Mormons are a CULT!

Re: earth to Zero:

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
lay off the crack. it just makes you hyper.

p.s. now take your medicine like a good little boy.

i see you have been accusing everyone that you don't agree with in other posts of being on crack. i guess if you can't come up with any witty rebuttals during your lame attempts at refuting what a person says...there's always the "crack" comment to fall back on, right?

Come now, pumpkins, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. You do exactly what you're accusing Zero of, only you use smilies to "fall back on" instead of a "crack comment." I have yet to see you post less than 10 smilies in a serious post*, especially when you can't answer the question being discussed.

*Okay, 10 smilies is just figurative for "excessive smilies."

I think we all need to chill out in this thread. I've spoken my piece and don't have much more to say except that "Faith is Required." I'd like to ask Randolfo one last question before I leave this thread behind: why don't you prove that the Bible is true and that God exists, using someone else's made-up list of criteria you have to use in order for them to believe it? I'm not asking you to prove that the land of Palestine exists, or that Jerusalem existed 2,000 years ago. I'm asking you to prove the RELIGIOUS tenets of the Bible, using nothing more than archaeology. A bit harder than just proving that biblical lands, artifacts, peoples, etc. existed, eh? The Book of Mormon is *not* primarily a history book; it's an instruction book for getting saved. If Nephi, Mormon, Moroni, etc. had wanted to prove that their society really did exist, they could have done so easily. Why didn't they? Because proving that they existed was not and is not the point of the Book of Mormon.

Why doesn't God simply come down and say, "Okay, all you atheists! Here I am, so you can stop arguing with the theists now!" I submit that God deliberately does not show himself to them, and further, I submit that God deliberately doesn't come down and "prove" that the archaeology of the BoM exists. Why? Faith is required, that's why. He wants us to learn to walk by faith, not always getting every single detail of our religion proven beyond a shadow of a doubt before we will believe.

I'll say it once again, and then I'll shut up. FAITH IS REQUIRED.
I'm with this Chromatose on this. Come back to me and whine after you've actually read the book of Mormon, and instead of taking other people's word for law, go research it for yourselves

oh, right, like Chromatose has actually read the book of mormon. don't make me laugh.

and, fyi, mr. DaveA....i have read enough of the book of mormon to know that it reeks with deceit and plagarism. that's for sure. it seems 'ol joseph was just putting a Western spin on the bible. he couldn't even be creative enough to come up with his own original stuff; seems he had to plagarize from the Old and New Testaments.
orginally posted by Lamplighter
I have yet to see you post less than 10 smilies in a serious post*, especially when you can't answer the question being discussed. really don't like my you?
:bugeye: :D well, you're just lucky i don't know how to transfer smilies over to this board from other boards, mister...or, you'd be in for it big time! *shakes fist* :p :D

Come now, pumpkins, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.

Come, now, Lamp....isn't that what we[you included] are all doing here, if truth be told??? you think your "tone-downed" inferred insults are any more pious than anyone else's? ? i don't think so. :rolleyes: <---- just for you.

Originally posted by Zero
And while we're at it, I might give you extra tools for you to direct insults at me. I'll have you know I'm Asian, so go ahead and make racial slurs to me and have fun.
First of all, one of the first posts of this tread was that mormonism was racist, because not until 1978 did they let blacks into the mormon priesthood:

& then, my contention that the BoM is racist for stealing the history of the Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere & giving it to exiled Jews; known as Lamanites, Nephites & Jaredites in the BoM.

As to you being Asian; the Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere started out as Asians, from the C. & NE areas, around Mongolia & Siberia.
Welcome brother!!!

You're obviously deeprooted in the impression that you're superior to everyone else here.
What??? You don't like Mexicans with attitude??? What do you want from me, to be your lapdog & agree with any thing that anyone says about my peoples' history??!! You’ve got to be kidding??? Let's see you humble yourself, to early 19th Century Eurocentric dribble? What did they think about Asians then? Not very flattering, huh???
pumpkins wrote,

Come now, pumpkins, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is.

Come, now, Lamp....isn't that what we[you included] are all doing here, if truth be told??? you think your "tone-downed" inferred insults are any more pious than anyone else's? ? i don't think so. :rolleyes: <---- just for you.

Yes, I've been less than pious as well. I admit that, and that's one of the myriad reasons I think this thread is worth leaving behind. Yes, your smilies *do* irritate me. They remind me of the way we used to insult each other in kindergarten, by sticking our tongues out at each other, grinning deeply when we think we've scored a point, etc. In other words, I think that excessive smilies are childish and immature. YMMV.
LMAO, you obviously don't know the early history of the BoM. Let me enlighten you. The brass plates which Nephi got from Laban contained the original book of Isaiah *i can't spell the names all right* as well as a few other books *i believe*, which Nephi translated the Hebrew into Reformed Egyptian *i think* onto his own plates *the golden plates*. So much of the book 2nd Nephi is basically the book of Isaiah. His whole intent of copying them onto the golden plates was so his descendents could have the word of Isaiah. A couple reasons i believe he translated it for, was 1: he wasn't sure if his people would know Hebrew, so he put it into a different language. And 2, he wanted a second copy, which would be the copy that the angel Moroni would give to Joseph Smith a long time after.

