Man Has Never Set Foot on Moon

Have we been to the moon?

  • Of course not.

    Votes: 26 13.1%
  • Of course so.

    Votes: 173 86.9%

  • Total voters
Because of there speed the exposure to the Van Allen Belt was only a few minutes. And no there are pics of the other moon landings.
one other thing that I can't really understand is how the astronauts could resist the radiation from the Van Allen Belt with the little protection they had?

First of all, you know nothing about radiation, the protection afforded by Apollo spacecraft nor the measures taken on Apollo to protect against radiation. Nor do you know anything about the level of radiation in cislunar space, nor the dose an Apollo astronaut would have received. Dr. van Allen himself has dismissed the claims of conspiracy theorists concerning radiation as having no merit.

The duration of exposure was one thing that reduced the radiation danger to Apollo astronauts. Another was the design of the trajectory -- it took the spacecraft around the worst areas of radiation in the van Allen belts. The trajectory was designed with the help of Dr. van Allen.

The hoax theorists have magnified the danger presented by radiation. They have not performed any kind of analysis whatsoever to show that it did indeed present the kind of obstacle they say it did.

95% of anything you hear a moon hoaxer say about radiation is complete rubbish.

And does anyone have any link to a site that shows the 4 latest manned moonlandnings, I only seem to find pictures of the first one

Well, I'll have to say that you just haven't been looking hard enough.

The four "latest" moon landings occured thirty years ago -- between 1970 and 1972. You should try the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal (ALSJ).
Far more danger would be from solar flares and the charged solar wind than from the Van Allen Belts. If you go back through some of the earlier "hoax threads" there is mention of this "radation danger" from the Van Allen Belts. If I remember correctly there is also a link concerning the amount of radation. Further that the amount of radation was negligible. While higher than what they would have recieved within the atmosphere, it was still quite low. Radation effects for people are measured by an amount vs time span method.

One of the problems with the hoax believers is that by far, the majority are not looking at both sides. Instead they come in already believing it is so. They have, for the largest part, done no homework on it nor have they researched any sites.

This responce is quite typical and hoax believers have been at an all time high since the "Fox Special" that aired.

I did see one site for the hoax side that someone had spend a larger amount of time on. Only thing was, he started with the presumption that it was a hoax and a lot of his logical deductions take some "swallowing" to get by. Many things, like why stars aren't visable in the lunar shots, should never have been brought up. While many have thoughtful replied with the correct answers, no one has bothered to mention that of all folks, those that deal with images for a living know exactly what is what. It was better not to mention what was true, because that doesn't make for good viewership when you are trying for ratings. But you can bet they knew the answer to that one even as they were filming it. I would imagine that somewhere someone was asking if they should even air that particular point as it would make the rest of the subject very doubtful if others readily knew what the professionals do. It is evident there is no fool like the public. Most have never questioned that those who aired the show would certainly know the answer. Just as readily, it is easily evident that Fox thought more of ratings and money than the need to expose the truth.
It's true that solar flares did present a significant danger to Apollo astronauts; and this is the radiation danger that caused Apollo scientists and engineers the most concern.

There were measures to deal with such events in some instances. Like pointing the rear-end of the CSM toward the sun, giving fifteen feet of Service Module to shield the crew from the radiation.

Lots of moon hoaxers present the fact that solar flares presented a danger at all as evidence that the Apollo landings were hoaxed. Although that doesn't make any sense. If you go out and drive in your car, you could be killed in an accident. You could be the safest driver in the world and some idiot could still plough into you. People who drive cars obviously see it as an acceptable risk.
Re: my two cents?

Originally posted by Darknightness
actually many people use the refence to the picture .
But the picture proves nothing, it may actually prove that we dint go and the moon is just one big fabricated story.
1) you clearly see foot steps on the sand. Stange, because on the surface of the moon, wind speed is tremendous. Therefore, footsteps were supposed to be removed in a flash.
2) there shouldnt be any shadows on the moon and in the picture its clearly shows Armstrong with our great old glory and its shadow.
*darkness falls*

What total arse. Wind speed on the moon? As there's no atmosphere, where does wind come from?

