Mormon Teachings

How has this thread effected your veiw of the LDS church?

  • Veiw the church more favorably

    Votes: 7 12.7%
  • Less favorably

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No change

    Votes: 20 36.4%
  • No more and no less than any other church out there

    Votes: 11 20.0%

  • Total voters
§outh§tar said:
That statement will return to bite you in our subsequent conversations.
it could bite you, so watch out!

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
I hope you aren't talking about the BoM? it doesn't qualify as pearls, but it walks pretty closely to sci-fi, it might make a good alternate history with characters, etc
Hey Sciforums is back. Cool. It was probably all the Mormon bashing that caused the outage. Just kidding. I can handle it, keep it coming.

Asking Mormons questions equals bashing?

You've got plenty of unanswered questions addressed to you in this thread.

Hey Water it's nice to hear from you again. No, asking questions is not bashing. Notice I said I was only kidding. Bring on the questions especially the challenging ones. I like being forced to think about things so bring it on. Really thinking about what you believe is healthy, it only strengthens my faith.

I would like to know why you have started this thread.

If it is because you wish to inform us and do away with misconceptions about Mormonism -- why do you wish that? What will be in this for you?

Als, if you wish to inform us and do away with misconceptions -- then why don't you answer the questions we ask?

Or why is it that you have started this thread?
Brutus, what is meant by your statement for the mission of the church

3) Redeeming the dead. (Temple Work)

Is that interceding for the dead? If so, aren't we instructed to let the dead bury the dead?
Hey Brutus. I have some questions for you. First though, I'd like to congratulate you on such a successful thread. It seems like a lot of people are curious about the LDS Church.

Now, I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but I was thinking about the Book of Mormon and how it might relate to this passage in Revelations:

Revelations 22
<Sup>18</Sup> For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
<Sup>19</Sup> And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
To my understanding, this part of the Bible is commonly understood to apply to the entire Bible. I ask you two things, based on my understanding:

1. Does the LDS Church believe that this passage applies to the entire Bible?
2. If so, how can the Book of Mormon be added with no risk of LDS followers having plagues added unto them?

Thanks in advance for your reply. :)

- Rick
To my understanding, this part of the Bible is commonly understood to apply to the entire Bible.
It's usually understood to apply only to Revelations, since the Bible was not yet canonized at the time it was written.

However, you don't need Revelations (or any other revelation) to see that they have added to the gospel, which they now call the "fullness of the gospel". See my posts on page 9 of this thread.
water said:

I would like to know why you have started this thread.

If it is because you wish to inform us and do away with misconceptions about Mormonism -- why do you wish that? What will be in this for you?

Als, if you wish to inform us and do away with misconceptions -- then why don't you answer the questions we ask?

Or why is it that you have started this thread?

Water. It has been a while that I have been in Sciforums not to mention the outage. Could you please give me your questions again or at least give me an idea where your questions are. This thread has gotten pretty large. As to why I started this thread? It is because ones people in Sciforums found out I am LDS I started getting bombarded with questions. I thought it would be good to start a thread just on the topic of LDS teachings. This thread was meant to discuss the church with an LDS perspective. I think it has been very successfull. We have had a lively debate, had very good questions without resorting to bashing and personal attacks. I appreciate that. However this is an open forum so anyone is free to post anything they want.
Brutus1964 said:
Hey Sciforums is back. Cool.
2nd that

It was probably all the Mormon bashing that caused the outage. Just kidding.
unpaid bills, if you ask me

I can handle it, keep it coming.
unhuh, yeah right, as if you were any good in answering stuff in the first place. here's a few, see if you can handle them:
1) if BoM horses are really tapirs, what are tapirs called?
2) if the BoM really took place in S. Mexico, why no israelish or egyptian relics, influence or tech there?
3) if the LDS is the "Restored Church", why has it changed so much since inception? you know, polygamy, anti-black, editing of the BoM & LDS history, LGT.

if the BoM was perfect, why the changes? if the LDS was 'restored', why the changes? doesn't that make the present LDS church "apostate"? why, even wanting to be counted among other 'christian' churches? tisk-tisk, how the mighty have fallen
It is a big misconception to think that Joseph Smith was somehow dictating word for word what was written on the plates. Joseph Smith was given an understanding of what the writing on the Plates meant and he translated it in his own words. He chose to use a biblical writing style because of course to him and us it sounds more scriptural. Joseph Smith was not perfect. He certainly made mistakes. The Book of Mormon even with a few errors is still the most correctly translated book of scripture because Joseph Smith had access to the actual source material and was given a gift from God to be able to do the translating.
Randolfo said:
1) if BoM horses are really tapirs, what are tapirs called?

