it so.

What appears to have happened instead is that the good laws were retained and the wrong laws were not included in the 613 [anagram of 10] laws
So slavery is good? Stoning unruly children is good? Punishing anyone who tries to convince you your religion is wrong with death is good? To say nothing of the immoral 'law' put down by god that a person's actions are not as important as their belief.

Do you think slavery is good? Given all the issues jews supposedly had with slavery in Egypt you'd think the bible wouldn't say its okay to own another human being, okay to beat them and okay to 'mark' them as property. Lovely bit of immoral hypocrisy, but then Moses wasn't a stranger to such things. He ordered the genocide of other groups, except those girls who have not known a man by lying with him, his followers got to keep them for themselves after they'd killed everyone in a particular town. 32,000 such girls. And if you consider what fraction of a population virgin females above the age of 10 represent that means if there were 32,000 such young virgin girls then the population before being killed under the orders of Moses must have been into the hundreds of thousands, if not a million.

Yeah, that's a good guide to morality and justice. Didn't Moses bother to look at the tablets he carried down from Mount Sinai and note the "don't covert your neighbours stuff" commandment? And the very sentence in the bible before god starts handing out commands is "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery". Great example Moses makes, he complains about how his people are slaves and mistreated and then once he helps them out of slavery he commands them to do the same thing (and worse) to others?!

That's probably one of the things which made Jefferson consider Moses the most detestable character in the bible.

This is a far greater act: many can copy MC2 - but how many can edit and correct it?
Are you referring to $$E=mc^{2}$$ here or am I not getting the reference?

The Hebrew also states one must take advice from wise and righious elders.
Who aren't voted into positions of authority, they just happen to have been around longer.

but Sadaam beat him by getting 100% voting success. Is that still democracy - why not?
Seriously, that's your argument? You think Saddam's rigging of elections is an example of democracy? The fact someone goes through the motions of an election and then ignores the result doesn't mean democracy failed, it means the leader failed democracy. Creationist seem to have a problem with understanding the difference between doing something and appearing to do something. An example is how they think if they make their own review journals so to 'publish' creation claims then they are doing science. Putting on a lab coat doesn't make you a scientist just like holding rigged elections is not enacting democracy.

Come on, at least try to come up with something which isn't a blatant strawman.

'DO NOT FOLLOW A CORRUPTED MULTITUDE' [One of the 613 Hebrew laws].

What that means is:

No, it doesn't, you're using faulty logic. If I say "I don't have blue eyes" that doesn't mean I have brown eyes. If you're not following a 'CORRUPTED MULTITUDE' then you could be following a single corrupted person (despot, kinda like how god is) or you could follow a non-corrupted multitude or you could follow no one. You've presented a false dichotomy.

And you didn't provide any example of an election held in the bible.

LOL! Europe mass murdered more innocent humans than any other force in geo-history. This applies even when discounting her last two worst centuries.
Yes, Europe had things like the Crusades. We also have the more detailed recorded history of any part of the world, the US is a new born compared to Europe. During the Dark Ages, when religion was rife, there was more violence in day to day life than now.

Wars start for all sorts of reasons, now it is mostly money, power and oil. When Europe was under the thumb of the Catholic Church religion also started wars, like the crusades, or it incited them such as Protestants vs Catholics. Yes, without religion we'd still have war but we'd have less. The Middle East wouldn't be as much of a flash point if that were the case.

Europe fillfilled away the majestic Hebrew laws
That's your interpretation. Most of Europe and the rest of the world thinks otherwise.

Understand why Europe, an older people and land - slid behind, and a new country like America triumphed.
You haven't had 2 massive wars fought in your front garden. The only people to be killed on mainland America during all of WWII was a few people killed by a Japanese bomb which was attached to a balloon which had traversed the Pacific due to the jet stream. Britain got bombed flat. Before that we were the most powerful nation ever but war exhausted our wealth and weakened our hold on the rest of our colonies.

A war driving a nation to the brink of economic disaster, sound familiar to you?

This whole "We're awesome, we're special, all due to our faith" self gratification so many Americans have will evaporate into denial when the East overtakes the West as industrial superpowers, its only a matter of time. When atheist socialist China and Hindu India overtake your country and mine in economic power you'll have to come up with some excuse why your god has forsaken you. No doubt Pat Roberson will blame it on gays, abortion clinics and the ACLU. :rolleyes: If the squinty eyed dick isn't dead by that point that is (China overtaking the US is a few decades away, assuming nothing major happens).

