Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading of Dutch Politician

Why? Why not the Pharaohs?

The Pharoahs and the Egyptians were not Arabs.

Most Egyptians converted to Islam and are now Arabic.

No, most were forcefully converted, the men were killed and the women made as concubines. The Copts, who refused to convert, are persecued and their ancient language forbidden - after their land was robbed 500 BCE.

(try to remember being Arab is cultural, not racial).

No, the Arab race/ethnic group emerged in 500 BCE. Arab and Arabian are two different things. Arabs are Arabian but Arabian is not Arab. Its like Norway is European but Europe is not Norwegian. Arabian predates Arab. Kurds, Copts and Jews are Arabian and predate the Arab race. Feel free to give a proof of an Arab king, city, war, monument pre-500 BCE!

Are you smoking crack? I just said: trial by 12 member jury is GREEK.

That is not a law but an extension of TWO INDEPENDENT WITNESSES [Hebrew], as opposed an Iranian court system. One can choose a jury option, but not independent witnesses.

Are you going to say that this came from the OT? :bugeye:

You have got to be deluded or you have such a massive Jewish meme infection it has shut down all critical thinking apparatus in your CNS :eek:

I say that no laws came from Europe and democracy did not come from Greece. Even the right to mary a foreigner, accorded as a Roman law, is not a new law but based on the woman's right to agree to a marraige [not the man's sole decision] - which comes from the Hebrew [ch. Isaac and Rebecca]. Europe has corrupted history the past 2000 years by omissions and fullfiling away. Feel free to give a hard copy reference of Greek Democracy or Greek alphabetical writings older than the Hebrew. And I mean hard copy - not someone's assessment.
How old is the Hebrew Bible? I've often wondered why they chose Jacob, who lied to his blind father and stole his brothers inheritance as "Israel"

Seems to have set an unnecessary precedent for deception and hasbara in the country named after him.

I wonder who he really was (Jacob)
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How old is the Hebrew Bible? I've often wondered why they chose Jacob, who lied to his blind father and stole his brothers inheritance as "Israel"

Seems to have set an unnecessary precedent for deception and hasbara in the country named after him.

I wonder who he really was (Jacob)

Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, had his name changed to Israel, and initiated that nation. Jacob was a Hebrew Canaanite citizen and is buried in Hebron - a Jewish city robbed by Muslims and supported by Europe.

Yes, there was deciet here, it's honest reporting marks the difference from the Gospel and Quran. Candy-coated scriptures can never be truthful.

Jacob's deciet was by his mother, who saw further than her husband, and she was eventually deemed right by both sons and her husband - so you have quoted incomplete texts.

The woman is the higher spiritual force than the man, and this was told even to Abraham:


Now you know why Israel prevails 57 Islamic states who are hellbent on genocide.
The Pharoahs and the Egyptians were not Arabs.
I didn't say they were. Arab is a culture and it really doens't matter when it derived.

That is not a law but an extension of TWO INDEPENDENT WITNESSES [Hebrew], as opposed an Iranian court system. One can choose a jury option, but not independent witnesses.
No it's not.

try again: Jury by 12 Peers is LAW.
Get it?

Now put down the glass cock and walk away from the crack.

I say that no laws came from Europe and democracy did not come from Greece. Even the right to mary a foreigner, accorded as a Roman law, is not a new law but based on the woman's right to agree to a marraige [not the man's sole decision] - which comes from the Hebrew [ch. Isaac and Rebecca]. Europe has corrupted history the past 2000 years by omissions and fullfiling away. Feel free to give a hard copy reference of Greek Democracy or Greek alphabetical writings older than the Hebrew. And I mean hard copy - not someone's assessment.
Do you actually read what you write? Democracy is Greek as in an elected leaders is Greek. Jews lived under Kings. See the difference?

If there are any small similarities between Greek and Jewish law it's because of the Hellenization of Jews.
I didn't say they were. Arab is a culture and it really doens't matter when it derived.

Exceop there were no arabs pre-500 BCE.

No it's not.

try again: Jury by 12 Peers is LAW.
Get it?

