Mormons are a CULT!

Re: You have been given the key, now open the door

Originally posted by Lamplighter
You know what, Randolfo? If you've read this whole thread, you've probably come across the following statements by me (to paraphrase)
Yes, I did read the whole tread, & I'm wondering if you really are not so much into the LDS stuff as you claim, why you are so in to defending it?

According to these guidelines, I've shared the message with you
Yep & what did you expect? That I would be "enlightened" by the light of your lamp?

I've given you Moroni's promise (Moroni 10:4, Book of Mormon)
I think Moroni is one of the angels of light mentioned in Galatians 1:8, why should I follow him? A fallen angel?

and I've born my testimony to you that I know that the Church is true
Sounds like a mantra for mormons?
"testimony burning in your heart"

and that Jesus stands at its head
you really mean J. Smith? since the 'jesus' you talk about is a man-made creation? that the 'god' you worship, is a false god, a created being & his creator is know by the mere human name of 'Joseph Smith"?

I've done all these things, yet you still refuse to listen or try Moroni's promise
What? you expected me to fall on my knees to your 'god', with your marvelous insights? Oh, please!!!

Do I note a little whining? Or is it incomprehensible to you that anyone would refuse to listen to this promise? No apologies, but I do not for one minute believe that I can become a god or that I should listen to people that believe that. By the way, that is more Hindu philosophy than christianity. Read about Hinduism & see the similarities

So I've done my part
Good for you!!! Now what was mine again? Oh yeah!!! To become a mormon!!! NOPE, I WON'T!!!

If you refuse to apply the promise, there is nothing else I can do for you
Thanks, but no thanks, I will not follow a fallen angel!!!

I wish you well, but I'm not going to debate with you about Mormonism
Oh, ok

Is this a "cop-out"? You can call it so if you desire, but I'm just following prophetic instructions
Can't defend your beliefs, mantra is too old, won't work anymore?

You have been given the key. If you refuse to try it in the lock, that's up to you
In your debates with several people in this tread, you too were given the "KEY", now it is up to you to "UNLOCK" the truth, listen to His voice, do not refuse His call, be one of His sheep, stop, listen, pray, obey

You can complain, dismiss, and generally pooh-pooh the notion that God will tell you the truth in your heart
Actually, you did do that too, but in the end we will not know who was right until the end times, are you ready? In your heart are you pre-god material or a child of God?

but you can never disprove Mormonism's strongest evidence unless you try, with real intent, to follow the conditions of Moroni's promise
Will you follow Jesus? What way do you follow? Who is your god? What is your truth?

Nuff said
No, but we have an eternity to find out if we were wrong, oh, I forgot mormons don't believe in heaven or hell

How did God become God? I guess by being righteous and receiving all truth, rejecting all evil.
So, god is a created being? An exalted creature? I don't think so, read the Bible, oh I forgot, mormons don't really believe the Bible, not truthful enough for these so-called 'christians'. Let's see, christians that don't believe in the Bible? Now what could you call them? How about heretics? A cult? A sect? A cult? Yes! Mormons are a CULT!!! You proved it Lamplighter!!! Thanks!!!

The LDS Church is already restored to true Christianity. True prophet, true religion.
Wishful thinking, the true church is Jesus & we are the Temple for His praise & worship!!!

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, look at it this way.

You are in a fancy restaurant and have just ordered a delicious steak-and-potatoes dinner. The waiter brings it to you, and tells you that the steak is particularly delicious today. You take one look at the plate and say, "The parsley isn't placed correctly." The waiter assures you that it doesn't really matter how the parsley is placed, but you must try the steak. You take another look at the plate and say, "My potato isn't perfectly round. Take it back!" The waiter says, "I assure you, sir, the potato is very delicious as well. Both the steak and potato are in excellent condition and are delicious."

You look at the plate again and say, "I refuse to believe that the steak tastes good because the plate is white. I don't like white plates. Take it back and bring me a blue plate, please. The steak and potato cannot taste good because they are on the wrong color plate."

