Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading of Dutch Politician

And every theistic religion produces people who tell me that - their God or Gods are never among the false ones, naturally.

I think they are more likely correct about each other's Gods, than their own - they can see more clearly the problems.

What do you know about that?

What books have you read? Which people have you listened to? Or is it only based on the distorted "knowledge" presented by the media? Haven't you noticed how the media embraced Hawking's newest claims?
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The matter of fact is that some religions are true while others are false. One God is true while other gods are false. Your arguments do not invalidate the Jeudo-Christian-Muslim God.

The matter of fact is some religion may be true, others may be false, they all may be true and they all may be false.

Can you spot the difference between our way of thinking here Yosef? ;)

There's zero good evidence for Gods or Goddesses. But, if we were to look into Nature for evidence and think of natural parallels to aspects of "The" Divine then there is evidence for a God and a Goddess. It's not good evidence, but evidence nonetheless.

Saying: Xenu is True, Ron Hubbard was the Last Prophet and Dianetics is the Perfect Revelation doesn't make it so. Even if you were raised in a Scientology home. Even if you really really really whilly believe it in your heart and just know it has to be true. So? Someone saying something 1500 years ago doesn't make it any more or less true if someone were to say it today. Understand? Feeling a connection with Xenu doesn't make Xenu real. Thinking Scientology is more "logical" than Islam because it's not based on a Sky Daddy but on an Alien and there's a high probably other life is our in the Universe STILL DOES NOT MEAN ITS TRUE. Getting there yet? I didn't think so. See, the brain can take, literally, months to years to undergo the neural plasticity needed to overwrite a life time of brainwashing. And then only IF they stop brainwashing themselves. Stop praying 9 times a day towards Hollywood repeating Xenu is Great, Hubbard (pbuh) is the Last Prophet. Other people just do not have the biochemistry to facilitate neural plasticity as well as others. They will NEVER know anything other than Xenu or Allah or whatever. It's that simple. You are one of those people Yosef, so try not to think too much about it. For me, well, I simply can't "will myself" to believe in Xenu. So, I'm the way I am too :)
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To be a Scientologist all one has to do is believe in One Xenu and accept Ron Hubbard. I'm pretty sure Mohammad was a Scientologist.
true probably more than half of arabs today are actually arabized peoples

More like 80%. But whats the difference? Arab is a culture. If they speak the language, share the history and religion [mostly] the cuisine, the values and the identity, they are Arabs
And every theistic religion produces people who tell me that - their God or Gods are never among the false ones, naturally.

I think they are more likely correct about each other's Gods, than their own - they can see more clearly the problems.

In the end, belief in God is belief in God's laws, and God's laws are those which are seen as right and enshrined in bona fide world institutions. Those who rest only on names and not on laws - are lawless. No such thing as belief where majestic laws are flaunted - no such thing as preferential laws based on belief or race. And local NAMES don't qualify as laws or about being Godly. There are no laws in the Gospels or Quran. How to check a law being right and Godly? It must not be attached to a name or race but stand on its own and apply for all humans.

More like 80%. But whats the difference? Arab is a culture. If they speak the language, share the history and religion [mostly] the cuisine, the values and the identity, they are Arabs

But Zionists are older than Arabs in Arabia - and they never steal other peoples' land, dump Mosques on other peoples' sacred sites - and never call others born of apes and a blessing to kill. Why leave out the juicy bits?
But Zionists are older than Arabs in Arabia - and they never steal other peoples' land, dump Mosques on other peoples' sacred sites - and never call others born of apes and a blessing to kill. Why leave out the juicy bits?

every word a falsehood
It most certainly isn't absurd. YOU only think it's absurd because I asked about YOU.

It most certainly is, it's highly speculative, hypothetical and subjective and doesn't take into account real worldly/religious conditions of a given era and place nor does it really suggest anything at all. Not everyone born and raised in the Shinto faith, practiced, believed and so on that faith/religion. The possibility of converting to Buddhism, also possible. I mean seriously, you're lining this up in a very specific way and arriving at a predetermined conclusion. You don't know nor could you prove that.
Is this post sarcasm?
not think it should've been so?
apart from how ja'far brilliantly introduced the F-word to be utilized by the bashe..-erm i mean debaters here, he makes a very good point here, one i'm sure michael will forget in two to three days, if he haven't forgot already, if he read it to begin with;
I will address your other comments later. I will however address this question that apparently, you really want fucking answered real fucking bad. Hmm, what if I were born and were raised a Shinto, do I think I would strongly believe in multiple Gods. The problem I see here is there is so many variables to consider it's virtually impossible to answer.
as a matter of fact, the variables introduced immensely affect the scenario that it's no longer concerning YOU anymore, but rather somebody else altogether.


