Mormons are a CULT!

Same to the bible or any religious text, for that matter.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
I notice that the point i made was only addressed by one person, this seems to be a very common occurence. Considering you guys will just brush off what we say that makes perfectly valid sense, and you move on.

Now Randolfo, tell me, has there ever been a language or dialect on the face of the planet that has died out? Or that has been used on this planet that maybe only the culture knew about, and once the language changed, or once the people were gone...then it was never heard of again? By your words you are telling me that you believe all languages that once were, still are. And i have that very hard to support. Now you know that i'm right, so don't try to argue that all languages that ever were have been heard about.
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This is still going on??? What do you find interesting about this?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

-central philosophy of Zero, Sage of Chaos
Haha, nah. George is a good comedian, but swears a little too much to try and get his point across.
Originally posted by Davearchy
I notice that the point i made was only addressed by one person, this seems to be a very common occurence. Considering you guys will just brush off what we say that makes perfectly valid sense, and you move on.

Now Randolfo, tell me, has there ever been a language or dialect on the face of the planet that has died out? Or that has been used on this planet that maybe only the culture knew about, and once the language changed, or once the people were gone...then it was never heard of again? By your words you are telling me that you believe all languages that once were, still are. And i have that very hard to support. Now you know that i'm right, so don't try to argue that all languages that ever were have been heard about.
Funny you should ask, because of three things (you can decide for yourself what the answer is, after reading them):
1) once Francois Champollion deciphered real Egyptian in 1822, many others have started to try their skills on others languages

2) Hebrew was resurrected (by the Zionists after being only used for prayers & religious occasions for over 2 thousand years) for the language of Jewish Palestine & became the official language of the modern State of Israel in 1948. Latin has been used by the Roman Catholic Church as a sacred language for almost 2 thousand years, after the fall of the Roman Empire in 476:
& Mayan which has just recently been deciphered after the abandonment of their jungle cities in the 800's:

3) several Native Peoples have died out after the arrival of the Europeans, some may never be know or heard again. Check it out, but only about 4 tribes had any written alphabet for their language (see Smithsonian quote & link below):
"The study of Indian languages has also contributed greatly to improving the methods of linguistic science. New methods have had to be devised for studying purely spoken languages: only the Maya and to some degree the Aztec, Mixtec, and Zapotec languages in Mexico were written in pre-Columbian times. Among other things, such study has shown that unwritten languages do not change more rapidly than written ones."

Other Native American sites

Interesting DNA research:
After having read a few of your links (you seem to be obsessed with links and at this time I have been husseling to get a Latin project done, so i will read the rest tomorrow), I have come up with yet another interesting example. First of all I'm assuming you're a theist and believe in some form of a God.

In the beginning there was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve 'multiplied and replenished' the Earth, after they had been 'kicked' out of the Garden of Eden. From this, all of us came to be, hence we are all related to each other in one way or another. Now, as everybody knows, different countries around the world have some DNA traits that are not found in other countries, some of the nations having extremely different composition. With that quick prelude, tell me that you can prove, even through all our disimilarities of nations, that we are all related and came of one stock. I am assuming that to link all the nations together you'd have to take the very basics of someones DNA to prove everyone is related. Which would mean that the DNA of the American Indians would be one way or another, similar to that of many other nations. So to prove that we are all related would also, at the same time, prove the relation of the Lamanites of the BoM, to the American Indians of America.

Since i'm in a hurry this is a quick response, so there may be something i am forgetting in my haste, or just left out because my mind has been stepped on today by the egos of teachers. So if i left any part of the Genisis story out that is relevant to what i'm saying, imput is appreciated.
Sometimes, Randolfo, i wonder if you have a mouth of your own. It seems you are completely relying on the so called 'facts' gathered by others to make an argument. Not trying to criticize you, i'm just imploring you to get your own point of view, and use examples. Granted, maybe you have some of the same POV's as the sites you go to, but your posts are mostly mimics of others.

