
manypeople forget that it --draw--isn't really free in Holland. it is just 'de-criminalized'

we shouod agin and again and agin and agiin and agin ask ourselves.....just do it now. go to a quite space. rind a bell.listen for tone to enfold in the void, and ask yourself: 'what kind of fukin trip is this where the management/middle class wnakers tell us we cany grow a plant, eat a plant, smoke a plant. where plants are outlawed. were thees cop shows which havethese straight faced cops cahsing and interrogating and slammin pople up cause threy have plant leaves on em. ask yourself ...IS this a comedy, or what?

yes HOW many people just take this scenario in their stride?? if THIS dont show ya major propaganda technique for zombifying otherwise intelligences, i dunno know what will

you is living in a comedy set ladiees and genelmen
spuriousmonkey said:

"The number of opiate addicts in the Netherlands - between 26,000 and 30,000 - is stable, and low compared to other EU countries (2.6 per 1,000 inhabitants in the Netherlands; 4.3 per 1,000 inhabitants in France; and 6.7 per 1,000 inhabitants in the United Kingdom)."

Shouldn't that be higher if cannabis leads to hard drugs?
your link has no info on the number of opiate users that started with marijuana
it also has no info from the u.s.

it does however seem to contradict marijuana leading to other drugs

it must also be understood that this is one study and not exhaustive.

the question i have is
why is there no info on the u.s. statistics for comparison?

Everyone has access to cannabis in the netherlands.

Netherlands doesn't have the worst drug figures.

free access to cannabis doesn't lead to extreme hard drug use.

Not quite the same as what you want to hear, but the EU studies do support the notion that alcohol and tabacco are the drugs of choice for first experimentation. And a soft drugs policy doesn't lead to extra use of hard or soft drugs. It does lead to a better health situation of drugs users.

What more do you want?

Rethoric vs facts - what are we going to believe?
spuriousmonkey said:
What more do you want?
an independent study that compares the two side by side

in your first link the us stats were missing
in your second link marijuana use is missing

i can find sites that are anti marijuana that will make you believe marijuana is dangerous.
but the fact of the matter is hemp is a mild drug, you can not become addicted to it
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RoyLennigan said:
cocaine is added usually as a mix, they don't really throw it in there arbitrarily because cocaine is so much more expensive by weight. most of the time the crystals you see are not cocaine, as the marijuana plant does a very good job of producing dewlike resin that appears crystalline. this is filled with a lot of the chemicals in marijuana that get you high, thats why the more cystals it has is usually associated to how good the strain of marijuana it is.

Do some research on marijuana seized at the border of mexico, the figures are somewhere between 70-90% of all marijuana siezed has some level of cocaine in it, now some plants do have crystals as i said in my original post, but Hydro does not grow crystals, you get those from the curing process. -most of the time dealers will put cocaine with bat guano. Trust me on this one.

From Mexico cocaine is very cheap because there isn't to much of a problem getting it in the country. -trust me on this one as well.
I smoked on average, 1/3 ounce of bud per week for 32 years. During all that time, I managed to set up and run a successful business; I made good investments; I stayed loyal to my wife; I helped out mine and her families; I self taught myself to set up a home recording studio and recorded countless tracks of beautiful original music and I wrote two novels... amongst other things.

Last year I stopped. Not because I wanted to; it was the last thing I wanted. But I stopped out of respect for my wife's wishes because she was paranoid that I would be caught and end up in prison. You can't argue with my wife!

Anyway, I stopped, end of story. No withdrawals, no deppressions, nothing negative, so, was I mentally addicted? Yes. Could I stop it? Yes. Did it make me feel bad? No. Would I do it again if my wife allowed it? Yes. What's the big deal?
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belgium has almost the same policy on marijuana as the netherlands. i happen to live in belgium.
the softer policy leads to lower prices for higher quality marijuana. it also leads to children being educated on the effects of said drug.

that being said, there is little to no abuse of marijuana in either country, as it is seen in the same light as alchohol: ok for responsible users, not ok for idiots.

case closed.
tablariddim said:
Anyway, I stopped, end of story. No withdrawals, no deppressions, nothing negative, so, was I mentally addicted? Yes. Could I stop it? Yes. Did it make me feel bad? No. Would I do it again if my wife allowed it? Yes. What's the big deal?
like i said, can't get addicted to it. can't argue with experience can you.

i always liked those commercials, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs
I don't think there is anything wrong with pot. Alcohol is legal, and it kills more people worldwide in one year than pot ever has probably in it's whole existence. Pot users are usually docile people, who just enjoy the feeling of floating away from their worries for a bit. They differ from people who get high to escape their problems or because they need to. Absinthe and Opium don't bother me either for the same reasons. Crack, cocaine, LSD, PCP, Ecstasy, heroin, alcohol, painkillers and other abused prescription drugs have a much higher chance of making people violent and/or stupid.

People should be able to get high, as long as they don't endanger anyone elses life by getting into a car and driving, or operating heavy machinery. They should not be in charge of children, or the elderly while they are high, and I feel the same way about people who have been drinking.

There are people who get addicted to pot. It's probably a pretty high percentage, most probably similar to the numbers of people who are addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is legal and has very little medically sound properties with the exception of red wine, but pot has been proven to help with nausea, migraines, arthritis, phantom pains (paraplegics, quadriplegics and amputees), as well as alleviating some heart angina and irregular heartbeats. I don't see why we criminalize it at all, especially for people who could get some relief from it's effects. I'd love to see a study on whether or not it helps adults with ADD or ADHD cope and focus, and whether or not it calms some forms of schizophrenia. My guess is that it would given it's medicinal properties.
I have an NA book with astory about a girl who started smoking pot at the age of 22

Well, she got heavily into it, and put every single dollar she could into it, after a while she was living in her car

She couldn't quit marijuana

She had to go to NA meetings and rehabs to quit smoking marijuana

However, that is an addict, 1/10 people are drug addicts

So i gues it varies from person to person, but for those 1/10 it is highly addicting
spuriousmonkey said:

"The number of opiate addicts in the Netherlands - between 26,000 and 30,000 - is stable, and low compared to other EU countries (2.6 per 1,000 inhabitants in the Netherlands; 4.3 per 1,000 inhabitants in France; and 6.7 per 1,000 inhabitants in the United Kingdom)."

Shouldn't that be higher if cannabis leads to hard drugs?

But, you have to take into consideration, how many people in the netherlands have the money for heroin?
Ricky Houy said:
So i gues it varies from person to person, but for those 1/10 it is highly addicting
you can not get addicted to pot like you can tobacco or alcohol.
to say pot is highly addictive is misleading

crack is highly addictive
leopold99 said:
you can not get addicted to pot like you can tobacco or alcohol.
to say pot is highly addictive is misleading

crack is highly addictive

Not really, i'm talking about drug addicts. Note: drug addicts get addicted to drugs in general; not just heroin and crack.

Marijuna is highly addicting to some people, not everyone. The number of people who get addicted to marijuana is greatly smaller then the number of people who don't, but you still have to take minor details into consideration.