Mormons are a CULT!

For these questions, all the answers should be evident in scientific &/or historical proofs, that any layman could understand without having to learn some exotic language or mathematical theory.

that is a good point, my friend.:)
I guess I'd better finish what I started.

Randolfo wrote:

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Several short points:

Yes, Mormons DO want to be known as Christians and always have been Christians. This is not a recent development. The Church has been a Christian religion since April 6, 1830, when it was first organized by Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is "Another Testament of Jesus Christ."

No, Mormons DO NOT want to be known as "mainstream" Christians, according to the current definition of the word. Mormons believe that the Church is a RESTORATION of true Christianity, not merely a reformation.

Wanting to be Christian and ‘being’ Christians are two different things.

Yes, they are. The Mormons both want to be Christian and are Christian.

By the way, muslims claim that Jesus was a ‘muslim’ & followed islam, and that Muhammad was merely restoring the ‘true’ religion of god. WOW!! two prophets!!! Muhammad, Joseph.....Joseph, Muhammad. Who should we believe? Hmmm…???

Actually, Joseph Smith has nothing to do with Muhammad, and Muhammad has nothing to do with Joseph Smith. I don't care what Muslims believe. That isn't the subject of this thread. And since Joseph Smith taught that Jesus was the Son of God, unlike Muhammad, this is a false analogy.

The Cross: they aren't really "offended" by it; they just don't feel that it is an appropriate symbol of the LIVING Christ. If Jesus had been killed by a gun, would you hang a tiny gun around your neck to symbolize your faith?

Why not? The NRA does!!!

I just wanted to respond to pumpkins here and say that if he/she wants to wear a symbol of Christ's sacrifice around his/her neck, that's fine with the LDS. The LDS choose not to worship the dying Christ, but rather the LIVING Christ, so they feel that the cross is not an appropriate symbol. They aren't offended by it--they just don't use it.

The Triune God: The so-called "3-in-1 Trinity" is not a biblical doctrine. It came with the "creeds" when uninspired men decided that they were going to modify biblical doctrine to fit their own philosophies.

That’s a matter of opinion, so who do you think Jesus was talking to, when he was praying?”

He was talking to God the Father. Mormons do believe in the Trinity in the sense that there are three personages in the "Godhead." They just don't believe that these three personages are one-and-the-same substance.

When reading Revelation, what do you think is happening there? Who are the major “players” there?

I don't have a clue what you're talking about here. Could you be more specific?

Also, why would those men at Nicea be so uninspired, but those LDS guys can be so ‘inspired’? Hmmmm…???

Perhaps because the men at Nicea were influenced greatly by Greek philosophy, while the LDS are influenced directly by God's revelation. This is not to say that none of the Niceans were inspired, but they were so steeped in neoplatonism that they actually defined God in philosophical terms rather than theistic ones. To wit, they defined God as non-material because of the neoplatonic idea that all matter is evil. God is all good, they reasoned, so He must be completely immaterial. They replaced the biblical Deity with their own version of a "philosophically-correct" god.

I'll read your links when you read mine.

Is Jesus considered as "God" in Mormonism? Yes. As a member of the Godhead, He is "God the Son," one of the three personages who constitute the Godhead (the other two being God the Father and God the Holy Ghost). Your belief that Mormons don't believe that Jesus is INDEED God is false. They do.

Just exactly what is a 'godhead'? Do you mean ‘trinity’ or three gods?

Three personages, one in unity and purpose.

Also, is your explanation in the Bible?


By the way, exactly how many gods are there in the universe?

I have no idea. Mormonism doesn't even speculate on that question.

Is it still true that each good mormon gets to be god of their little ‘earth’?

All the faithful who receive the ordinances (baptism, endowments, and celestial marriage in the temple) and endure in faith until the end, are exalted and become joint-heirs with Christ, receiving what He receives.

What about all those wives to get those spirit beings populating their new planet?

"All those wives"? Polygamy isn't necessary for exaltation.

Tell us, exactly how did this ‘godhead’ become our planet’s ‘god’?

How did God become God? I guess by being righteous and receiving all truth, rejecting all evil.

