Muslim Cleric Calls For Beheading of Dutch Politician

Thai ice cream vendor beheaded trying to corrupt good Muslims in southern Thailand. Every "good Muslim" knows vanilla is made with alcohol. Sneaky Buddhist bastard!

Oh, I'm feeling poetic now.... while I can only fluently speak English, I used to somewhat speak Spanish and can make small talk in Japanese. I'll go for haiku. Well actually not, I'll for a three line rhyme. Hmmmm.... roses are... naw, .....

Allah is Great,
Allah knows All,
Allah can see through her overhauls​



What rhymes with "all"?

I only wish Muslims were open to taking the piss out of these little arse-wipes instead of venerating them or implicitly supporting them. Instead of an Islamic leader this dick face should be an embarrassment. One wonders WHY Muslims don't make fun of these sorts of people a bit more?
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Allah is Great,
Allah sees All,
She eats Her spaghetti with pork-free meatballs


By the Gods, rapping is obviously not in the cards for me :eek:
IamJoseph, what has reading the Torah taught you personally? By taught, I'm thinking in terms of insight into humanity and the human condition. Anything interesting?

Because the way I see it, your God is a prissy drama queen and more of a hack than anything. Stealing the myths of the greater Gods and pawning them off as "His" own. Not only that, but dissing his wife Asherah and pretending to be Gilgamesh. I mean, I've never seen or heard of Athena acting like that, or Amaterasu. It's like your God has a serious case of penis envy, something those two Goddesses obviously needn't have worried about ;) and is a little inept to boot.

Your right. Athena is a lawless thingibob KO'd to the dust of history. Stealing? How come 'ALL' laws which humanity accepts are from one source only, and 1000's of prissiy laws from your gods never made it - not even accidently with one law - and you cannot name a oner? Take your time! :D
Allah is Great,
Allah sees All,
She eats Her spaghetti with pork-free meatballs


By the Gods, rapping is obviously not in the cards for me :eek:

You are missing the point. If we see rapping in history, it means reporting these occurences is talking the truth. It does not mean accepting them as good. The real answer is whether the laws ushered in by the same source reporting these historical factors - also supports them as good. Know the dif. The true reporter does not present a candy-coated false reality of roses and chockolates.
How about a Law that states: Anyone with a position of authority calls for beheadings should be beheaded immediately.

That will solve these problems...of inciting crazy people...:D

You can't make such a declaration until the one who created head-chopping regimes is first confronted. Britain, backed fully by Europe, created these regimes after they signed oil contracts, gving them eternal control of the land and resources as their private property - ahem! - land which these regimes and the Arabs never owned 100 years ago, aka sacred Islamic soil! The regimes can do as they please, rule forever, anoint only their children when they die - on condition they abide the oil contracts. India lost a third of her land, the Balfour was corruped - the term COMPROMISE [woof!] was used to carve off 80% of a tiny land [FK THE JEWS!] and humanity was given a real, non-virtual Judas for 30 barrels of oil.

The world needs a Nuremberg II Trial for those who chanted VE VERE NOT AVARE. But who is going to do it? Well - it appears Britainistan is happening on its own. Amazing - not!
You can't make such a declaration until the one who created head-chopping regimes is first confronted. Britain, backed fully by Europe, created these regimes after they signed oil contracts, gving them eternal control of the land and resources as their private property - ahem! - land which these regimes and the Arabs never owned 100 years ago, aka sacred Islamic soil! The regimes can do as they please, rule forever, anoint only their children when they die - on condition they abide the oil contracts. India lost a third of her land, the Balfour was corruped - the term COMPROMISE [woof!] was used to carve off 80% of a tiny land [FK THE JEWS!] and humanity was given a real, non-virtual Judas for 30 barrels of oil.

The world needs a Nuremberg II Trial for those who chanted VE VERE NOT AVARE. But who is going to do it? Well - it appears Britainistan is happening on its own. Amazing - not!

