Mormon Teachings

How has this thread effected your veiw of the LDS church?

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    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • Less favorably

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No change

    Votes: 20 36.4%
  • No more and no less than any other church out there

    Votes: 11 20.0%

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water said:

If most other Christians don't think you to be Christian, whatever their arguments, does this still leave you Christian?

Yes. Others' opinions don't matter.
Marlin, What I'm trying to say is that these very individuals (professors of religion) are anti-christian (not anti-religious), and they are always looking for ways to discredit Christianity (haven't you noticed that they are always picking on Christianity and not on any other religions?)

These people are the Ultimate Atheists and believe me, when the very best of them say that the LDS is not a christian sect or denomination, you have to believe that there must be an ounce of truth in their declarations!!

This is what I mean when I say "Satan knows hi's own"
As for me, I'm keeping way out of it!!!! :cool:
Jadon, read the online book I referenced in my former post.

It doesn't matter if 99.9% of the people in the world think I'm not a Christian--if I believe in Jesus Christ and look to Him for salvation and redemption from my sins, and I strive to live according to His teachings, I am a Christian. Period.
Marlin said:
Nasor, here is a link for you:

The LDS Church and the Race Issue
Interesting link, but I’m still wondering how you can be so sure about anything that Joseph Smith said about religion if you believe he was wrong in this case. The link seemed to basically say “Joseph Smith was racist because everyone back then was racist. It’s regrettable, but racist attitudes were normal back then.” Fair enough, but if his human prejudices caused him to invent false doctrines in this case, how can you be sure that he didn’t come up with other false doctrines?
Marlin, It's not about 99.9 % people in this planet thinking you're not a Christian! It's about 99.9% of people in this planet stating that you are one of them!!!

Wasn't it the Messiah who said that hi's flock would be a small one (few)? Accordingly, along these lines, that would make 0.1% people worthy to be called Christians, wouldn't it?

Rely only on the words of one MAN - JESUS CHRIST!!!!
Nasor, that is what personal revelation is for, to discern truth from error. Everyone is entitled to know whether Joseph Smith was a prophet or not, and God is faithful to give us a witness of this when we ask Him for this knowledge. That doesn't mean Joseph Smith was infallible, or that his successors were, either. A prophet is only a prophet when he is speaking as such, according to Joseph Smith. At other times he may speak his opinions, and we aren't required to believe every little thing he says.

True doctrine is verifiable through personal revelation.
Marlin said:
Jadon, trust me, if you think that the opinions of 100 prominent theologians will make the Latter-day Saints un-Christian, you're mistaken.
As an “outsider,” I must say that it seems ludicrous to argue about whether or not Mormons are Christians. A Christian is someone who believes that Christ was divine and tries to live according to his teachings. When I see someone from some other denomination saying “Well, Mormons aren’t really Christians because of x, y, and z” it’s rather like seeing a bunch of Scots sitting in a bar saying “Those people in the next village over aren’t really Scots. They don’t eat hagus, and everyone knows that all true Scotsmen eat hagus at least five times a week!” Do you live in Scotland? Then you're a Scot. Do you worship Christ? Then you're a Christian.
Jadon said:
Marlin, It's not about 99.9 % people in this planet thinking you're not a Christian! It's about 99.9% of people in this planet stating that you are one of them!!!

One of who? Christians?

Wasn't it the Messiah who said that hi's flock would be a small one (few)? Accordingly, along these lines, that would make 0.1% people worthy to be called Christians, wouldn't it?

Rely only on the words of one MAN - JESUS CHRIST!!!!

The membership of the LDS church is relatively small (11 million compared with how many billion?).

We do rely on the words of Christ, but He has said that whether by His own voice or by the voice of His servants, it is the same. He who accepts a prophet of God receives a prophet's reward, right?
Nasor said:
As an “outsider,” I must say that it seems ludicrous to argue about whether or not Mormons are Christians. A Christian is someone who believes that Christ was divine and tries to live according to his teachings. When I see someone from some other denomination saying “Well, Mormons aren’t really Christians because of x, y, and z” it’s rather like seeing a bunch of Scots sitting in a bar saying “Those people in the next village over aren’t really Scots. They don’t eat hagus, and everyone knows that all true Scotsmen eat hagus at least five times a week!” Do you live in Scotland? Then you're a Scot. Do you worship Christ? Then you're a Christian.

Nasor said:
A Christian is someone who believes that Christ was divine and tries to live according to his teachings.

This makes me a Christian then.
But I don't think myself a Christian.
(I live by certian principles that happen to be the same as Christ taught, but I don't connect my principles with Christ.)
water said:
What matters is self-proclamation then?

Not necessarily self-proclamation; only God knows people's hearts and can judge adequately who is a "true Christian." It's stupid for people to point at each other and declare them Christian or not based on what they believe about each other. It's a personal decision and a personal faith.
Marlin said:
Not necessarily self-proclamation; only God knows people's hearts and can judge adequately who is a "true Christian." It's stupid for people to point at each other and declare them Christian or not based on what they believe about each other. It's a personal decision and a personal faith.

Then why are you trying to show others (here, in arguments) that you believe in Jesus Christ?
water said:
This makes me a Christian then.
But I don't think myself a Christian.
(I live by certian principles that happen to be the same as Christ taught, but I don't connect my principles with Christ.)
Perhaps a more succinct definition would be "A Christian is someone who worships Jesus".
water said:
Then why are you trying to show others (here, in arguments) that you believe in Jesus Christ?

Mormons are a missionary religion. The adage, "Every member a missionary" applies. I'm hoping to dispell some of the ignorance and prejudice that is out there. Whether I'm succeeding or not, I don't know.
Marlin said:
Mormons are a missionary religion. The adage, "Every member a missionary" applies.

But then this contradicts what you have stated earlier:

Not necessarily self-proclamation; only God knows people's hearts and can judge adequately who is a "true Christian." It's stupid for people to point at each other and declare them Christian or not based on what they believe about each other. It's a personal decision and a personal faith.

I'm hoping to dispell some of the ignorance and prejudice that is out there. Whether I'm succeeding or not, I don't know.

Why? For what purpose, if it is about a personal decision and a personal faith?

Why tell anyone about your faith, if EVERYONE is to have a faith that is a personal decision and a personal faith?
Mormon is a Missionary Religion alright!! A missionary for Deception founded by "a prophet" called John Smith, or is it Joseph Smith? Or should I say God - John/Joseph Smith?

What a relief it is to be living in the End Times when false teachings will be exposed as the Harlot of Revelation.!!!!!! :) :) :)
water said:
Why? For what purpose, if it is about a personal decision and a personal faith?

Why tell anyone about your faith, if EVERYONE is to have a faith that is a personal decision and a personal faith?

Because the Lord has commanded us to share the gospel. "Go ye into all the world..."
Because the Lord has commanded us to share the gospel. "Go ye into all the world..."
Since we're all Christians - would you be content to share with a non-believer Christ's gospel, and rejoice when they are baptised in any other Christian church than the Mormon church?
Actually Jenyar, I personally would. Can't speak for Marlin or any other Mormon, but someone deciding to be a Christian -- even in a different church-house -- is still something to rejoice about.

Of course I'd rather see them join my church -- most people would -- but I've already explained to you how I feel about Christ and his teachings (a couple of posts ago; hope you read it). If someone decides to embrace them, why would I not be happy? I'm not going to let something like my personal beliefs stop them from getting to know Him just for the sake of going to my church. I would truly be happy for him, because letting Christ into your life -- even in a different church than mine -- still effects a change for the better.