The waiter assures you that the steak and potato are the most delicious he will ever taste. You keep finding things wrong with the peripherals and refuse to even try the steak or potato. The fork is slightly bent. The salad is too cold. The water doesn't have ice in it and isn't cold enough.

Finally, you get tired of complaining about the little things that bother you and you actually try the steak. It is just as the waiter promised it would be: delicious and filling! You wonder why in the world you didn't try it sooner.

Do you see where I'm going here?

I can not eat at Lamplighter's restaurant,
I will not defile myself because,
it has been dedicated to other gods, its food was offered to Baal,
its workers to Asteroth, its owner to Mammon
"But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine..."
Daniel 1: 8-15

I have known mormons since my Air Force days (met first one after being stationed at Edwards in 1974). I have had interactions with them since then (only two have tried to convert me). I have a copy of the BoM & the Q'ran, & rest assured they are not Biblical. Read them & see for yourself
Daniel 5: 25-28

Lamplighter, in these troubled times, you owe it to yourself to read up on the muslims, see if their history doesn't parallel mormonism? Read parts of the Q'ran, ask yourself, how can you tell if the Q'ran is true or not? 1.2 Billion Muslims claim it’s true, how can you deny its truthfulness then? Would you try their 'meat'? Would you try Muhammad's promise of true religion? of being the 'seal' of the prophets? How do you tell truth from fiction? I personally see no difference between Mohammad and J. Smith, they are both later-day-fakes, for each knew enough of the truth to distort it & to get followers, some took to the sword & others door-to-door.

If anyone comes after Jesus & claims things other than what is in the Gospels, then the proofs on them. See Paul’s statement in Galatians 1: 6-9.
So would you take the same pledge that you ask others to do for Moroni? & test out Jesus’ claim in John 14: 6-7?
Originally posted by Lamplighter

How did God become God? I guess by being righteous and receiving all truth, rejecting all evil.
So, god is a created being? An exalted creature? Are you sure? Is that what the Bible says? or only the journals & discourses of the LDS?

What other religions say the say thing? Jewish? Christians? Muslims? No? Hindu? Buddhist? maybe? The LDS as an offshoot of hindu & christian ideas? maybe?
Randolfo, as I've said, I'm not going to debate you. I gave you the key to finding out if the Book of Mormon is true or not. Whether you choose to use the key or to ignore it, that's up to you. Your spirituality is between you and God.

God bless.
Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, as I've said, I'm not going to debate you. I gave you the key to finding out if the Book of Mormon is true or not. Whether you choose to use the key or to ignore it, that's up to you. Your spirituality is between you and God.

God bless.
Is this a debate? Actually, I thought we were just sharing viewpoints? And stop trying to bless me with a false god, the God of the Universe doesn't answer to any Council of the gods, unlike the one that the LDS proclaims. Tell us more about this, are gods made? Are we all possible pre-gods? What about this Council? Huh?

Originally posted by Lamplighter
So right, we are not saved by an uncaring God, you just have to stop & ask. Nothing we do saves us, only Jesus. Stop & ask

Originally posted by Lamplighter
How did God become God? I guess by being righteous and receiving all truth, rejecting all evil.
You didn't answer me. So what's the answer? is god a created being? An exalted creature? Are you sure? Is that what the Bible says? or only the journals & discourses of the LDS? What other religions say the same thing? Jewish? Christians? Muslims? No? Hindu? Buddhist? maybe? The LDS as an offshoot of hindu & christian ideas? maybe?
Milk Before Meat

Randolfo, you have NO grasp on what Mormonism is about, judging from your posts. You present numerous straw men and then tear them down, proudly proclaiming that what you are tearing down is Mormonism. You've been reading too many anti-Mormon websites or something, I guess, because you don't seem to have a clue what it's really about.