No one creates the regime unless the regime people are divided and naive. Consider this. Certain Iraqis two years ago came to America needing help in rapid industrial development. They liked what they heard and went back home and went to sleep. In the meantime foreign companies moved in to exploit whatever they have in their province. Now they are back because nothing meaningful happened in the last two years (for the ordinary Iraqis) and want our help. There are sharks out there, but one needs to be smart enough to realize and take action. If not, well you get what you do or do not....
You can't make such a declaration until the one who created head-chopping regimes is first confronted. Britain, backed fully by Europe, created these regimes after they signed oil contracts, gving them eternal control of the land and resources as their private property - ahem! - land which these regimes and the Arabs never owned 100 years ago, aka sacred Islamic soil! The regimes can do as they please, rule forever, anoint only their children when they die - on condition they abide the oil contracts. India lost a third of her land, the Balfour was corruped - the term COMPROMISE [woof!] was used to carve off 80% of a tiny land [FK THE JEWS!] and humanity was given a real, non-virtual Judas for 30 barrels of oil.

The world needs a Nuremberg II Trial for those who chanted VE VERE NOT AVARE. But who is going to do it? Well - it appears Britainistan is happening on its own. Amazing - not!
please quit embarassing your self by spouting such idiocy. right arabs didn't own the land of the middle east that is a bald face lie they owned the land and were the rightful residents there in all the arab states. hell they had rtightful land taken from them and no 80% of palestine was given away it was never part of palestine. funny plus nor was it tiny. I like how you bitch about alleged places where arabs never owned the land where they got it incorrectly but you think jews an a right and were promised land that was never theirs. hopefully you'll get banned for your nonsense soon.
1. This thread is retarded. Why do you assume just because some outback crazy fucker in Australia says something that it automatically means:

B. It has really anything to do with Islam. Said politician is a racist bigot, the political motive is obvious and regardless of whether or not he claims he has religious backing for whatever it doesn't mean he is correct.
A. That all Muslims thus must think this and agree with this.

2. Fuck Geert Wilders. Let's not forget who this man is. Whoopie de do Basil, a Muslim is threatning Geert fucking Wilders, who didn't see that one coming.
Your right. Athena is a lawless thingibob KO'd to the dust of history. Stealing? How come 'ALL' laws which humanity accepts are from one source only, and 1000's of prissiy laws from your gods never made it - not even accidently with one law - and you cannot name a oner? Take your time! :D
Ancient Egypt?
Ancient India?
Ancient Greece?
Ancient Persia?

You do understand that Greek trial by 12 member Citizen Jury was born out of polytheism?

Original OT Jewish Law is classical Bronze Age eye-for-an-eye monkey magic. Modern Jewish Law is derived from European culture.
1. This thread is retarded. Why do you assume just because some outback crazy fucker in Australia says something that it automatically means:

B. It has really anything to do with Islam. Said politician is a racist bigot, the political motive is obvious and regardless of whether or not he claims he has religious backing for whatever it doesn't mean he is correct.
A. That all Muslims thus must think this and agree with this.

2. Fuck Geert Wilders. Let's not forget who this man is. Whoopie de do Basil, a Muslim is threatning Geert fucking Wilders, who didn't see that one coming.
I agree it's not something ALL Muslims agree with. But, almost all Muslims are Religious Supremists. What I mean by that statement is: Muslims generally like to think their Religious Beliefs and Religious Books are the ONLY true Religious Beliefs and Religious Books. In this sense they denigrate all the other non-Islamic faiths and people of none faiths. I maintain that this Religious Bigotry actually PRODUCES said Outback goatf*cker in video. Now, this kid really is a little shit. No Muslims in Australia listened to his verbal puke so he moved to somewhere where they would.

What we want to see is Muslims take a stand against Religious Bigotry ... puked out by the likes of this dickhead. To start you can support teaching Religious Tolerance - that is, teach Muslims ideas like the Shinto and Hindu are equally valid Religions as Islam. Without this commitment, I fear we will continue to see more and more Religious Supremacists produced BY Islam and thus have to deal with more and more of these sorts of backwards neanderthal Bronze Age dickheads.