It is totally unbelievable that a boy living in the era where the average person had the education of the modern day 5th grader could write a book all by himself, that despite ur misgivings, has historical and archaelogical evidence *which of course, i being 15, can't point out everything*.

On Chromatose's post i read about how people would pray to receive a comformation. Joseph Smith had been wondering quite some time which church on the earth was true, and it had not entered into his mind at the time that none of them had the fullness of the Gospel. And as he was reading in James he discovered the scripture that says "if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" so that is exactly what he did, and that is exactly how everything came to pass. Prayer is a very powerful tool, and i say again, i don't think you guys are actually praying about the BoM, or the Bible, or maybe your not praying at all, i don't know, i'm not you.

And Pumpkin, if i read the first half of a novel, would i understand what the plot was? would i understand what the whole thing was about, or understand all the characters and such. No. It is just the same with the BoM, u can't read "just enough". In order to understand it, you must read it all to discover the entirety of it, and i pray you one day will.
Re: Re: earth to Zero:

Originally posted by Lamplighter
I've spoken my piece and don't have much more to say except that "Faith is Required."

I'd like to ask Randolfo one last question before I leave this thread behind: why don't you prove that the Bible is true and that God exists, using someone else's made-up list of criteria you have to use in order for them to believe it? I'm not asking you to prove that the land of Palestine exists, or that Jerusalem existed 2,000 years ago.
That’s because those sites can be found, even by BYU archeologists, lucky them!!!

I'm asking you to prove the RELIGIOUS tenets of the Bible, using nothing more than archaeology. A bit harder than just proving that biblical lands, artifacts, peoples, etc. existed, eh?
"prove the RELIGIOUS tenets of the Bible, using nothing more than archaeology"?
Now that’s a REAL serious question. The foundation of Christianity stands on faith, science stands on provable & replicable evidence. Hmmm? That will be hard, ask me after the resurrection, I don't have all the facts yet, sorry!!
Though I will relay this: years ago, no archeologist could take seriously the Bible as history, because it referred to all these never discovered peoples, like the Hittites and places, like the Plain of Shinar. Then lo & behold, they find the Hittite capital in Turkey: and then the Sumeria plain:

The Book of Mormon is *not* primarily a history book; it's an instruction book for getting saved. If Nephi, Mormon, Moroni, etc. had wanted to prove that their society really did exist, they could have done so easily. Why didn't they? Because proving that they existed was not and is not the point of the Book of Mormon.

I'll say it once again, and then I'll shut up. FAITH IS REQUIRED.
Actually, it reads as such, & it speaks of peoples yet unfound, let BYU & FARMS find them, where are these mysterious Lamanites?

it's an instruction book for getting saved.
Shucks, I say that about the Bible, & muslims say that about the Quran. So, which of these three is right?
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
orginally posted by Lamplighter really don't like my you?
:bugeye: :D well, you're just lucky i don't know how to transfer smilies over to this board from other boards, mister...or, you'd be in for it big time! *shakes fist* :p :D

Use IMG code.
Re: Zero

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
:p besides...athiests can't prove jack-squat, either...if you want to get right down to brass tacks, mister.

Hm, a reckless statement but I spot some big truth in that line I can relate to.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Final Post in This Thread (...and this time I mean it!)

I'd say that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are true. I've never read the Koran, but I suspect that since so many people believe in it, it can't be all that bad. I'll read it sometime and get back to you.

This will, actually, be my final post in this thread. Even if pumpkins accuses me of "copping out" and invokes the direst of smilies, I won't be back. My final message to the anti-Mormons here is simply:


Mexicans with attitude!? Since when did they NOT have attitude? Though I'll forgive you because I like MExican of my fave accents along with French and German accent...normal English accent is I wish I could "learn" some accent.

And Mexican food! It rocks.

And what!? Westerners start out as Asians!? Waiiii...*digs out old old history book* seem to be right...rrr...but oh well not my fault for forgetting...didn't exactly have stellar performance in history...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Originally posted by Davearchy
LMAO, you obviously don't know the early history of the BoM. Let me enlighten you. The brass plates which Nephi got from Laban contained the original book of Isaiah *i can't spell the names all right* as well as a few other books *i believe*, which Nephi translated the Hebrew into Reformed Egyptian *i think* onto his own plates *the golden plates*. So much of the book 2nd Nephi is basically the book of Isaiah. His whole intent of copying them onto the golden plates was so his descendents could have the word of Isaiah. A couple reasons i believe he translated it for, was 1: he wasn't sure if his people would know Hebrew, so he put it into a different language. And 2, he wanted a second copy, which would be the copy that the angel Moroni would give to Joseph Smith a long time after.

