Muslims lie

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man, thats the longest post I have seen from (Q), even though its full of the same BS.

Kudos to Arsalan. :bravo:

So tell me (Q) would you lie if you thought it would do good or prevent harm?

What would be your [atheistic] basis for making the decision of good or harm?

Do enlighten us befuddled delusional theists on your criteria for making the distinction.
if i could put my 5 pence worth in

i thought this lying thing was all to do with - if as a muslim your life was under threat because you were a muslim, then it is ok to lie and say you are not. Ie someone was torturing you becasue fo religionor wahtever and the only way you coudl get out of it is to deny you are a muslim the it is ok. slmethign liek that anyway .. Also if someone else was going to get in to shite if you told the truth abotu being a muslim

obviosuly i havent said the above very eloquently but i hope you get the idea
if i could put my 5 pence worth in

i thought this lying thing was all to do with - if as a muslim your life was under threat because you were a muslim, then it is ok to lie and say you are not. Ie someone was torturing you becasue fo religionor wahtever and the only way you coudl get out of it is to deny you are a muslim the it is ok. slmethign liek that anyway .. Also if someone else was going to get in to shite if you told the truth abotu being a muslim

obviosuly i havent said the above very eloquently but i hope you get the idea

Thanks, Zak, they are the same arguments offered over and over again.

So, when was the last time you were tortured because of your religion?

And, when you were being tortured, do you think your god knew about it? And, do you also think that your god might know what is in the minds of those who were torturing you?
Thanks, Zak, they are the same arguments offered over and over again.

So, when was the last time you were tortured because of your religion?

And, when you were being tortured, do you think your god knew about it? And, do you also think that your god might know what is in the minds of those who were torturing you?

in my humble and ill knowledgable opinion i assumign that this was just in case you were.

I of course lie all the time, i need to - i run a business!!!! (J/K)

no but i guess we all lie from time to time (probably more than what we admit) i guess it all comes down to context and situation and what your perception of things is and whether you are being selfish and all that sort of stuff.

and of course i havent got torture cos of religion, a bit of ball breaking at school but what the hell. - I live in the Mighty Uk where muslims are free to be better muslims then in the fucked up middleeast, pakistan and those other so called muslim countruies... But then again who am i to say whether these countries are muslim countries or not - blah blah blah

Me - i am just a mere guy trying to earn a lving so my family ahve a nice life with not to much hardship.
the fucked up middleeast, pakistan and those other so called muslim countruies...

Me - i am just a mere guy trying to earn a lving so my family ahve a nice life with not to much hardship.

I know, Zak. You're the one honest Muslim amongst the rest here, and you demonstrate it time and again. Thanks for that. :)
Thanks for being nice to him. I was thinking you'd be your mean ole self :)
Thanks for being nice to him. I was thinking you'd be your mean ole self :)

That would most likely be a result of one of us having some ability at distinguishing lies and liars, if that's what you really thought.

Yes, I'm mean to liars, Sam. I'm even meaner to liars who pretend to be nice. It is morally acceptable, *imao.

*in my atheist opinion. :rolleyes:
No problem, I'm not out to win a popularity contest and I wouldn't trust you if you were nice to me. But, thanks for being nice to Zak. :D
What is entertaining to me at this point is how quiet MW has become while we all debate how evil we are to her. Er-wait nonono my bad. Muslims are naughty liars, Christians and Jews are weak minded fools who need crutches. I look forward to what words of wisdom she'll spout next. Perhaps she'll lash out at hinduism or shintoism... I keep hoping she'll nip at native american religion, just for some spice. I don't think she is an Atheist. She's just Anti-religion in general. If she were an Atheist, she wouldn't care, would she?
M*W: Actually, I was out of town over the long weekend without computer access. I just sit back and read the responses to my posts, and posts about my posts, and watch how my words get twisted.

I am an atheist, since I don't believe in a god or gods. I am anti-religion, because I believe religions have brought evils to humankind. No one religion is better than the next. I have learned from S.A.M. that Muslims are liars. That has been my observation of her. I believe that religion is an addiction. Why would you think that I would lash out at Native American religion when it was originally a personal spirituality and not organized until christianity tainted it?