That's a poor view of history. In ancient times there were no courts, solicitors, voting boots or party elections.
So why didn't god explain it to people? Why didn't god say "Hey, it'd be in your interest to get along and be lead by people you trust and whom you can hold accountable to their actions"? I suppose that'd contradict his "I'm god, shut the fuck up and do as I say!" attitude.

The implementing of the laws took time - they were novel, controversial and subject to great disdain from the nation's divine kings.
Nonsense. Agreeing not to kill or steal or hurt one another was already embedded in societies because if it wasn't a society would dissolve into chaos. A group of people who have formed a stable society must have agreed on basic rules to govern their interactions else they wouldn't be in a stable society. Thus the fact there were societies pre-bible means the notion of "Don't kill one another" was already in the Zeitgeist of most human cultures.

All I learnt from ancient history was the Hebrews were way ahead of nations mightier and older
Which could occur by purely secular means. The fact a nation is powerful doesn't mean god or faith in responsible. Two of the most powerful nations of the latter half of the 20th century were the USSR and China, both officially atheist. China is still on the rise, as is India. Clearly their lack of faith in the bible isn't holding them back.

they first forbid human sacrifice
Well they didn't get that from the bible. Jeptha (however you spell it) promised god he'd sacrifice to him the first thing which came out of his house when he returned from a battle if god helped him win. He won and then his daughter was the first to greet him. Given god is supposedly all knowing he knew such a thing would happen and he didn't communicate with Jeptha, he didn't alter the battle and he didn't cause something else (like an animal) to come out of the door first. If god thinks human sacrifices are wrong, as you're implying if it was supposedly made against the law by applying bible rules to everyday life, why didn't he do something to stop that one? God clearly broke his own rule, he was responsible for the sacrifice of someone in his name.

they first forbid human sacrifice, capital punishment and ushered all the world's accepted laws
If the US is so awesom because its so influenced by the bible and capital punishment is forbidden in the bible, so you claim, why do many US states have capital punishment? Is your god so inept at making his wishes clear that supposedly the good old US of A can't agree on the message? Surely if god is all knowing he's got the literary skills to have been able to get across his message clearly? And Islam, which is an off shoot of Judaism and which accepts the Abrahamic god and much (if not all) of the old testament, still have it. Saudi Arabic has public executions!

God sure has poor communication skills it seems.

This causes disdain - as we see with Israel today, a small bitsy barren state which became democratic in record time, in the world's most notorious region and while daily facing genocide. Truth is a dangerous and hated thing.
It was (and is) helped along by other countries. The US ploughs money into Israel! What helped Israel do things like win the 6 day war wasn't faith, it was being armed to the teeth with the latest technology provided by other countries. If Israel didn't have military power it wouldn't have lasted very long.

You're mistaking correlation for causation. Feel free to look that up. Along with things like how to form a logical argument.
It was (and is) helped along by other countries. The US ploughs money into Israel! What helped Israel do things like win the 6 day war wasn't faith, it was being armed to the teeth with the latest technology provided by other countries. If Israel didn't have military power it wouldn't have lasted very long.


Yes, and do you think it was just a coincidence that the US president John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was known for pressuring Israel on getting rid of its nuclear plan. After his assassination he was replaced by President Lyndon Johnson who was a great supporter of Israel. He armed Israel with weapons before the 1967 six day war. If Kennedy was still in office, this would never have happened. Obviously we know the outcome of that.

For every rhyme there is a reason... For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction...
To say 'its just blackness' implies that somehow my consciousness is aware of itself yet gets no sensory input. No, I experience nothing. Ever had anaesthetic or gotten really drunk or fallen asleep without realising it? You don't experience anything during those times, that's what I would imagine death would like, ie its not 'like' anything. The thing which is 'me' is a highly complex electrochemical pattern within my brain maintained by the input of chemical energy and oxygen. Should either of those stop for a protracted period of time 'I' stop. Once the pattern is gone 'I' am gone and I experience nothing whatsoever.


Lets for a moment try an explain what “consciousness” is? Lets say (for what ever reasons) one finds themselves unconscious - the brain in no longer consciously awake. However, the body and its organs still seems to be functioning quite well and appear to have a different consciousness that directs the activity of the body. There appears to be two kinds of consciousness’ occupying our body, one is a “higher consciousness” of the mind, and the other is a “lower consciousness” of the body. However there is also another form of consciousness that occurs at death when both the mind and body is beyond repair. This form of consciousness extracts itself slowly from the body and eventually all consciousnesses departs. Now when this happens, consciousness “reflects” a complete copy of itself outside the bounds of the physical body and death is final, then there is the judgment. Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