As I said, this is an extention to derive independent witness jurisdiction. The number 12 does not impact.

Jews lived under Kings. See the difference?

Your just showing your European classroom knowledge here. Sepration of religion and state came from the Hebrew bible. Check the scriptural archives of all religions, and you will find ths answer only with King david [who represented the rule of the state] and Nathan [the Hebrew prophet who represented the law]. Nathan prevailed, and this was 3000 years ago. Compare this with Hellenist and Roman rulers and you get thumped with a big dose of DUH!

If there are any small similarities between Greek and Jewish law it's because of the Hellenization of Jews.

Even if you can't put up a Hellenist law prior to the Jewish law?! FYI, the Hellenists [Greeks] got their alpha beta from the alef bet, and all laws which still stand today as well. This was in 300 BCE when they first translated the Hebrew bible. I say, whoever puts up their hard proof wins - and you don't have a Greek book older than the Hebrew. Check mate. :rolleyes:
Exceop there were no arabs pre-500 BCE.
And that doesn't matter. Get this - cultures are not static. They change. Presently Egypt is mostly Arabic.

As I said, this is an extention to derive independent witness jurisdiction. The number 12 does not impact.
If by "extension" you mean has absolutely nothing at all to do with Judaism and is completely based on Greek culture - then yeah, we agree.

Your just showing your European classroom knowledge here. Sepration of religion and state came from the Hebrew bible.
No, it didn't.
I don't think you understand the extent to which Jews were Hellenized. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but you are a product of Greek culture. Which, well, isn't all that bad of a thing.
And that doesn't matter. Get this - cultures are not static. They change. Presently Egypt is mostly Arabic.

Yes, Egypt is mostly arabic today and the Copts are mostly negated. And how dare israelis be allowed in Hebron - the birthplace of Judaism is now mostly Arab muslims. Shall I say hello Europstan now or later? FYI, the law says if one is forcefully removed from their possessions and barred from returning - the statutory period does not apply.

If by "extension" you mean has absolutely nothing at all to do with Judaism and is completely based on Greek culture - then yeah, we agree.

No, I mean today's judiciary laws are contained in the Hebrew bible exclusively - and none came from Greece. Not a oner.

No, it didn't.

Did Christianity try desperately to fulfill away the Hebrew laws - and lost this battle? Can you give us a single law from the Gospels accepted in any judiciary institution? Why not if there was revelation - a word denoting 'NEW'?

Understand that Europe spread vast chunks of historical mendacity upon humanity, and these are very slowly being uncovered and overturned. European scholars are hellbent on aligning Christianity with truth of history - and if it does not align then they will make it so [like the Isaiah charade!].

Consider even Europe's recent deeds as a historical witness in the M/E and there you have it: is there a confusion with Europe which is the Jewish homeland that she does those heil salutes at the UN so predictably? Europe also keeps silent when its own heinous falsehoods of blood libels and Protocols of Zion are openly displayed as history in the Islamic world - who is she waiting to clean up her own mildew?! Europe dumped the name Palestinean on the Jews - then transfered this 2000 years later on those who are the very antithesis of it - as if this is not only a genocidal aspiration!



So why should Europe not be Islamiszed when it rejected Mohammed? :shrug:
I don't think you understand the extent to which Jews were Hellenized. I'm sorry to inform you of this, but you are a product of Greek culture. Which, well, isn't all that bad of a thing.

The Jews were mersmersed by the greeks - to the extent they even de-circumsized themsleves to play in the games. Saul of Trasus was a hellenized Jew. Which part do I not understand?

What you fail to understand is what the Hellenists got from the Jews. Alexander was assissanated because he initiated the translation of the Hebrew bible [Septuagint]. Because the hellenist priests who saw their status deminished by the surpremecy of the Hebrew over Zeus. Same happened with the ancient Egyptians and their priests: monotheism is a dangerous enterprise [KNOW FOR A SURETY THY SEED SHALL BE IN BONDAGE]. The hellinists got their revenge by forming Christianity and making Jews born of the devil. But my book says those who perform devilish deeds are best described by that term.

