Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I would sacrifice the goats of a thousand virgins to marry a Christian.

How many Christians would you sacrifice to marry a virgin goat?

Dyw, that's ba-a-a-a-d
Besides, he'd buy the goat, technically that would make his goat a concubine...

would a scientist marry a non-scientist..?..
(jk..just going with the generalized argument..)

hehe, as usual a theist can't think.

a scientist is a profession. if one finds someone who thinks logically as they do, it doesn't matter if they are a scientist by profession as long as they agree on core modes of thinking etc.
Since when is christianity the opposite of atheism? I thought that atheism was merely the rejection of spurious theistic assertions(though a rare few may take it farther than that).

this has got to be one of the craziest statements i've read in awhile.

it's like saying 'when is white the opposite of black?'
hehe, as usual a theist can't think.
as usual an atheist can't read..

a scientist is a profession. if one finds someone who thinks logically as they do, it doesn't matter if they are a scientist by profession as long as they agree on core modes of thinking etc.

you ignored my 'this is a joke' comment..not meant to be serious.
Since when is christianity the opposite of atheism? I thought that atheism was merely the rejection of spurious theistic assertions(though a rare few may take it farther than that).

I just don't plan on getting married. Why should I bother with such an antiquated tradition....other than the tax benefits?

I wasn't referring to direct opposites. "Opposite" in this case means "the other".

If you were to ask a question about preference between green and blue - in that case blue would be the opposite of green since there are only two colors listed; one or the other.
And so far in the discussion, we have %50 of Atheists that say they would marry a Christian with the other 50% saying they wouldn't. Whereas we have 100% of Christians saying that they wouldn't marry an Atheist.

So, does that mean so far that Atheists are twice as open minded as Christians when it comes to this issue?
as usual an atheist can't read..

you ignored my 'this is a joke' comment..not meant to be serious.

incorrect. as usual, a thiest is dishonest. you were trying to pass it off as a joke but i could tell you actually meant it and thought it made sense.

what can i say, i just read people well. btw, the 'as usual an atheist can't read' was totally stupid which goes back to confirm the 'as usual theists can't think'. lol
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So where do Muslims fit in this equation? Or any other form of theism?

what? do you really need it spelled out for you? lol.

Try reading some of your own posts.

you are extreme in the other direction. you tend to be literal about everything. as a matter of fact, i can't imagine any female being attracted to you actually to even get to the point of marriage unless she was as literal and robotic as you. lol
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And so far in the discussion, we have %50 of Atheists that say they would marry a Christian with the other 50% saying they wouldn't. Whereas we have 100% of Christians saying that they wouldn't marry an Atheist.

So, does that mean so far that Atheists are twice as open minded as Christians when it comes to this issue?

obvious. christianity is a fundamental religion which is inherently intolerant. it's specialized and narrow so they must be with others who are the same, otherwise it won't work.
incorrect. as usual, a thiest is dishonest. you were trying to pass it off as a joke but i could tell you actually meant it and thought it made sense.

what can i say, i just read people well. btw, the 'as usual an atheist can't read' was totally stupid which goes back to confirm the 'as usual theists can't think'. lol

still trying to make the world line up with your own opinions i see..
truth does not matter to you.
everyone else got it..why can't you? oh want so bad to make me out to something i am not..
take it for what is was meant was just for a less..
either drop this attempt or get reported.
what? do you really need it spelled out for you? lol.
Yes please.

you are extreme in the other direction. you tend to be literal about everything. as a matter of fact, i can't imagine any female being attracted to you actually to even get to the point of marriage unless she was as literal and robotic as you. lol
Ooh, and a bunch of fallacious assumptions. Never mind, you'll learn (hopefully).

Ooh, and a bunch of fallacious assumptions. Never mind, you'll learn (hopefully).

he has a serious problem with projection..he assigns his own fallicies to others.
case in point..taking my chuckle comment as a literal opinion.
still trying to make the world line up with your own opinions i see..
truth does not matter to you.
everyone else got it..why can't you? oh want so bad to make me out to something i am not..
take it for what is was meant was just for a less..
either drop this attempt or get reported.

as i said, too bad for you that i can read people well. nice j/k added though. typical.

the reason i know you meant it is your response is too serious if you were just joking. i think you thought it was clever but it wasn't. when i pointed it out, it surprised you.

ain't that right? lol
as i said, too bad for you that i can read people well.
Not supported by the evidence so far.

the reason i know you meant it is your response is too serious if you were just joking. i think you thought it was clever but it wasn't. when i pointed it out, it surprised you.
Ooh, and another missed one.
Try reading the post:
Originally Posted by NMSquirrel
would a scientist marry a non-scientist..?..
(jk..just going with the generalized argument..)

and sometimes my projections are correct.
Yeah? Please give an example.
@birch --

this has got to be one of the craziest statements i've read in awhile.

it's like saying 'when is white the opposite of black

Wow, the stupid, it burns. Atheism is the rejection of theism, not merely the opposite of christianity. Technically satanism would be the "opposite" of christianity, if there is such a thing. This entire "atheists are the opposite of christians" bit is merely an excuse on the part of theists(mostly) to be intellectually lazy, relying on stereotypes instead of doing any actual thinking.
birch: wait a minute here...when did I ever say I wouldn't have married an atheist? I don't remember writing that. I would have had I found one that shared the same interests I did outside of religion.

arioch: (on the why you should get married) You're also allowed to see your partner in the hospital if they're hurt/ make decisions about the care/treatments they receive. Insurance is easier to handle. Combined credit is also really nice for setting up a mortgage. And, for me, it was nice to know that my partner was willing to declare his preference for me to the entire world, and vice versa. Sure someone could just say it, but it's like adding a layer of legal case the cake goes bad, and the kids/you still need to eat at the end of the day.

Superhero bit: I'm pretty sure there are things that I am capable of that even Spiderman with all of his arachnid abilities is not.

I would let the dark knight sneak up on me any day. Though, admittedly, Spiderman does have that quirky sense of sarcasm that our close lipped Batman lacks. Also, Batman is a non-powered superhero, and I feel like we need more of those in comic land. And while I wouldn't mind wrestling with Black Cat for a chance to jump Spiderman, I still don't want to deal with MJ's drama. At least Catwoman and Talia know how to share Bruce ;)

But back to topic: I wouldn't want to marry a goat...they're dirty and defecate as soon as they're done chewing (my family used to raise them). Not to mention, they're terrible conversationalists. Always going on and on about their "Moooom" and trying to win arguments by butting/biting you.

I probably wouldn't have wanted to marry a radical Christian either, but that's more because they're often more in love with the pastor/preacher than me or God for that matter...
as i said, too bad for you that i can read people well. nice j/k added though. typical.
too bad you are only reading my posts,and have absolutely no way to read me(the person..)

the reason i know you meant it is your response is too serious if you were just joking. i think you thought it was clever but it wasn't. when i pointed it out, it surprised you.

you will be ok..someday..get back to me when you are..