Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

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Could you, as a Christian or Atheist, marry the opposite?

I had a very interesting conversation with a gay friend [or rather acquaintance] on facebook whose very close relationship of long duration is facing problems because my friend has found Jesus. His lover is atheist and though they were planning to get married it seems that Jesus has come between them. I advised him to focus on whats common between them and ignore the eye rolling that accompanies any mention of God

OTH, I know lots of happy couples who are atheist at one end and Christian at the other and they work out pretty well because both partners understand the meaning of married but equal
How many Christians would you sacrifice to marry a virgin goat?

All of them! In Kazahkstan, virgin goat is very valuable; it may buy me 3 melons... Is very sad I must give her up, but maybe I find virgin duck instead.
still trying to make the world line up with your own opinions i see..
truth does not matter to you.
everyone else got it..why can't you? oh want so bad to make me out to something i am not..
take it for what is was meant was just for a less..
either drop this attempt or get reported.

Yes please.

Ooh, and a bunch of fallacious assumptions. Never mind, you'll learn (hopefully).

There's this button called "ignore" that is worth using on some people. Praise Jebus.
OTH, I know lots of happy couples who are atheist at one end and Christian at the other and they work out pretty well because both partners understand the meaning of married but equal

lol. why is it people delude themselves. you mean that these 'christians' are not really taking it seriously or are picking and choosing what they wish to obey within the bible.

the bible says to marry someone who has the same faith basically.

christians who marry atheists usually are not taking their religion seriously or it's not the focal point of their life at all. it's like a tradition that was passed down such as when someone asks them what religion they are and mention they were raised catholic or protestant. if someone asks them if they believe in god, they may shrug and say yes but haven't put much thought into it or are not die-hard about it.

the christians who are serious about their religion, i can guarantee, will not marry an atheist. unless, their motive is to convert them or it's because of some other motive such as money, sex etc which has nothing to do with what a christian is supposed to do.
too bad you are only reading my posts,and have absolutely no way to read me(the person..)

you will be ok..someday..get back to me when you are..

i don't know why you flatter yourself. you are very easy to read. lol

i'm sure it makes you feel good to think i'm not 'ok'. lol

how clever of you. it was clear when you said you were going with the generalized argument which means you thought the general argument was erroneous to begin with. you were mocking the idea that a christian and an atheist couldn't get together as if it was ludicrous. ain't that right? lol.

at least i can actually think.
@Jan --

No no, you're asking the wrong question. The question isn't "why wouldn't you follow your husband?"(though I do understand why you'd ask that if you're a member of "the big three") The proper question to ask is "why should she follow her husband to a new religion?"
Why wouldn't you follow your husband?


for the same reason I don't watch pro wrestling, ghost/bigfoot/alien abduction reality shows with him. Its ridiculous to me, but he enjoys it. If he enjoyed being a Christian, why would I care? :shrug:
for the same reason I don't watch pro wrestling, ghost/bigfoot/alien abduction reality shows with him. Its ridiculous to me, but he enjoys it. If he enjoyed being a Christian, why would I care? :shrug:

What if it was more than merely enjoyment?
What if it fundamentally changed his whole perception of life?

i don't know why you flatter yourself. you are very easy to read. lol
meet me in real life and say that..

how clever of you. it was clear when you said you were going with the generalized argument which means you thought the general argument was erroneous to begin with.
nope i was positing an obvious falicious argument.(too bad you didn't get it..)

you were mocking the idea that a christian and an atheist couldn't get together as if it was ludicrous. ain't that right? lol.
nope..i was mocking the analogy i made.
I have no probs hooking up with(dating) a non-christian..actually as a rule of thumb i would prefer to date a non-christian (less preconcieved notions as to who/what God is)

at least i can actually think.
apparently cannot consider opinions that contradict your own.