Marriage: Christians and Atheists

Would you marry the opposite religion?

  • I'm an Atheist and I'm not sure.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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@mark --

I can prove a negative depending on the circumstances. If you say that there is a cat in a box I can easily prove that there is no cat in the box by lifting the lid and looking in there. The absence of a cat in the box is absolute proof of a negative.
@mark --

I can prove a negative depending on the circumstances. If you say that there is a cat in a box I can easily prove that there is no cat in the box by lifting the lid and looking in there. The absence of a cat in the box is absolute proof of a negative.

shake it..put a dog in it..don't have to actually 'look' in the box..
(what does it mean i misspelled dog as god..?)
You don't have an option for me to check
I wouldn't marry a Christian. Or an atheist.
Oops, no you don't.

In which case you have no idea what a scientific fact is. :rolleyes:

I know what a scientific fact is. I use biblical truth, knowledge of world events, a basic knowledge in other scholarly areas, and a lot of human history to present my theories unto you. If you don't like what I say to you then give me alternate theory.
I know what a scientific fact is.
Apparently not.

I use biblical truth
Such as?

knowledge of world events
Oh yeah. Your knowledge of world events. This from the guy that thought Kennedy's speech about the Bay of Pigs was current. :rolleyes:

a basic knowledge in other scholarly areas
"Basic" is about all you have.

and a lot of human history to present my theories unto you
You mean your particular (false) view of history?

If you don't like what I say to you then give me alternate theory
Why? When you present something it's up to you to support it.
Oh, and you don't have any "theories". Just wild speculation.