My first out of body experience

People lie about their gods, and lots of people lie for Jesus.

That is sadly true but Lori and I dont

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An out-of-body experience (OBE or sometimes OOBE), is an experience that typically involves a sensation of floating outside of one's body and, in some cases, perceiving one's physical body from a place outside one's body (autoscopy).

The term out-of-the-body experience was introduced in 1943 by G.N.M Tyrrell in his book Apparitions,[1] and adopted by, for example, Celia Green[2] and Robert Monroe[3] as a bias-free alternative to belief-centric labels such as "astral projection" or "spirit walking".

Though the term usefully distances researchers from scientifically problematic concepts such as the soul, scientists still know little about the phenomenon.[4] Some researchers have managed to recreate OBE in a laboratory setup by stimulating a part in the human brain.[5] One in ten people has an out-of-body experience at some time in their lives.[6] OBEs are often part of the near-death experience. Those who have experienced OBEs sometimes claim to have observed details which were unknown to them beforehand.[7]

In some cases the phenomenon appears to occur spontaneously; in others it is associated with a physical or mental trauma, use of psychedelic drugs, dissociative drugs, or a dream-like state. Many techniques aiming to induce the experience deliberately have been developed,[8] for example visualization while in a relaxed, meditative state. Recent (2007) studies have shown that experiences somewhat similar to OBEs can be induced by direct brain stimulation.

Some of those who experience OBEs claimed to have willed themselves out of their bodies, while others report having found themselves being pulled from their bodies (usually preceded by a feeling of paralysis). In other accounts, the feeling of being outside the body was suddenly realized after the fact, and the experiencers saw their own bodies almost by accident.[9] OBEs often occur during the borderline stage between REM sleep and arousal when sleep paralysis may persist and dream imagery may mingle with sensory input.[10]

Some neurologists have suspected that the event is triggered by a mismatch between visual and tactile signals. They used a virtual reality setup to recreate an OBE. The subject looked through goggles and saw his own body as it would appear to an outside observer standing behind him. The experimenter then touched the subject at the same time as a rod appeared to touch the virtual image. The experiment created an illusion of being behind and outside one's body.[11] However, both critics and the experimenter
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Then, you believe it is logical for the laws of physics and nature to bend, fold, manipulate and even be violated while you are not in a conscious state of mind. And to further the dilemma, you also believe that you have the faculties and capacity to make a determination that your state of mind is violating those laws WHILE IN that state of mind. It is really quite astounding... the belief, that is.
The laws of physics need not hold in an alternate reality. I didn't claim that it is an alternate reality--it could be all fantasy in my head. I believe otherwise, but obviously can't prove it. No one can prove that alternate realities can't exist; that's my only point. Lack of evidence doesn't prove that. Nor does any triggering mechanism.
The laws of physics need not hold in an alternate reality. I didn't claim that it is an alternate reality--it could be all fantasy in my head. I believe otherwise, but obviously can't prove it. No one can prove that alternate realities can't exist; that's my only point. Lack of evidence doesn't prove that. Nor does any triggering mechanism.
Agreed that no one can prove that alternate realities don't exist.
But if people can access them then they must be detectable by some means. But how come the only way we have "detected" them is through people undergoing what we know can be explained as nothing more than hallucination?
it could be all fantasy in my head. I believe otherwise

There you have your explanation.

No one can prove that alternate realities can't exist; that's my only point. Lack of evidence doesn't prove that. Nor does any triggering mechanism.

This is the funny part, the burden of proof is on those to prove the fantasies in your head aren't real.

Woo-woos should really try to understand the "Burden of Proof" fallacy before posting their fantasies. ;)
How about if I said "I don't argue about astral travelling. I don't need to."?

On the other hand I could point that there is absolutely no evidence for it being real whatsoever. There is not one single case of "astral travelling" that has been shown to be anything other than a dream/ delusion/ hallucination.
Actually there are many cases of this. Most people who experience something they call astral travelling are not in a laboratory somewhere where their experience can be categorized as you suggest. It seems like the proper position is to be agnostic. One can be skeptical in the extreme even. But once you state for sure their experience must have been on that list, you are hallucinating that some sort of verification process for your conclusion took place.
Actually there are many cases of this.
There are many cases that "astral travelling" has been shown to be something other than hallucination etc?

Most people who experience something they call astral travelling are not in a laboratory somewhere where their experience can be categorized as you suggest.
That isn't what I suggested at all.
What I did say is that those that have been in a lab or under observation of some sort have not shown that they have "travelled" anywhere.

But once you state for sure their experience must have been on that list, you are hallucinating that some sort of verification process for your conclusion took place.
I didn't say it must be on that list - only the ones that have been "tested".
There are many cases that "astral travelling" has been shown to be something other than hallucination etc?

That isn't what I suggested at all.
What I did say is that those that have been in a lab or under observation of some sort have not shown that they have "travelled" anywhere.