And having made my point about...everything, I'm leaving this thread, which i believe means that there are no more LDS to answer you.

There is no spirit here but the spirit of contention, and I will not spend my time typing out replies that are read but never commented on because doing so would contradict your words. The LDS that have left this thread are not running, they are leaving a pointless argument that leads to no where except more and more questions that you don't even think of yourselves, you go out and find what other people have to say about the church. Good luck on whatever you do, and I pray that you will learn from what you've done.
i notice that the point i made was only addressed by one person, this seems to be a very common occurence. Considering you guys will just brush off what we say that makes perfectly valid sense, and you move on

ok, Davearchy....i'm back...ask away. i will address your questions....

oh...wait...another mormon defector. jumping ship i see...
In the beginning there was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve 'multiplied and replenished' the Earth, after they had been 'kicked' out of the Garden of Eden. From this, all of us came to be, hence we are all related to each other in one way or another. Now, as everybody knows, different countries around the world have some DNA traits that are not found in other countries, some of the nations having extremely different composition. With that quick prelude, tell me that you can prove, even through all our disimilarities of nations, that we are all related and came of one stock. I am assuming that to link all the nations together you'd have to take the very basics of someones DNA to prove everyone is related. Which would mean that the DNA of the American Indians would be one way or another, similar to that of many other nations. So to prove that we are all related would also, at the same time, prove the relation of the Lamanites of the BoM, to the American Indians of America.

ok. i am having a hard time following your pro or con stance concerning whether or not we all came from the "same stock" ?? in one breath you say we all "started" from adam and eve. yet, further on in the paragraph you state that you want Randolpho to try to prove that we all have an indentical/bottom-line denominator in our genes that relate us all. i don't get it...if you state that we all came from one set of "parents" ...wouldn't we all have that one "common denominator"?
Re: Pragmathen

Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
who are you? i notice you don't have a member thingy under your username, however, you do have a set of numers? what's up with that? i don't know all the protocol on this, does that make you an admin. or...just what the heck?? i am curious. forgot to comment on the fact that the founding father himself, J. Smith, hated blacks and thought they were a blemish in the human race. would you like to see his exact words? my point is this: the founder of that religion was biggoted, prejudiced and full of hate. now, how's THAT for a founding father?? what a foundation to build a church upon, eh?

I want to see all these quotes you keep bringing up.
I want to see all these quotes you keep bringing up.

can you clarify CrazyTallGuy (you aren't billy corgan by any chance, are you? ;) ) who you are talking to? is it me? and, which quotes do you mean? i write my own stuff, i don't ususally use too many links. if i used a link in any of my previous stuff on this thread, i stated that i did and gave my sources. if i happened to overlook something...lemme know. but, if you are referring to the Black issue in the Mormon church, it's a well known fact that they were racists. maybe still are... who am i to judge..:rolleyes:
I return, not because of your words, but because I felt impressed to give my testimony; for that means more to a true theist than any other thing.

I know that I am a member of the true church of Jesus Christ. I know that my Redeemer lives, and loves each and every one of us. I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross and suffered for our sins, and I know he is the only perfect man ever to walk on this earth. I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet, along with President Gordon B. Hinckley, and all those that were inbetween. I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God, as well as the Bible.

I know that Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate beings. I know that Jesus will return to the earth to cleanse it, at which time the millenium will take place.

I will one day serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, going wherever I am asked to serve; for that is the place I will do the most good. I know that all those that are called to positions in the church are called of God. I know that all the counsel the Prophet gives is for our own happiness and over well good. I know that Jesus Christ and God do things in their own planned time, and when new counsel is added, it is from them for the benefit of all.

This is my testimony, and no matter of challenges can ever change what I know to be true. Discoveries can be challenged, facts can be thrown out, and truth be twisted into lies, but you cannot change what a person feels to be right through the study of the scriptures and prayer to the all knowing God.