Saying that "atheists don't care" is another theistic lie. Atheists do care. That's why they don't believe in something that is not there.
Then you might not be, according to MW, evil.

I got a decent amount of Judaism and even a few months of Hebrew when I was a kid because of where I grew up, despite the fact that it was a public school and I wasn't Jewish. But it has all slipped away just like Spanish.

M*W: People aren't evil, but their religions are.
Oh my fairy-winged hippopotumus, see how your candy-striped teeth twinkle in the green light of our non-day. Rabbits are evil. Religions are harmless. People are dangerous and subject to eradication.
Oh my fairy-winged hippopotumus, see how your candy-striped teeth twinkle in the green light of our non-day. Rabbits are evil. Religions are harmless. People are dangerous and subject to eradication.

M*W: Be more specific. People with religions are dangerous and subject to eradication of each other.
No, I was right the first time. Humans are putrid insects, akin to locusts. With any luck they will burn themselves out of existence soon. Not just the religious. All of them.
Then why did you say this?
M*W: Abraham was a pagan just like his father before him. Abraham worshipped many gods. The Abrahamic religions evolved out of paganism.

I used the term "evil" rather broadly. My concept of the "evil" Abrahamic religions is that the story of Abraham and his life is totally opposite of the way it appears in the OT. Maybe Abraham, if he even existed, wasn't truly "evil," but lived a lifestyle that is not understood by his followers (Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.).

The story of Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac is what I would call "evil." Abraham's rejection of Ishmael and his mother is another story I would call "evil." Abraham marring his half-sister was the custom of the day, but comparing it to our day and time, the story is "evil."

However, I believe that human beings are basically good and want to do the right things for ourselves and each other... or that's the way I think it should be. Ultimately, I think the stories that originated about Abraham, his life and family, are fiction, and I'm not convinced that Abraham really existed.
**** I have learned from S.A.M. that Muslims are liars. That has been my observation of her. I believe that religion is an addiction.

Saying that "atheists don't care" is another theistic lie. Atheists do care. That's why they don't believe in something that is not there.

You cannot learn from S.A.M that muslims are liars, if you think S.A.M is a liar then you have learned that an individual human being is a liar not an entire 1/6 of the human population are liars.

Religion is as much of an addiction as your quest to destroy it is.

Saying that Atheists are liars is in the same league as what you say about religious people in general. Humans are liars, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, buddhists, and any other group of people. Everybody lies for good or for bad deception is a huge human trait that we used to use for survival and hunting, but now we use it to get what we want or provoke what we want in others.

Not every muslim heeds the words of the holy scriptures 100% and follows the words blindly, each individual has his or her own path in following any set of beliefs. It is the same for Christians not every Christian follows every single word of the bible.

If individuals bother you with the way that they are then it would be wise to address the specific individual on the matter, instead of in-turn saying "well your a muslim/christian you did (insert offence here) so that must mean every muslim or christian is the same and I don't like any of you". We are all humans Theist or Atheist we have more in common with each other than differences, hostility on both ends of the spectrum will only lead to more hostility and suffering. Can you not see that if we act like this with each other we are no better than little children bickering in the school playground, "im better than you, your stupid".

Alot of people need to grow up, Adults and elders should set good examples for the younger generations to follow. If the older generations act as foolishly as the younger ones then what hope is there?.

When you are stuck in your own circle of thoughts and egotistical beliefs it can be very difficult to realize when you are being unwise. sometimes it tkes an outsider and neutral to point out the folly of your ways.

You cannot learn from S.A.M that muslims are liars, if you think S.A.M is a liar then you have learned that an individual human being is a liar not an entire 1/6 of the human population are liars.

Religion is as much of an addiction as your quest to destroy it is.

Saying that Atheists are liars is in the same league as what you say about religious people in general. Humans are liars, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, buddhists, and any other group of people. Everybody lies for good or for bad deception is a huge human trait that we used to use for survival and hunting, but now we use it to get what we want or provoke what we want in others.

Not every muslim heeds the words of the holy scriptures 100% and follows the words blindly, each individual has his or her own path in following any set of beliefs. It is the same for Christians not every Christian follows every single word of the bible.

