Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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But as far as I know there's no-one that performs non-marriage services. :p
But as far as I know there's no-one that performs non-marriage services.

I am sure we could figure this out easily!
Such a magistrate or official would have a lot of work!

It would certainly bring clarity to many relationships that are in limbo.
Is that a non-proposal?

We are now officially non-married! :eek:

Blah. Silly topic, MZBoy again asking for advice for his relationship, six months after having posted an identical thread.
I soooo don't want to get into the mental gymnastics of a gay man!
What if it was more than merely enjoyment?
What if it fundamentally changed his whole perception of life?


you mean if he became a zealot? Well then I would consider him mentally ill and try to get him help.
If he just got really into it and simply wanted to learn or wanted the fellowship, fine. But he's going to church with out me (same as our daughter does).
you mean if he became a zealot? Well then I would consider him mentally ill and try to get him help.
If he just got really into it and simply wanted to learn or wanted the fellowship, fine. But he's going to church with out me (same as our daughter does).

Lol! I didn't mean ''zealot".
An interesting default though.

I use biblical truth

there are no such things as biblical truths.

are you talking about the story of Noah in which one guy (or a family) somehow had the super abilities to build a boat big enough to house all of the animals on earth?

or the story of Creation which states that a super being created everything 10,000 years ago when there are mountains of evidence showing that the Universe is a lot older?

or the fairy tales of some guy who had the magic power to heal the sick, walk on water and get resurrected?

the Bible can be used as source of moral teachings (although some of which are controversial) but it is anything BUT truthful. it's a hoax, a scam and a tool used by the people in power to control and manipulate the masses.