Which is why I'm recommending that you read and pray about the Book of Mormon. You would gain so much insight into Mormonism by doing that. I believe it was Paul who introduced the "milk before meat" principle. You have to learn basic addition and subtraction before you can do calculus. And no offense, but when it comes to understanding Mormonism, if your posts above are any indication of your comprehension of it, you need the milk before you can handle the meat.

My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not. The basic doctrines of the Church are expounded within the BoM. Also, invite the missionaries into your home and take the discussions, is my advice.

Basics before advanced topics. Milk before meat.
Re: Milk Before Meat

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, you have NO grasp on what Mormonism is about, judging from your posts. You present numerous straw men and then tear them down, proudly proclaiming that what you are tearing down is Mormonism. You've been reading too many anti-Mormon websites or something, I guess, because you don't seem to have a clue what it's really about.

Which is why I'm recommending that you read and pray about the Book of Mormon. You would gain so much insight into Mormonism by doing that. I believe it was Paul who introduced the "milk before meat" principle. You have to learn basic addition and subtraction before you can do calculus. And no offense, but when it comes to understanding Mormonism, if your posts above are any indication of your comprehension of it, you need the milk before you can handle the meat.

My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not. The basic doctrines of the Church are expounded within the BoM. Also, invite the missionaries into your home and take the discussions, is my advice.

Basics before advanced topics. Milk before meat.
Actually, I understand too well, and that's the problem in your eyes. Wow quoting Paul to undermine his beliefs? Next you'll quote the pope?
No seriously, how many times do you read the Bible or is that forbidden? You would know that quote from Hebrews 5:12-14, enough to use it then.
By the way, if you read Hebrews 5:1-10 & 7:1-28 you would get a better understanding of what being a priest after the order of Melchizedek is.
Our priest has a name. The name is Jesus!!!
How many times do I have to say it?


I wrote:
My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not.

You responded, "No, I refuse because Galatians mentions that some devils pose as angels, therefore all angels are devils in disguise." (or something to that effect).

I wrote:
My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not.

You responded, "No, I refuse because Muhammed was a false prophet, therefore Joseph Smith couldn't have been a true one!"

I wrote:
My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not.

You responded, "No, I refuse to follow a false angel and a false God."

To which I respond:

I've given you the same advice over and over again and you refuse to follow it. You can always find excuses not to read the BoM, I guess. You just keep spouting anti-Mormon doctrine, anti-Christian doctrine, and any old doctrine you want. Mormons ARE Christians, Mormons DO believe in heaven and hell, Mormons believe in, read regularly, and revere the Bible greatly, and Mormons believe that Jesus is the only name given under heaven wherein man may be saved. Jesus is the central figure of worship in Mormonism.

But you'll find another "out," I'm sure. I just hope you don't rationalize yourself out of your own exaltation, wresting the scriptures to your own destruction.

If you ask me any more questions, here is my answer:

My advice to you, therefore, is to read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it's true or not.
Re: How many times do I have to say it?

Originally posted by Lamplighter

To which I respond:

I've given you the same advice over and over again and you refuse to follow it. You can always find excuses not to read the BoM, I guess. You just keep spouting anti-Mormon doctrine, anti-Christian doctrine, and any old doctrine you want. Mormons ARE Christians, Mormons DO believe in heaven and hell, Mormons believe in, read regularly, and revere the Bible greatly, and Mormons believe that Jesus is the only name given under heaven wherein man may be saved. Jesus is the central figure of worship in Mormonism.

But you'll find another "out," I'm sure. I just hope you don't rationalize yourself out of your own exaltation, wresting the scriptures to your own destruction.