Your problem is you read only christian books of what you call history, when the correct law says:

How many non-Muslims think that Muslim religious beliefs and religious books are the only true religious beliefs and religious books?

How many other religious books mention the validity of revelations of other religions as the Qur'an mentions the Gospels and Taurat and claims that a prophet equal to Mohammed was sent to every other people?
I've spoken with a Buddhist who said many ideals in Islam are universal - and so in their opinion Buddhism was no better than Islam (or anything else in that sense). I mean, it's all about what you personally connect with.

See, that's sort of what you say at the end, except only for you. Can you agree that other people's faiths are better than yours for them? And so, in that sense, they are all equally valid?

Also, while WASP white supremacy may connect with certain people on a spiritual level, we need to realize that it isn't a beneficial belief in multicultural societies.
As the Qur'an says: is one who knows equal to one who doesn't know?
Very Christian-like.

It's intolerance like this that will lead to generations of more violence in the name of "those who know" which is pretty much every other dickhead on this rock. Everyone thinks they "know". It takes a person with insight to step back and say: Maybe I'm wrong. I might not know. Did Mohammad ever do this SAM? I honestly don't know. Any Hadiths out there where Mohammad says: Look, this might be wrong. Maybe there isn't an Allah?

I mean I cannot in any rational context simultaneously believe the Quran saying that all prophets are equal while believing that only Jesus is the path to salvation.
And that's why Xianity is, like Islam, not suitable for our modern world. Yes, the self-forgiveness part is nice, even powerful (psychologically), but not the Jesus is the only way part.

So we agree.

You should note that a great many modern Xians think Jesus is A way, not THE way. The Bible is one Book, not THE book.

See that tolerance SAM? It's a good thing actually. Wouldn't you agree?
That would be stupid. Maybe Christians think that way, but to me, the Quran makes more sense, since it means that people are not incumbent on knowing or accepting some prophet who may have descended into oblivion if not for Paul.
The Qur'an makes as much sense as the Bible - which is to say little.
Now maybe you feel the Christian belief is the right one and thats fine. For you. For myself, I think the Qur'an is right, this is why I am a Muslim and not a Christian. From what I know of Jesus, I think he was a Muslim. He did not worship himself either.
I know you do SAM, but, sadly you are probably wrong and your intolerant belief system encourages people to act on their intolerance many times leading to violence.

50 years ago most English were racist bigots. I hope in 50 years most Muslims are not religious bigots. I'm pretty confident, if we educate people to be tolerant, that this will be the case.
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Also, you never did answer that question I posed to you: If you were born in 1100's Japan, and were raised a Shinto, do you think you'd strongly believe in multiple Gods?

I will address your other comments later. I will however address this question that apparently, you really want fucking answered real fucking bad. Hmm, what if I were born and were raised a Shinto, do I think I would strongly believe in multiple Gods. The problem I see here is there is so many variables to consider it's virtually impossible to answer. Buddhism in Japan stretches all the way back to 500 CE. What if I were raised Shinto but given that my father beats me and it seemed the Gods had cursed me so I went to the closest Buddhist temple and converted to Buddhism and devoted my life to the Buddha dharma in monkhood. What if I were born a woman and raped by a family member thus turning to a life of alcoholism and prostitution. What if I were born and raised a Shinto but never believed in the Gods, religion, or the rituals and lived a irreligious life focused on hard work and surviving.

