My Daughter's FaceBook Account

The pill is a hormonal adjustment that concerned me when my wife was taking it. I would hate to subject a teenage girl to it. Look, of course I want my daughter to be safe, and yes, she's been educated in the ways of contraceptives and appropriate protection, yet that doesn't mean she needs to jump into the game now. I would prefer she wait till she's an adult, and that's what encourage to do--be patient.

thats irrelivent, you still think you matter, you DONT. It has NOTHING to do with you, the ONLY person who can decide when she is ready is HER and the only people who have any input into it is HER and HER PARTNER. The fact that you made her promis YOU is sickning. That whole movement (or whatever you want to call it) of abstance pleges is incestuas and sick and highly disterbing.

A study by the NSW education department found that a fair percentage of women had sex by 14, boys tend to be a little latter.
I haven't had time to read through the whole thread. But here's my two cents.

I used to work with teenagers. I've found that trying to tell them what not to do will only push them away, and make them more sneaky.

I think that what you did was wrong. You had no right to read through her messages. As soon as you saw that she was still logged in, you should have pushed log out and left it at that. But you did and now you have no choice but to deal with the situation.

I would confront her and explain to her what you did. Don't tell her any of the details of what you read, just tell her that you saw some of her messages between her and some of her friends including her boyfriend. She already knows the details and bringing them up will only make the situation terribly awkward.

The first thing you are going to need to do before you confront her, and keep in mind while you're talking with her, is that it is up to you to accept that she is no longer a child and is going to start making her own decisions whether they are bad or good, or whether you tell her to do certain things or not.

So back to the confrontation. Start off by having the sex talk. Explain to her the risks involved with being sexually active. Pregnancy, diseases, damage to ones reputation etc. Then make sure she knows how to be safe with it. You may want to ask her if she needs condoms or the pill. Some people may suggest that your wife have this conversation alone with her, but I think it is very important for children to know that both of their parents are involved.

Then tell her that you would greatly appreciate it if she stayed out of your room and out of your personal stuff. The bitch of this situation is that you are guilty of that same thing that she is in this respect. You went through her private things, and found out that she was going through your private things. Your going to need to bargain with her on this one. Explain to her that you value your privacy and felt invaded when you found out she had gone through your stuff. But make sure to acknowledge that you did the same thing. Tell her that you wont do it again, and would greatly appreciate it if she did the same for you.
Facebook, Twitter Revolutionizing How Parents Stalk Their College-Aged Kids

Not a perfect match, but close enough.

Good luck Bowser. Look on the bright side; you could have stumbled across information indicating she was using drugs. Virtually all teenagers have sex at some point during their teenaged years (well, I didn't, but being an uber nerd is possibly the world's most effective form of birth control), but not all of them end up using illegal drugs.

My daughter is an excellent student: however, we reward her with cash to encourage her efforts in school. I'm certain that drugs are not an issue, which is a good thing. We went through that issue with my son, who was smoking reefer during school--and got caught.

I was wild and loose when I was young, and I just want my kids to do better. I took a lot of risks that were unnecessary and now consider myself fortunate that I didn't find myself at worse ends. Sex is risky business, much like using drugs. It can have psychological consequences as well. It's not a trivial thing.
thats irrelivent, you still think you matter, you DONT. It has NOTHING to do with you, the ONLY person who can decide when she is ready is HER and the only people who have any input into it is HER and HER PARTNER. The fact that you made her promis YOU is sickning. That whole movement (or whatever you want to call it) of abstance pleges is incestuas and sick and highly disterbing.

A study by the NSW education department found that a fair percentage of women had sex by 14, boys tend to be a little latter.

My daughter has the ability to stick a cigarette in her mouth, should I let her start smoking?
strange you concider sex and smoking to be equivilant, secondly even using your example how are you going to stop her if she really wants to smoke? You could call the cops on her for breaking the tobbaco act but do you think that would really help.

As an ex smoker i can tell you there is nothing you can say that will stop her if she really wants to
strange you concider sex and smoking to be equivilant, secondly even using your example how are you going to stop her if she really wants to smoke? You could call the cops on her for breaking the tobbaco act but do you think that would really help.

As an ex smoker i can tell you there is nothing you can say that will stop her if she really wants to

The point is, it's a legitimate concern. Sexual intercourse is no more appropriate for a fourteen-year-old than is smoking. Some people here seem to be expressing the opinion that since it's within a child's grasp, it should be allowed. Hell, I suppose, as they seem to be suggesting, that I should just sit on my couch while my daughter is being boinked in her bedroom. I understand that everybody thinks I'm being totally uncool because I'm so opposed to the notion, but I think I'm simply being a father.
The pill is a hormonal adjustment that concerned me when my wife was taking it. I would hate to subject a teenage girl to it. Look, of course I want my daughter to be safe, and yes, she's been educated in the ways of contraceptives and appropriate protection, yet that doesn't mean she needs to jump into the game now. I would prefer she wait till she's an adult, and that's what encourage to do--be patient.