- I may be "White" but I will take a vocal stand against WASP Supremacy - because I KNOW it is wrong and harmful for this modern multicultural world. Will you likewise stand up against Religious Bigotry?
- It should also be noted that superstitious paradigms could be reconfigured to make the type of puke this fellow is spewing harder to produce. You know, teach people "critiquing" faith is good. That there's no such thing as a "Perfect" book. No faiths are better than another You know - general tolerance needs to be built right into the faith from the ground up.

Also, you never did answer that question I posed to you: If you were born in 1100's Japan, and were raised a Shinto, do you think you'd strongly believe in multiple Gods?
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No one creates the regime unless the regime people are divided and naive. Consider this. Certain Iraqis two years ago came to America needing help in rapid industrial development. They liked what they heard and went back home and went to sleep. In the meantime foreign companies moved in to exploit whatever they have in their province. Now they are back because nothing meaningful happened in the last two years (for the ordinary Iraqis) and want our help. There are sharks out there, but one needs to be smart enough to realize and take action. If not, well you get what you do or do not....

Who created this - America or Islamist dictators?

Iran: Anti-Regime Protests
by Elad Benari

Clashes broke out on Friday between Iranian security forces and anti-government protestors in Tehran, during Iran's annual Qods (Jerusalem) Day.

According to reports, opposition supporters chanted "death to the dictator" and "Neither Gaza, nor Lebanon; I give my life for Iran". They were attacked by paramilitary forces who roamed the streets of the Iranian capital as part of attempts to intimidate the protestors as government organized marches were held.

In Second Square in Teharn’s Sadeqiya district, some 200 protesters chanted “down with the principle of the velayat-e faqih” (absolute clerical rule). They too were attacked by police and paramilitary forces. The crowd continued to chant “death to the dictator” as clashes ensued.

70 Academics 'Disappear' in Iran Crackdown on Dissidents

by Hana Levi Julian
Follow Israel news on and .

Iran is continuing its crackdown on dissidents protesting irregularities in the country’s presidential elections with the arrest of 70 academics who met on Wednesday with challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi.

The Kalemeh web site, which is linked to Mousavi’s campaign, reported that it was not known where the professors were taken. Other prominent dissidents, as well as at least 10 foreign journalists and some 26 Iranian reporters, have “disappeared” in a similar manner in recent days.

Despite the risk, protesters clashed again Wednesday with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s special Basij militia force, which has brutalized many of the demonstrators since the June 12 elections.
please quit embarassing your self by spouting such idiocy. right arabs didn't own the land of the middle east that is a bald face lie they owned the land and were the rightful residents there in all the arab states..

No - they did NOT own the land. The regimes of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and all of the gulf states never existed 120 years ago. Sadaam, Gaddafi and Assad ascended via the cloak and dagger mode, Jordan and Pakistan are ficticious states created 60 years ago. Egypt belongs to the Copts. Not a single of those states have historical borders and were created in secret without the nations voting - as was the case when Israel was legitimitaley returned at the UN. Dumping mosques do not make for sacred Islamic soil - its called robbery and denial.

The notion of sacred Islamic soil would be hysterical if it was not tragic.
Ancient Egypt?
Ancient India?
Ancient Greece?
Ancient Persia?

Not a single world accepted law comes from any of those nations - name one! Check with your local sherrif or judiciary institution.

You do understand that Greek trial by 12 member Citizen Jury was born out of polytheism?

And they got it wrong. Democracy comes from the Hebrew bible. That is why Europe flicked off Zeus. The correct law is not LET THE MAJORITY DECIDE [Greek], but is LET NOT A CORRUPT MAJORITY DECIDE [Hebrew]. Sadaam Hussein got 100% votes - is it democracy?

Original OT Jewish Law is classical Bronze Age eye-for-an-eye

Check again. That is to do with compensation for accidental damage only.

Modern Jewish Law is derived from European culture.