Science has not yet learned to “separate” something that is created that goes “beyond” what the chemical hormones have induced, to a state of tangible scientific exploration of the invisible forces that allows for a state of mind/body/spirit separation. This also allows for Quantum Mechanics again to squeeze its way into the resolution (of the separations of energies, cloning of particles and connectivity over vast distances) when we consider that atoms can be in multiple places at once, thanks to natures variances of “non locality” bio-location of ones being becomes possible outside the realm of the physical body.
IamJoseph said:
All laws which you see as coming from Europe, and accepted by the world - comes from the Hebrew.
More historically incorrect bupkis.
Europe for the most part instituted a direct copy of the Roman legal system. The Roman Empire's legal system was the first to allow representation, i.e. the modern concept of a lawyer (Julius Caesar began his career as one of these), and legal precedents based on case histories, petitions and so on.

It was so successful it was adopted pretty much "as is". It had nothing to do with Jewish or Hebrew culture, it was definitively Roman, it used Latin and still does today, not because lawyers decided Latin was a useful language.

Your reasoning, psychology, philosophy and view point is nothing new! I can smell it all through your postings like the fowl spell of a skunk on a hot humid day.

You think you were the first to think like this?

This method of thinking is thousands of years old. Its called “iniquity”!

This same philosophy was recorded in the Bible and used by Satan at the very beginning of Genesis. The Bible tells us that there was a great falling out, and Satan was thrown out of the Heavenly realm on account of his defiant and self important (egotistic) reasoning. Moreover, in the book of Genesis we see him at it again tempting Eve with this same corrupted philosophy. On account of this dishonest behavior, all humankind now suffers, and you are a prime example of just why. Most of the “secular reasoning“ includes the thinking that G-d plays no part in anything and if He does exists he make us suffer and does not answer our prayers - In other words, why believe in a G-d… sound familiar?

The Bible describes the personality of Satan for us so that we are able to readily recognize him. It tells us that he corrupts in many ways. Some of his characteristics include false religion and evolution theory, but his favorite corruption of all, is his love for “secular reasoning“! Satan is the great DECEIVER and LIAR!

Satan is also knows as “the accuser, the adversary or the challenger”. He acts like a prosecuting attorney, or a district attorney, in G-d’s court. According to the Old Testament, Satan has no power or authority in and of himself, rather he must get permission from the Judge, G-d, in order to do anything. His demoted function is to test the faith of humans. Another tactic of Satan is to pervert, twist and partially bootleg the religious scriptures as its part of his job in winning his opposing case - he tends to twist the law and look for loopholes. We witness this with attorneys today in the court room winning the cases of guilty people. So Satan’s best option is to plagiarize and pervert the original scripture of G-d into the form of other religious documents and religions of the world (that “he“ most likely fashioned and influenced).

Which ones do you think he has influenced?

The first biblical notation of evil that creeps into “the history of humankind” starts in Genesis 2:9 - And the Lord G-d made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Notice how it clearly states both “good and evil“. Genesis 2:16-17 - And the Lord G-d commanded the man, You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. Genesis 3:1 - Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord G-d had made. He said to the woman, Did G-d really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden?

Genesis 3:5 - For G-d doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be like G-d knowing good and evil.

We also find in Revelation before the Genesis account (the last book of the New Testament) that there was a war in Heaven that is perceived to be before the creation of the Earth, where Michael a good angel fights against Satan (the dragon) and wins. Which amounts to the dragon (Satan) and his hosts (1/3 of the other angels) being cast out of Heaven and into the earth. Revelation 12:4-9 - And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto G-d, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of G-d, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

This is where Satan was foolish enough to think that he was equal or greater than G-d. Isaiah 14:13 - For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of G-d: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.

Cultures like the native Americans or native Australians had similar principles of not killing one another in day to day life and not to steal other people's property, despite being utterly isolated from any kind of Abrahamic religion until the Americas and Australia were discovered. Clearly people can conclude "Thou shall not kill" without the bible, so in fact its more reasonable to conclude that the bible got many of its basic rules from society, not the other way around.

This is false, its you who are the backwards one, and both history (and the Bible) testifies to this! Such people like the American Indians and Australian aborigines have ancestral stories that tell of a Great Flood as well as a Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.

You'd rather we go back to your ignorance on thermodynamics?

I already answer this question!

Again, in the full spectrum of the Universe there are no open systems, even though they may appear to be, it is an illusion since the overall system is down winding in available energy (the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy). No illusionary open system can outsmart it!