By the way, “How does a restoration work?” Can we help restore the LDS church to true Christianity, like the World Wide Church of God? Or will they stay like Islam; false prophet, false ‘true’ religion? Hmmm.....???

The LDS Church is already restored to true Christianity. True prophet, true religion.


No thanks, I regard Mormonism as one of the first fruits of a young novelist, namely Joseph Smith, who wrote a fantasy called "The Book of Mormon", which he turned into a religion. Not bad, to have over 10 million people live their lives as if it were true history. By the way, when non-mormon archeologists find evidence of these so-called 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel" here in the Western Hemisphere, make sure you post it for us to see (with plenty of smiley faces to remind us how very wrong we were).

On the usage of the excessive smiley faces: I used exactly two, and this was in response to the liberal usage that pumpkins was using. Why don't you criticize him/her, Hmmmm....?

And the Book of Mormon doesn't claim to be a history of the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel." You're getting your information wrong.

This is why BYU sends teams to Mesoamerica, trying to prove that these so-called lost tribes (the Lamanites and Nephites, the Jaredites), influenced the Olmec, Mayas etc. Seems to me, that L. Ron Hubbard did the same thing years later with a sci-fi bent, then forming this new religion, (I think they have other planetary gods to, sending their spawn to little ol' earth). I hear the C of S uses some from of galvanometer, an early scientific instrument that measures electrical charges, to clear peoples' souls or something. Oh, and if "Futurama" is to be believed, Gene Roddenberry, who also wrote a little bit, will have started a cult called "Trek", were people will believe in strange and exciting things, wear funny clothes, make-up, learn exotic languages and customs, etc..
Live long and prosper.

Uh, thanks. I have no idea how you tie in L. Ron Hubbard to BYU sending archaeolgists to Mesoamerica, or how Futurama fits into this picture, but...whatever.


Remember, that as a modern concoction, the LDS has to prove its so-called "truths" to the outside world;

Remember, when Christianity was in its infancy, it was also a "modern concoction," at least to the Jews. So let's use early Christianity as a comparison to what you're saying. The early Christians had to prove its truths to the Jews:

1) that the "Book of Mormon" is the true history of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel", the early inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere, & Jesus’ mission here

1) That the "New Testament" is the true history of the Messiah. (BTW, the Book of Mormon, as mentioned above, is not primarily a history book, nor does it claim to give a "history of the so-called 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.'")

2) that Joseph Smith & his successors are 'true' prophets.

2) That Jesus is the true Messiah and the Apostles are "true" prophets. (Yes, they are, but you must prove this, according to your standards that you're setting for Mormonism.)

3) that anything Joseph Smith did or said, was true & Biblical

3) That anything Peter and Paul did was true and biblical (including Peter's denying that he was one of the Apostles--was that a "true" concept, Hmmm...?)

4) that the LDS church is a "true" Christian church

4) That the early Christian church is the "true" Messiah's church.

5) that the LDS understanding of what Biblical & religious words mean, are the true meanings of those words

5) That the early Christian understanding of what Biblical & religious words mean, are the true meanings of those words, according to Judaism.

6) that what the LDS church says can be trusted as true & Biblical &
7) that what LDS members say can be trusted as true & Biblical

6) that what the early Christian church says can be trusted as true & Biblical in the Jews' eyes &
7) that what the early Christians said can be trusted as true & Biblical to the Jews' understanding.

I submit to you that you would have the same problems convincing the Jews that Jesus was the true Messiah, and that Christianity is the true religion, that the LDS have today in "proving" that they are the true religion to fundamentalists and evangelicals (and other sectarian Christians).

For these questions, all the answers should be evident in scientific &/or historical proofs, that any layman could understand without having to learn some exotic language or mathematical theory.

Please furnish all of YOUR answers in scientific &/or historical proofs (such as, prove scientifically that Jesus was truly resurrected), that any layman could understand without having to learn some exotic language (like Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, hmm....?) or mathematical theory.

DISCLAIMER: I myself do believe that Christianity (specifically, LDS Christianity) is the true religion and that Jesus WAS bodily resurrected and is the true Messiah. I present these arguments only to show you that the same stiff requirements you are making of the LDS can be applied to your own religion as well. If you can't prove to an atheist that Jesus was resurrected, why do you expect the LDS to "prove" their position using scientific &/or historical proofs? Faith is required, and always will be, before you receive the greater witness to the truth. Please don't misjudge Mormonism just because you don't have all the proof you require.