If you ask me any more questions, here is my answer:
So explain out in the open for all to see, what heaven & hell are?
Explain how Jesus came to be?
Explain the relationship between Jesus & Satan?
Who is God? Who is Satan?
What happens when I receive this "exaltation" you speak of?
Are you a robot? Do you have free will? Look in the mirror & ask yourself, "am I a god in the making? Does Jesus really save us? Or do we save ourselves?"
BTW, I have read the BoM, why do you think I'm not a mormon?
Randolfo, you seem to think that I'm trying to hide something (i.e., "explain out in the open for all to see...."). The truths of Mormonism are not secret (with the exception of the temple "endowment ceremony"), nor are Mormons afraid to share them with others. In fact, we're commanded to share the gospel with others. So I don't know why you think I'm hiding anything from people. I will answer your questions, with the qualification that I do not speak for the Church in any official capacity; my answers are according to my own understanding.

So explain out in the open for all to see, what heaven & hell are?

Heaven is the kingdom of God. There are three main kingdoms in heaven: the Celestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom, and the Telestial Kingdom. The Celestial Kingdom, where God dwells, is for all the faithful who receive the ordinance of baptism from someone in authority and endure in their faith in Jesus Christ until the end of their lives. At the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom, reserved for the completely faithful who are married for eternity in the temple, men and women may become gods and goddesses and have a "continuation of the seeds" (have spirit children) for the rest of eternity.

The Terrestrial Kingdom is for the less-valiant but not wicked, honorable people of the earth who don't qualify for the Celestial. The Telestial Kingdom is for the wicked and the proud, murderers, adulterers, etc. who do not repent in this life. The Telestial must suffer for their own sins before they will be allowed admittance.

Hell is either temporary (for the Telestial people who eventually repent) or permanent (for the devil and his followers, and for the unredeemable who have committed the "unpardonable sin" and have lost the ability to repent.)

For more information, see Doctrine & Covenants Section 76.

Explain how Jesus came to be?

God created Jesus, who is the Firstborn of all the spirit children of God the Father. Jesus (and the rest of us) were in the beginning with God.

Explain the relationship between Jesus & Satan?

Satan is the arch-enemy of Jesus. Satan is an angel who fell when he rebelled against Jesus in pre-mortality, and was cast down to earth and denied a physical body. I know what you are trying to get me to say (that Jesus and Satan are brothers). This is true, although they are completely opposed to one another. Jesus, God the Father, the angels, men, and the devils, are all of the same race. So although you can say that technically, Jesus and Satan are brothers, they couldn't be more different, and you can also say that Jesus and I, and Jesus and you, are brothers. They aren't "in cahoots" with one another, as some anti-Mormons would have you believe about Mormon teachings. I can have an evil brother and yet be good myself, in other words. The fact that Satan is evil does not make Christ less good.

Who is God? Who is Satan?

God is the Creator of the universe and the Father of our spirits. Satan is the arch-enemy of God.

What happens when I receive this "exaltation" you speak of?

You are resurrected, receive a perfect, exalted immortal body, and you become a God.

Are you a robot? Do you have free will? Look in the mirror & ask yourself, "am I a god in the making? Does Jesus really save us? Or do we save ourselves?"

Last I checked, I wasn't a robot, LOL.

Yes, I have free will.

Personally, I don't think I will ever be a god. But it could happen if I changed a lot of my attitudes and became faithful.

Yes, Jesus really does save us.

Mormons believe that only the grace of Christ can save us. However, they don't believe in "cheap grace"--in other words, we must be obedient to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, and then, after all we can do, the grace of Christ makes up for what we can't do for ourselves.

BTW, I have read the BoM, why do you think I'm not a mormon?

Did you pray about it? Did you have an open mind, with real intent, to find out the truth, or did you conclude that the book was false before even asking God about it?

I bear you my testimony that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I applied Moroni's promise at a very young age, and God told me in my heart that the BoM is true.

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Mormonism is not Christian is because it denies one or more of the essential doctrines of Christianity. The essential doctrines are that Jesus is God in flesh, forgiveness of sins is by grace alone, and Jesus rose from the dead physically. Mormonism distorts two of them: the person of Jesus, and His work of salvation. Mormonism believes that the trinity is really a triad, or three separate Gods: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

"That these three are separate individuals, physically distinct from each other, is demonstrated by the accepted records of divine dealings with man." (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 35.)

