Mars, destroyed by war?!

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The worst case scenario Stryderunknown, is that we are correct :eek: in our theory. Ever look closely at bomb damage assessment pictures of remains of surface atom bomb explosions? We have. :(
ok that i think could cause crater chanes??, a comit or some object flying through space that is spinning really fast and some of the rock comes off and forms a line and thus forms a chane. the objet will nto hit but the small recks will. or what coudl cause it to do that is and explosion off anouther planet from a crator and the debre in a line and most of the debre gets taken out from anouther planet but a section of the debre ring hits the planet mard
Actually I did already look at the atomic bomb test information, thats why I spotted that Trinity ("Fat Man" testing) is due West of Roswell. (coincidence?)

Looking at the overhead photo of the nuclear creator, it was very small, and not very deep since the force of the explosion takes the easiest route possible, which is through the air rather than the ground.

The craters on Mar's are definitely impact ones, not control explosive ones. In fact you can even look at the craters to get an idea of the trajectory, if the trajectory was too shallow the effect would have been far different.

If you still think it was some alien weapon, explain were they bombs dropped from a craft flying over, or fired from ground cannons?

I will still back a meteor breaking up as the answer.
I believe the word strafe was used on the website, which indicates airborne/spaceborne craft.
Yes it is west of Roswell NM, and just a bit south of the Carlsbad Caverns to add a bit more intrigue to the area. In reality explosives have different properties, some blow down, some sideways, and some upward. Atomic explosions are sideways. For a much bigger crater made by atomic tests, look at Bikini Atoll. And, yes these crater chains appear as strafing from the comments of experienced military personal.
One also has to consider that the purpose of nuclear weapons is such that it is hoped one can avoid dropping/delivering multiple bombs/warheads in an adjacent proximity. It's a bit anthropocentric, but Earth cultures developed nuclear weapons to great expense and difficulty, such that one ICBM contained multiple warheads that target several cities or industrial complexes.

Conventional warheads & bombs, however, are utilized in "strafing" and carpet bombing strategies. But these craters are easily assimilated by erosional forces since they are much shallower and, presumably, created in a habitable environment.

But then, the whole idea that a war of atomic nature was conducted on other worlds is anthropocentric in and of itself. Why assume that other civilizations of other worlds (assuming that they exist) would be predisposed to conduct war. It's because we assume since Earth civilizations conduct war, it is a universal concept.

The bottom line is, there is no artifactual or epigraphical evidence to support the idea that other civilizations have ever existed in our solar system on any other planet except Earth. To make the leap that "a pattern exists in craters" that cannot readily be demonstrated, therefore another civilization existed is poor science. There are too many other, more plausible (and probable) explanations. In addition, there are, undoubtedly, explanations that have yet to be considered.
Craterchains: nuclear explosions are spherical. This is why nuclear warheads are designed to go off in an "airburst" a few miles off the ground - they do more damage that way than by exploding on the ground.

Whether this is still true when there is no atmosphere is a different question.
to include url's

The entire concept that the whole entire universe revolves around humans, the human prespective is anthropocentric in and of itself. To think in this huge universe that humans are the only intelligent creature is anthropocentric.
This is a small, shallow crater (1280 feet wide and 320 feet deep):


This is a small, shallow crater (approx. 5 miles wide):
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Yes, but to think that there are highly technologically advanced creatures when you can't find any may be jumping the gun a bit.

To be able to find evidence of a civilization on Mars, for instance, is going to require a much more widespread high-definition survey of the planet. It's unlikely that the artifacts of an intelligent species would be completely destroyed by any kind of energy, particularly if the war only happened in the last few centuries as Craterchains has postulated.

A radioactivity assay of the soil might help to determine whether such high-energy weapons were being used there.
You are thinking, good, but you will have to come out of the box a bit farther to try and rationalize the what and how of these chains. That evidence you mention that is needed to support our theory can only be obtained by dedicated research and the access to the data.
There are no other probable or even possible explanations that can adequately explain the formation of these crater chains by known physics.

We’re not jumping the gun, we haven’t found that, but I think we found the bullet holes? (just kidding) Lets hope that we are really getting all the data from Rover, as I do suspect that there has to be artifact survival also. A nut or bolt or something? Yes, I agree that the radiation patterns need to be looked at closely. We have some data along those lines and are examining that.

Read the scientists words carefuly.
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You could perceive where ever there is life out there in the universe there will be one main constant, and that is the need for survival.

Our lone planet could seem to some interstella traveller an oasis within a vast cold unbecoming desert, the desert of which I speak is that of what we know as "Space".

Many other worlds exist, but to all of which we know are desolate, barren and too hostile for life to survive.

Perhaps if our planet had contact with an alien specie, it wouldn't just be a simple "Hello" but more of a "Move over and let us drink".

If this was the case I'm sure that "war" would insue, based upon the protection of territory and resources, however even if such a war was declared I doubt either side would go to the extent of wiping out an entire planet and it's atmosphere, as doing so would mean the loss of resources and any planets that survive would be fought over more heavily by both sides.

This is why CraterChains I still say the craterlines were formed by a meteor's path.
Explanation: NASA's robot spaceprobe Voyager 1, took this closeup image of the surface of Jupiter's crater scarred moon Callisto in 1979. A mysterious chain of craters is seen to extend diagonally across the image (upper left to lower right). What could cause the craters to line up in such a regular fashion? Scientists were at a loss to explain this crater chain along with several other chain like features observed on Callisto's surface. Fifteen years later, with the discovery of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, also known as the "string of pearls" comet, the mystery was solved. Comets whose orbits stray too close to Jupiter are torn apart by the strong gravity. When the individual pieces, strung out along the orbital path of the comet hit an object like Callisto, the sequence of impacts produces a crater chain.