LOL! Yes, they got the dead sea scrolls from Norway, and Moses was Latino. I must read the wrong books of the wrong planet too. :D
1. This thread is retarded. Why do you assume just because some outback crazy fucker in Australia says something that it automatically means:

B. It has really anything to do with Islam. Said politician is a racist bigot, the political motive is obvious and regardless of whether or not he claims he has religious backing for whatever it doesn't mean he is correct.
A. That all Muslims thus must think this and agree with this.

2. Fuck Geert Wilders. Let's not forget who this man is. Whoopie de do Basil, a Muslim is threatning Geert fucking Wilders, who didn't see that one coming.

Your rage is directly proportional to the truth you see in my posts. Geet also happens to be right - and is one among many Europeans who's head is not stuck in the VE VERE NOT AVARE BS.

What is occuring beofre our eye is Europe aspired another covert Holocaust with the corruption of the Balfour, carving off 80% of a tiny land for a ficticious regime called Jordan, then performing Heil Hitler salutes at the UN, then calling a 3-state as a 2-state, then inventing Pretend Pals. But it has all backfired. Instead of Israel being overwhelmed by death-to-Jews [oops, I mean death to Zionists] A-rabs - it is Eurostan which is being overwhelmed, and by the same weapon Europe planned for Israel.

No - they did NOT own the land.
Your saying arabs didn't own the land. Is no falsehood to insane for you to utter?
The regimes of Iraq, Saudi Arabia and all of the gulf states never existed 120 years ago.
maybe not in such a form but arab states did in fact exist.
Sadaam, Gaddafi and Assad ascended via the cloak and dagger mode,
no they didn't
Jordan and Pakistan are ficticious states created 60 years ago.
neither are ficiticous and for you to claim so shows just how ignorant you are of the history of the region. Jordan can be viewed as the heir to the states that had existed east of the jordan rives and their were independent states where Pakistan was whenever it was incorporated into some other larger indian empire.
Egypt belongs to the Copts.
managed to get this one right though in modern usage the word copt refers to people of certain religions and religions don't get states.
Not a single of those states have historical borders and were created in secret without the nations voting
they weren't created in secret it was a fairly open discusion that resulted in the rule_(hat naturally was broken for Israel not one time it the entire history of that criminal enterprise have they had to play by the rules) that new states would be created with in the boundries of the colonies which has lead to most of the problems we see today in those palces.
- as was the case when Israel was legitimitaley returned at the UN.
You mean illgitamaitely. it ignored self determination and therefore has zero validity.
What's really interesting, and is a parody of Sciforums, coincidentally, is that Wilders is on trial for inciting hatred towards Islam, an ideology, while Feiz is free to call for Wilders beheading, a threat towards a person, as it falls under freedom of religion.

Insane? Well, that is the world we live in... :)

No, what is really interesting is that the fact that Australian troops are actually occupying Afghanistan and btw, killing children there for the last 10 years is not as "interesting" as what some opinionated cleric says about some dumbfuck bigot in Netherlands on an eminently forgettable occasion.
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Your saying arabs didn't own the land. Is no falsehood to insane for you to utter? maybe not in such a form but arab states did in fact exist.

Not in such a form? A state has to be legitimate, not by the sword, mass murder and dumping mosques in other peoples' land and saying you had revelation! Which are the lands of Copts and Kurds - who predate the Arabs - no revelation here? Who voted for the Arab states at the UN - as was the case with Israel?

Jordan can be viewed as the heir to the states that had existed east of the jordan rives

No sir. Jordan was created to bow to the Regimes, Abdulla is one member of a Saudi Hashemite family and not from this land. Both Jordan and Pakistan were the result of Briton bowing to oil contracts - these are not historical states.

and their were independent states where Pakistan was whenever it was incorporated into some other larger indian empire.

Pakistan is Indian land, not Islamic.

the word copt refers to people of certain religions and religions don't get states.

The Copts are the real Egyptians, and the Arabs are invaders here. Egypt was not Arab and its language was not arabic.
they weren't created in secret it was a fairly open discusion that resulted in the rule_(hat naturally was broken for Israel not one time it the entire history of that criminal enterprise have they had to play by the rules) that new states would be created with in the boundries of the colonies which has lead to most of the problems we see today in those palces. You mean illgitamaitely. it ignored self determination and therefore has zero validity.