However, the Bible teaches us that God is a Trinity (2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Pet. 1:2).

"As these sins are the result of individual acts it is just that forgiveness for them should be conditioned on individual compliance with prescribed requirements -- 'obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.'" (Articles of Faith p. 79)

Conversely, the Bible teaches us that salvation and forgiveness of sins is not by works (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 4:5; Gal. 2:21). It is a free gift received by God's grace (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 6:23) and cannot be earned (Rom. 11:6).

Inspector wrote,


Mormonism is not Christian is because it denies one or more of the essential doctrines of Christianity. The essential doctrines are that Jesus is God in flesh,

Check. Jesus is God in the flesh.

forgiveness of sins is by grace alone,

The doctrine of salvation by grace alone (what some Mormons call "cheap grace") is not correct. See, for example, James chapter 2, which unmistakeably links faith to works. "Faith without works is dead..." (James 2:17,18).

and Jesus rose from the dead physically.

Check. Jesus was bodily resurrected.

Mormonism distorts two of them: the person of Jesus, and His work of salvation. Mormonism believes that the trinity is really a triad, or three separate Gods: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

"That these three are separate individuals, physically distinct from each other, is demonstrated by the accepted records of divine dealings with man." (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 35.)

However, the Bible teaches us that God is a Trinity (2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Pet. 1:2).

See The Doctrinal Exclusion: Trinity and the Nature of God.

"As these sins are the result of individual acts it is just that forgiveness for them should be conditioned on individual compliance with prescribed requirements -- 'obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.'" (Articles of Faith p. 79)

Conversely, the Bible teaches us that salvation and forgiveness of sins is not by works (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 4:5; Gal. 2:21). It is a free gift received by God's grace (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 6:23) and cannot be earned (Rom. 11:6).


It's true: without Christ's grace, no one would ever be saved, regardless of how many good works they did. But again, Mormons believe (and the Bible teaches) that works are also required. Works don't save you--only grace does--but works are required to keep your faith alive (James 2).

Thanks for the link. However, one of major flaws in the Mormon doctrine, and there are many, is that it takes parts of the Bible and applies them out of context. For example, it is true that we should keep His commandments but our good deeds FOLLOW our justification by His grace and our faith.

God does not want a faith that is empty and hypocritical. James 2 is talking about those who "say" that they have faith but have no works. Therefore, people cannot tell if they are true believers or not, because there is no fruit. That kind of a faith is useless and is not a saving faith. True faith results in true works.

In Matthew 19:16-17, Jesus was speaking to a Lawyer who was self-righteous since he wanted to put Jesus to the test (Luke 10:25). He asked what he must do in order to obtain eternal life and Jesus responded with the requirements of keeping the commandments. If a person keeps all of the commandments, it would seem that they could obtain eternal life. However, nobody can keep all of the commandments. Therefore, Jesus' comments to this man show this man that justification can only be by faith since no one can keep all of the commandments. This is why it says in Eph. 2:8 that we are saved by grace to faith. Also, Romans 3:20,28 and Galatians 2:16 tells us that no one is justified in God by the law; that is, by the works that he can do.

There is no contradiction at all when we examine the contexts. We are justified by faith but that faith must be alive (James 2). The Law cannot save us because we are incapable of keeping it (Matthew 19:16-17). Therefore, salvation is by faith through grace.

Remember, obedience FOLLOWS salvation.

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, you seem to think that I'm trying to hide something (i.e., "explain out in the open for all to see...."). The truths of Mormonism are not secret (with the exception of the temple "endowment ceremony"), nor are Mormons afraid to share them with others. In fact, we're commanded to share the gospel with others. So I don't know why you think I'm hiding anything from people. I will answer your questions, with the qualification that I do not speak for the Church in any official capacity; my answers are according to my own understanding.
By your words, you have proved that mormonism is a cult. Read up on "Gnosticism" and "arianism" , 2 heresies that rocked the early church, you may not see it because most brainwashed people can't accept they are wrong. Could you pray about it, let Jesus direct you to the truth?

