Man Has Never Set Foot on Moon

Have we been to the moon?

  • Of course not.

    Votes: 26 13.1%
  • Of course so.

    Votes: 173 86.9%

  • Total voters
If you want to look for atmosphere, look at the dust the astronauts kick up. fine particulate matter that rises and falls in a parabolic arc - no eddies or billowing patterns, just up, then down. This is not possible in atmosphere.
If you want to look for atmosphere, look at the dust the astronauts kick up. fine particulate matter that rises and falls in a parabolic arc - no eddies or billowing patterns, just up, then down. This is not possible in atmosphere.

There is also the low gravity. On Earth you can spread any fine powder that you want. It won't kick up way high just because someone stepped in it.

And no, man has never set foot on the moon. He was wearing boots.
There is also the low gravity. On Earth you can spread any fine powder that you want. It won't kick up way high just because someone stepped in it.

Try kicking a fine powder up to shin height and let me know how quickly it all resettles to the ground.
Why don't we just look at where anyone says they were on the moon with

the Hubble telescope to see whether or not anything is there?
Why don't we just look at where anyone says they were on the moon with

the Hubble telescope to see whether or not anything is there?

because that would solve this whole debate/issue........then what the hell would we do with ourselves....:eek:
Threads like this prove that with a sufficient amount of time a society is likely to question everything and anything about it's past or any past event no matter how well documented the evidence is.
Wouldn't the Russians have been screaming if we hadn't gone to the moon? Or were they in on the conspiracy as well??
Why don't we just look at where anyone says they were on the moon with

the Hubble telescope to see whether or not anything is there?

Because the Hubble has a maximum resolution of 0.1 arcseconds, which at the distance of the Moon works out to over 150m. Meaning the smallest an object can be and still be seen as a distinct object is over 150m across.

Besides that, even if the Hubble were able to see the artifacts left on the Moon, those who believe that the landings were faked would just believe that the Hubble images were faked as well.
If you want to look for atmosphere, look at the dust the astronauts kick up. fine particulate matter that rises and falls in a parabolic arc - no eddies or billowing patterns, just up, then down. This is not possible in atmosphere.
It goes such a short distance that the effect isn't noticable.

Watch the footage of the rover.

You can also see the rover footage played here at double speed.
21minute 10 second mark

It looks just like a dune buggy on earth. The theory is that the rover footage was taken on earth and played back at half speed.

Try kicking a fine powder up to shin height and let me know how quickly it all resettles to the ground.
The material the rover kicks up looks like course sand. Also, sand can be treated to be dust-free by sifting and washing it.
Reflectors could have been attached to an unmanned craft that was soft-landed.

Wouldn't the Russians have been screaming if we hadn't gone to the moon? Or were they in on the conspiracy as well??

You are assuming the official version of what was happening reflects reality. Have you read Chomsky's analysis of the cold war?
Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.

Besides that, even if the Hubble were able to see the artifacts left on the Moon, those who believe that the landings were faked would just believe that the Hubble images were faked as well.
We wouldn't think Hubble was faked. Pictures can be faked though so if they ever say that an orbiting craft took some pictures of the landing sites and publish them, we'll have to keep that in mind. They should be examined by objective experts. We also have to keep in mind that scientists can be bought.

This woman talks about how a lot of the science community has sold out.

Look what this scientist says about science fraud.
(around the 30 minute mark)

It goes such a short distance that the effect isn't noticable.

Watch the footage of the rover.

You can also see the rover footage played here at double speed.
21minute 10 second mark

It looks just like a dune buggy on earth. The theory is that the rover footage was taken on earth and played back at half speed.

It does?

Looks like non-interfered arcing with a slower acceleration curve, to me.
It is sad to discover that as of my last look, about 1 in 6 voters do not believe that man got to the Moon.
I think the nay-sayers were impressed by an excellent movie about a faked space mission. I think James Brolin played the lead role.

In that movie the empty space craft was destroyed on return to Earth and a key NASA honcho wanted the astronauts to go under cover & allow all to believe that they died.

They decided not to trust the honcho and did not want to play dead anyway. Most of the movie followed the astronauts as they attempted to reach a major city to report the hoax.

Each took a different route from the desert location of the movie studio in hopes of one of them evading the bad guys. In addition to giving them better odds of at least one of them reporting to a news media, they knew that none would be executed until all were captured.
I do not beleive that we have ever been to the moon. there is just too much evidence. Photo inconsistencies, mostly. Too much radiation to survive. Plus the fact that our government lies constantly (Roswell, Area 51, etc.). Is it possible that I am wrong? Ehh, maybe, but probobly not.

of course e have been to the moon, if you have never been to australia does it not excist?