Mormon Teachings

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Marlin said:
You'll never know until you try sincerely, Randolfo. Quit dancing around the issue
no dancing here, I know the truth, its in the Bible, you on the other hand, dance all around the truth, did you know that people believe anything, that there are racists that believe that their so-called 'race' is superior to others? did you know that people still believe in communism? listen Marlin, there is no truth in the BoM except were J. Smith copied the KJV, sorry, you can dance all you want, pray all you want, study all you want, but lies don't turn into 'truth' just because you believe them, otherwise I could invent a new religion & a new history, saying that ancient Mexicans traveled to Greece, formed a kingdom called "Mexidonia" & led by a spunky bunch of kings, managed to conquer an 18th of Europe, a 20th of Africa & a 6th of Asia led by that most Mexican of heroes, "Alejandro Rey". But a faction arose (they being influenced by the cults around them, gave up Chrsitianity) & fought the kings, which enventually riped the empire into 4 parts, which weaken by wars, infighting & no reinforcements from Aztlan, eventually fell & mixed into the hellenistic millieu of the area, the greek upsurpers then claimed that glorious history to themselves, hellenizing the Mexidonian Empire into "Macedonian" & with the support by the roman priests, erased all trace of Mexican Christianity, except for the name of our Savior, "Jesus' a name revered to this day in Mexican culture.
if you really want to know. Moroni's Promise is faithful and true,
how? how can he make lies faithful & true? by delusion?

but it only works if you have real intent, sincerity, and are willing to pay the price of that knowledge--prayer, fervent study,
no amount of prayer can make lies true, do you want a list?

here's a short one;
animals=horses, cows, pigs, elephants
tech=coins, iron,
food=wheat, barley
language=reformed egyptian (a non-existant language)
no one can prove that these BoM anomilies where in the Western Hemisphere until after Columbus
so, point out any site in Mexico or New York that has any of these prior to Columbus

oh, & who ever heard of jews eating pigs?

and faith that Christ can reveal truth to you within your heart.
I believe that, but the 'christ' you know is the same one as muslims know, a fake, a fraud, someone that no christian would recognize if they knew the 'secret' truth mormons hold dear, like Jesus being a spirit brother to lucifer, god being a good mormon man, who is rewarded with godhood & this planet to populate with spirit babies, that become physical that must live good mormon lives to get their own planet, to populate, etc...

Your god is unknown to christians, but known to hindus, buddhists, shamans, ancient greeks, a god with physical needs, wants, family life, etc...
Randolfo said:

no dancing here, I know the truth, its in the Bible,

Okay, let's start right here, Randolfo. How do you know that the Bible is true? Is it because it has sheep mentioned in it, and there are sheep in the Holy Land today, and therefore it is true? Are sheep the authenticating factor here? Is that what is important about the Bible, it's mentioning of sheep which are still there?

What makes the Bible important to you? Sheep and coinage? Linguistics? Horses, camels, what have you?

So I get down to pray, and I "feel it in my heart" -- a warm feeling, nothing overmuch -- that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
What do I do? Believe it?

I can also think most profoundly about, say, determinism or Hinduism or the atomistic theory of meaning. And I think and think, and I get a warm feeling in my heart, and I see that there is *no* *valid* *reason* why I should refuse any of these teachings. For after all, they all carry a certain truth within them.

So. What am I to do?

Accepting something just because it gives you a certain feeling in your heart is sheer superstition.
water, it's not just a warm feeling. It's a sense of "rightfulness" (for lack of a better term). It's not very easy to explain; in fact, words don't do it justice. But when you know, you know. God is able to communicate with certainty within the human heart and mind. If you have faith that Christ can do this, then the Spirit will witness the truth to you in a way that you will recognize (hopefully) as true. It's not just a "warm fuzzy."
And if I don't feel this ... then


1. I haven't been sincere.


2. God has hardened me.

Either way, you're better off, and you can say "In your face! Haha!"
I'll tell you what I told Randolfo: you'll never really know until you give it a sincere, heartfelt try. No one will laugh at you for not "getting it" right away--it takes hours upon hours of study and prayer, all sincerely trying to know the truth. You get out what you put in, in other words. If you just read the Book of Mormon by skimming and offer shoddy, less-than-a-minute insincere prayers, of course you won't get the same out of it than if you put in the full test as described in Moroni 10:3-5.

I've said it before: you'll never know unless you try.
Incidentally, the reason I laughed at Randolfo was to give him a taste of his own medicine, as he apparently makes it his hobby to ridicule Mormons and Muslims with a great deal of invective and sarcasm.
Marlin said:
I'll tell you what I told Randolfo: you'll never really know until you give it a sincere, heartfelt try. No one will laugh at you for not "getting it" right away--it takes hours upon hours of study and prayer, all sincerely trying to know the truth. You get out what you put in, in other words. If you just read the Book of Mormon by skimming and offer shoddy, less-than-a-minute insincere prayers, of course you won't get the same out of it than if you put in the full test as described in Moroni 10:3-5.

I've said it before: you'll never know unless you try.

How about almost two years of intense study and prayer? Already after a few months, I was better at knowing the Book of Mormon than the missionaries I spoke to. I could cross-reference it better than they did.
And yet -- it did not happen: I could not believe.
So? What happened?
water said:
How about almost two years of intense study and prayer?
so after all that study, did you feel that you read a 'holy book' or a novel?
Already after a few months, I was better at knowing the Book of Mormon than the missionaries I spoke to. I could cross-reference it better than they did.
they may have been studying for other things, maybe?

And yet -- it did not happen: I could not believe.
So? What happened?
your mind wouldn't let you take a "leap of faith", that didn't make any sense?
Randolfo said:
so after all that study, did you feel that you read a 'holy book' or a novel?

To me, it is a poorly written personal philosophy based on Christianity.

they may have been studying for other things, maybe?

I found it disturbing that the people who are supposedly official representatives of that church should have lesser knowledge than a newbie outsider. And yet these same people supposedly have some authority over me, as they are members, and I'm not.

your mind wouldn't let you take a "leap of faith", that didn't make any sense?

I think they offered a twisted meaning of "leap of faith".
Accepting something just because it gives you a certain feeling in your heart is sheer superstition.

That statement will return to bite you in our subsequent conversations.

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
§outh§tar said:
That statement will return to bite you in our subsequent conversations.

And it will bite you too.

Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

You want a war?
SouthStar, you're right. These people don't seem to want to know the truth--they just want a good fight.

Don't say sorry to me.

It is your fellow brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters in Christ they are to you, and you have called them "these people". You have got a bad attitude towards your neighbours.
I'm so sorry, water and those who have been offended by my poor attitude and words. I have been too callous and uncaring towards you. You are brothers and sisters in Christ and I should not have taken the attitude that you should be called "these people."

If anyone has been offended, I apologize most sincerely.