Just ignore Asguard. The man saw fit to tell one and all how he ordered his girlfriend that if she consumed anything he did not approve of while they were trying to conceive, he would withhold sex. So the notion of respect and relationships could very well be foreign to him.

Your issue is a touchy one.

Your daughter should be allowed some level of privacy and that privacy comes with trust from yourself and your wife, especially while growing up. As a parent, it is normal that you would prefer she wait until she is an adult to make that kind of decision. Or at the very least, not rush into it because of peer pressure from her friends, her boyfriend of society in general. While the majority of teenagers will have sex, it should only ever be when they are ready and not because it's the cool thing to do or because everyone else is doing it.

The fact that you saw the extent of what she is considering or talking about with her friends by looking at her personal messages on her Facebook makes this the touchy issue. Was it an invasion of her privacy? Yes. Are you allowed to also know what she gets up to? Yes. As her parent, it is your job and your role to ensure her safety and wellbeing. You could be honest about what you accidently found and face her possible anger, which would at least make sure that everything was out in the open.

One of the things you can do, if you wish to keep your.. err.. snooping from her, is to tell her that because she is reaching that 'certain age', that you would prefer she not entertain her boyfriend in her bedroom but in a more public area of the house. And possibly also talk to her about not having sex because everyone else is or because of any peer pressure from her friends (for example), but to wait until she is ready and will feel responsible enough to possibly take on the responsibility of what can happen when one has sex, even with protection. She is at that age now where that conversation would be prudent. You should also reiterate that you are both there for her if she ever wants to talk about it and that she will not be judged or punished for what she eventually decides. Most importantly, emphasise that if and when she does have sex, to use protection and to only do it when she is ready and sure.

I don't envy your position. But one I suspect most parents will face at some point in time.
I don't envy your position. But one I suspect most parents will face at some point in time.

Well, my wife let the cat out of the bag and told my daughter more than she should have. Now I have to wait before I approach her because she's pissed at the moment. I will get a chance the next time I drive her to gymnastics--it's a long drive. I put a lock on her bedroom door as a Christmas gift, now she's using it.
Well, my wife let the cat out of the bag and told my daughter more than she should have. Now I have to wait before I approach her because she's pissed at the moment. I will get a chance the next time I drive her to gymnastics--it's a long drive. I put a lock on her bedroom door as a Christmas gift, now she's using it.

It is better it is out in the open. As angry as she is now, it is better to not have to lie about anything more. She could also be a bit embarrassed about what you may have read and now know about her.

If the boyfriend comes over, have your wife suggest she not use the lock on her door and to entertain the boyfriend in a public area of the house.

Let her calm down, talk to her and probably even look at going away for a weekend (on the plus side, this gets her away from the boyfriend), just for a short holiday somewhere close and where she might have some fun and get a chance to reconnect with you and your wife without facebook as a distraction. Even camping or something fun and interesting.:)
It is better it is out in the open. As angry as she is now, it is better to not have to lie about anything more. She could also be a bit embarrassed about what you may have read and now know about her.

If the boyfriend comes over, have your wife suggest she not use the lock on her door and to entertain the boyfriend in a public area of the house.

Let her calm down, talk to her and probably even look at going away for a weekend (on the plus side, this gets her away from the boyfriend), just for a short holiday somewhere close and where she might have some fun and get a chance to reconnect with you and your wife without facebook as a distraction. Even camping or something fun and interesting.:)

As a general rule, that door stays unlocked when he's at our house. And as I understand it, his parents keep a close eye on them when she's at his house. I don't want to force her into a corner that needs my constant attention; I just want her to be responsible. We need to reach an understanding that doesn't require a chastity belt. I would like to talk with both of them at the same time. more appropriate for a fourteen-year-old than is smoking....

And you would stay in love with her and hang in there with her, during this transition from childhood. She got lots of time, and you have those nasty "burnt-lung" pics to help her to "put the future right up front there in her mind".

If you can't get her to wear the "strap-on pregnancy pillow", then you wear it in front of her.

Make her think about the future. I'm making you think about yours.
I read your post. I would hope that she stays true to her promise to wait at least till she's seventeen. She's just a kid right now. I was fortunate in that I never caught an STD or impregnated one of my girlfriends. Let's face it, the moment of sex doesn't always begin with rational thought.

She's home. so I need to get off her netbook. Shhh!

If you use protection, and are smart about who you have sex with, odds are good that you won't have any problems. Obviously there are still some risks, but walking out the front door is a risk, too, and you certainly don't expect her not to do that.

She's not obligated to wait until she's 17 anymore than you were, and it's naive to think she would or even should wait. And as hard as it is to realize as a father, she's not a kid at 14 years old. She's sexually mature, if not emotionally mature, and she clearly wants to have sex. You can't stop it, so why not give her all the information she needs to have? I'm sorry if you don't want to hear that, but maybe it's time to act like a responsible parent and actually do some good for her.
You can only do so much. After that, you hold on, and hope for the best.