Israel is the only legit state in the middle-east, and was re-established at the UN. All Arab states created in secret are illegal.

Egypt should be returned to the Copts and Iraq to the Kurds. Mosques dumped on other peoples' land must be deemed crimes against humanity, not sacred islamic soil. The Muslims are aspiring genocide by hiding behind their Pretend Pals when they are unable to answer which is the Zionist homeland. Palestine is the name put on Judea - the Jewish homeland, and only Jews were called Palestinean before 1960. Today's Jerusalem Post was called the Palestinean Post - it was issued in english and Hebrew. There is no such thing as Muslim Palestineans or Muslim Zionists - its a blatant, obscene lie which is inclined only on genocide.

Moses was not a Muslim but the first Zionist.
Michael said:
How many Thai Buddhist Monks have had their heads chopped off by Thai Muslim fanatics in the name of "Islam"? Do you THINK MAYBE that has something to do with it???
How many Thai Muslims have had their heads chopped off by Thai Buddhist fanatics in the name of "Buddhism"? ANY AT ALL?

How many? You tell me. Lets see the figures either way.

Muslims generally like to think their Religious Beliefs and Religious Books are the ONLY true Religious Beliefs and Religious Books

How many non-Muslims think that Muslim religious beliefs and religious books are the only true religious beliefs and religious books?

How many other religious books mention the validity of revelations of other religions as the Qur'an mentions the Gospels and Taurat and claims that a prophet equal to Mohammed was sent to every other people?

As the Qur'an says: is one who knows equal to one who doesn't know?

I mean I cannot in any rational context simultaneously believe the Quran saying that all prophets are equal while believing that only Jesus is the path to salvation. That would be stupid. Maybe Christians think that way, but to me, the Quran makes more sense, since it means that people are not incumbent on knowing or accepting some prophet who may have descended into oblivion if not for Paul.

Now maybe you feel the Christian belief is the right one and thats fine. For you. For myself, I think the Qur'an is right, this is why I am a Muslim and not a Christian. From what I know of Jesus, I think he was a Muslim. He did not worship himself either.
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Egypt belongs to the Copts.
Why? Why not the Pharaohs?

Most Egyptians converted to Islam and are now Arabic.

(try to remember being Arab is cultural, not racial).

Not a single world accepted law comes from any of those nations - name one! Check with your local sherrif or judiciary institution.

And they got it wrong. Democracy comes from the Hebrew bible. That is why Europe flicked off Zeus. The correct law is not LET THE MAJORITY DECIDE [Greek], but is LET NOT A CORRUPT MAJORITY DECIDE [Hebrew]. Sadaam Hussein got 100% votes - is it democracy?
Are you smoking crack? I just said: trial by 12 member jury is GREEK.

Are you going to say that this came from the OT? :bugeye:

You have got to be deluded or you have such a massive Jewish meme infection it has shut down all critical thinking apparatus in your CNS :eek:
Let's here it from history and from the mouths of Muslims themselves.

Who Are the Palestinians?

"Palestinian" today typically applies to Arabs from the West Bank and Gaza Strip and to those who fled what became Israel in 1948 and their descendants. Often it also covers the Palestinian majority in Jordan, and sometimes even Israeli Arabs. Essentially, these are 20th century usages, like the adjectives Soviet and Yugoslav.

Although a distinct Palestinian nationalism is taken for granted internationally today, the notion of a Palestinian people separate and distinct from neighboring Arabs is relatively recent. Indeed, Zahir Muhsein, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee, told the Dutch newspaper Trau on March 31, 1977:

The Palestinian people does not exist . . . . The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity.

In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism.

Muhsein emphasized a point often made. The First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations in Jerusalem in 1919, called to choose delegates to the Paris Peace Conference, declared:

We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic, and geographic bonds.

In 1947, the United Nations was considering the second partition of British Mandatory Palestine (Transjordannow Jordan and 77.5 percent of the total areahad been separated in 1921 and Jews forbidden to settle there). The Arab Higher Committee informed the General Assembly that "Palestine was part of the province of Syria" and "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political identity."