With that, I leave you, my brothers, to come up with whatever lies, misconceptions, or misgivings you wish about my church. If one day you actually want to know what we believe, instead of tell us what we believe, I welcome you to PM me, but I will no longer argue pointlessly in this thread.
Originally posted by Davearchy After having read a few of your links (you seem to be obsessed with links and at this time I have been husseling to get a Latin project done, so i will read the rest tomorrow), I have come up with yet another interesting example. First of all I'm assuming you're a theist and believe in some form of a God.
Actually, I'm a christian
In the beginning there was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve 'multiplied and replenished' the Earth, after they had been 'kicked' out of the Garden of Eden. From this, all of us came to be, hence we are all related to each other in one way or another. Now, as everybody knows, different countries around the world have some DNA traits that are not found in other countries, some of the nations having extremely different composition. With that quick prelude, tell me that you can prove, even through all our disimilarities of nations, that we are all related and came of one stock. I am assuming that to link all the nations together you'd have to take the very basics of someones DNA to prove everyone is related. Which would mean that the DNA of the American Indians would be one way or another, similar to that of many other nations. So to prove that we are all related would also, at the same time, prove the relation of the Lamanites of the BoM, to the American Indians of America.
Before you ask that question, you should look up genetics. It may be a little hard but look up these links, then roam around to others using keywords like; halotype, y chromosome, mitochondria (Star Wars uses a similar word for the source of the "Force") :
A link for: "haplotype"" y chromosome" "mitochondria"
African Eve link:
Y Chromosome study link:
Since i'm in a hurry this is a quick response, so there may be something i am forgetting in my haste, or just left out because my mind has been stepped on today by the egos of teachers. So if i left any part of the Genisis story out that is relevant to what i'm saying, imput is appreciated.
Actually, Adam & Eve are a good start for our little discussion, mitochondria are inherited from the mother , Y chromosome from the father, this will help you in your research.
Sometimes, Randolfo, i wonder if you have a mouth of your own. It seems you are completely relying on the so called 'facts' gathered by others to make an argument.
I am using links that agree with me or that just speak on the same subject, to prove my point. If you want big old long discussions on just one point or another with no one else's ideas or input, then I expect the same form you & a long dissection of what we both say by you or others...?
Not trying to criticize you, i'm just imploring you to get your own point of view, and use examples. Granted, maybe you have some of the same POV's as the sites you go to, but your posts are mostly mimics of others.
Actually, several mormons have already admitted to using (copying) LDS sources like FAIR, so your point is?
And having made my point about...everything, I'm leaving this thread, which i believe means that there are no more LDS to answer you.
You can't leave, you are forced by your own nature to return, see other posts>>>>>>>
There is no spirit here but the spirit of contention, and I will not spend my time typing out replies that are read but never commented on because doing so would contradict your words.
You only believe that because I would not agree with any LDS point, except that there was a J. Smith, who founded the LDS church & wrote the BoM in part, etc....
The LDS that have left this thread are not running, they are leaving a pointless argument that leads to no where except more and more questions that you don't even think of yourselves, you go out and find what other people have to say about the church. Good luck on whatever you do, and I pray that you will learn from what you've done.
Actually, this is not a pointless argument, unless you or other LDS expected to convert me, in which case you failed

:D ;) :)
Originally posted by Davearchy
I return, not because of your words, but because I felt impressed to give my testimony; for that means more to a true theist than any other thing.
You mean, you needed to repeat the robot words that you have been programmed with?

I know that I am a member of the true church of Jesus Christ.
Me too!!!! But say? Why is your Jesus different than mine? This whole thread is about whether Mormonism is a cult or not, The evidence is:
THAT IT’S A CULT, open thine eyes!, thine ears!! & thine heart!!!

I know that my Redeemer lives, and loves each and every one of us. I know that Jesus Christ died on the cross and suffered for our sins, and I know he is the only perfect man ever to walk on this earth.
So far, so good!!!