Did you pray about it? Did you have an open mind, with real intent, to find out the truth, or did you conclude that the book was false before even asking God about it?
Would you do the same for the Bible? That it holds all the truth for you? Could you do it with an open mind? Would you accept the truth even if it went against your mormon beliefs? Would you?

I bear you my testimony that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I applied Moroni's promise at a very young age, and God told me in my heart that the BoM is true.

[COLOR=orangered ]I had been told & read, that when cornered, mormons always used this as a mantra"I bear you my testimony", so that no one would dissuade them from mormonism. So we all got to see this for ourselves. Would you look at orthodox christianity with an open mind? Would you accept the truth even if it went against your mormon beliefs? Would you? Pray about it? [/COLOR]
Originally posted by Lamplighter

The doctrine of salvation by grace alone (what some Mormons call "cheap grace") is not correct. See, for example, James chapter 2, which unmistakeably links faith to works. "Faith without works is dead..." (James 2:17,18).

It's true: without Christ's grace, no one would ever be saved, regardless of how many good works they did. But again, Mormons believe (and the Bible teaches) that works are also required. Works don't save you--only grace does--but works are required to keep your faith alive (James 2).

Originally posted by inspector
Conversely, the Bible teaches us that salvation and forgiveness of sins is not by works (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 4:5; Gal. 2:21). It is a free gift received by God's grace (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 6:23) and cannot be earned (Rom. 11:6).


Actually, you are both right & wrong, nobody ever reads the end of what Paul says about grace & works in Ephesians 2: 8-10, about God preparing us for good works?

Originally posted by Lamplighter
The doctrine of salvation by grace alone (what some Mormons call "cheap grace") is not correct.

Cheap grace? Jesus died for us, it was not cheap & did you know that you just insulted Martin Luther & all of protestantism, did you know that? As I understand christianity; it's 'easy' to be a christian , you just say you are; but its 'hard' to live it, since the world & all of our nature go against it.

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Please cut and paste appropriately. In your previous post, it looks as if I wrote the words that appear in bold, which I didn't. Thanks.

inspector, you may find the following article interesting:

Salvation: By Grace or by Works?


Randolfo wrote,

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, you seem to think that I'm trying to hide something (i.e., "explain out in the open for all to see...."). The truths of Mormonism are not secret (with the exception of the temple "endowment ceremony"), nor are Mormons afraid to share them with others. In fact, we're commanded to share the gospel with others. So I don't know why you think I'm hiding anything from people. I will answer your questions, with the qualification that I do not speak for the Church in any official capacity; my answers are according to my own understanding.

By your words, you have proved that mormonism is a cult.

How so? Because it has esoteric teachings? So did early Christianity, as I understand it. Are you willing to call early Christianity a "cult" as well, based solely on such a tradition?

Read up on "Gnosticism" and "arianism" , 2 heresies that rocked the early church, you may not see it because most brainwashed people can't accept they are wrong.

Yes, most of us brainwashed people are just too dumb for words, aren't we?

Anyway, I read up on Gnosticism. Not being familiar with the term, I looked it up in the dictionary. I personally don't believe that "matter is evil," if that's what you're talking about. And I've never been through the temple, so I don't know anything about the endowment ceremony. An easy win for you, perhaps, because I don't know what you're talking about.

Arianism: as far as I can understand it, it was the doctrine that Christ was a created being. I'm unsure why that is a heresy, and I'm not sure that Mormonism teaches the specifics regarding the true "beginning" of eternity. I personally believe (and I could be wrong) that our basic essences ("intelligences") were not created but existed eternally, and that God merely "organized" them into spirits and, later, clothed us with flesh. So to my belief, Christ has always existed, even prior to being created as a spirit Son of God, as an intelligence. So much for arianism, in my view anyway.