What don’t you understand about this? The only open system that we have is the open hole in your brain - a hole in the air. ;)

Why should live have a purpose, in the sense you mean? There's no reason to think life must have a grand purpose, it exists to continue its existence. Of course I can give myself purpose, to learn and experience things, to helps others or to somehow leave my mark in our society but even that eventually vanishes as humans won't be around forever and even a few generations from now its likely no one will remember anything about it. That doesn't make my life utterly vacuous without any reason to carry on, atheism isn't some kind of nihilistic emo point of view. If you want a purpose in life, give yourself one. Better someone else's life or contribute to society, as that's the only way you'll do anything which won't be immediately forgotten.

Certainly doing something like helping society is a much better purpose than the one Christianity promotes, that we're going to an afterlife to either be tortured or be stuck saying "Wow, you're fucking awesome" every 5 seconds to some bearded guy on a throne. What's the purpose in that? Who'd want to spend eternity give god metaphorical handjobs?

Sounds like somebody is really angry!

There's little or nothing 'good' about 'the good book'.

Sounds like somebody I’ve described above.

So what is life all about? It seems nothing we do matters here in this life provided we accept Jesus etc etc and then when we get to the next the only purpose is to be a sycophant to some guy who claims to be 'loving' and 'caring' but threatens people with infinite torment for a single 'crime' of not believing, independent of what else they do.

If someone can murder 20 people and then be 'born again' and get into heaven while someone who works all their life bettering the lives of the poor and needy, but doesn't think there's enough evidence to believe, gets tormented forever then there's absolutely zero reason to call god moral, just, merciful, honourable, kind or in any way good. If god exists and the bible is an accurate representation of his character then he doesn't deserve worship.

Again, sounds like somebody I’ve described above.

And the one and only criteria seems to be "Do you honestly believe?". If someone's actions don't come into it then its an unjust way of judging people, as my comment about a murderer highlights. The Christian god rewards ignorance and gullibility over kindness and charity. What's the justice in that?

Quite typical again of sounding like somebody I’ve described above.

As I just said, Pascal's wager fails on every level. First you assume the criteria you think god uses to judge you are the actual criteria. You assume that 'god' is the Christian god, if he's Allah then you're just pissing him off by not praying 5 times a day, so meeting your god's criteria doesn't mean you've met some other god's criteria. You're assuming thoughts matter more than actions. You're assuming your faith costs you nothing when it seems to have cost you your intellectual honesty and curiosity. And you're also assuming that faith is subject to the will. I can say "Jesus is my saviour" but is that enough? If someone is a Christian just to avoid hell is their god not all knowing? Can he not tell if someone is just 'going through the motions' out of fear?

Resorts to secular reasoning - archetypal again!

Not all religions can be right, so you jumping through the hoops for the Christian god doesn't mean you'll not end up in the hell of some other god. Some religions, including some sects of Christianity, dislike the believes of other religions but those who don't believe in other gods (aka atheists) are okay. For instance, I'm not breaking the 1st commandment, I have no other gods before the Christian god. But then I have no gods at all. And if I die and find myself in front of St. Peter and he says "Despite you being a good person and being rational and intellectually honest your lack of faith in god, for which you never saw any evidence for, means He is condemning you to hell" then god is, quite frankly, a dick. If god is actually this kind, merciful intelligent benevolent father figure than if I'm a good person and I am intellectually honest and he knows that I didn't see sufficient evidence to make a reasonable conclusion that he exists then he'd not condemn me to eternal torture. After all, he knows everything and the honesty of each and every persona and the very notion of hell is the antithesis of being merciful and benevolent. But it might well be the case that god isn't a moral and just person and then he might just torment everyone, including people who believed in him. You have no reason to think your religion's view of him is right or that he/she/it/they dislike anyone not in that religion.

Again, sounds like somebody I’ve described above, though this time using reverse psychology imbibed by lots of hate.

Is this your plan now, you've tried arguing nonsense, you've tried the creationist talking points, you've tried lying about science and history and now you're onto the emotional blackmail. Its the Mafia boss situation, god says "Do as I say or I break your legs" or "It'd be a shame if something bad happened to you but if you pay me I'll protect you".

Sound like somebody got demoted and is pissed at the big boss!

God has the power to prove to everyone he exists, if he exists. He would know precisely what it would take to convince me in such a way that I don't think I've gone nuts. So why doesn't he? Why does he play this game where he used to be a burning bush or a column of fire but now he just works 'in mysterious ways'. Ways so mysterious 70% of people don't believe the stories about him (ie non-Christians) and no one, despite plenty of people wanting to, can provide clear evidence he exists. And he's come up with a game where people who aren't gullible and who use the mind he's given them to ask questions like "Why should I believe this thing without evidence?" are tormented forever while those who turn their eyes away from the universe he created for them get rewarded.