It is totally unbelievable that a boy living in the era where the average person had the education of the modern day 5th grader could write a book all by himself, that despite ur misgivings, has historical and archaelogical evidence *which of course, i being 15, can't point out everything*.

Actually, in 1829, J. Smith would have been older than 15 & he had O. Cowdery's & others' help in it.
Plus it didn't hurt that others had written stuff he could use, like the BIBLE and View of the Hebrews.
And for your information, there is no such thing as "Reformed Egyptian", ask any college or university if they offer classes or literature in it? No? I wonder why? Look it up on the Internet. Find out about the Egyptian papyrus that J. Smith supposedly translated to get the "Book of Abraham" , all Egyptologists agree he could not translate Egyptian & there is no such thing as "Reformed Egyptian" .
BTW, real Egyptian had just been recently deciphered in 1822 by Francois Champollion

Originally posted by Zero

And what!? Westerners start out as Asians!? Waiiii...*digs out old old history book* seem to be right...rrr...but oh well not my fault for forgetting...didn't exactly have stellar performance in history...

Actually, I was referring to what in the US are erroneously called "Indians", but you are right, Indo-Europeans also started out from central Asia too, pushed into Europe, Iran & India
Re: Final Post in This Thread (...and this time I mean it!)

Originally posted by Lamplighter
This will, actually, be my final post in this thread. Even if pumpkins accuses me of "copping out" and invokes the direst of smilies, I won't be back.
Hey, then who will defend the LDS?
My final message to the anti-Mormons here is simply:


I'm not anti-mormon, just not pro-mormon like you, & I believe the BoM is fiction. Since when did I have to believe everything some sci fi book says, to be labeled anti-anything? Next thing you know, you'll be saying that Star Wars is better & that Star Trek can't compare!!! And then start battle plans for the conquest of the galaxy!!!
Originally posted by Zero
Mexicans with attitude!? Since when did they NOT have attitude? Though I'll forgive you because....
Forgive? For what, attitude? Who needs forgiveness for that?? Not me!!! Maybe YOU need forgiveness, for thinking you can "forgive" me for speaking my mind & not backing down!!!
Riiiiiiight...there's a reason why we don't speak out our minds whenever we want to...ever heard of "discretion"? Would you say you think someone who is standing right in front of you a total jerk, bitch, and asshole if you thought so? Like, say it out loud? Without caring?

If so you have no clue of the rudiments of society and we have nothing to discuss.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Now that I will agree with. Mexican food rocks, I don't get why anyone would hate it.

Origins? Would make sense.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Originally posted by Zero
Riiiiiiight...there's a reason why we don't speak out our minds whenever we want to...ever heard of "discretion"? Would you say you think someone who is standing right in front of you a total jerk, bitch, and asshole if you thought so? Like, say it out loud? Without caring?

If so you have no clue of the rudiments of society and we have nothing to discuss.

Actually, one of the reasons that people get on the Internet is to talk about things they care about (at least I hope I do), & if I have to be PC about it, where's the honesty, where the "free speech"? And I'll have you know, I've yet to call anyone bad or vulgar names, no need to (unless members of cults think it's by association to the word "cult"?, & that Chromotose, well she's another story, I guess that's why she's anonymous, so that she can troll, then sneak out). And since most people have "net personas" (nome de 'Net), there is a certain amount of freedom in being anonymous, that you wouldn't get being right next to said person. And ‘yes’, I am argumentative & opinioned in real life!!

Well we're all in this together, this community called SciForums & this chatroom is just a form of communication, not perfect, a little messy, but you do what you can. Flame wars, please too childish, IDEAS, well that's another matter. And I try to form my own opinions from what I learned, read & discussed (or argued) about, & don't need to copy whole web sites in my defense, especially if links will do.

BTW, I know you or anyone else don’t have to believe me or that you can even delete any threads I’m on, but if anyone expects everyone to agree with them, their beliefs, ideals or ideas, then they are brain-washed & cult-positive.

Oh, and I’m not letting anyone try to pass the BoM as true history. It can’t stand close scrutiny & it does have more claims than just Moroni’s promise to pray that it’s true; like that it’s a true history of so-called Lamanite “American Indian” civilizations here in the Western Hemisphere. That’s pure science fiction!!! Or is it fantasy??? Or a new genre called “religio-historical fiction”??? No, it won’t do, anyway I’ll think of something.