Muslim Women Dress Code?

.. and he wasn't let off either Sam.

He was "given concurrent two-year and 18-month sentences, but could will be free in months after spending eight months in jail on remand."

That is discraceful anyway. Castrate him... and the judge.
M*W: From my experience in the surgery sub-specialty of urology, castration doesn't prevent an erection. The perversion is in the brain.
Isn't that the standard that you all applied for the Saudi case?:rolleyes:

And yeah, Saudi men cover up too.


What do the majoriy of Saudi's do, do they blame the victim? The Dress code of Saudi men is far FAR more lax then for saudi women.
Here is something interesting i thought of: When people exhale carbon dioxide comes out. If the nose and mouth are covered you also breath the carbon dioxide back in. Think about that!
Here is something interesting i thought of: When people exhale carbon dioxide comes out. If the nose and mouth are covered you also breath the carbon dioxide back in. Think about that!

So you hypoventilate? I was thinking under an abaya women are forced to breath their own farts.
OK but i am serious. The reason i ask is because someone told me that wearing a respirator all the time is no good iether for this very reason.
What do the majoriy of Saudi's do, do they blame the victim? .

Saudis are as pluralistic as any people. Don't forget, the lawyer who defended her and got her plight on the international arena was also Saudi.

The Dress code of Saudi men is far FAR more lax then for saudi women

It is? You've seen it? Most Saudi women wear a gown and an abaya. Both are light and cut to facilitate easy movement. The darkness of the abaya protects you from the glare of the sun, which is incredibly harsh and unforgiving. If you don't cover your face with an abaya, you'll wear dark glasses and burn your skin anyway.

The men wear the thobe, which is the white gown you see on the outside. They also wear the tagiyah, a tight skull cap that is supposed to keep their hair covered so its not exposed. Then they have a thick heavy black cord [which is pretty heavy, if slapped across the face with it, you'd probably fall unconscious] and a scarf that covers their head. The cord is wound and fixed over the scarf. Its weight and tight fit ensures that inspite of the skull cap, it will not shift or move. This is essential because when out of doors, most Saudis in the desert will wrap the scarf around their face, leaving only the eyes uncovered, using the black cord to keep it fixed in position. When there is a sandstorm, though, women are more effectively covered from sand going in eyes, ears, nostrils, in between teeth, into neck, etc, as they can roll the abaya over themselves completely. The men wear an additional jacket like robe to cover themselves. Besides, men are not allowed to have their thighs and penis visible. So they wear underpants and trousers under the robe.

The dress code is strictly followed by the men as well as the women, even in cities.

So you hypoventilate? I was thinking under an abaya women are forced to breath their own farts.

A traditional abaya is made up of three pieces. There is the gown which buttons up to the neck, like the male thobe. The scarf that is pinned to the head with scarf pins and the nose piece which is tied under the scarf and around the head, over the ears like a surgical mask. The nose piece has several layers to facililate how much cover you want and one layer flips back over the head and under the tie backs to keep it fixed in position. There are several variations of these. Wearing a nose piece is like wearing a bra or a panty. Its uncomfortable till you get used to it.
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Saudis are as pluralistic as any people. Don't forget, the lawyer who defended her and got her plight on the international arena was also Saudi.
Sure they are, but I'm asking for trends here, not individuals.

There is still fewer restrictions for Saudi men than for women in clothing alone, and Saudi men can at the very least SHOW THEIR FACES IN PUBLIC!
So? In western society men can show their boobs in public. Does this mean women are oppressed?

I forgot, they also wear a vest with sleeves under the thobe. A Saudi man would rather be struck dead than expose any part of his covered body to the public. Its an extreme shift in attitude for Saudis to accept that people expose themselves without a sense of shame or a loss of self respect.

Which is why they are the most offended at Abu Ghraib, more than the Iraqis, most probably.
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So? In western society men can show their boobs in public. Does this mean women are oppressed?

Not showing your face is a little more critical than your boobs, we smile, frown, and have eyebrows for a reason critical to daily social interaction, how a women suppose to compete with a man when she's just an amorphous black blob?

Which western countries? Because in some western countries women are allowed to go topless in situations where men are too.
Based on what standards? Compared to naked tribes in Africa, you are prudes.

This is what westerners look like to traditional Saudis:

Its puzzling to them why people want to live like that, when they can afford to dress themselves.

They don't see it as emancipation.

how a women suppose to compete with a man when she's just an amorphous black blob?

Women are paid equally as men there. They get an equal number of educational scholarships from the government. And men take you very seriously indeed when you are covered properly. No distractions, you see. :p

But you dress like a Westerner yourself.........

I dress to please myself too. I dress Indian, Arab, American, depending where I am. Saudi women also dress western, they shop mostly in Europe. They just do not expose their dress in public. When visiting or with family and friends there is quite a fashion ensemble.
Based on what standards? Compared to naked tribes in Africa, you are prudes.

This is what westerners look like to traditional Saudis:

Its puzzling to them why people want to live like that, when they can afford to dress themselves.

They don't see it as emancipation.


I don't care what the saudi's see it as, what that have to do with their women being oppressed?
You consider their women oppressed they consider your women oppressed.

Who is right?
Women are paid equally as men there. They get an equal number of educational scholarships from the government. And men take you very seriously indeed when you are covered properly. No distractions, you see. :p

Pay equally, I don't know about that, but they represent 70% of the college students yet only 5% of the workforce! Certainly men find it far easier to get hired and certainly treat women very seriously in the "put down that diploma and get back in the kitchen, bitch!" Department.
Most middle class Saudi women are traditional in outlook and are extremely rich [according to Islamic law, Muslim women have sole ownership of their property]. Also, like most Saudi men, they are, unless exposed to a great deal of other society, not inclined to work long hours. The regimented life is not palatable to them. They are essentially desert people.

Most men would probably love it for their women to work and share the expenses. But as men have to share their income but women don't, they leave it up to the women. I used to work with Saudi nurses and it was a pain to ensure they came to work. They enjoyed the work, but lacked the inclination to do it as a chore. Unlike western society, there is no prejudice against working women and male chauvinism is practically zero in the workplace.
yeah well that is the difference. If your incredibly rich who care what you have to wear. If your poor that full head to toe covering is just another burden.