This is the biggest straw man yet.

According to your theology he made the universe and knows all things, past, present and future, so he knew that humans would 'fall' and stop believing in him and rather than do as he (supposedly) did in the past and come down and demonstrate himself he keeps quiet and then burns those who didn't believe a copy of a copy of a heavily edited synopsis of a story passed down via here-say from people who weren't eye witnesses to the last time he supposed demonstrated himself openly.

Trying to sway the believers.

If god wants people to believe why doesn't he demonstrate himself? Why rely on a book which has been heavily edited by people with agendas and which isn't even an eye witness account in the vast majority of it (and those which might be are suspect)? Why did he stop demonstrating himself? If we're so much more sinful and whatnot now why is he more silent than he used to be?

This is the oldest trick in the book. FYI, it doesn’t work anymore, you’ve cried wolf to many times already with this excuse. Proof was already given to 3 million Jews at Mount Sinai. This is called a national revelation.

Then you waste the one life you're certain to have in the hope there might be another. Its like buying a lottery ticket, winning and then throwing it away because the next ticket might be a bigger prize. I suppose you can liken it to the Nigerian 419 scams. They promise you $20 million but need a small up front fee. What's $1000 when you'll get $20 million? Then there's some problem and they need another $5000. Then $8000. Then $10000. Then before you know it you've lost all your money and all you have is empty promises.

Looks like you’ve lost “all your money”. :(
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I don't see a problem with the Bible, the problem is with people claiming it's the only book I need to read. Or that I shouldn't read the Koran, or anything written by Hindus.

In other words, to believe what the Bible has to say, I have to proscribe all other so-called "scriptures". I've never been able to see why, there are some quite obvious parallels I can see between the Bible and say, the Mahabharata, or the Koran.
Perhaps the best advice any of these writings have, is that people tend to become like the company they keep--lie with dogs, wake up with fleas; keep the company of saints and holy men, wake up with a desire for enlightenment.

Live with soldiers, wake up with a desire to kill someone.
Study your ass off and wake up with a desire to win a Nobel, etc.
Yes, and do you think it was just a coincidence that the US president John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was known for pressuring Israel on getting rid of its nuclear plan. After his assassination he was replaced by President Lyndon Johnson who was a great supporter of Israel. He armed Israel with weapons before the 1967 six day war. If Kennedy was still in office, this would never have happened. Obviously we know the outcome of that.
Where did I mention nuclear weapons?

And bravo for going even further down the nutcase path by going into JFK conspiracy theories.

Lets for a moment try an explain what “consciousness” is?
The emergent property of highly complex electrochemical processes in the brain.

Lets say (for what ever reasons) one finds themselves unconscious - the brain in no longer consciously awake. However, the body and its organs still seems to be functioning quite well and appear to have a different consciousness that directs the activity of the body. There appears to be two kinds of consciousness’ occupying our body, one is a “higher consciousness” of the mind, and the other is a “lower consciousness” of the body.
Homoeostatic processes are controlled by lower levels of the brain. The base of the brain is known in common reference as 'the lizard brain', the part which works automatically and separately of conscious thought. Pulse, temperature regulation, hormone production, autonomic nerve reflexes. That last one is also handled in part by the spinal column so that if you do something stupid like pick up a very hot object the signal and response are quicker, ie doesn't have to make you consciously aware, hence why you can drop something hot before 'you' have even become aware of it.

All natural phenomena for which we have a decent understanding of and which can arise via natural evolutionary processes. If you keep picking hot things up and you don't drop them you'll get serious burns. If you stop breathing when you get bashed on the head you do. Evolution provides an explanation for such things, hence "God done it" isn't the only answer (its not an answer at all).

This form of consciousness extracts itself slowly from the body and eventually all consciousnesses departs. Now when this happens, consciousness “reflects” a complete copy of itself outside the bounds of the physical body and death is final, then there is the judgment. Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.
Remember what I said about bible quotes? They don't justify your position and they don't convince me. Not to mention you provide no evidence for your claims about consciousness. Can you provide empirical evidence?

Science has not yet learned to “separate” something that is created that goes “beyond” what the chemical hormones have induced, to a state of tangible scientific exploration of the invisible forces that allows for a state of mind/body/spirit separation.
Science not having an answer to a question right now doesn't make your 'answer' any more valid. I've already been through this with you, remember?