Early in the century a few Christian Arabs did promote the idea of Palestinian Arab nationalism to secure the social-political equality that pan-Islamic movements might deny them. But generally, after the collapse of Ottoman Turkish rule in World War I and subsequent British ascendancy, "Palestinian" referred to Jews. The Palestine Post, Palestine Land Development Company, Palestine Philharmonic and other similarly named institutions, all were Jewish enterprises, manifestations of the Zionist effort to renew Jewish sovereignty in eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel.

The PLO Charter, as rewritten in 1968, varies the definition of Palestinian in three separate articles. Article One declares that "... the people of Palestine is part of the Arab nation" while Article Five claims "the Palestinians are the Arab nationals who were living permanently in Palestine until 1947 ... [or] anyone born of a Palestinian father after that, whether within Palestine or outside it ...." Article Six allows that Jews at least some of them could be Palestinians too: "Jews who were living permanently in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinian."

In fact, today's Palestinians, especially the large majority who are Sunni Muslims, have no significant religious, linguistic, cultural, or national differences from their brethren in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and even Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This is not surprising since many of their ancestors migrated from those areas in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Egyptians arrived with Mehmet Ali's conquest in the 1830s and stayed. Hence the common Palestinian family or clan name, "al-Masri," meaning "the Egyptian." Later in the 19th century, Turkish overlords imported non-Arab Muslims from Sudan and the Balkans to western Palestine. Arabs from the Arabian peninsula settled in the Hebron Hills.

As Zionist Jews built the foundation for a national home, economic and health conditions improved in western Palestine. Many Arabs migrated, often illegally, from Transjordan, Syria, and Lebanon, and internally from the West Bank and Gaza Strip into what would become Israel to take advantage of the higher standards. Between 1922 and 1947, for example, the non-Jewish populations in Haifa, Jerusalem, and Jaffa grew many times faster than accounted for by natural increase alone.

The related claim that Palestinian Arabs are not only an historically distinct people but also an ancient one are questionable as well. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) implicitly recognized evidence to the contrary when, after 1948, it granted refugee status to any Arab who had resided in what was now Israel for a minimum of two years.

Biblical Philistines

Historically, the biblical Philistines were not Arabs but rather Mediterranean sea people, whose culture was influenced by that of Crete. Landing in southwestern Canaan about 1200 BCE (Before the Common Era), they battled intermittently with the Israelites of the Judean and Samarian hill country until finally being erased from history by Babylonian conquerors late in the seventh century.

The substitution of "Palestine" for Judea, land of the Jews, was an early psychological warfare maneuver. After the second Jewish revolt, 132 - 135 CE (Common Era), Rome dispersed many of the survivors andto erase their connection to the landrenamed Judea "Palaestina." Hence the derivation of the Arabic word Filastin, although Arabs did not settle west of the Jordan River in large numbers until the Muslim conquest 500 years later in the seventh century C.E.

"Palestine," referring to an independent state supposedly limited to the West Bank and Gaza, became widespread only well after 1967 as a reaction to Israel's conquest of those Jordanian and Egyptian occupied territories in a war of self-defense. If Israel and the Palestinian Authority eventually negotiate a settlement that realizes President Bush's vision of "two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, side-by-side and at peace," the citizens of the latter will be able to claim something newan actualized separate Palestinian national identity.

International Terrorists

And what of Klocek's other apparently taboo statement, that while not all Muslims are terrorists, all international terrorists are Muslims? Exaggerated, but resting on fact. The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists. But from the World Trade Center to nightclubs in Bali and the Underground in London, from Israeli buses to Spanish trains, a school in Beslan to a synagogue in Tunisia, throughout Algeria, Iraq, in Sudan, Pakistan and elsewhere, the perpetrators of most contemporary terrorist massacresincluding those with Muslim victims have been Muslims. [/COLOR]

No such thing as a Muslim Palestinean before 1960. Check it out. The robbing of this name is nothing other than an aspiration of genocide:
