Man Has Never Set Foot on Moon

Have we been to the moon?

  • Of course not.

    Votes: 26 13.1%
  • Of course so.

    Votes: 173 86.9%

  • Total voters
I think the nay-sayers were impressed by an excellent movie about a faked space mission. I think James Brolin played the lead role.
This is the movie you're talking about.

I saw Capricorn one when it had first come out back in 78 or so. After the movie, none of us even thought the moon missions might have been faked. We didn't even discuss it.

I saw Diamond are Forever when I was fifteen or so. There's a scene in which James Bond stumbles upon the moon set during the filming. It's described here.

My friends and I thought they were training. It didn't even occur to us that the moon missions might have been faked after seeing that scene.

I believed in Apollo until the arrival of the internet and the evidlence was made available. I posted some of the evidence that convinced me in posts #95 and #77.

You have to copy and paste the links; I'm not able to post hotlinks yet as I'm new.
Has anybody seen this?

Here's close-up of the circled object.

It's obviously some kind of plate. It's close to the footprints so the possibility that it fell off of the astronaut's backpack has to be considered. If it can be shown that the object is not part of the astronaut's equipment, we have some pretty good evidence of a hoax here.

It has been argued that it's not an object, but a partial boot print.

It's obviously not a boot print because it's elevated off of the ground. The bottom left hand corner of the object is resting on a rock and the shadow is visible under it.

Here's some more stuff.
It turned out I was wrong about the object. Somebody showed me this on another forum.

The highlighting in this picture is what made it look like an object.

When you copy and paste those links, put three Ws in front of them.
How come this topic keeps going and going....?

Is there any new information that Russians and Chinese do not know about?
How come this topic keeps going and going....?

Probably because that Fox 'documentary' keeps getting aired on TV every now and again, even though it's been thoroughly debunked. I think it's a litmus test, Fox air the program, and if enough people still swallow it, Fox know they can tell people anything they want them to hear, and be believed.
You know, The moon photo's had to be "touched up" because film was sensitive, and I don't think anything would be picture perfect if it went through the Van Allen belt and suffered from cosmic background radiation for 7 days.
The missions were tracked by Soviet Union, UK and probably other countries. Van Allen belt and the type of radiation is easily shielded. The not landing on the moon hoax is DEAD.
Nobody has come close to debunking this.
(2 minute 35 second mark)

There's an analysis of it here at the 3 minute 5 second mark.

Sorry but you have to copy and paste those links and put three Ws in front of them; I can't post hot links yet as I'm new.

At the thirty eight second mark the astronaut is right next to the flag and it isn't attracted to him at all but at the two minute thirty five second mark, the flag moves toward him. If it was static electricity, wouldn't it have moved toward him at the thirty eight second mark too?

I have a lot of evidence for the hoax that I want to post here but I'm afraid I'll be accused of spamming
[Mod edit]
Removed External URL to other forum. After all that is Spam, saying your not then doing so is pretty contradictory
Last edited by a moderator:
Nobody has come close to debunking this.
(2 minute 35 second mark)

Maybe his pack brushed the flag?
Maybe stomping the soil near the pole caused it to flex, and wave a little?
Maybe both?

There, two reasons why the flag might wave at that point. You really think that this wave is a reasonable piece of evidence to infer the whole thing was faked? That's pretty weak, please try harder.
The missions were tracked by Soviet Union, UK and probably other countries.

Australia too, have you seen the film 'The Dish', it's a light comedy about the Australian crew that manned the Australian Parkes radio telescope that kept communication with Apollo 11 when the American radiotelescopes were obscured by the Earth?
Maybe his pack brushed the flag?
If you look at the beginning of the video when the astronaut is right next to the flag, you'll see that the size of his arm is a lot smaller than it was when he's walking by the flag at the 2 minute 36 second mark He's at least three feet away from the flag.

Maybe stomping the soil near the pole caused it to flex, and wave a little?
If that were the case the horizontal rod that supports the flag would be moving too. I see no movement in the rod.

Here's something else.

There's a noticeable difference in the body movements in these two clips.
(first six seconds)

(Copy and paste these links and put three Ws and a period in front of them; I can't post hotlinks yet as I'm new.)

What I hypothesize is that only half-speed slow-motion was used in Apollo 11. Later, they improved thier methods of simulating lunar gravity and started using a combination of slow-motion and support wires. The slow-motion in the later missions might not have been exactly half-speed. It might have been sixty five or seventy percent of natural speed. It looked better but it was inconsistent with Apollo 11 footage. The inconsistency is apparent.

At around the 21 minute mark of this video the above footage from Apollo 11 can be seen played at double speed.

It looks just like movement in earth gravity.

The missions were tracked by Soviet Union, UK and probably other countries. ”
Australia too, have you seen the film 'The Dish', it's a light comedy about the Australian crew that manned the Australian Parkes radio telescope that kept communication with Apollo 11 when the American radiotelescopes were obscured by the Earth?
Just because we read that it happened doesn't mean it really happened.
Consiracy theorists are fascinating. Nixon could not keep Watergate a secret. In the late 1940's or early 1950's the USA could not keep atomic secrets secret. In the 1920's the government could not supress knowledge of the Teapot Dome scandal.

Yet people claim that they kept knowldege of UFO encounters secret, and were able to fake the moon landing without anyone ratting on them.

Do conspiracy theorists have any idea of how many people would have to be shutup to supress knowledge of the alleged Roswell incidents and the alleged moon landing hoax?
Do conspiracy theorists have any idea of how many people would have to be shutup to supress knowledge of the alleged Roswell incidents and the alleged moon landing hoax?
The press is controlled. There probably have been people talking but if nothing appears in the press, it didn't happen.

I still can't post link as I'm new but if you go into Google and enter "Chomsky media", you'll see some analyses of the American press.
The press is controlled. There probably have been people talking but if nothing appears in the press, it didn't happen.

What? ...At the height of the cold war, America controlled Russian media, the government, Chinese Media and the government....????
The website Clavius has the answer to the rippling flag conundrum, and to every other question which has been raised aboiut the Apollo missions.
NASA designed a telescoping horizontal support that would hinge to the top of the pole. The flag itself was a commercially available nylon flag. A hem was sewn into the top edge into which the horizontal crossbar could be slid. The astronaut deployed the flag by driving the steel-tipped aluminum pole into the surface, then raising the crossbar on its hinge until it locked into the horizontal position. He could then extend the telescoping segment of the crossbar to support the entire width of the flag.

The flag was held oustretched by the crossbar through the top hem. The inner bottom corner was fastened to the pole. The outer bottom corner is free to move. The astute reader will have recognized this as a type of pendulum.
The astronauts said it was hard to drive the pole into the lunar surface. [Ibid.] Apollo 11 had no means of hammering it in. In later missions they reinforced the top of the pole so that a geology hammer could be used to drive it. During the process the flag pole was twisted in the fashion of a drill bit to bore it into the denser layers. Twisting the pole would cause the outer tip of the crossbar to describe an arc with a radius of about five feet (1.5 meters). The free corner of the flag, suspended from the tip, could whip back and forth.
In an atmosphere this motion would be impeded ("damped" in engineering terms) by air resistance. But on the moon there is no resistance from air to the pendulum motion of the flimsy fabric.
Basically the flag moved because the free outermost lower corner was effectively a pendulum, and there was nothing to stop it moving once started.
In these instances the astronaut has just let go of the flagpole. The flagpole and its horizontal rod are bouncing, resonating in response to the residual motion from the astronaut's manipulation. If the wind is causing this motion then why are the flagpole and horizontal rod moving (bouncing), but the flag itself doesn't move at all? And why, in any of these cases, is there no secondary indication of wind such as blowing insulation on the lunar module or dust raised by the wind.

The flag is off-balance when the pole is perfectly vertical. It is balanced when tilted back slightly. Frequently the crossbar will rotate slightly just after being released by the astronaut, much as the door of an off-balance refrigerator will find its own equilibrium point.
The press is controlled. There probably have been people talking but if nothing appears in the press, it didn't happen. ”
What? ...At the height of the cold war, America controlled Russian media, the government, Chinese Media and the government....????
If anybody did talk about it there, it wouldn't appear in the American press.

(Copy and paste this and put three Ws and a period in front of it)
Well, how did the media fall for this?
Well, the media doesn't fall for anything. The media is controlled by the government. The Dutch papers on July 21 [1969] said that the moon landing was a hoax, was a fake, and I have been unable to find any of those Dutch papers, although it's well documented that they did publish information, with proof, that the U.S. was spoofing everybody.
The website Clavius has the answer to the rippling flag conundrum, and to every other question which has been raised aboiut the Apollo missions.
They aren't discussing this particular case of the flag moving. In this case the flag moved at the precise moment at which it would be expected to move in atmosphere if somebody walked past it.
(2 minute 35 second mark)

There's an analysis of it here at the 3 minute 5 second mark.

What do you think of what I posted above about the difference in body movements of the astronauts in the two different missions?
I think the footage was awfully convient, the quote might have been scripted. We probably have been to the moon several times, but the government likes to keep things secret. The video was probably just to shut Russia up.