Muslims lie

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M*W: You do not know how I think nor feel about anything. You presume you do, but you don't. I like my Muslim friends, and I love all my children regardless of what they believe about religion. I am not in the business to change their belief systems. I do regret forcing them to believe in christianity, because belief in christianity is an obvious lie.

I will not apologize for disavowing Abrahamic religions anymore than I would apologize for christians being sun worshippers. You just don't get it. You have tunnel vision, and it's getting more dim by the minute.

As I have said a number of times. I do not know you. This is obvious. However I can quote what you say and ask you if you actually believe what you say.

Originally Posted by Medicine*Woman
Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

In the quote above you clearly refer to 'devotees' of these religions as evil.
In another place you refer to theists as hopeless.
Originally Posted by Medicine*Woman
Anyone who has a delusion and believes that delusion to be real is weak-minded. They are hopeless.
Obviously this would have to include your Muslim friends. They are theists.

So please. Stop saying that I don't know you. I realize that. I do know exactly what you have written.

These things seem to contradict what you say elsewhere. So I am asking you if you believe them.
As I have said a number of times. I do not know you. This is obvious. However I can quote what you say and ask you if you actually believe what you say.

In the quote above you clearly refer to 'devotees' of these religions as evil. In another place you refer to theists as hopeless.

Obviously this would have to include your Muslim friends. They are theists.

So please. Stop saying that I don't know you. I realize that. I do know exactly what you have written.

These things seem to contradict what you say elsewhere. So I am asking you if you believe them.
M*W: I've explained to you a number of times that I do not believe all Muslims lie. It is just S.A.M. who lies, that's obvious to a lot of members of this forum.

Abrahamic religion are "evil." Just look at the bible myths about Abraham. Abraham wasn't a real person. He represented the first sign of the zodiac - Aries, the Ram. Is there any part of this you don't understand?

As an atheist and former christian, I find theists to be lacking in logic and reason. IMO, anyone not dealing with logic and reason is hopeless.

My Muslim friends are theists. I don't try to push my atheism on them, but in all fairness, they sometimes (not always) try to convince me of the wonders of Islam. They are subtle about it, and this doesn't change the way I feel about them. I have shown a few of them S.A.M.'s posts, and they all said that S.A.M. doesn't know what she's talking about, so I trust in their judgment.

We all agree that you don't know me. I don't know you. You have a limited perception of what others say. Sometimes you need to look at the context of the entire thought and not just single out a word, phrase or sentence. Also, I have explained to you that I titled my thread "Muslims lie," to elicit an emotional reaction. That's exactly what the title of the thread did. Obviously, you and a couple of others could not go beyond the idea that you think I'm a bigot. My thread provided exactly what I thought it would, and I would not retract the title of that thread. It served the purpose I set out to obtain. Words don't always have to be literal to make a point. Don't jump to conclusions about anything you read and nothing you hear.
I'm not a bigot, I just post like one, so there.
M*W: Do I need to remind you that on the Internet you can be anyone you want to be? How we present ourselves in real life may not be the same as the thougts and words of our cyber personalities. As with any communication resource or medium, the way we express ourselves in words may not reflect our true personal individualism.
M*W: I've explained to you a number of times that I do not believe all Muslims lie. It is just S.A.M. who lies, that's obvious to a lot of members of this forum.
I said nothing in the post you quoted about lying or SAM, so for the life of me I cannot see why you are bringing these things up.

Abrahamic religion are "evil." Just look at the bible myths about Abraham. Abraham wasn't a real person. He represented the first sign of the zodiac - Aries, the Ram. Is there any part of this you don't understand?
It is irrelevent. I am not interested in, nor have I asked you about, your view on the Abrahamic religions. I have asked you whether you believe the things you have said. I am trying to find out if you are an honest poster here, a confused poster who does not know what she writes, or something else.

As an atheist and former christian, I find theists to be lacking in logic and reason. IMO, anyone not dealing with logic and reason is hopeless.

So, therefore, your Christian children and your Muslim friends are hopeless.