No shadows? Why? TWO things cause shadows on the Moon, one from the Sun, and the other from the next brightest thing in the sky, the Earth.

You are a Troll, right?
The Real Hoax: the secret space agenda

Were the moon landings a hoax? According to the Fox documentary they were...

Now let's just look at the credibility that Fox and the Rupert Murdoch empire have built over the years. What becomes evident is that few media networks are found to be as unreliable as Fox. Rupert Murdoch television has a long history of supporting both socialist (government) and capitalist interests, which ultimately are the same. Therefore, it should always be remembered to filter information from Fox News, knowing that THEY broadcast what THEY(the few most powerful) want you to believe!

So THEY want the majority of humanity to believe that 4 moon missions (only) have been carried out, after which humanity has curiously stopped traveling to the Moon (...). To meet those who are aware of the great conspiracy that is going on (the information war to deceive humanity at large), the idea is launched by the high and mighty that there were no moon landings at all...

It seems most likely that what is REALLY going on, is that BOTH standpoints are misinformation. As an economist I know this is the trick that has lured humanity to believe that all economic reality is either left or right, or a combination of those two. Fact is that the true science of economics shows both left and right economic theories to be hoaxes, which have the ultimate effect of covering the real truth, namely that both left and right can ultimately only lead to widespread poverty, and the effective accumulation of all resources and power by the mighty few.

Like Lenin knew, Capitalism MUST ultimately lead to fascism, because it was DESIGNED to do so. What he left out, is that communism is in itself a form of fascism (dictatorialism), so that left can never be the solution to right, or vice versa. Left and right support each other to keep up their power which is based on the same theoretical hoax. I know this to be true, because I have investigated this myself, and have graduated on this economic research. A great amount of historical proof of this hoax is given by Anthony Sutton (look him up!), as well as many others.

If the same trick is applied to lure humanity into accepting disinformation, which is very likely, what is this third alternative that they are covering up? Well, do a google search for "Alternative Three", or rent the video, and you will get an idea. It seems to me that what they are REALLY covering up, is that there have been MANY MORE than 4 moon landings. There seems to be plenty of evidence to suggest that man has been on the moon, and even much further, long before the first apollo missions, and that countless missions have been carried out ever since, with the moon only as an intermediate base to travel far beyond...

We all know that technically the government and military have always been capable of much more than they want us to believe. Hitler had his UFO's. How many ordinary Germans would have known about these UFO’s? Hitler was the first to have nuclear long range missiles, which he could have used to gain control of humanity forever, if only he would have used them.

There is no common sense to explain why Hitler never used the Bomb, unless it is accepted that THEY just wanted us to believe that the Nazis lost the war, while the nazis had actually silently taken over the white house, even long before the war started (even before WW1, with the Federal Reserve Hoax, which still goes on today. Or to put this differently, the world leaders of those days had always been silent supporters of the fascist (dictatorial) "ideology", and still are today.

Looking at the close ties between fascism and the European Royalty, and the close ties between the European Royalty and American Aristocracy (especially the presidents), it becomes clear that fascism, or (hidden) dictatorship, has always been the goal of the elite, and has always been the (hidden) state of the society (yes, including the so-called "Land of the Free"). The false presumption that we are free makes them much more powerful to manipulate our minds and thoughts toward supporting them, instead of revealing their malicious tricks, manipulations and cover-ups.

The enormous secret space program that appears to be going on seems to have a religious (spiritual) goal beyond its superficial scientific mask. To understand this, remember those strange mystical Nazi expeditions to the Himalayas and Antarctica. Only by looking at the names of various space ships and missions, it becomes clear that ancient mythology plays an important role in the minds of those who plan these missions (in the minds of those in power). Curious expeditions are probably best hidden by making the most suspicious minds believe the exact opposite of the truth: that there were no moon landings at all, to cover the REAL hoax, which is: an enormous secret space program they want us to know nothing about.