I separately (ie they don't know I'm asking each other and they don't communicate) ask 2 random people what the square root of 583858380021134 is. Does the validity of the reply of the first person have any bearing on the validity of the reply of the second? No. In the same way the current inability of science to address certain questions doesn't validate or increase the validation of your 'answers'.

This also allows for Quantum Mechanics again to squeeze its way into the resolution (of the separations of energies, cloning of particles and connectivity over vast distances) when we consider that atoms can be in multiple places at once, thanks to natures variances of “non locality” bio-location of ones being becomes possible outside the realm of the physical body.
Speaking as someone who has spent the better part of the last decade doing quantum mechanics I can confidently say your claims are not justified. If quantum mechanics pointed to a notion like the soul or to a god then the prevalence of theism would increase in the theoretical physics community compared to the community at large. Speaking from first hand experience, both as a member of that community and knowing others in it, this is not the case. You once again assert things you not only have no knowledge of but you assert it to people who clearly do have knowledge of it.

In fact as you move through the education system, considering the beliefs of laypersons, then college students, then postgraduates and then academics the proportion of people who are not theistic increases considerably. Something like more than 90% of the National Academy of Science is non-theistic.

Your reasoning, psychology, philosophy and view point is nothing new! I can smell it all through your postings like the fowl spell of a skunk on a hot humid day.
Ah, so you have seen my arguments and comments before. Then you're not just wilfully ignorant for not doing your research about things like thermodynamics and evolution but you're deliberately ignoring that your arguments are false or invalid. Accidental stupidity is one thing, gross deliberate stupidity is inexcusable.

The Bible describes the personality of Satan for us so that we are able to readily recognize him. It tells us that he corrupts in many ways. Some of his characteristics include false religion and evolution theory
And where in the bible does it say "Satan's characteristics include supporting the notion of evolution"?

Or is this another one of those things which isn't actually in the bible and yet something too many Christians think is? Like "Slavery is wrong" and "Democracy is good"?

Satan is also knows as “the accuser, the adversary or the challenger”
Science is about challenging our understanding of the world, that's why there's peer review in reputable journals. If your position can't stand up to scrutiny then why believe it? Without saying "What makes you say that?" we'd still be thinking the Earth is flat and the Sun goes around it. Besides, if you position is true then it shouldn't be worried about scrutiny, about people saying "Where's your evidence?".

Besides, 1st Peter 3:15 says the onus is on you, the believer, to always be reading to give the reason for your faith. God commands it and yet you're now saying this is a characteristic of the devil? Another example of picking and choosing which bits of the bible to quote in order to serve your agenda. Fortunately the bible is full of self contradictions so its generally easy to find a quote to justify just about anything. Like wilful ignorance, like not having any reason to present when people ask "What makes you believe that?", like slavery, like genocide, like human sacrifice.

According to the Old Testament, Satan has no power or authority in and of himself, rather he must get permission from the Judge, G-d, in order to do anything.
Is this an admission that all the bad things that occur supposedly due to the devil is actually the responsibility of god?

So Satan’s best option is to plagiarize and pervert the original scripture of G-d into the form of other religious documents and religions of the world (that “he“ most likely fashioned and influenced).
Think for a moment about that. You're taking the word of a religious document, for which no original copies exist and which as been translated and edited many times over thousands of years, that Satan will distort religious documents? Your position is self refuting! If the bible says not to trust old religious texts lest the devil has tainted them then you can't trust the bible, as its perhaps one of the most 'human tweaked' religious texts in existence. Wouldn't the devil want to pervert the holy book of the largest religious group, so as to affect as many people as possible?

If you stand by that position then you must apply it not only to all other religions but also your own, lest you make the logical fallacy of special pleading.

Which ones do you think he has influenced?
None, since I don't think he exists. How many do I think some man (or men) has influenced? Every single one of them as they are all works of men.

his is false, its you who are the backwards one, and both history (and the Bible) testifies to this! Such people like the American Indians and Australian aborigines have ancestral stories that tell of a Great Flood as well as a Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.
Citation needed. Even even if they do that doesn't imply they are those referred to in the bible. Trees and floods exist all over the world and have done for as long as we've been around.

I already answer this question!

Again, in the full spectrum of the Universe there are no open systems, even though they may appear to be, it is an illusion since the overall system is down winding in available energy (the 2nd law of thermodynamics and entropy). No illusionary open system can outsmart it!
You have failed several times to even acknowledge that we're not talking about the universe, we're talking about this planet. There's a huge ball of light in the sky each day, providing us with energy. The Earth is an open system within the closed system of the universe. If some thing can enter or leave a system then its not closed, the Sun's energy enters the Earth's biosphere and thus it is not closed. An entropy decrease due to a plant turning carbon dioxide and water into glucose using the Sun's energy is off set many many times over by the increase in entropy of the Sun's plasma. Eventually it'll run out of fuel and stop shining, the solar system will wind down. Until then though we can use the Sun's enormous increase of entropy to allow us to decrease ours.