I didn't say it must be on that list - only the ones that have been "tested".
yeah, I just reread your wording. I am wrong. wrong. wrong.

Darn it.
And what could god possibly tell you phlog, when you already know you have all the answers?

The reason I am an atheist is because I DO NOT have all the answers!

Take this big question that itches my cranium; "Where did the Universe come from?"

You have an answer to that question, God. As an atheist ex scientist, well, I have part of the picture, but not all of it.

Having unanswered questions makes us strive to gain knowledge, and inspires us to think in different ways. Falling back on 'God' is rather a cop out.
Hi Phlogistician,

I am also an Atheist but i believe in out of body experiences. I too have had couple but I did not have control over where I went, I also felt very scared, when the first time it happened I got up from my sleep and asked my brother who was in the same room if he felt the room or bed vibrate. My wife has had a similar experience but the difference is she used to be a skeptic and a believer in God.

I would not write off the experience which the OP has posted since I speak from experience or have experience something very similar to what Alan has experienced. He is lucky to have experienced the cosmos. Also there are times when you move between what your mind creates and what you see. There are things in the Universe which your mind tries to relate to its knowledge database. Example: if you come across an intelligent alien specie who helps you understand or answers your questions ..your mind will perceive it as a old professor or Jesus or Buddha if you are religious.

Please do not write off such experiences ..and do research on books by Robert Monroe, Brian Weiss, Raymond Moody, Robert Buhlman.

I would like to thank Alan Mcdougall for sharing this information. I would also like to know more about his cosmos experiences and how does he control his consciousness.
Please do not write off such experiences ..and do research on books by Robert Monroe, Brian Weiss, Raymond Moody, Robert Buhlman.

Yeah, and you might consider taking a Physics 101 course so you can understand why those so-called out of body experiences are pure bunk.
The reason I am an atheist is because I DO NOT have all the answers!

Take this big question that itches my cranium; "Where did the Universe come from?"

You have an answer to that question, God. As an atheist ex scientist, well, I have part of the picture, but not all of it.

Having unanswered questions makes us strive to gain knowledge, and inspires us to think in different ways. Falling back on 'God' is rather a cop out.

You're operating with a false paradigm. God is the why, not the how.
Hi Hipparchia

It differs from the regular dream - when it happens to you it is like you are awake and can feel the vibrations and you can hear a popping noise. The only difference is that you cannot move your physical body feels it is paralyzed. Once you get scared your consciousness returns back to your physical body and you can remember every detail. The only difference is the experience feels non local to your body. ( Non Local is a quantum physics term)

Hi Q,
If you have more than one liners to refute then I will be interested in indulging a decent conversation with you. Have you read about Quantum physics and string theory. They have a concept which is called various dimensions how do you explain that ? and if you do then why can't you believe your consciousness is non-local.
Have you read about Quantum physics and string theory. They have a concept which is called various dimensions how do you explain that ? and if you do then why can't you believe your consciousness is non-local.
And what do think is meant by "various dimensions"?
Why should consciousness be non-local? What makes you think it's even possible?
Hi Dywyddyr

By Various dimensions I mean the String theory proposes that there are more dimensions than the 3 dimension world we live in might range from 6 to 24 dimensions. ..I am sure you will get a comment from Q to get a Quantum Physics 101. :p:p

The reason why I say consciousness is non local is because of NDEs recorded and investigated by likes of Raymond Moody. Also because of some of my own experiences (which you guys can easily discount :rolleyes:) and because of experiences of Robert Monroe who has an institute running in North Carolina and will make you experience the same using binaural beats if you would like to try that out.

It is very easy to write off some ideas if you don't wish to research on the same.
By Various dimensions I mean the String theory proposes that there are more dimensions than the 3 dimension world we live in might range from 6 to 24 dimensions. ..I am sure you will get a comment from Q to get a Quantum Physics 101. :p:p
Yes, my mistake, I meant what do you understand a dimension to be?
I.e. what do you think these "extras" actually do?

The reason why I say consciousness is non local is because of NDEs recorded and investigated by likes of Raymond Moody.
Er no, he didn't record any NDEs, he recorded people's account of them.
This would bring us on to
A) NDEs have been duplicated through drug use (notably DMT). And the observation that DMT is released naturally into the brain when a human undergoes trauma.
B) the general reliability (actually unreliability) of "eye witness" accounts.

It is very easy to write off some ideas if you don't wish to research on the same.
Oops, assumptions.
It's also easy to write off ideas if you've done extensive "research" into the topic.
Hi Hipparchia

It differs from the regular dream - when it happens to you it is like you are awake and can feel the vibrations and you can hear a popping noise. The only difference is that you cannot move your physical body feels it is paralyzed. Once you get scared your consciousness returns back to your physical body and you can remember every detail.
This sounds an awful lot like sleep paralysis. Would you accept that that is a possibility?