My religious experiences-share yours too!

Who ? A video isn't a person and I saw it before btw.

That video is full of persons who attended a meeting because they do not believe in God.

I care, why else would I ask the question ?

I don't. If they are atheists, I'd rather they kept it to themselves. Since there is nothing they will bring to the table anyway [except disdain and discord] Otherwise, it would be odd inviting them over for religious occasions.
I'm a theist, but technically an agnostic theist, since I allow the possibility that God does not exist

You just said that theists are bigots and sure of themselves. You are a theist.
In fact, you said your faith is very strong.
Enmos-yes. because we were atheists. we were also anarchists. we had a beautiful conspiracy theory about the judeo-christian authorities and how they were using mind control in the form of a liquid disbursable agent similar to lsd and chemically similar to fluoride to further propigate(sp?) their religious goals of denying us our freedom not to believe.

Me? a Muslim? Nope. Generic Christian these days.

Who else is willing to share?
You just said that theists are bigots and sure of themselves. You are a theist.
In fact, you said your faith is very strong.

I meant, alot of them are, and so are atheists that are supposedly against that

My faith in Christ is strong....yes, but I also allow the possibility that God does not exist.
That video is full of persons who attended a meeting because they do not believe in God.
And I've never met them.
So out of the millions of atheists the group in the video represents your view of atheism ?? Seems rather bigoted to me..

I don't. If they are atheists, I'd rather they kept it to themselves. Since there is nothing they will bring to the table anyway [except disdain and discord] Otherwise, it would be odd inviting them over for religious occasions.
Could you please answer the question ?
Nope. I'm a theist, but technically an agnostic theist, since I allow the possibility that God does not exist

"wow I'm moslem but whoever posted that is a nut

"I am a moslim"

"Hesbollah on the other hand are righteous and I wholeheartedly support them Heck, if I could, I would join them
In what way ?

The pricks are always waking me up from my sunday morning sleep in ( is nothing sacred) to offer up their disbelief. I love it, I invite the atheists in for short blacks and we get off renouncing the bible, spitting on the Q'ran{actually we do that in reverse for fear of being hammered by ma'hammered} and then we take a good hard look at ourselves, agree that there's noone looking out for us but ourselves and take enormous satisfaction in getting on with the precious, tenuous life that has been thrust upon us.
Enmos-yes. because we were atheists. we were also anarchists. we had a beautiful conspiracy theory about the judeo-christian authorities and how they were using mind control in the form of a liquid disbursable agent similar to lsd and chemically similar to fluoride to further propigate(sp?) their religious goals of denying us our freedom not to believe.
Sounds like a bunch of rebellious youngsters to me.

Me? a Muslim? Nope. Generic Christian these days.
Hmm ok, I don't know where I got that from..
And I've never met them.
So out of the millions of atheists the group in the video represents your view of atheism ?? Seems rather bigoted to me..

Hardly, since thats not the only one, its a worldwide phenomenon. Or are you living in some backwater?
Could you please answer the question ?

I did. Don't know, couldn't care less.
I meant, alot of them are, and so are atheists that are supposedly against that
So a lot of theists are bigoted and atheists that are against that are also bigoted ?
Anyway, if a large amount of both atheists and theists are bigots what does it have to do with being either an atheist or a theist ?

My faith in Christ is strong....yes, but I also allow the possibility that God does not exist.
So do you allow for the possibility that Christ does not exist ?
Hardly, since thats not the only one, its a worldwide phenomenon. Or are you living in some backwater?
The gatherings are a world wide phenomenon ? lol
Evidence please.. ?
Aslo, I want to see some statistics about what percentage of atheists goes to atheist meetings.

I did. Don't know, couldn't care less.
So you don't know any atheists from around where you live.. :rolleyes: