Muslims lie

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Hmm, so there is no difference between Islam and Muslims then? Because where does it say that Islam has to "protect itself"?

Sam's pathetic attempt at derailing the thread on a point made to her time and again is typical, as she completely ignores it in favor of lying.

Very sad, Sam. You continue to demonstrate your dishonesty.

I suggest you take another closer look at your own honesty.

Her posts are usually topped off with a closing kindergarten statement, "I know you are but what am I?"
Derailing the thread? It was your statement, that I am asking you to substantiate, seeing as how you keep whining about believers being separate from their beliefs. Apparently, you seem to forget that distinction yourself. Or do you even comprehend any of the posts on taqiyya put forward by the Muslims so far? [seeing as its not a part of Islam, as you seem to be under the delusion of]
i want to ask a direct question, not knowing a great deal about islam, but however why do they think its ok to brainwash children to become suicide bombers? and why is it they seem to be hypocrites, they say not to drink not to have sex with whatever woman they want but they do it anyway? and then frown on the west for doing the same thing?
i want to ask a direct question, not knowing a great deal about islam, but however why do they think its ok to brainwash children to become suicide bombers? and why is it they seem to be hypocrites, they say not to drink not to have sex with whatever woman they want but they do it anyway? and then frown on the west for doing the same thing?

Perhaps it may help to actually learn about Islam before making such assumptions.

I could say, for example,

I want to ask a direct question, not knowing a great deal about British culture. Why is it okay to brainwash your children into becoming occupiers and colonialists? Why is it they seem such hypocrites, they say freedom of expression and democracy yet are occupying several countries and imposing their belief systems on everyone?
Derailing the thread? It was your statement, that I am asking you to substantiate, seeing as how you keep whining about believers being separate from their beliefs.

More lies?

Apparently, you seem to forget that distinction yourself. Or do you even comprehend any of the posts on taqiyya put forward by the Muslims so far?

Yes Sam, I've seen the arguments and they all promote lying. What's your point?
Perhaps it may help to actually learn about Islam before making such assumptions.

I could say, for example,

I want to ask a direct question, not knowing a great deal about British culture. Why is it okay to brainwash your children into becoming occupiers and colonialists? Why is it they seem such hypocrites, they say freedom of expression and democracy yet are occupying several countries and imposing their belief systems on everyone?

Yes, you could say that, but it utterly fails to make a point and has nothing to do with the thread, troll.
Yes, you could say that, but it utterly fails to make a point and has nothing to do with the thread, troll.

Oh so the fact that you think Islam lies to protect itself based on the fact that some Muslims think lying about your religious beliefs under fear of death should be admissible has nothing to do with the thread?
Oh so the fact that you think Islam lies to protect itself based on the fact that some Muslims think lying about your religious beliefs under fear of death should be admissible has nothing to do with the thread?

It's called obfuscation. That's what you do best. :)
Oh so the fact that you think Islam lies to protect itself based on the fact that some Muslims think lying about your religious beliefs under fear of death should be admissible has nothing to do with the thread?

It's the vast majority of Muslims who use lying to settle disagreements, like you do.
It's the vast majority of Muslims who use lying to settle disagreements, like you do.

Oh so they use the fact that some Muslims think it is okay to conceal their beliefs under pain of death as an excuse for settling disagreements? And you arrive at this convoluted conclusion based on what?

PS, is there a reason you're answering several posts twice? :confused:
Oh so they use the fact that some Muslims think it is okay to conceal their beliefs under pain of death as an excuse for settling disagreements?

Pain of death? :roflmao:

And you arrive at this convoluted conclusion based on what?

You and every other Muslim here demonstrate it in most every post about Islam, except Zak, of course. He is the one shining example here amongst you all.
Perhaps it may help to actually learn about Islam before making such assumptions.

I could say, for example,

I want to ask a direct question, not knowing a great deal about British culture. Why is it okay to brainwash your children into becoming occupiers and colonialists? Why is it they seem such hypocrites, they say freedom of expression and democracy yet are occupying several countries and imposing their belief systems on everyone?

because its what we do
Its hard to talk down to people. :shrug:
M*W: S.A.M., apparently you find it easy to talk down to atheists, and therefore, you have lied yet again. I'm convinced now that it isn't all Muslims who lie... it's just you. The really sad part of this is, you are even lying to yourself!
because its what we do

And why do you do it?

Pain of death? :roflmao:

Yeah, like the time they were being eaten by the crusaders. I would consider those as exsanguinating conditions. :rolleyes:

You and every other Muslim here demonstrate it in most every post about Islam, except Zak, of course. He is the one shining example here amongst you all.
So its your assumption, then? I see. :confused:
No, occupy other countries and force your beliefs down their throats.
I do believe India has not occupied another country since some of its kings went over to South East Asia. But I could be wrong. :shrug:
Well you support the Taliban (at least it seems that you do) only you dont live like the women in Afghanistan.
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