It's hard to say but what I do know is it's all absurd. Why don't you line it up even better? What if X and X and X and X and X and X and X and X and X. Why don't you get a little bit more specific here Michael, please. The factor of time and place doesn't invalidate the message of Islam. What if you were born under the Abbasid Caliphate, in the 8th century, to Muslim parents, whom were fairly wealthy and they were very devout, you enjoyed religious and secular schooling, you were always observant of your prayers, you married an equally devout Muslim girl, you live a long life and die a Muslim, do you think you Michael would be Muslim? Hmm? Or do you feel your "different," you push the envelope, you question things, you're way to rational and critical to ever possibly believe in deity so it doesn't matter what the time and place is you'd be an Atheist. But really, I need to know this and I feel if I don't obtain this information from you in 24 hours my right testicle will explode.
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I will address your other comments later. I will however address this question that apparently, you really want fucking answered real fucking bad. Hmm, what if I were born and were raised a Shinto, do I think I would strongly believe in multiple Gods. The problem I see here is there is so many variables to consider it's virtually impossible to answer. Buddhism in Japan stretches all the way back to 500 CE. What if I were raised Shinto but given that my father beats me and it seemed the Gods had cursed me so I went to the closest Buddhist temple and converted to Buddhism and devoted my life to the Buddha dharma in monkhood. What if I were born a woman and raped by a family member thus turning to a life of alcoholism and prostitution. What if I were born and raised a Shinto but never believed in the Gods, religion, or the rituals and lived a irreligious life focused on hard work and surviving.

It's hard to say but what I do know is it's all absurd. Why don't you line it up even better? What if X and X and X and X and X and X and X and X and X. Why don't you get a little bit more specific here Michael, please. The factor of time and place doesn't invalidate the message of Islam. What if you were born under the Abbasid Caliphate, in the 8th century, to Muslim parents, whom were fairly wealthy and they were very devout, you enjoyed religious and secular schooling, you were always observant of your prayers, you married an equally devout Muslim girl, you live a long life and die a Muslim, do you think you Michael would be Muslim? Hmm? Or do you feel your "different," you push the envelope, you question things, you're way to rational and critical to ever possibly believe in deity so it doesn't matter what the time and place is you'd be an Atheist. But really, I need to know this and I feel if I don't obtain this information from you in 24 hours my right testicle will explode.
It most certainly isn't absurd. YOU only think it's absurd because I asked about YOU. If I had asked the same question like this: What was the belief of Japanese in 1100s raised to be Shinto, the answer is very simple - Shinto faith. Historians ask these questions all the time.

What I find interesting is once I replace "YOU" into the question it suddenly goes from being extremely obvious and simple to complex and mind blowingly impossible to even fathom and answer for.

Please, you would be Shinto, I would be Shinto. It's that simple. You just don't want to acknowledge this fact. This is why people have a hard time thinking about their own religion objectively. You don't find that interesting? Having spent time here, it's something I have come to think of as normal for theists. Whereas most of the time atheists do think objectively and will agree they'd possibly be a theist in another life - even Muslim ;)
SAM said:
From what I know of Jesus, I think he was a Muslim. He did not worship himself either.
He wasn't a Christian, but the alcohol drinking, polygamy disparaging, ritual public prayer discouraging, mother and family rejecting, parable teaching, rule ridiculing, responsibility shirking wanderer who never fasted a day in his life that we know of, would not be a Muslim today.

The only major similarity visible is that he got along much better and more intimately with boys than girls. And that may be a bias introduced by Paul, for his Greek hero.

Paul, now, would have fit easily into the Muslim community near me.
He wasn't a Christian, but the alcohol drinking, polygamy disparaging, ritual public prayer discouraging, mother and family rejecting, parable teaching, rule ridiculing, responsibility shirking wanderer who never fasted a day in his life that we know of, would not be a Muslim today.

Strange he sounds like many Muslims I know of. Still, the only requirement to be a Muslim is to believe in one God and accept Mohammed. Thats the criterion I was using. I cannot see Jesus worshipping himself or assigning partners to God in worship, can you? He did pray to the Lord however, if I am not mistaken. And fasted for 40 days too.

Its the winner of numerous awards. Its not Aljareza. :D

It most certainly is not Al Jazeera which could teach a lot of mainstream news outlets about reporting. Even CNN is not al Jazeera.
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The matter of fact is that some religions are true while others are false. One God is true while other gods are false. Your arguments do not invalidate the Jeudo-Christian-Muslim God.
yosef said:
The matter of fact is that some religions are true while others are false. One God is true while other gods are false.
And every theistic religion produces people who tell me that - their God or Gods are never among the false ones, naturally.

I think they are more likely correct about each other's Gods, than their own - they can see more clearly the problems.