Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I wouldn't marry one, or even date one. I tried, it didn't work out, she was too annoying, complaining about having to pay for parking on Sunday, all hung up about sex, hating gay people, believing conservative nonsense about Obama, I couldn't take it.
I already know I'll marry someone with the same beliefs as I. But, it does not mater.
Believe, not know.
Unless you're actually engaged at the moment.
Stop posting nonsense.

Stop posting nonsense in reply to the nonsense I supposedly post. I stay two steps ahead of you. I know what im posting, and I know most people like you wont accept my knowledge into your heart.
would a scientist marry a non-scientist..?..
(jk..just going with the generalized argument..)
Since when is christianity the opposite of atheism? I thought that atheism was merely the rejection of spurious theistic assertions(though a rare few may take it farther than that).

I just don't plan on getting married. Why should I bother with such an antiquated tradition....other than the tax benefits?
My wife went from Pagan to atheist...flaming atheist...she's said things that have hurt my feelings...
And, well, I still remembered the night we did Beltane circle together, and the Samhain ritual we did on the beach.
I lost my Magickal partner, I can't even tell her when I'm attempting something.
Admittedly, I'm used to being a solitary witch anyway, but it was very nice for once, to share that, and now I do not.

So people change in marriage too.
Since when is christianity the opposite of atheism? I thought that atheism was merely the rejection of spurious theistic assertions(though a rare few may take it farther than that).

I just don't plan on getting married. Why should I bother with such an antiquated tradition....other than the tax benefits?

What if you fall in love?
I can fall in love and even spend the rest of my life with a person without getting married. The only reason that I can think of for going through with that tradition is the benefits you receive from the government. Even if I do get married later in life(there's always the possibility that I'll change my mind), you can bet your sweet ass that a prenupt will be involved.
I definitely couldn't be with a pagan or a new age crystal weirdo.

Hey, don't lump me in with those new-agers, they'll believe any sort of nonsense.

I would sacrifice the goats of a thousand virgins to marry a Christian.

I don't think all that cabrito will be necessary...

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