My Muslim friends are theists. I don't try to push my atheism on them, but in all fairness, they sometimes (not always) try to convince me of the wonders of Islam. They are subtle about it, and this doesn't change the way I feel about them. I have shown a few of them S.A.M.'s posts, and they all said that S.A.M. doesn't know what she's talking about, so I trust in their judgment.
Absolutely irrelevent.
We all agree that you don't know me. I don't know you. You have a limited perception of what others say. Sometimes you need to look at the context of the entire thought and not just single out a word, phrase or sentence.
Sure. But if I say, for example,

Cherokees are all failures.

Even if the meaning might be somehow offset by the context, it would be a reasonable question for you or other people here to ask if I really believe that. I have done that a number of times and you seem to be avoiding taking a stand on your statements.

Above you do take responsibility for thinking that all theists are hopeless. Regardless of the context surrounding that phrase in other posts YOU DID IN FACT mean that. So this leaves open the question of whether you actually think the devotees of the Abrahamic religions are evil. You said that also.

All you need to say is things like
I was being polemical; no I do not believe that literally.
I was trying to get a reaction; I do not believe that.
Or, of course, if it is true, you could say you believe they are all evil.

Also, I have explained to you that I titled my thread "Muslims lie," to elicit an emotional reaction. That's exactly what the title of the thread did. Obviously, you and a couple of others could not go beyond the idea that you think I'm a bigot. My thread provided exactly what I thought it would, and I would not retract the title of that thread. It served the purpose I set out to obtain. Words don't always have to be literal to make a point. Don't jump to conclusions about anything you read and nothing you hear.

It's funny I could imagine SAM saying exactly the same thing about her posts.
I also think that it is impossible for you to post as many posts per day as you claim. I think there are others who have access to your username who post radical posts on sciforums. There is no possible way you could post all those posts yourself. What kind of game are you playing?
This is an interesting claim. I just want to check out the realism of posting 48 posts per day. Not all necessarily one liners, but a mix of one liners and somewhat meatier posts. If you don't mind I am going to target all your posts for this purpose. (Actually I am going to do that whether you mind or not, which should help to simulate the SAM mode.)
Above this is a default post, the items below are new Time:7:28
M*W: I've explained to you a number of times that I do not believe all Muslims lie. It is just S.A.M. who lies, that's obvious to a lot of members of this forum.
Can you give three clear, indisputable examples please?
Islam itself just a lie that their prophet lie it to himself and he believe his own lie and make the others believe like him by sword and try to spread it from south china until Spain so if their superior Prophet is liar and he took that from his so called Allah so what do you think of the rest of their people that being like sheep's riding from here to there by their imams that doing this for money and power not for God or for eternal life what a pity
The only post that I read that warrants acknowledgement was the cough, cough I'm allergic to bullshit. Everybody lies, even when they tell the truth, they lie. Words don't mean shit, look at the action. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, you can be pretty bloody sure it's not a chicken.

For you less than intellectuals if it's shooting guns and blowing up cars it's pretty safe to say that it's evil. Same for the liar saying praise the Lord and give me your money.
As I have said a number of times. I do not know you. This is obvious. However I can quote what you say and ask you if you actually believe what you say.

In the quote above you clearly refer to 'devotees' of these religions as evil.
In another place you refer to theists as hopeless.

Obviously this would have to include your Muslim friends. They are theists.

So please. Stop saying that I don't know you. I realize that. I do know exactly what you have written.

These things seem to contradict what you say elsewhere. So I am asking you if you believe them.
M*W: I am an atheist. Do you require further explanation? I don't believe in a god or gods. There is no room for some kind of higher power in our lives. I tend to poke fun at other religions, especially christianity. What a farce christianity is!

Yes, I do have Muslim friends. When we get together as friends, they are relaxed and animated. We have good times. All I know is what I feel. My Muslim friends are funny and I'm happy to be with them. We have a lot in common. We've also had extensive discussions about Islam, and when they are in an American setting, they reject their belief in Islam. They see how we don't believe in christianity, and they really don't believe in Islam. That brings us to a mutual understanding.

Ask any American Muslim, and they will tell you that they don't believe in the ravishings of Islam. Ask any christian at the same party, and they will tell you that they are really not christian. I think a common bond can be made between christians and Muslims. Basically, there are adherents of both religions who choose not to believe. Call it some kind of Westernization, but I prefer to call it peace.
. My Muslim friends are funny and I'm happy to be with them. We have a lot in common. We've also had extensive discussions about Islam, and when they are in an American setting, they reject their belief in Islam.