Originally posted by Lamplighter
I guess I'd better finish what I started.

DISCLAIMER: I myself do believe that Christianity (specifically, LDS Christianity) is the true religion and that Jesus WAS bodily resurrected and is the true Messiah. I present these arguments only to show you that the same stiff requirements you are making of the LDS can be applied to your own religion as well. If you can't prove to an atheist that Jesus was resurrected, why do you expect the LDS to "prove" their position using scientific &/or historical proofs? Faith is required, and always will be, before you receive the greater witness to the truth. Please don't misjudge Mormonism just because you don't have all the proof you require.


Don't you ever have doubts? If you were educated in an islamic environment wouldn't things be different? Why not doubt? How many religions are out there? Why do you think your belief is better than others? Is mormonism really misjudged? Aren't you tired of seeing the world through the eyes of Joseph Smith? Why not use your own eyes?

Originally posted by axonio98
Don't you ever have doubts?

Sure, I've had doubts, especially as a child and teenager. Who hasn't?

If you were educated in an islamic environment wouldn't things be different?

Yes, I think I would probably be a moslem if I had been born into an Islamic environment. So what? Just because you're born into a specific religion, that doesn't say anything about the veracity of that religion. It merely gives you a greater probability of being a member of that religion, true or false. In other words, if I was born a capitalist, would that make capitalism automatically incorrect? SOMEONE has to be born into the true religion (if you believe there is such a thing, which is a whole nuther debate).

Why not doubt? How many religions are out there? Why do you think your belief is better than others? Is mormonism really misjudged?

I don't necessarily think my belief is better than others'. But I do think that my religion is true. So shoot me! Sure, there are many religions out there, and most if not all of them have SOME degree of truth to them. Mormonism isn't the ONLY true religion; it's just the MOST TRUE religion, and it is the only religion upon which God has officially bestowed His authority, the Priesthood.

Aren't you tired of seeing the world through the eyes of Joseph Smith? Why not use your own eyes?

Hold on a minute. "Honey, where did you put Joseph Smith's eyes? I seem to have misplaced them."

"Last I saw of 'em, they were on the table."

"If that darn dog got ahold of them again, why, I'll..."

Seriously, though, I actually do think for myself and look at things through my own eyes. That's my right and privilege, and the Church encourages independent thought in its members. Just because I agree with Joseph Smith's views doesn't make me a mindless automaton. Agreement doesn't equal blind obedience. At least, not in my book.
Originally posted by Lamplighter
Mormonism isn't the ONLY true religion; it's just the MOST TRUE religion, and it is the only religion upon which God has officially bestowed His authority, the Priesthood.

:) ;) :p :D :eek: :bugeye: :confused:
Hell, believe what you wan't. If Joseph Smith is a prophet i'm the pope. This quote says it all to me.
May Sango, The african god of storms, send a lightining directly to your head to clarify your ideas.
thanks for responding..

i must collect my thoughts....i will get back to this in a bit. (i just got off work, and my brain feels ..well...crispy...kinda fried, actually...)

p.s. hi Randolpho :)
Originally posted by Lamplighter
I guess I'd better finish what I started.


Please furnish all of YOUR answers in scientific &/or historical proofs (such as, prove scientifically that Jesus was truly resurrected), that any layman could understand without having to learn some exotic language (like Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, hmm....?) or mathematical theory.

DISCLAIMER: I myself do believe that Christianity (specifically, LDS Christianity) is the true religion and that Jesus WAS bodily resurrected and is the true Messiah. I present these arguments only to show you that the same stiff requirements you are making of the LDS can be applied to your own religion as well. If you can't prove to an atheist that Jesus was resurrected, why do you expect the LDS to "prove" their position using scientific &/or historical proofs? Faith is required , and always will be, before you receive the greater witness to the truth. Please don't misjudge Mormonism just because you don't have all the proof you require.


