My first out of body experience

So does insanity, which is far more logical, since there is no evidence for those realms but plenty of evidence for religious insanity.

stop being so hung up on religion. nobody's talking about religion except you.
Yes I do. I don't know how but if I had to guess I'd say its through a form of energy. And I have detected that energy. Its manifested in a variety of ways that I have been able to observe.

We can detect energy. All you have to do is design an experiment and it seems you can prove the existence of the human soul.

So why don't you?
We can detect energy. All you have to do is design an experiment and it seems you can prove the existence of the human soul.

So why don't you?

because i didn't have to. i didn't expect what happened to me, and while i allowed it, i wasn't controlling it. i wasn't in a lab; i was in my living room.

when i was experiencing the ultra weird stuff in 2005, i actually did feel like a rat in a cage. but see, i was the one in the cage. it was those on the "other side" who were poking and prodding to get a reaction. i always got the impression that what i went through was going to witness to a lot of people. i'm just not sure how that will happen.
because i didn't have to. i didn't expect what happened to me, and while i allowed it, i wasn't controlling it. i wasn't in a lab; i was in my living room.

when i was experiencing the ultra weird stuff in 2005, i actually did feel like a rat in a cage. but see, i was the one in the cage. it was those on the "other side" who were poking and prodding to get a reaction. i always got the impression that what i went through was going to witness to a lot of people. i'm just not sure how that will happen.

OK, so you're happy in your delusion, and you don't want anything to challenge that.
OK, so you're happy in your delusion, and you don't want anything to challenge that.

i don't care if anything challenges it. i don't have an agenda here, and any egotistical ties to the experience i ever had, have been beaten out of me by the experience itself.

not giving a crap about consequences, and whether i had been right or wrong, was how i got to know god in the first place.

it takes humility and an open mind to learn, and to allow god into your life.
not giving a crap about consequences, and whether i had been right or wrong

That is the believers stance, yes. They don't care about anything other than their beliefs, regardless of the conflict and harm it does to others.

Kristians Kausing Konflict
That is the believers stance, yes. They don't care about anything other than their beliefs, regardless of the conflict and harm it does to others.

Kristians Kausing Konflict

oh, stop with your hate rhetoric.

what i meant was that i didn't care what it meant for me personally, from a consequential or egotistical point of view. i just wanted to know the truth.
Why is it that every delusional crank automatically assumes than everyone who has the experience they did will also come to absolutely the same conclusions?
It's just highly likely, methinks. Sorry, claiming that alternate realities can't exist, or can't be what people are experiencing with OBEs, is what's crankish. It's completely illogical. I don't have more time to argue the obvious.
It's just highly likely, methinks.
Yet I have already informed you that it happens.

Sorry, claiming that alternate realities can't exist, or can't be what people are experiencing with OBEs, is what's crankish. It's completely illogical.
Correction. Making claims against the evidence is what defines illogical and "crankish".

I don't have more time to argue the obvious.
If it were "obvious" you wouldn't have to argue it. :rolleyes:
More "logic". You resorted to an ad hom attack. You lost, get over it.
Wrong again.
Where's the ad hom?
You mean you think "I haven't got the time to back up anything I say" is winning?
Wow, that's a new one.
Sorry, claiming that alternate realities can't exist, or can't be what people are experiencing with OBEs, is what's crankish. It's completely illogical. I don't have more time to argue the obvious.

Then, you believe it is logical for the laws of physics and nature to bend, fold, manipulate and even be violated while you are not in a conscious state of mind. And to further the dilemma, you also believe that you have the faculties and capacity to make a determination that your state of mind is violating those laws WHILE IN that state of mind. It is really quite astounding... the belief, that is.
hm. well if that's not the pot calling the kettle black, i don't know what is.

You have the arrogance to think that the supreme being, creator of the entire Universe, talks to you, and you think my ego rivals yours?

Outstanding Lori. You know, the first step towards solving a problem, is admitting you have a problem. You seem oblivious to yours.
You have the arrogance to think that the supreme being, creator of the entire Universe, talks to you, and you think my ego rivals yours?

Outstanding Lori. You know, the first step towards solving a problem, is admitting you have a problem. You seem oblivious to yours.

God talks to lots of people, and lots of people listen. I'm not special in that regard.

And what could god possibly tell you phlog, when you already know you have all the answers?