The most likely reason that THEY don't want us to know about their secret space agenda, is that it would probably reveal humanity's mystical past, and lead humanity to self-empowerment. Obviously, THEY want to empower themselves, at the expense of humanity, rather than assisting humanity to empower itself.

So the question should not be whether they did or did not land on the moon. The question should be: what information are they hiding from us by covering up at least thirty years, and probably many more, of secret space agenda?
Looking at the close ties between fascism and the European Royalty, and the close ties between the European Royalty and American Aristocracy (especially the presidents), it becomes clear that fascism, or (hidden) dictatorship, has always been the goal of the elite,

No offence but this is funny
I can not make a comment that might remotly fit in your little reality.
Were the moon landings a hoax? According to the Fox documentary they were...
Now let's just look at the credibility that Fox and the Rupert Murdoch empire have built over the years.

First off, as with anything, you should be making your judgments as to the validity of something based on what you perceive to be the reliability of the source. They are making a report on something, and you should be looking at the facts and the source of the facts that they are presenting, not them themselves.

It seems most likely that what is REALLY going on, is that BOTH standpoints are misinformation. As an economist I know this is the trick that has lured humanity to believe that all economic reality is either left or right, or a combination of those two. Fact is that the true science of economics shows both left and right economic theories to be hoaxes, which have the ultimate effect of covering the real truth, namely that both left and right can ultimately only lead to widespread poverty, and the effective accumulation of all resources and power by the mighty few.

Jesus, where to begin on this one. First of all, that literally makes no sense at all. If something is neither left nor right nor nothing in between what is it? NOTHING. I'm not going to debate whether going in either extreme would lead to the conclusion you have come to, however, to say that there is a secret path to good government being hidden from us by the government is ridiculous unless you can tell us just what the alternative should be.

A great amount of historical proof of this hoax is given by Anthony Sutton (look him up!), as well as many others.

Not true, Sutton was a conspiracy theorist who believe that the Soviet industry was actually built and owned by the United States...problem with that is that if that was true, why didn't we see the benefits in the US as Russia has risen, and why do we have less control than ever over that country if we own all their industrial assets?

There seems to be plenty of evidence to suggest that man has been on the moon, and even much further, long before the first apollo missions, and that countless missions have been carried out ever since, with the moon only as an intermediate base to travel far beyond...

If you're saying what I think you're saying, which is that somewhere somehow in complete secret some humans have achieved interplanetary travel and have been using it for years, well then you're obviously off your rocker and I'm wasting my time.

Hitler was the first to have nuclear long range missiles, which he could have used to gain control of humanity forever, if only he would have used them.


There is no common sense to explain why Hitler never used the Bomb, unless it is accepted that THEY just wanted us to believe that the Nazis lost the war, while the nazis had actually silently taken over the white house, even long before the war started (even before WW1, with the Federal Reserve Hoax, which still goes on today.

And after achieving secret world dominance he just killed himself for kicks did he?

Looking at the close ties between fascism and the European Royalty, and the close ties between the European Royalty and American Aristocracy (especially the presidents),

Again source? What presidents had any other than diplomatic ties with Europe, and in case you haven't notice, the "royalty" in Europe isn't in charge anymore.

To understand this, remember those strange mystical Nazi expeditions to the Himalayas and Antarctica.

What "mystical" expeditions, source?

Curious expeditions are probably best hidden by making the most suspicious minds believe the exact opposite of the truth: that there were no moon landings at all, to cover the REAL hoax, which is: an enormous secret space program they want us to know nothing about.

So because a news channel put out a report that there were no moon landings, the obvious explanation is that we have secretly been going to Mars all this time?