Could you pray about it, let Jesus direct you to the truth?

Jesus already has directed me to the truth, thanks.

Did you pray about it? Did you have an open mind, with real intent, to find out the truth, or did you conclude that the book was false before even asking God about it?

Would you do the same for the Bible? That it holds all the truth for you? Could you do it with an open mind? Would you accept the truth even if it went against your mormon beliefs? Would you?

Certainly. In fact, I try to read one Bible chapter per day. I'm in the middle of Isaiah right now. I know that the New Testament is true, having read it several times, and I'm gaining a testimony of the Old Testament as I have been reading it for awhile.

Tell you what: I'll pray about orthodox Christianity's truthfulness if you'll do the same about Mormonism.

I bear you my testimony that I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I applied Moroni's promise at a very young age, and God told me in my heart that the BoM is true.


I had been told & read, that when cornered, mormons always used this as a mantra"I bear you my testimony", so that no one would dissuade them from mormonism. So we all got to see this for ourselves.

Cornered? No, my bearing testimony was in keeping with my Church's instructions to do so. Doesn't matter if I'm "cornered" or not. It's my responsibility to bear testimony to the truth I have received.

Would you look at orthodox christianity with an open mind? Would you accept the truth even if it went against your mormon beliefs? Would you? Pray about it?

Sure. In fact, I plan on an intensive study of all religions of the world as soon as I can get a good book on the subject. Can you recommend any?

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Yes, most of us brainwashed people are just too dumb for words, aren't we?
in the end we'll see who is brain-washed or not. Being dumb has nothing to do with it, college-educated or high school drop-out means nothing, it's how or when or under what conditions you are brought into that religion or cult. Then whether you can leave it or not, if presented with proofs or obvious errors, says whether you are brain-washed or not.

Sure. In fact, I plan on an intensive study of all religions of the world as soon as I can get a good book on the subject. Can you recommend any?

It's funny, that you think of christianity as just another world religion. Check out your local library or the net for any research, I also go to my local christian book store too.
It's all in the way you say it

Randolfo wrote,

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Yes, most of us brainwashed people are just too dumb for words, aren't we?

in the end we'll see who is brain-washed or not. Being dumb has nothing to do with it, college-educated or high school drop-out means nothing, it's how or when or under what conditions you are brought into that religion or cult. Then whether you can leave it or not, if presented with proofs or obvious errors, says whether you are brain-washed or not.

You don't even know what you're talking about. I am free to leave Mormonism if I decide to do so. Have you ever even attended an LDS worship service (Sacrament Meeting)? The charge that the LDS Church "brainwashes" people is one of the most ignorant and asinine statements I've ever heard. And only the ignorant and the disgruntled would ever make such an accusation. You're showing your ignorance, Randolfo.

Sure. In fact, I plan on an intensive study of all religions of the world as soon as I can get a good book on the subject. Can you recommend any?


It's funny, that you think of christianity as just another world religion. Check out your local library or the net for any research, I also go to my local christian book store too.

Okay. Let me say this in "Randolfo-speak" so you will understand it.

"Sure. In fact, in addition to my plans to study Christianity in all its forms and differing beliefs among all of its different sects and denominations in the entire world (Christianity being my religion of choice), I plan also on an intensive study of all other false, non-Christian religions of the world, which I don't believe in and which I place in a category labelled "false" but worth studying anyway, Christianity being my preferred religion of choice which I believe to be the true religion, as soon as I can get a good book on the subject, that subject being religions both Christian, which I believe is the true religion, and non-Christian, which I believe to be false religions yet worth studying in spite of their being false because they are not Christian."

Your constant misinterpretation of my words is at the very least annoying and downright dishonest if you're doing it on purpose. Please stop attributing to me things I didn't say. I didn't say that I consider Christianity "just another world religion." You inferred it because you are brainwashed into believing that Mormons are a cult.

Peace (!).