The matter of fact is that some religions are true while others are false. One God is true while other gods are false. Your arguments do not invalidate the Jeudo-Christian-Muslim God.
that is inconceivable for michael.
It most certainly is, it's highly speculative, hypothetical and subjective and doesn't take into account real worldly/religious conditions of a given era and place nor does it really suggest anything at all. Not everyone born and raised in the Shinto faith, practiced, believed and so on that faith/religion. The possibility of converting to Buddhism, also possible. I mean seriously, you're lining this up in a very specific way and arriving at a predetermined conclusion. You don't know nor could you prove that.
Most Shinto are also Buddhists. In Japan both are generally polytheistic. So, in all likelihood (that is, assuming you were your average Japanese) you would be a polytheistic Japanese and, in the same way you believe in One God now, in that situation you would have truly believed 'in your heart' there were multiple Gods ....and Goddesses. Agreed?

I'm not lining up anything. It's a fact that your average Japanese was polytheistic. People believe what they are taught to believe, there's nothing surprising here, it's exactly the reason why you are Muslim.
it's like trying yo understand how fried cockaroachs were preserved to the dinner tables of 21st century china...
westerners[gnerally] know nothing of other people, and don't care to learn either.
they think their customs are best for humanity, modern, civilized and backed by logic..anything they don't understand is savage and crazy, and people better get rid of it or the US army will "liberate" them from their suffocating backward cult and give them freedom and prosperity..
I agree that sometimes yes Western people do think their culture is better and that backwards practices, like Islamic Slavery, Islamic Honor Killing, Islamic Child-Marriage, Islamic Polygamy, etc... these must be stamped out for the good of Humanity. But so too other things needs stamping on - Communism needs to be stamped out. Oooh, but if you turn around and beat us at our own game RE: Capitalism vis-a-vis China ... errr we don't like that either :) Just shut up and be our Bitch. Sell us cheap oil, make us cheap electronics - be good lil Bitches and Daddy won't get mad and put the smack down on you - Bitch :eek:
or the US army will "liberate" them from their suffocating backward cult and give them freedom and prosperity..

US input in the M/E is new and recent. But Islamic history is generic throughout this planet. It is appropriate and encumbent to remove all Islamic regimes from their golden toilet thrones - because there is no such thing as Islamic freedom fighters at home.

America's great error post 9/11 was diverting to the Afghan hills instead of the Saudi and Egyptian Regimes. Its a blessing to get rid of terror regimes installed by Europe. The problems seen in Palestine and India are only the tip of the iceberg - Israel is a light unto the nations. :shrug:
it's like trying yo understand how fried cockaroachs were preserved to the dinner tables of 21st century china...
westerners[gnerally] know nothing of other people, and don't care to learn either.
they think their customs are best for humanity, modern, civilized and backed by logic..anything they don't understand is savage and crazy, and people better get rid of it or the US army will "liberate" them from their suffocating backward cult and give them freedom and prosperity..

Yeah I can see the custom of murdering people for a difference of opinion is a worthy thing that helps mankind to move forward
Most Shinto are also Buddhists. In Japan both are generally polytheistic. So, in all likelihood (that is, assuming you were your average Japanese) you would be a polytheistic Japanese and, in the same way you believe in One God now, in that situation you would have truly believed 'in your heart' there were multiple Gods ....and Goddesses. Agreed?

I'm not lining up anything. It's a fact that your average Japanese was polytheistic. People believe what they are taught to believe, there's nothing surprising here, it's exactly the reason why you are Muslim.

Buddhism predates Islam - so does the Shinto religion. The Chinese traveled as far as the Arabs did and the Japanese could have if they wanted to. Both religions were available for all those who were interested and Islam is a much younger religion and the fact that so many more people are Muslims shows that your premise is flawed. Buddhism on the other hand is completely wiped out from India.
I agree that sometimes yes Western people do think their culture is better and that backwards practices, like Islamic Slavery, Islamic Honor Killing, Islamic Child-Marriage, Islamic Polygamy, etc... these must be stamped out for the good of Humanity. But so too other things needs stamping on - Communism needs to be stamped out. Oooh, but if you turn around and beat us at our own game RE: Capitalism vis-a-vis China ... errr we don't like that either :) Just shut up and be our Bitch. Sell us cheap oil, make us cheap electronics - be good lil Bitches and Daddy won't get mad and put the smack down on you - Bitch
china'll swollow you whole..just wait and see:cool:
Israel is a light unto the nations.
what isreal?

Yeah I can see the custom of murdering people for a difference of opinion
some people'd rather die for their opinions to be respected.
that's something you'll just never understand.
is a worthy thing that helps mankind to move forward
maybe not your mankind.. but it sure decelerates the pace our mankind is heading into annihilation :shrug:

it's a "clash of civilizatins", if you may.