This is a public forum, O Logical One, not all of us are as well read as you to get those 'private' jokes.Originally posted by Chromatose
As if!...
It was a private joke, dingleberry.
It is a direct immitation of a student poem cited by the author in the book "Writing Down The Bones".
BTW are you the only one that gets those 'private' jokes? do you practice them often, O Funny One,
As to making my name into different concepts, O Poetic One, thou hast no rivals, thine poetry flows with zingers & O those slings and arrows, I am hurt, alas, I bleed, I grow faint, please hold me!!! Ragged breathing, falls to floor, blood pours from many well-placed cuts & deep wounds. He breathes his last....
From out of the shadows, faceless assassins, dressed in Roman togas, come out chanting "Beware the Ides of March!", "Beware!", then they turn to Brutisia Chromatus, who has stepped out of the shadows, they shout to her, "Hail Ceasar!", "Long live Chromatus!".
Narration by Rod Sterling impersonator,
"The protagonist has been mortally wounded, lying on the floor of this small stage, his feeble attempts at discourse & debate, drowned out by the anger of his fellow Sci-enators, another lesson learned, in "The Mormon Zone". TaTaaTatTaTa. Fade to black.
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