My religious experiences-share yours too!

SAM- how about you?

Used to be an agnostic in my twenties. Never was a Christian or Hindu, though I have good friends of both denominations. Am a Muslim now, since the last 10 years.

Never met an atheist [or didn't know I had] till I came to this forum. Had no idea they were so mean-spirited for one thing. So it was all for the better. Might have developed a prejudice against them if this forum was representative.
Enmos-at the time? it was all about PROOF. I made the tooth fairy and santa claus being comparable to God frequently then. I never did get proof. I realized the definition of faith-believing in something you have no evidence for. I liked that. I realized that belief was a decision. Which to choose? The one which offered me a chance at redemption despite myself. That's how I arrived at christianity.
Enmos-at the time? it was all about PROOF. I made the tooth fairy and santa claus being comparable to God frequently then. I never did get proof. I realized the definition of faith-believing in something you have no evidence for. I liked that. I realized that belief was a decision. Which to choose? The one which offered me a chance at redemption despite myself. That's how I arrived at christianity.

Doesn't seem like a very good reason, just liking the idea.
Anyhow, you have a pretty screwed up view of atheists.
Enmos-at the time? it was all about PROOF. I made the tooth fairy and santa claus being comparable to God frequently then. I never did get proof. I realized the definition of faith-believing in something you have no evidence for. I liked that. I realized that belief was a decision. Which to choose? The one which offered me a chance at redemption despite myself. That's how I arrived at christianity.

In other words you defined realityto suit your purpose.
I AM an atheist and I know a hell of a lot of atheists too.
Not one of them cares about gathering together in some sort of atheist group.
The only thing that "unites" atheist is their lack of belief in a god.. there's nothing more to it.
The only thing that sets atheist apart from theists is that they don't believe in a god. So they don't go to church to profess their faith, they don't pray etc.
No particular atheist activities exist, in contrast to most theists who have loads of particular activities connected with their faith.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.
Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

What ??
Q-I'd love to hear your history with Atheism and all that.

Well, it's not really that interesting.

Thousands of religions have been presented to me. Not a single religion has ever been able to demonstrate a single one of their claims to their religion.

Not a single theist has ever been able to explain their religious experiences beyond what they can conjure from their imagination.

Every single theist has a different notion of what the god they believe in exhibits.

If I choose one religion over another, I got to hell anyways, based on the religion I didn't accept.

Many religions preach morality, ethics, peace and so on, but demonstrate the complete opposite.

Religions are usually geographic in nature, hence I wouldn't live very long trying to practice Christianity in Saudi Arabia, for example.

Then, I must suspend my disbelief, entirely, to accept the notion that the supernatural is real.

I could go on and on. The point is, how is one to make a choice from all of this? :shrug:

I AM an atheist and I know a hell of a lot of atheists too.
Not one of them cares about gathering together in some sort of atheist group.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

The only thing that "unites" atheist is their lack of belief in a god.. there's nothing more to it.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

The only thing that sets atheist apart from theists is that they don't believe in a god. So they don't go to church to profess their faith, they don't pray etc.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

No particular atheist activities exist, in contrast to most theists who have loads of particular activities connected with their faith.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.
Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

next time an aethiest knocks on your door to convert your misdirected arse, then talk, till then, accept that theists are sooooo much more intrusive with their will.
Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

Riiight. You are not here. This isn't happening. There is no Sciforums - Religion section. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening. You are not here. This isn't happening.

This is just trolling.
next time an aethiest knocks on your door to convert your misdirected arse, then talk, till then, accept that theists are sooooo much more intrusive with their will.

No, they are not.
As far as intrusiveness goes, I find both theists as well as atheists equally intrusive.