So you don't have Muslim friends. You lied.

If they reject Islam they are not Muslims. They are atheists. They lied.
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M*W: I am an atheist. Do you require further explanation? I don't believe in a god or gods. There is no room for some kind of higher power in our lives. I tend to poke fun at other religions, especially christianity. What a farce christianity is!

Yes, I do have Muslim friends. When we get together as friends, they are relaxed and animated. We have good times. All I know is what I feel. My Muslim friends are funny and I'm happy to be with them. We have a lot in common. We've also had extensive discussions about Islam, and when they are in an American setting, they reject their belief in Islam.
Irrelevent and nonsensical. If they refect their Muslim beliefs they are not Muslim. You said over and over that you have Muslim friends who judge SAM as bad or misrepresenting Muslim. Now when I point out that you must think they are evil, you NOW say they reject their Muslim beliefs. So their status of expert - ie. being Muslims who judge SAM harshly - is also lost.

They see how we don't believe in christianity, and they really don't believe in Islam. That brings us to a mutual understanding.
They being, by definition, non-Muslims. Irrelevent not only to my post but to every thread you have every mentioned these 'Muslim' friends in.

Ask any American Muslim, and they will tell you that they don't believe in the ravishings of Islam.
This is truly loopy

Ask any christian at the same party, and they will tell you that they are really not christian. I think a common bond can be made between christians and Muslims. Basically, there are adherents of both religions who choose not to believe. Call it some kind of Westernization, but I prefer to call it peace

Not only does this not respond to my post but taking this with the rest of your post it actually raises issues of whether you are fully sane.

But you are, clearly, a liar.
M*W: The Muslims on this forum admit their holy book tells them it is appropriate to lie, especially to those they consider to be infidels (and that would be the rest of us). Why then are the Muslims on board still allowed to post their lies? That would explain why they are incapable of debating religious issues on this sub-forum. They just tell lies, because that's all they know how to do! They lie about each other, and they lie about everybody else. That's what they do, and they're proud of it! How much longer will Muslims be allowed to spread lies on this forum, or is that an acceptable factor of their religion?

So because a religion's book allows them to lie under certain conditions, that means that they all lie ?

I think I know why I avoided the religion forum.

So you don't have Muslim friends. You lied.

If they reject Islam they are not Muslims. They are atheists. They lied.
M*W: I do have Muslim friends, and they believe in their religion. My Muslim friends don't lie, and we have many rewarding conversations. They are happy that I'm not a christian, and we go from there. I don't condemn them for their beliefs, and they don't condemn me for mine.

I am happy to say that you are not one of them.
M*W: I do have Muslim friends, and they believe in their religion. My Muslim friends don't lie, and we have many rewarding conversations. They are happy that I'm not a christian, and we go from there. I don't condemn them for their beliefs, and they don't condemn me for mine.

I am happy to say that you are not one of them.

hi MW

why are they happy you are not a christian??
So because a religion's book allows them to lie under certain conditions, that means that they all lie ?

I think I know why I avoided the religion forum.

M*W: My Muslim friends don't lie. I have never known them to lie to me. S.A.M. is the only one who lies. I really don't think that's a Muslim trait. I think it is only a S.A.M. trait. We can't lump all Muslims into the S.A.M. bucket. S.A.M. is the liar, and that's a personal problem. I've never known any other Muslim to lie. S.A.M. is incredible. How she's managed to survive this long on SciForums, I will never know. I guess the Mods like liars, but they ban those of us who speak the truth. Go figure.
So when you opened a thread saying "Muslims lie" you were lying? Heh.

According to your other post, your "Muslim" friends have rejected Islam.

So why do you call them Muslims? Is that ANOTHER lie?
Simon, why dont you go out and get laid?
Interesting hypothesis. I find MW irritating and exhibiting a lack of candor because I am sexually frustrated. Sorry, some of the premises are wrong, not the you could know this but you are assuming the opposite for some reason
it would make for a stronger case if you explained some of the obvious contradictions in MW's posts.
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