ADDED BY EDDITING; And what about the years before that that they had photos of crater chains from our moon? 1967 to 1979, another 12 years of NO theory.

Explanation: This striking line of 13 closely spaced craters on Jupiter's moon Ganymede was photographed by the Galileo spacecraft in 1997. The picture covers an area about 120 miles wide and the chain of craters cuts across a sharp boundary between dark and light terrain. What caused this crater chain? Remarkably, the exploration of the Solar System, has shown that crater chains like this one are not unique, though they were considered mysterious until a dramatic object lesson was offered by comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. In 1994 many denizens of planet Earth watched as huge pieces of this torn comet slammed into Jupiter itself in a spectacular series of sequential impacts. It is very likely that similar torn comets from the early history of the Solar System are responsible for this and other crater chains.

Well, of course as that WAS the ONLY proffered theory at the time. Prior to SL9 they didnt even have that!? Makes me kind of wonder why only ONE theory has ever been offered and it STINKS. (IMHO)
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craterchains (Norval said:
Well, of course as that WAS the ONLY proffered theory at the time. Prior to SL9 they didnt even have that!? Makes me kind of wonder why only ONE theory has ever been offered and it STINKS. (IMHO)

Everyone please note that mr. chains here clearly does not take himself seriously and is putting forth nothing more than a ruse. A lie. A hoax.

This is self-evident in his last post. I am glad I now have confirmation that he knows his ideas are unfounded.

Anyway, saying a theory isn't good gives and implies nothing for your own ideas.

It is rather obvious now that there was no such war. The only evidence presented for such a hypothesis was lines of impressions in dust, which, as chains himself pointed out, craters easily do. This idea by the chains person is only figment of imagination. Science Fiction.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The mere fact that he posted here in the Pseudoscience section demerits everything in his case.

I am glad I got my thoughts together. This is wonderful. Farewell, all.

*chuckles and grins* One must listen to what the high school kids say now and then, it reflects on the education system a great deal. Not favorably in this case.
Actually it what we have been all thinking. Showing a line of craters isn't proof of anything other than there is a line of craters. But the most logical answer to why they exist is because of broken up comet impacts. His education succeeded in its learn to think logically.
craterchains (Norval said:
You are thinking, good, but you will have to come out of the box a bit farther to try and rationalize the what and how of these chains.

The word you were searching for isn't rationalize but rather justify. "Thinking out of the box" is typical pseudoscience rhetoric. "Out of the box" implies a fresh perspective, however, the pseudoscience proponent sees only what he or she wishes or hopes is true. Your perspective is interesting in that it examines alternative forces that create similar effects, but it ignores all previous cited data and ethnography.

I say ethnography for two reasons: 1) the pseudoscience culture and it's various manifestations and degrees of intensity is a fascinating topic in and of itself; and, 2) military strategy as we understand it (an alien race might think differently, but since we have not to examine, we'll use our own for reference) dictates a different usage of weaponry than you've suggested. Airburst atomic explosions are preferable in many cases to the ground/sub-surface bursts needed to create the craters you describe and, in any case, the use of atomic weaponry in such patterns is less preferable than selected, specific targets.

Your "out of box" but, in actuality biased, perspective refuses to acknowledge current models and hypotheses of comet/meteor break-up based solely on one observed event. In fact, the Ganymede photo you showed seems to be very clearly an impact of some set of objects of varied size (the middle craters are definately larger) since velocity can be assumed to be equivalent.

I point out the "pseudoscience" aspects of your claims because this is the pseudoscience section of a science message board. My expectation is that science enthusiasts, science students, and even scientists come here (sciforums) to interact with like-minded people. Therefore, the pseudoscience forum should be where we discuss pseudoscientific contentions, their lack of meritt, and the problems each contention has that make it pseudoscientific.

This type of discussion, I believe, is important so we can educate ourselves as well as the general public in our own day to day lives. Ther is far too much pseudoscience dribble being peddled to the lay person, which ultimately can interfere with the ability of science to do its job properly.

It's quite unfortunate, but this section of the sciforums seems overrun with the "believers" of many half-baked ideas. I avoid many threads since they're much farther "out of the box" than I care to comment on, and I suspect many of the other "science-minded" members here feel the same way. Perhaps this was always meant to be the venus fly-trap of the silly, but I often wish the silly would find its way back to the many, many, many boards out there for ufos, aliens, atlantis, esp, and crazy critters (bigfoot, et al) and leave the ScienceForums for those who think like, or wish to think like, scientists.

[/soapbox rant]

craterchains (Norval said:
There are no other probable or even possible explanations that can adequately explain the formation of these crater chains by known physics.

Several have been discussed here in this very thread... you just refuse to acknowledge them.

craterchains (Norval said:
Skinwalker, is this a work of deduction or just exercising your “honor roll” intellect?
Congratulations by the way, I am sure you learned everything just they way they wanted you to.
PS, I just can’t resist. You mention the Venus Flytrap, do you know where it originates?
Post an high altitude photograph of its indigenous home here if you would? I’ll give you a hint. East coast of the usa.
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