Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading of Dutch Politician

If I was born in 1100 Africa I would be black, most likely, still, I was not. If I was born with one Y chromosome in addition to the two XX's I may not suffer from dysmenorrhoea.
That's not based on culture but on DNA.
And hypothetically if the Japanese were born in 632 Saudi Arabia they would all be Muslims.
Islam wouldn't be for another 100 years. However, late 8th century Syria, yes I agree.
All you have shown is that people need to be exposed to ways of understanding God before they can accept it. Doh! Thats true for anything in the world.
No, that's not true.

Take Scientology or Buddhist who have no belief in Gods or people who believe in Goddesses or children raised by Strong Atheists.

Let's suppose that Ja'far was born in Iran. Born into Shia Islam. Ja'far "thinks" he somehow studied all the available information and rationally came to the conclusion Shia Islam "made sense" to him.

Let's suppose that Ja'far was born in Hollywood. Born into Scientology. Ja'far then would "think" he somehow studied all the available information and rationally came to the conclusion Scientology "made sense" to him.

and micheal, if you were born in saudi arabia you'd be muslim,
Yes, I agree I probably would be.
so your atheistic point of view can't be true. by your own logic.
No, I didn't say anything at all about "true".

It might be true there is an Allah.
It might be true there is an Xenu.
It might be true there is a living Buddha.
The Japanese Emperor may be a God.

Or not.

As there's no good evidence for any of that stuff, I'm sticking with "Or not".

Try to believe in Xenu. Go ahead, try. Can you? Why not?
Let's suppose that Ja'far was born in Hollywood. Born into Scientology. Ja'far then would "think" he somehow studied all the available information and rationally came to the conclusion Scientology "made sense" to him.


How many people born in Hollywood are born into Scientology? How many believe in it or practise it? You know, the people who embraced Islam for the last 1400 years were born into societies that had far greater exposure to polytheism than people who embrace Islam today. And even then, conversion to Islam was faster and more widespread in secular Ottoman society, more complete in Indonesia, Malaysia than in the Uthman or even under the Rashidun.
As there's no good evidence for any of that stuff, I'm sticking with "Or not".
if you were born in saudi arabia you wouldn't've thought that "there's no good evidence for any of that stuff" and you would stick with islam.
athiesm would be in "that stuff"

Try to believe in Xenu. Go ahead, try. Can you? Why not?
Try to believe in Allah. Go ahead, try. Can you? Why not?
Originally Posted by scifes
in islamic law those who openly insult religion without a reason are killed.
I'm pretty sure if someone was "insulting Islam" they'd have a reason to do so.

Anyway, "Islamic Law" is just made up poppy-cock. SAM says homosexuality is fine under the law. "The" Prophet may have even been a homosexual - and if he was, then according to SAM, that was fine with "Islam"... IOW Islamic. Now, is SAM going to be killed for insulting Islam by suggesting homosexuality is Islamic? I don't think so, but, people in Iran, the one's who force gay men to have their penises surgically removed, well - they'd stone her.

Luckily for SAM she doesn't live in an Islamic country under Islamic Law.
if you were born in saudi arabia you wouldn't've thought that "there's no good evidence for any of that stuff" and you would stick with islam.
athiesm would be in "that stuff"
Yes, this is right. My entire way of thinking would be altered, one could say maimed even. That's what I find interesting TTYTT.
Try to believe in Allah. Go ahead, try. Can you? Why not?

Nothing. There's still no belief and I would say for the very same reasons I can't "believe" red is blue or Xenu exists. It's not possible. Just as you can not believe in Xenu. But, if you were born in a Scientology family you would believe in Xenu. Not only that you probably wouldn't be able to not believe in Xenu. The entire world would make sense in a Scientology paradigm.
Which law is that?
one who does it is called

you can research it.
you'll find pages like these; (this page is too long, just search for zindeeq)

and then there are those which would appeal more to you;

there's a whole book written by shiekh allama ibn taimiah, before the danish cartoons and all that, called الصارم المسلول على شاتم الرسول
couldn't find a translated copy though, but it's free to downlod in arabic, it contains the verses in the quran that "support" the death penalty for a zindeeq. the reason i said "support" and not "say" is because it would take more than translation of the verse to show what i mean.
Nothing. There's still no belief and I would say for the very same reasons I can't "believe" red is blue or Xenu exists. It's not possible. Just as you can not believe in Xenu. But, if you were born in a Scientology family you would believe in Xenu. Not only that you probably wouldn't be able to not believe in Xenu. The entire world would make sense in a Scientology paradigm.
we get that.. and your point is?

that we're stuck in our belief and can't change it even by our will?

well so are you.

I agree with SAM that religious belief goes hand in hand with humanity. I don't think religion should be snuffed out. I just don't think that some tenants of your religion are compatible within our multicultural societies.

I'd say the OP, the desire to slit another human beings' throat for perceived insult, grew out of these incompatibilities. The world is going to shrink and religions that piss people off, namely Islam, are going to be voted out by people who are pissed off - which is what is happening in The Netherlands.