Obviously, THEY want to empower themselves, at the expense of humanity, rather than assisting humanity to empower itself.

Who is 'They' and what 'powers' do these people have the rest of us don't?
You just continue to make all people ridiculous who are aware of the great conspiracy that is going on. Keep laughing, but keep in mind you are laughing at yourself. Those in power, those who just keep on committing worldwide genocide, will thank you for it.

If you want sources, please do your homework. I don't mention any facts not commonly known to serious researchers. I have thousands of sources confirming these facts, and you have not encountered one yet? If you have not encountered these facts yourself, perhaps you should not consider yourself a serious researcher.

p.s. THEY is of course the Illuminati, but probably you never heard of them either. Perhaps you heard of the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commision, the CFR, the Freemasons and many other secret societies? Do some research before calling someone a nut. I know what I am talking about. But if you can't handle the truth, keep on fooling yourself that justice exists in our world...
If you want sources, please do your homework. I don't mention any facts not commonly known to serious researchers. I have thousands of sources confirming these facts, and you have not encountered one yet? If you have not encountered these facts yourself, perhaps you should not consider yourself a serious researcher.

Do some research before calling someone a nut. I know what I am talking about.

Well, first of all, I never called you a nut; instead, what I did was take the time to look at all the arguments you put out and responded to them individually. You could, at the very least, have a look at my counter-arguments and address them.

Second of all, when you post on a forum and you make an argument, it is not up to the rest of us to spend time scrounging around the internet to try back up your claim, it is up to you to provide us your sources so we may either agree with you or disagree. I disagreed, however, you shouldn't take that as a personal attack, instead, gather some sources and back up your arguments. You can not expect us to just 'take your word on it'.
You just continue to make all people ridiculous who are aware of the great conspiracy that is going on. Keep laughing, but keep in mind you are laughing at yourself. Those in power, those who just keep on committing worldwide genocide, will thank you for it.

If you want sources, please do your homework. I don't mention any facts not commonly known to serious researchers. I have thousands of sources confirming these facts, and you have not encountered one yet? If you have not encountered these facts yourself, perhaps you should not consider yourself a serious researcher.

p.s. THEY is of course the Illuminati, but probably you never heard of them either. Perhaps you heard of the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commision, the CFR, the Freemasons and many other secret societies? Do some research before calling someone a nut. I know what I am talking about. But if you can't handle the truth, keep on fooling yourself that justice exists in our world...

I haven't call you a nut either but your IDEAS are certainly nutty!!!!!!!

Yes, yes, we've heard about those so-called shadow groups for years - and you forgot to mention the Rothschild's who are imagined to control about 90% of the world's wealth.

Instead of wasting your time posting this garbage here you SHOULD be spending it getting some serious help for your delusional paranoia. Better hurry, too, before all those bad guys find out who you are and come after you for letting their secret out. HURRY!!!!
Here's the latest evidence that's come up on the internet.

At the 2 minute 35 second mark of the video the flag is still. When the astronaut goes past it, it starts to move.

There's an analysis of it here at the 3 minute 5 second mark.

It looks pretty clear to me. That's atmosphere.
Hey, we should have no trouble finding the landers on the moon. I've been told in another thread that we would easily be able to spot missile launchers on the moon even if they're the same color as the surrounding regolith and otherwise carefully hidden.
Here's the latest evidence that's come up on the internet.

At the 2 minute 35 second mark of the video the flag is still. When the astronaut goes past it, it starts to move.

There's an analysis of it here at the 3 minute 5 second mark.

It looks pretty clear to me. That's atmosphere.

Static electricity. It's extremely hot and exposed to a lot of ultraviolet.
Static electricity. It's extremely hot and exposed to a lot of ultraviolet.
Wouldn't the flag have been attracted to the astronaut as soon as he'd gotten to the closest point to the flag? The point at which the flag moves is consistent with the air current explanation.