My religious experiences-share yours too!

The gatherings are a world wide phenomenon ? lol
Evidence please.. ?
Aslo, I want to see some statistics about what percentage of atheists goes to atheist meetings.
Ask Dawkins.

So you don't know any atheists from around where you live.. :rolleyes:

I do, but they don't evangelise, ie they keep their beliefs to themselves. It would be odd otherwise, having them over for Easter, Christmas and Eid, if they did declare themselves. In fact, one of the atheists I know makes Easter baskets for her friends and the other goes home to spend Christmas with her family.
How does that work ? You are not sure whether or not what you strongly believe in is actually real ? But yet you believe in it strongly because of... philosophy ?

I have strong faith in Christ's word metaphorically; as for factually, I hold an agnostic stance
Enmos-we were very rebellious late teens early twenties. Frivolous times were those.

Norsefire-what about you? you seem to have a varied history of religious experience.
I asked you, I don't know Dawkins.

You don't know Dawkins? Is there an atheist alive who can claim that?
The overwhelming majority does not evangelize.. as is your own experience.

Assuming there are more than the three I do know. But there is a Darwin fish group that I do not attend, not being an atheist. Be rather odd to run into your friends there I think and discover they secretly consider you a delusional liar or some such.
You don't know Dawkins? Is there an atheist alive who can claim that?
I know who he is, but I don't know him. We've never talked.
For your information I only learned about Dawkins because of this site, and in part because of you.
I watched people talk about Dawkins here for months and I never knew who he was. One time I asked and someone explained it to me.

Assuming there are more than the three I do know. But there is a Darwin fish group that I do not attend, not being an atheist.
Darwin fish group ??

Perhaps you know more atheists than you realize..