Your argument would imply plants can't turn high entropy carbon dioxide and water into low entropy sugar. It would imply no living thing can grow or heal as that requires arranging complex molecules in a particular way. Your argument implies you are thermodynamically impossible.

What don’t you understand about this?
Because unlike you I have done some thermodynamics. Unlike you I paid attention in school. Unlike you I give a damn whether or not my beliefs are true. Unlike you I have an inquisitive mind.

Sounds like somebody is really angry!
By your ignorance, willingness to lie, delusional narcissism and the fact you con laypeople out of their money by flogging them your BS book.

And you didn't actually retort or respond to what I said. Its a typical creationist method, you throw out a whole bunch of crap and then it gets retorted in a way you can't refute or argue with you just move onto more crap in order to avoid acknowledging you're mistake. Yes, I can have a purpose to my life without being given it by an invisible sky being who supposedly watches me all day and knows all of my thoughts and who will burn me forever if I don't believe in something which has no evidence. The fact you can't is just a sad reflection on how deep into you religion has got its tendrils, that you can't think of any reason to do something with your life without someone else defining it for you.

Again, sounds like somebody I’ve described above.
Can't you find a retort to what I said? Here it is again for you.

"So what is life all about? It seems nothing we do matters here in this life provided we accept Jesus etc etc and then when we get to the next the only purpose is to be a sycophant to some guy who claims to be 'loving' and 'caring' but threatens people with infinite torment for a single 'crime' of not believing, independent of what else they do.

If someone can murder 20 people and then be 'born again' and get into heaven while someone who works all their life bettering the lives of the poor and needy, but doesn't think there's enough evidence to believe, gets tormented forever then there's absolutely zero reason to call god moral, just, merciful, honourable, kind or in any way good. If god exists and the bible is an accurate representation of his character then he doesn't deserve worship.

Resorts to secular reasoning - archetypal again!
You mean 'resorts to reasoning'. You put forth Pascal's wager and I explained why its flawed. If Islam is right you and I are both going to hell so you believing the bible doesn't make you 'safe'. If god is unlike anything any religion has ever considered but he still ends people to hell then you're not 'safe' either. The "What if you're wrong" argument assumes a false dichotomy, that its atheism or your religion. Even if, some how, I knew that one of the religions in the world today was the 'true' one I have no way of knowing which one it is, none of them present any reason or evidence.

So tell me, what if you are wrong and Islam is the true religion? Are you going to hell too?

This is the biggest straw man yet.
And yet you couldn't actually reply to it specifically. I explained why Pascal's Wager is invalid, can't you manage to do the same with my comments?

Trying to sway the believers.
Are you so out of responses you're resorting to stating irrelevant tautologies now?

This is the oldest trick in the book. FYI, it doesn’t work anymore, you’ve cried wolf to many times already with this excuse. Proof was already given to 3 million Jews at Mount Sinai. This is called a national revelation.
So where's this 'proof'? You mean a story? From a book which has no evidence for being true? A book which is inconsistent with reality? That's your 'proof'?

Get yourself a dictionary.

Looks like you’ve lost “all your money”.
To continue with my lottery analogy, I played the way you should play if you don't want to throw your money away for no reason, I didn't play in the first place. Obviously that analogy was too subtle for you to realise I was referring to the way people waste the one life we're sure they'll get by hoping there's another one.
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Well done…:bravo:
I don’t think I’ve seen Alpha defend atheism before. Not bad.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, little Missy! :mufc:
Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
This also allows for Quantum Mechanics again to squeeze its way into the resolution (of the separations of energies, cloning of particles and connectivity over vast distances) when we consider that atoms can be in multiple places at once, thanks to natures variances of “non locality” bio-location of ones being becomes possible outside the realm of the physical body. ”

Originally Posted by Alphanumeric
Speaking as someone who has spent the better part of the last decade doing quantum mechanics I can confidently say your claims are not justified. If quantum mechanics pointed to a notion like the soul or to a god then the prevalence of theism would increase in the theoretical physics community compared to the community at large. Speaking from first hand experience, both as a member of that community and knowing others in it, this is not the case. You once again assert things you not only have no knowledge of but you assert it to people who clearly do have knowledge of it.

Alphanumeric, (regarding Quantum mechanics/physics) you don’t have the sense G-d gave an animal cracker! :bugeye:

Did we ever stop to wonder that this is the reason why cell phones, GPS and satellite technology works - these are things we can call “non-local“, which means that it does not just relate to a particular area, but a widespread area. It has no particular place yet it is everywhere. If we can understand that this is biophysically possible and than we understand that consciousness (even in death) is part of this, the constraints of space and distance are no longer relevant (also suggesting a Heaven and a Hell).

Additionally in a sense the Quantum Mechanics of cell phones (particle physics) and satellite technology is also a form of “Time Travel“ especially the new science of “particle entanglement“ which may also send particles of information at the speed of light across vast distances. “Particle Entanglement” in such ways that two identical particles that are ranges of distances apart are still connected and act as though they were still joined in terms of identical response and reaction - make a change to one particle, and that change is instantly reflected in the other(s) - however far apart they may be. This may also apply to death in respects to the soul.

This action is amazing, and rigorous tests have virtually proven it to be true! However, Quantum Mechanics does not and cannot pinpoint the exact values for the position or momentum of a certain particle in a given space in a finite time, but, rather, it only provides a range of “probabilities” of where that particle might be. To get a better understanding of this… when you split an atom you find that it has a nucleus of protons and neutrons along with tiny electrons bustling/fleeting around. Now these protons and neutrons also contain quarks which are like shifty/dodgy puffy semi-transparent clouds that constantly blink in and out of existence blurring the answers to when and where. Therefore, it becomes necessary to describe these states as uncertain, unknown and unable to be measured. It can also be likened to pixels (tiny dots of light) making little quantum leaps from one pixel to the next. Thus we have “non-locality”, thanks to natures variances. Whereas “bio-location” of ones being (soul) becomes possible outside the realm of the physical body.

You have failed several times to even acknowledge that we're not talking about the universe, we're talking about this planet. There's a huge ball of light in the sky each day, providing us with energy. The Earth is an open system within the closed system of the universe. If some thing can enter or leave a system then its not closed, the Sun's energy enters the Earth's biosphere and thus it is not closed. An entropy decrease due to a plant turning carbon dioxide and water into glucose using the Sun's energy is off set many many times over by the increase in entropy of the Sun's plasma. Eventually it'll run out of fuel and stop shining, the solar system will wind down. Until then though we can use the Sun's enormous increase of entropy to allow us to decrease ours.

Your argument would imply plants can't turn high entropy carbon dioxide and water into low entropy sugar. It would imply no living thing can grow or heal as that requires arranging complex molecules in a particular way. Your argument implies you are thermodynamically impossible.

No, what I am implying is that there is no “new information“ in the closed system of the Universe. In other words, a seed (on Earth within the Universe) has all the information and instructions for its growth already programmed within it that it will ever need. The information to absorb energy from the sun is already provided for it in its designed growth, which will never lead to any new evolutionary change. The only thing the sun is doing here is nourishing and sustaining. The seed will continue to have within it the information that it needs to grow as a tree/plant, to in turn grow and produce more seeds that in turn grow another tree/plant (provided that there is sunshine to nourish it and keep it going). This is all the “information” that the seed contains. There is nothing new happening here. There is no “true” open system as you like to call it.

Can't you find a retort to what I said? Here it is again for you.

"So what is life all about? It seems nothing we do matters here in this life provided we accept Jesus etc etc and then when we get to the next the only purpose is to be a sycophant to some guy who claims to be 'loving' and 'caring' but threatens people with infinite torment for a single 'crime' of not believing, independent of what else they do.

If someone can murder 20 people and then be 'born again' and get into heaven while someone who works all their life bettering the lives of the poor and needy, but doesn't think there's enough evidence to believe, gets tormented forever then there's absolutely zero reason to call god moral, just, merciful, honourable, kind or in any way good. If god exists and the bible is an accurate representation of his character then he doesn't deserve worship.

I checked out your stats… your only 26. That explains your intellectual immaturity in your responses to me. As I said you are just a pin head with a PhD. You can get all A's and still flunk life!

Additionally your “malevolent secular reasoning” has the desperate jauntiness of an orchestra fiddling away for dear life on a sinking ship. Maybe with another 20 years under your belt you will open your views as I have now at 43.

As I previously said… The nature of genius is to provide idiots like you with ideas twenty years later.
There is an "Anita Meyer" who is studying for a Masters degree in biology, but that isn't you, is it?

Hello James R,

No this is not me, apparently this is another Anita Meyer.

But as to your question… I have them all… Each two years totaling 10! Do you want fries with that?

I’ve learned one very good lesson in College… it is a place where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.