I know that Joseph Smith is a true prophet, along with President Gordon B. Hinckley, and all those that were inbetween. I know the Book of Mormon to be the word of God, as well as the Bible.
You wish!!! False prophet, false religion, false hopes!!!
Let me repeat some questions that were never answered:
“First, explain to everybody what the "Book of Mormon" is about?
Who are the major players?
What is the "story" about?
What happens to all those tribes?
What are the other claims? “
And so again I state:
”My point is, that the BoM is a piece of fiction, it may be the "FIRST" true science fiction or science fantasy novel ever written, but it's still fiction!!! None of its claims can stand up to modern archeology, just post any of its claims in a science chat board or ask non-mormon archeology or anthropology teachers if there is any proof of all these peoples mentioned in the BoM? It should be easy, those events are only a couple of thousand years in the past!”

I know that Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost are 3 seperate beings. I know that Jesus will return to the earth to cleanse it, at which time the millenium will take place.
Actually, this may be polytheism, check what you really believe & then read the Bible & the BoM (which doesn’t support the LDS belief)

I will one day serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, going wherever I am asked to serve; for that is the place I will do the most good. I know that all those that are called to positions in the church are called of God. I know that all the counsel the Prophet gives is for our own happiness and over well good. I know that Jesus Christ and God do things in their own planned time, and when new counsel is added, it is from them for the benefit of all.
To bad for those who follow you into doom!!!

This is my testimony, and no matter of challenges can ever change what I know to be true. Discoveries can be challenged, facts can be thrown out, and truth be twisted into lies, but you cannot change what a person feels to be right through the study of the scriptures and prayer to the all knowing God.
You know, muslims believe that too!!! Ask yourself, are they right too??? Are there more ways to god, or just one? If just one, which one? How do I choose?

With that, I leave you, my brothers, to come up with whatever lies, misconceptions, or misgivings you wish about my church. If one day you actually want to know what we believe, instead of tell us what we believe, I welcome you to PM me, but I will no longer argue pointlessly in this thread.
Actually, your church did a good enough job of lying to twist up your mind in misconceptions of who & what God is!!! See ya later!!!
None of its claims can stand up to modern archeology, just post any of its claims in a science chat board or ask non-mormon archeology or anthropology teachers if there is any proof of all these peoples mentioned in the BoM? It should be easy, those events are only a couple of thousand years in the past!”

yep. i am still waiting for the response to this one, too. how about it mormons? where's the proof?

i believe the BoM was written by a delusional man..with a very "over-active" imagination. they had mental illnesses in J. Smith's days don't forget.
Actually, your church did a good enough job of lying to twist up your mind in misconceptions of who & what God is!!!

i know. and, that's why a part of me truly feels sorry for all the LDS ....they are being deceived and truly are misguided by this deliberate deception. (btw..deception only stems from one source, you know) and, they don't even know it. it's very sad.
Babylonian Jews

What 'lost tribe'?
Excerpt from:
soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Jews As A Nation (7/12)

Subject: Question 13.11: Who are the Edot Mizraxi?


There were two communities in countries like Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
The first are communities that were there since the fall of the
Temple. In the case of Iraq's Babylonian Jewery, since the fall of the
First Temple. These are the people who maintained the institutions
that gave us the Talmud. For example, the acadamy of Sura, in which
half the debates of the Talmud occured (along with
Pupedisa/Naharda'ah, the other half) was founded in the Hasmonian
period and was closed in 1958 CE!

The other community are the exiles from Spain in 1942(really 1492) , who were
largely absorbed into the older communities.

Technically, Edot haMizrach refer to the former, Sepharadi -- the
latter. Of course, the communities pretty well blended. Still, we see
customs particular to these communities that originated in the local
traditions rather than the Spanish ones. Including pronunciation,
diferences in prayer texts, etc... There are far more than one or two
differences in pronunciation, cantillation and services.

The Ben Ish Hai, and later R' Ovadia Yosef, has done much to unify
Sefaradi and Edot haMizrach practice to some fusion of Sepharadi and
Iraqi traditions.