Tapirs aren't mentioned in the Book of Mormon. But then, neither are a host of other animals. The Book of Mormon is not a biology text; it's scripture, which means that its primary purpose is to convey spiritual truths to the reader. If we wanted a complete taxonomy of ancient American animals, we would have to look elsewhere than LDS scripture. But then, if we wanted a complete taxonomy of ancient Israeli animals, we would have to look elsewhere than the Bible, too.
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Brutus1964 said:
Water. It has been a while that I have been in Sciforums not to mention the outage. Could you please give me your questions again or at least give me an idea where your questions are. This thread has gotten pretty large. As to why I started this thread? It is because ones people in Sciforums found out I am LDS I started getting bombarded with questions. I thought it would be good to start a thread just on the topic of LDS teachings. This thread was meant to discuss the church with an LDS perspective. I think it has been very successfull. We have had a lively debate, had very good questions without resorting to bashing and personal attacks. I appreciate that. However this is an open forum so anyone is free to post anything they want.

Check page 9, last post on that page (if the setting is 20 posts per page), my post from 02-23-05, 07:36 PM.

And this is not an "open forum" where one could post "anything they want".
Marlin said:
Tapirs aren't mentioned in the Book of Mormon. But then, neither are a host of other animals. The Book of Mormon is not a biology text; it's scripture, which means that its primary purpose is to convey spiritual truths to the reader.
the point is that "HORSES" were mentioned, which makes it a problem that no mormon can answer, you wiggle, you obstruficate, you rationalize, you re-frame, you dance around, you blow smoke, but no where can any credible evidence for horses be found in the Western Hemisphere until the Spanish brought them here circa 1492. oh, yes there were equus here prior, extinct for about 6 million years. There were no people here either until about 20,000 years ago either. But that's just a small problem, there are others in the BoM, want a list?

now it would be interesting to note, but how does the BoM say horses got here prior to the Spanish? They were just here, or were they brought over? note the "tapir" explanation is mormon rationalizations, got to throw out theories, make those "anti's" go off on wild goose chases, like that LGT thats making the rounds, at least S. Mexico is a nice compact area, should be able to knock that theory into the dustbin of history soon
"must think only faith promoting thoughts", so how did horses get here again?
Maybe someone here would know: Which of the nine different versions of the "First Vision," that Joseph Smith tried to SELL(once to a newspaper, before the time church records indicate that he ever saw the plates, let alone translated them) is the right one? Why does it say in "Joseph Smith the Prophet," that there is only one version of the story, when good ole Joe admitted to telling more. What does that mean for the rest of the doctrine, if the incorruptable, truest "First Vision" is considered the cornerstone of the faith?
so how did horses get here again?

They got here the same way steel, chariots, brass, scimitars, and silk production(which STILL doesn't exist over here) did.


And those Plates of Ore, some of the metals they were composed of weren't even available/created during the time period the book is supposed to have been written.

It must have been Magic.

Oh yes.

The same kind of magic that allowed 12 adults to build a temple “after the manner of the Temple of Solomon,” when it took Sol himself 180000 workers and over 7 ½ years to accomplish this.

Th same kind of magic that allowed 250,000 words of the BoM to be plagiarised from the King James Bible, a book that was written how long after the book of Mormon?

Beautiful magic that allowed vast battles, raging wars, and entire nations and populations of people forced into extinction without one artifact, one official map, or one example of the language proposed by Joe to be found. Not even remains of any structures relating to any member (Three groups of people who emigrated from the Old World before Columbus) of the story in the book of Mormon.

Maybe they lived in a another, magical world. A world where the land on the Persian Gulf was "found to be bountiful and fruitful", because here it has never been so. A world where American Indians had a coinage system, because, it has never been so. A world where the ancient jews had glass, because in that time period here, they never did.

I can see why some people would want to live in that world. At least, until they found out that their faith teaches:
1.) The god you worship is not held by them to be the one true god. “Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith,” p. 345.
2.) Your Jesus practiced polygamy. Journal of Discourses 1:346, 2:210
3.) You must practice polygamy to become a god. Journal of Discourses 11:269
4.) Your God “Elohim” Lives on or near the planet Kolob. One Kolob day is equal to 1000 Earth years.
5.) Your God wants you to wear special underwear, to remind you of your covenants to him.
6.) Church officials are granted the power of telepathy.
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As for horses in the Americas, metallurgy, and other apparent anachronisms mentioned in the Book of Mormon, here are some interesting articles explaining them:

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 1: Fauna, Animals

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 2: Flora and Textiles

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 3: Warfare

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 4: Metals and Metallurgy

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 5: Pre-Christian Christianity

Book of Mormon Anachronisms Part 6: Compass, Coins, Miscellaneous

And another article on Horses in ancient America:

Horses in the Book of Mormon

This last article mentions an interesting fact: that in all the Hun empire's remains, very few if any horse remains have been found, even though the Huns had hundreds of thousands of horses.

The Book of Mormon peoples may have used a practice of naming animals in the New World known as "loanshift" or "loan extension"--that is, naming an unfamiliar species in familiar terminology, such as the Greeks naming the hippopotamus ("river horse") instead of calling it another name. Please read the articles cited above for more information. There are answers to all of the questions brought up here in this thread.
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