Mormon Teachings

How has this thread effected your veiw of the LDS church?

  • Veiw the church more favorably

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • Less favorably

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No change

    Votes: 20 36.4%
  • No more and no less than any other church out there

    Votes: 11 20.0%

  • Total voters

"which 1st Century Christians; the Ebonites, the Judaizers, the Gentile Church, or the ones that Jesus addresses in Revelations? "

Okay,The first Century Christians would be those existing from after the Ascension to 100 ce, would it not? If you wanted The church in Its Pure Form then it would have been in this time era.

All those names that you have mentioned would have come way after the Last Disciple John died. After that I cannot be 100% sure that the devil had not infilterated the Church.

Nevertheless, by about 350CE, the devil had managed to oust genuine christians from the church and supplanted these ones with demonists.
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Jadon said:
its Randolfo, what ever you are spelling is unpronounceable in Spanish, sort of like spelling your "nome de net" as Jhaeydohn in English, just cut & paste if you can't spell
Okay,The first Century Christians would be those existing from after the Ascension to 100 ce, would it not? If you wanted The church in Its Pure Form
"Pure Form" would that be the LDS kind? what guessing games here, first superluminal, now you? what are you trying to hide?
Jadon said:

My child,
I am a Christian and I do not wish to be identified by any Denomination.
I hope you're over 63, since I'm 50, or you may be too young biologically to call me "my child", if you're a priest, don't patronize me, I don’t take kindly to that, just so we understand each other, OK?

& if you're my dad, you owe 3 years alimony & child support, so pay up at the local Family Support unit, before they garnish your wages

Fifty, are you? Thats great!!

I called you my Child because I sensed that you have some issues with your parents.

Were you a Soldier?

Anyway , as a Christian, I represent The Creator, whose Age is without number.
Once again, I am a Christian.!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Marlin breaks out the popcorn and root beer and sits down to watch Randolpho accuse everyone who posts in this thread to be LDS or in cahoots with me. :D
Jadon said:
Anyway , as a Christian, I represent The Creator, whose Age is without number.
So he/she/it told you this personally? God might be a little pissed if he finds you putting words in his/her/its mouth. ;)
The Pope was sitting in his office and a cardinal came running in.

"What is wrong Father? The Pope asked.

"I have good news and bad news" said the Cardinal.

"What is the good news?" asked the pope.

"The Lord has returned" exclaimed the Cardinal.

"Oh my, what could possibly be the bad news?" asked the Pope.

Then the Cardinal said "We got the call from Salt Lake City!" :D
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Marlin said:
Marlin breaks out the popcorn and root beer and sits down to watch Randolpho accuse everyone who posts in this thread to be LDS or in cahoots with me. :D
Thanks Marlin, for proving my point, I requested & got an official name change, since all you guys were having such a hard time spelling my name. I'm guessing, you have some pseudo-Grecian Anglosizing brain-warp, possibly some anti-Mexican-conditioning too.

I was thinking of "BomanpakArtist" or "MayanProphecy2012", I figured you could cut & paste for those? I settled for "WildBlueYonder", a good USAF connection. But you can call me "Wild", "Blue", "Yonder", "WildBlue" or "WBY". or whatever your little fingers & mind can type :D

Oh, Marly-baby, I hope you don't choke on that popcorn; your pitch-hitters haven't done much better than you. Was that the best you could do drum up? I guess all the best & brightest LDS, drop out or get kicked out :D
Jadon said:
Fifty, are you? Thats great!!
Thanks, Sonny! :D

I called you my Child because I sensed that you have some issues with your parents.
oh, a psychiatrist are we? You may be in the wrong forum, doctor.

Were you a Soldier?
you're not listening, are you doctor?

Anyway , as a Christian, I represent The Creator, whose Age is without number.
Once again, I am a Christian.!!!!!!!! : cool : : cool : : cool :
could I see your license to practice? Christian, are we? Good for you, I hope so.
Randolpho said:

Oh, Marly-baby, I hope you don't choke on that popcorn; your pitch-hitters haven't done much better than you. Was that the best you could do drum up? I guess all the best & brightest LDS, drop out or get kicked out :D

My "pitch-hitters"? I haven't sent anyone into this thread. I don't know the other LDS posters and we are not conspiring against you. Ain't paranoia a wonderful thing?
Marlin said:
My "pitch-hitters"? I haven't sent anyone into this thread. I don't know the other LDS posters and we are not conspiring against you. Ain't paranoia a wonderful thing?
it don't matter, its just curious that you were ready to give up & up pop these new guys, that’s all. Anyway, good timing for you & me. Now, with more help, you might finally be able to answer a few simple questions;

like, if the BoM is a record of ancient peoples of the Western Hemisphere

1) why is there no archeological proof of these peoples existence & no BoM sites?
2) why does the DNA of Native Peoples register Siberia/Asian & not Jewish?
3) why did no one ever see the BoM plates, except through 'peepstones' & 'spiritually'?
4) why did most of Joe Smith's religious activities follow closely, established 'money-digging' practices, of which he was one?
5) why does the BoM have tons of anachronisms?
6) why does the BoM fail to mention the Native Peoples that were everywhere around all the Western Hemisphere?
7) why are there no examples of "Reformed Egyptian"?