Good response, let me have time to write mine, probably tomorrow. I like the FAITH & scientific part, touche!!
Randolfo, pumpkinsaren'torange, et al,, I'm gonna make this really easy for you. If you want to know if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, simply do this:

Go here to get a free copy of the Book of Mormon.

Then turn to page 529 and read Moroni 10:4. Following those instructions, you can't go wrong. If you follow them correctly you will gain a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true.

Logically, it follows that if the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a true prophet. If Joseph Smith was a true prophet, then the Church he founded is the true church. So you see, everything hinges on whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. If you have a testimony of it's truthfulness, you will know in your heart that the LDS Church is true.

And that's all I'm going to say. This is the heart of Mormonism. We could argue back and forth, quote Bible verses at each other all day, and neither of us would convince the other of our position.

Let God tell you whether it's true or not. He will, if you listen.

Originally posted by Lamplighter
Randolfo, pumpkinsaren'torange, et al,, I'm gonna make this really easy for you. If you want to know if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, simply do this:

Go to get a free copy of the ]Book of Mormon
Then turn to page 529 and read Moroni 10:4. Following those instructions, you can't go wrong. If you follow them correctly you will gain a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true.


Already have a copy thanks, it's a good fantasy novel
Let God tell you whether it's true or not. He will, if you listen.

I asked, and She just giggled, patted me on the head and said "Good one!".

Guess it's not true, then. :D
unfortunately Lamplighter, i could just as easily throw the forthcoming quip out: (and, it has been used many times to refute the validity of the Holy Bible as well) ...

the quip: that book was written by a mere human.

and, furthermore a human who deemed/self-annointed/appointed himself a prophet. just so you know.
Well, pumpkins, you'll never know unless you apply "Moroni's promise" found in Moroni 10:4, the Book of Mormon. No one can refute Mormonism's basic claim to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon without applying Moroni's promise, with real intent.
Moroni was a prophet in ancient America. He invites all who read the Book of Mormon to ask God if it is true or not, with real intent and faith. Notice that it's not Moroni who is giving you a testimony. He's just pointing the way for you to find out for yourself, from the very source (God) whether the Book of Mormon is true or not. Try it!
Originally posted by Lamplighter
Moroni was a prophet in ancient America. He invites all who read the Book of Mormon to ask God if it is true or not, with real intent and faith. Notice that it's not Moroni who is giving you a testimony. He's just pointing the way for you to find out for yourself, from the very source (God) whether the Book of Mormon is true or not. Try it!

The following is a copy of the email response that The Smithsonian Institution sent me last year, regarding what a Mormon had stated, namely that the Book of Mormon was used as a guide for new world archeology. Just sharing this, but check the link out.

"Your inquiry of July 26 concerning the Book of Mormon has been
received in this office for response.

The Book of Mormon is a religious document and not a scientific
guide. The Smithsonian Institution has never used it in
archeological research, and any information that you have received to
the contrary is incorrect.

For information on the prehistory of the Americas, we suggest that
you visit the following Smithsonian website:

Your interest in the Smithsonian Institution is appreciated.

The date at the bottom may indicate a form letter response from April Fool's Day in 1998?
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Randolfo, the Book of Mormon doesn't claim to be a history of ALL the early inhabitants of the Americas. I read an article that I can't find now on the web concerning this issue. Lehi's family could not possibly have been the only early Americans, and there is evidence in the BoM that they interacted with other cultures that were already there.

But you're missing the point. Heed Moroni's promise and find out for yourself if the Book of Mormon is true, straight from God to your heart. Have a little faith that God is capable of revealing truth to you.
The Holy Bible tells us that there is only ONE God.

for example,
Isaiah 44:6
Isaiah 44:8
Isaiah 43:10
and many, many other places.........

The mormon church tells us that there are MANY gods.
Mormon Doctrine, p. 163.

for example,
God the Father is a god.
Jesus Christ is a god.
Holy Spririt is a god.
Goddess Mother is a god.
and the list goes on and on.................

Now, who am I to believe? The word of Jesus, or the word of man?


i know how some cynics will want to answer that question..

and, LampLighter...that macaroni guy is JUST a guy... just like you. you know...he is NOT divine... who's to say where his inspiration came from...