If individuals bother you with the way that they are then it would be wise to address the specific individual on the matter, instead of in-turn saying "well your a muslim/christian you did (insert offence here) so that must mean every muslim or christian is the same and I don't like any of you". We are all humans Theist or Atheist we have more in common with each other than differences, hostility on both ends of the spectrum will only lead to more hostility and suffering. Can you not see that if we act like this with each other we are no better than little children bickering in the school playground, "im better than you, your stupid".

Alot of people need to grow up, Adults and elders should set good examples for the younger generations to follow. If the older generations act as foolishly as the younger ones then what hope is there?

When you are stuck in your own circle of thoughts and egotistical beliefs it can be very difficult to realize when you are being unwise. sometimes it tkes an outsider and neutral to point out the folly of your ways. peace.
M*W: Thanks for your reply. I believe I have made it clear that of all the Muslims I know, I believe it is only S.A.M. that lies. However, I don't know what she is like in real life, but I have a feeling that she lies wherever she goes. Let me say once again, I have never known a Muslim who has lied that I was aware of. S.A.M.'s posts contain obvious and repetitive lies. I've given this some thought. Perhaps it's not because S.A.M. is Muslim, and I don't think it's because S.A.M.'s Indian. Maybe this is just S.A.M. Maybe this is what she does and how she copes with life. Now that I understand that S.A.M. is probably a very lonely and desperate person, I have no desire to communicate with S.A.M. on this or any other forum.

With that said, I have never been biased against Muslims or any other group. Also, I never set out to destroy Islam, because I don't know that much about it (except for how S.A.M. has portrayed it to be). My problem is with christianity, because I lived it, and I saw its destructive ways all brought to us through the guise of salvation.

Anyway, thank you for your thoughts.

~ M*W
M*W: Abraham was a pagan just like his father before him. Abraham worshipped many gods. The Abrahamic religions evolved out of paganism.

I used the term "evil" rather broadly. My concept of the "evil" Abrahamic religions is that the story of Abraham and his life is totally opposite of the way it appears in the OT. Maybe Abraham, if he even existed, wasn't truly "evil," but lived a lifestyle that is not understood by his followers (Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.).

The story of Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac is what I would call "evil." Abraham's rejection of Ishmael and his mother is another story I would call "evil." Abraham marring his half-sister was the custom of the day, but comparing it to our day and time, the story is "evil."

However, I believe that human beings are basically good and want to do the right things for ourselves and each other... or that's the way I think it should be. Ultimately, I think the stories that originated about Abraham, his life and family, are fiction, and I'm not convinced that Abraham really existed.

What you said above explains some of your thoughts on the religions. It does not explain what you said about the followers of those religions.

M*W: That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Here you specifically say they are evil.
Elsewhere you say they are hopeless.
Elsewhere you say they are deluded.

Do you tell your Muslim friends you think this way about them or are you dishonest about it.
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M*W: Abraham was a pagan just like his father before him. Abraham worshipped many gods. The Abrahamic religions evolved out of paganism.

I used the term "evil" rather broadly. My concept of the "evil" Abrahamic religions is that the story of Abraham and his life is totally opposite of the way it appears in the OT. Maybe Abraham, if he even existed, wasn't truly "evil," but lived a lifestyle that is not understood by his followers (Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.).

The story of Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac is what I would call "evil." Abraham's rejection of Ishmael and his mother is another story I would call "evil." Abraham marring his half-sister was the custom of the day, but comparing it to our day and time, the story is "evil."

However, I believe that human beings are basically good and want to do the right things for ourselves and each other... or that's the way I think it should be. Ultimately, I think the stories that originated about Abraham, his life and family, are fiction, and I'm not convinced that Abraham really existed.

Medicine you can't look outside of your own world. If you ever really saw a pagan you would're a joke of a soul who wears "awareness" like a robe. The world is "Basically good" because of all the hard work of the "pagan religions" of have Abrahamic religions to thank. Those evil things. I could seriously go on as to why you're such a fool of a woman, with an esoteric memory of perhaps 200 years...but it would do no good. You're barely a human at all.
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