My religious experiences-share yours too!

Mr. Hamtastic, you hit the nail on the head there for atheism; I notice many atheists are arrogant, stubborn, and full of themselves, not to mention intolerant and narrow minded

Not all of them, but alot that I've seen
Atheism-You gather together with other Atheists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be"free" from religion. Self-worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I don't need God" which in turn goes to "If you need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, God is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo!

Maybe that's just a 'mirror' image. Change a few words and...

Theism-You gather together with other Theists and stroke your ego about how great it is to be religious. Worship is what it boils down to, the most commonly held theme being,"I need God" which in turn goes to "If you don't need God you are weak, weak people are evil people, Non-belief is evil." Then you take a step back and all you need is a group consciousness and you have a religion. Woohoo

Seems to work that way, too. :D
Whoowee. I stand by my stated experiences. Stick your tongue out and say they didn't happen all you want. I used to gather with some friends at a local cafe. We'd all sit around and smoke various fancy herbal cigarettes and drink exotic coffee and discuss the current state of affairs and how the evil christians were holding us down...
Because you were an atheist ? lol
I thought you were a Muslim btw..

but enough about me. let's talk about you. Enmos-how did you come to be an Atheist? Is that how you were raised? At some point did some theist come up toyou and kick you in the shin?
I didn't become an atheist, I just stopped buying into all the nonsensical crap.
I was raised in a Christian family but had serious doubts early on.
When you are very little you don't really question your parents or other authority figures like teachers etc.. so I naturally bought into the crap.
I think I must have been around 6 or 7 when the whole idea of a God and heaven and whatnot started to seem ridiculous to me.
I started to have all sorts of questions and none of the answers satisfied me.
I wanted to stop going to church with my parents when I was about 9 I think.. luckily they let me after months of struggle (lol).

I went to Christian schools until the age of 19 when I graduated.
The university was a 'multi-religious' one (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam), or more accurately not a specifically religious one.
Mr. Hamtastic, you hit the nail on the head there for atheism; I notice many atheists are arrogant, stubborn, and full of themselves, not to mention intolerant and narrow minded

Not all of them, but alot that I've seen

That applies to theists as well. Guess what, it applies to humanity.
Only as much as is average throughout humanity.
Atheists simply don't believe in God, that's it..

That's it, supposedly....but usually, it boils down to what Mr. Hamtastic described

Strong atheism is a foolish stance
It is not about atheists, it's about people that don't believe in God but are scared to admit it because of the society they live in.
Did you know that you better not say you are an atheist when applying for a job in the US ? You will probably not get the job.

So they are getting together because they are atheists who want to declare themselves in public. And they've formed a group to do so.

The biggest joke is Dawkins looking for a non-confrontational word for atheists.:D
That's it, supposedly....but usually, it boils down to what Mr. Hamtastic described

Strong atheism is a foolish stance

As is strong theism..

Look Norse bend it any way you want, atheists are just people that don't believe in God.. that is, on average, the ONLY difference.
So they are getting together because they are atheists who want to declare themselves in public. And they've formed a group to do so.

Is this one of your little games perhaps ?

It's only a small group compared to the whole. I have never ever met someone that doesn't believe in any god that attends meetings specifically for people that don't believe in any god.

Are there many atheists around where you live ?
Is this one of your little games perhaps ?

It's only a small group compared to the whole. I have never ever met someone that doesn't believe in any god that attends meetings specifically for people that don't believe in any god.

And now you have. :shrug:
Are there many atheists around where you live ?

Who cares? What are we going to do? Discuss religion?