Try to imagine WASP Skin Heads setting up a "peaceful" community in Africa. Even if they started out peaceful, I think their intolerant attitude towards non-Whites (and living in a country with a lot of non-Whites) well, one could only expect that Black Africans may vote in a person who wants to prevent more White WASPs from coming in and work towards integrating those that are there. NOW, at that point, the once peaceful Skin Heads lash out and threaten to slit the throats of the Politicians threatening their peaceful community. IMO, that is the stage we're at with Islam.

Even if Africans are open-minded, they're still human and people can only take so much.
one who does it is called

you can research it.
you'll find pages like these; (this page is too long, just search for zindeeq)

and then there are those which would appeal more to you;

there's a whole book written by shiekh allama ibn taimiah, before the danish cartoons and all that, called الصارم المسلول على شاتم الرسول
couldn't find a translated copy though, but it's free to downlod in arabic, it contains the verses in the quran that "support" the death penalty for a zindeeq. the reason i said "support" and not "say" is because it would take more than translation of the verse to show what i mean.

Oh just a bunch of opinionated clerics then. Apparently they missed the whole point of Islam.
no it's not understood in "civil society".

if i'm willing to die for a cause i'd be willing to kill for it.
unless the life of the offender of your cause is more valuble to you than your own life.
it's as simple as that.

civilized society doesn't understand that because they usually don't have to die for..well, other than themselves.

I understand now that you lack morality or have a tenuous grasp of it (maybe people in the society you fled from had the same understanding) so I no longer expect you to understand.

Murder is morally reprehensible, sacrificing your life for your ideals is the noblest thing one can do. it's as simple as that.

if a killer shoots your son and you love him you're ready to take the bullet and die for him.
if you had a gun yourself and decided to take the bullet instead of shooting the killer then you're saying the killer's life is more valuable than yours.

Yes that is the most basic human instinct it is the easiest reaction much easier than rising above that basic instinct with the help of personal ethics/morality.

Morality isn't about taking the easy road it is about rising above the easy road. That is the whole point.

then holland values lives of killer citezens over lives of killed citizens.
utmost civility indeed.

No Dutch law values all human life and sees the absurdity of the idea that "killing is wrong so we are going to kill you to prove it" Yes it is the utmost form of civility but again it goes over your head.
Holland values all human life:

And yet, the Dutch are occupying Afghanistan. Apparently they only pay lip service to the concept of self determination and freedom of expression - other people need to be forced by an armed military to fall in to Dutch "values". If the situation were reversed, ie the Taliban was occupying Holland and the Dutch were "collateral damages" would anyone be saying that the Taliban values all human life? Europeans are masters of self delusion especially when it comes to oppressing people of other cultures.
Holland values all human life:

And yet, the Dutch are occupying Afghanistan. Apparently they only pay lip service to the concept of self determination and freedom of expression - other people need to be forced by an armed military to fall in to Dutch "values". If the situation were reversed, ie the Taliban was occupying Holland would anyone be saying that the Taliban values all human life? Europeans are masters of self delusion especially when it comes to oppressing people of other cultures.

I meant Dutch law, that includes the 15% of the population that is muslim.
I meant Dutch law, that includes the 15% of the population that is muslim.

Is the occupation of Afghanistan against "Dutch law"? :rolleyes:

Have all the people been killed by Dutch soldiers in Afghanistan over the last 10 years been in accordance with "Dutch law"? Is anyone accountable for the mess that is Iraq and Afghanistan or shall we lay that sacrifice at the altar of Dutch respect for all human lives? What does "Dutch law" say about the military occupation of a sovereign country? For a people who have willingly participated in the adventure that is Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and Bagram, who stood aside in the massacre of Muslims in Bosnia and celebrated the massacre with a victory party, where do the Dutch get the effrontery to claim respect for all human lives?
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Is the occupation of Afghanistan against "Dutch law"? :rolleyes:

Have all the people been killed by Dutch soldiers in Afghanistan over the last 10 years been in accordance with "Dutch law"? Is anyone accountable for the mess that is Iraq and Afghanistan or shall we lay that sacrifice at the altar of Dutch respect for all human lives? What does "Dutch law" say about the military occupation of a sovereign country? For a people who have willingly participated in the adventure that is Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and Bagram, who stood aside in the massacre of Muslims in Bosnia and celebrated the massacre with a victory party, where do the Dutch get the effrontery to claim respect for all human lives?

It is codefied in thier legal system and applies to all dutch citizens. I know despite your hyperbole you know the intent of dutch troops in Afghanistan is not to kill civilians. They did help put an end to the conflict in Bosnia and Kosovo.
It is codefied in thier legal system and applies to all dutch citizens. I know despite your hyperbole you know the intent of dutch troops in Afghanistan is not to kill civilians. They did help put an end to the conflict in Bosnia and Kosovo.

I do know that if it was Dutch citizens who had been massacred, the Dutchbat would not have celebrated with a victory party as they did in Bosnia. I also know that the Dutch value human lives so much that there was not a single Bosnian witness at the trial which investigated the massacre of the men under Dutch protection. This is the country of Geert Wilders after all. Like everyone else, let the Dutch be represented by the biggest arseholes their civilisation has produced.