& about the BoA
8) why is the only example of Joe Smith's translating abilities in Egyptian (the BoA fragment), really about the "Book of the Dead" & not about Abraham as J.S. claimed?

Simple questions, you’ll probably have to him & haw, weave to the right & cross to the left, then do-ce-doe. But that’s alright, it’ll be fun, while I watch & eat my popcorn & drink some juice. Have a go at it :D
WBY, I've already stated twice now that I won't engage in discussion with you until you apologize for calling my church a "cult" and promise not to do so again. Otherwise, talk to the hand....
Marlin said:
WBY, I've already stated twice now that I won't engage in discussion with you until you apologize for calling my church a "cult"
then what is it?
they believe in a set of books, beliefs, ideas, that no member can prove.
they believe that they are 'gods-in-training',
without any supporting evidence, they believe the BoM is true,
no core belief is reveled in the BoM, yet they defend it blindly,
the LDS brain-washes its members to only believe the LDS church authorities.
yep, it’s a cult all right
and promise not to do so again.
when mormons end their apostasy, & join the Christian movement, sure. until then, talk to the wind
Otherwise, talk to the hand....
why, did you paint "Mr. Jimenez" on it?
Wild Blue Randolpho said:

yep, it’s a cult all right

Then that is the extent of our discussion. If you won't give me the common decency of respect for my choice of religious belief, then I don't want to go any further down that road.
For those who want to know if the LDS Church qualifies objectively as a "cult," see The Exclusion by Name-Calling, in which Dr. Stephen E. Robinson proves that any definition of "cult" that fits the Mormons, also fits the early Christian saints.
Marlin said:
For those who want to know if the LDS Church qualifies objectively as a "cult," see The Exclusion by Name-Calling, in which Dr. Stephen E. Robinson proves that any definition of "cult" that fits the Mormons, also fits the early Christian saints.
not a cult? lets see, mormons believe:
1) they are gods in training
2) that Jesus is the physical son of God the Father & the Holy Ghost
3) that Jesus & satan are spiritual brothers
4) that our god was once a good mormon man on some far-off planet
5) that they are the one & only true church
6) that every other church is in apostasy (if they don't follow LDS guidelines)
7) that the BoM is a true history of the Americas (now the s. of Mexico as BoM lands shrink)
8) that Native Peoples were once Jewish immigrants about 2 thousand years ago
9) that Joe Smith was a true prophet
10) that Joe Smith translated the BoM with peepstones from the original "reformed Egyptian" (a language of which no other samples exist)
11) the BoM is so full of anachronisms, that anyone with common sense would see that it’s just a novel
12) they brainwash their members so, that even when obvious flaws surface, they just follow the LDS blindly

yep, I would say it is a "cult", any others think so too?
WildBlueYonder said:
not a cult? lets see, mormons believe:
1) they are gods in training

C.S. Lewis believed this also. Was he a cultist?

2) that Jesus is the physical son of God the Father & the Holy Ghost

Just what part of "only begotten Son" don't you understand?

3) that Jesus & satan are spiritual brothers

God, Jesus, angels, men, and devils are all of the same race. This doesn't mean that Jesus and Satan are "in cahoots" with each other. You can have a black sheep brother without being that way yourself.

4) that our god was once a good mormon man on some far-off planet

We don't know this for sure.

5) that they are the one & only true church

Many churches believe this about themselves.

6) that every other church is in apostasy (if they don't follow LDS guidelines)

Martin Luther and the Reformationists believed this also.

7) that the BoM is a true history of the Americas (now the s. of Mexico as BoM lands shrink)

So what?

8) that Native Peoples were once Jewish immigrants about 2 thousand years ago

That doesn't make us a "cult."

9) that Joe Smith was a true prophet

You believe that biblical prophets were true prophets. Does that make you a cult?

10) that Joe Smith translated the BoM with peepstones from the original "reformed Egyptian" (a language of which no other samples exist)

So using a dead language makes one a cultist?

11) the BoM is so full of anachronisms, that anyone with common sense would see that it’s just a novel

I've given many references refuting the supposed anachronisms in the Book of Mormon. You just shrug them off. (See the next item.)

12) they brainwash their members so, that even when obvious flaws surface, they just follow the LDS blindly

When I brought up the fact that Moses is not an archeologically verifiable figure, you just shrugged that off also. LDS are encouraged to seek the truth through personal revelation. We don't just accept things blindly.

yep, I would say it is a "cult", any others think so too?

Only if you redefine the word "cult" to match your own specialized definition.