A very good friend had a wonderful daughter. Her birth mother was very wild (quite possibly bipolar), and they had a brief marriage that ended with her leaving town, and losing touch with him, and her daughter. No one knew where she was, or really cared to know. His daughter was not even three when she disappeared, so his second wife was the only mother she ever knew.

He met a good woman, they got married, and he continued his education. His daughter was a delight, and she always had a good home. She had parents, grand parents, and even great grandparents that doted on her. She was always supervised, kept away from bad influences, and generally had a pretty great childhood. She was pretty, and outgoing, and made lots of friends in school.

But, some seismic rumblings began when she hit her teen years. My friend had to accept a teaching position quite far away after he graduated. His daughter had just turned fifteen, and though she was still pretty well behaved, her personality was changing quite rapidly. She did not want to move hundreds of miles away, and leave behind all of her friends. It seemed to act as a triggering event, that sent her on a path that she might not otherwise have gone down. Of course, none of the family really wanted to move, and as I was pretty close to an adopted uncle, I didn't want them to move either. His younger daughter, ten at the time, told me that I should move with them (I've rarely been so flattered). But it was done out of economic necessity.

After the move, things went downhill pretty quickly. Her California style was a bit much for her new school. Her grades went downhill, she began hanging out with a bad crowd, and she began cutting herself. She responded to attempts to discipline her by running away. I ended up with some very substantial telephone bills because I was calling them up so much when she had run away, desperate for news that she was ok. I ended up building them a computer (this was the early 2000's, and they were broke) so that we could keep in touch by email, and save on the phone bills. A couple of times she disappeared for weeks. My friend's younger brother suggested that it was her biological mother coming out in her; as mental illness has a significant heritability, that was quite likely correct.

The years between fifteen and eighteen were very hard on both her, and the rest of the family. They had her committed a couple of times. She finally ended up joining the Job Corps, which really seemed to suit her. I was never privy to her actual diagnosis, but I believe she was bipolar. She came out of the worst of it, and was doing reasonably well for herself as a young single mother when we lost her to a car accident when she was twenty three.

The point I'm attempting to make is that, in spite of having a good, loving, well disciplined two parent home, sometimes things go wrong. Chances are excellent that you'll never have to go through anything like what I've described above. Maybe it will help give you some perspective on how things could be.
If you use protection, and are smart about who you have sex with, odds are good that you won't have any problems. Obviously there are still some risks, but walking out the front door is a risk, too, and you certainly don't expect her not to do that.

She's not obligated to wait until she's 17 anymore than you were, and it's naive to think she would or even should wait. And as hard as it is to realize as a father, she's not a kid at 14 years old. She's sexually mature, if not emotionally mature, and she clearly wants to have sex. You can't stop it, so why not give her all the information she needs to have? I'm sorry if you don't want to hear that, but maybe it's time to act like a responsible parent and actually do some good for her.

She has all the information regarding it. We don't hold that from her, of course. I just want her to enjoy her childhood. There's no need to hurry.
And you would stay in love with her and hang in there with her, during this transition from childhood. She got lots of time, and you have those nasty "burnt-lung" pics to help her to "put the future right up front there in her mind".

If you can't get her to wear the "strap-on pregnancy pillow", then you wear it in front of her.

Make her think about the future. I'm making you think about yours.

Love is unconditional. My son has stepped on my toes so many times that I've lost count, yet he still has a bedroom in my house. Regardless of the direction she takes in this matter, we will always love her.
HAHAHAHHA my god you a nieve. You know where my ex and i first had sex? A park you really are stupid if you think that you are doing ANYTHING but driving her away if you try to interfear in her sexlife. All you are doing is making them move it to somewhere less safe and secure and isolating her from being able to talk to you if she needs to
HAHAHAHHA my god you a nieve. You know where my ex and i first had sex? A park you really are stupid if you think that you are doing ANYTHING but driving her away if you try to interfear in her sexlife. All you are doing is making them move it to somewhere less safe and secure and isolating her from being able to talk to you if she needs to

So you're telling me that I should drop the hammer? I could do that because I'm the parent. I don't want to, preferring a mutual understanding, but I can. I've been pretty reasonable thus far. I've allowed them to retreat into her bedroom without much supervision. I've let them go to movies. I've let her go to his house. All I require is the assurance that they behave themselves. :shrug:
You can only do so much. After that, you hold on, and hope for the best.

Thanks for the story, Repo. My daughter and I just talked and she tells me that they're not doing the terrible deed. As for what I read on her FaceBook, "that's just boredom talking" and a lack of anything better to say. I believe her, but I'm still stunned by what I read. I never talked like that with any of my girlfriends when I was that age. There was sexual innuendo when I was a kid, but their stuff was very risque. It was nasty.

I think she is embarrassed, and maybe the lesson here is to not leave your FaceBook account open when you leave for school, more so when your parent is at home for the day. I told her that we put a lot of faith in her and her boyfriend, so they better fly straight and narrow. Sex isn't everything it's made out to be.