Man Has Never Set Foot on Moon

Have we been to the moon?

  • Of course not.

    Votes: 26 13.1%
  • Of course so.

    Votes: 173 86.9%

  • Total voters
Re: my two cents?

Originally posted by Darknightness
1) you clearly see foot steps on the sand. Stange, because on the surface of the moon, wind speed is tremendous. Therefore, footsteps were supposed to be removed in a flash.
What wind speed is this without an atmosphere? Perhaps you meant the solar wind, but it isn't strong enough... as is cleary shown/tested by satallites we have in orbit.

2) there shouldnt be any shadows on the moon and in the picture its clearly shows Armstrong with our great old glory and its shadow.

Hello idiot? Why wouldn't there be shadows? You block the light, you get a shadow. Not quantum physics here Einstien. If you don't know what a shadow is something is truely wrong.

I suggest you work out the angular size of a lander on the moon as it would be seen from Earth. Next, work out how big a telescope you would need to resolve an object of that size at that distance (e.g. use the Rayleigh criterion).

In 1980, the US had satellites that could see a matchbox on a picnic table from space.

Now, twenty three years later, I'm pretty sure that todays satellites can easily see a lander on the Moon.

I believe it is absurd to believe that the government lied about the moon landing. Why would it do such a thing? What good might come out of it? And technicaly I certainly believe that it is possible... so why the heck not?
yah, u know what too! i saw that dvd 'interview with the assasin' .. really really really fuckin good interview. Well ill spoil it for you, its this guy who tries to tell his story about how he was the guy who shot kennedy, anyways, the guy goes to his next door neighbor who's a camera man and wants to tell him a story. Anyways, the guy was in a mental institution , but just said its a cover..etc.. always new ways to come up facts/lies. In the end they cant find anyone who can corroborate his story, but he kept the shell with which he killed kennedy in a safe deposit box and they tested the shell, ballistics showed it was fired in 1962 +-3 years. alot of stuff and this camera man really gets involved, eventually they end up at a press conference for the president and the guy tries to kill the president to show that he can get close...but the things leading up to that fact are quite strange...all his evidence slowly dissapears until he doesn't have anything.

Also , he kept the shell that he killed kennedy with. The shell was confiscated by the police and they charged the cameraman with fake charges to keep him in jail. Anyways, the shell was mysteriously lost after the police got ahold of it.

Maybe this just goes to show that the gov't is running the country?

"if you kill the most powerful man in the world , doesn't that make you the most powerful man in the world '
-Rob Kilkurichuck
<i>In 1980, the US had satellites that could see a matchbox on a picnic table from space.</i>

Who told you that?
fake pics

The most conclusive evidence I've seen are the pictures with part of the crosshair BEHIND some objects and in front of the others. I've never read or heard an explanation for this.
Alien mastermind there's one word for you...IDIOT
it's obvious why the usa would want to go to the moon, the usa's arse had been kicked in the space race and going to the moon would mean they had achieved SOMETHING before the russians had. Most of the tests before the moon landing had failed, so even if the US did land on the moon, it was a stupid thing to do as the risks were very high and it put human lives at risk, let alone the millions of dollars which the government was probably more worried about. In fact, the reason the Russians didn't try a moon landing, which they were cabaple of doing, was because of the high risks of failure.
As for the radiation, if the suits really could block out that high level of radiation I'd like to see someone wear one into 3 mile Island.
I believe it is absurd to believe that the government lied about the moon landing. Why would it do such a thing?
<i>The most conclusive evidence I've seen are the pictures with part of the crosshair BEHIND some objects and in front of the others.</i>

Look at the photos carefully. You'll notice that whenever the crosshair appears to be behind an object, the object it is behind is very bright. What has happened is that the bright object has washed out the crosshair in the developing process.
Yes the lunar landings could be a fake and there are good reasons for this. The first reason obviously is money the next being moral of beating the Russians at their own game. Yes their are all these theories behind the so called lie. Here's the thing though conspiracies and government cover ups have a major requirement. That they be held with in a small amount of people. Now in the 60's NASA was huge with thousands of people working for it. A vast majority of those people would have to be on a conspiracy of the size of the lunar landings. This would over time not necesaraly the first few years but atleast by now have come to a lot of people giving confesions to tabloids which has not happened.
Trouble with the tv documentaries is that they are not always what they seem. Controversy is a breeding ground for viewership. Doesn't have to be the truth, just has to attract a lot of viewers for the ratings game.

You will notice that the documentary never ties to explain how we got a near total of 800 pounds of moon rocks here on earth from all the missions that have went to the moon. Thing is you can not just grab a hand full of earth rocks and say this is moon rock. They have different compositions. Different trace elements. It is easy to take a picture and say see it doesn't look this way or that way. But physical evidence is something that is hard to explain away...
Originally posted by Prosoothus

I can't be sure, but I think I saw it on a TV documentary sometime in the mid 80's.

Then either they were sadly mistaken, or you remember incorrectly.

In order to get that type of resolution, you would have to have a huge(in terms of diameter) lens.
Janus58 and James,

Here are the specs for the KH-7 satellite launched in 1963:

"Code Name: Gambit. Class: Surveillance. Type: Military. Nation: USA. Agency: U.S. Air Force. Manufacturer: Lockheed. Total Mass: 2,000 kg. Description: US reconnaisance satellite. Still classified. Camera believed to have ground resolution of 0.46 m. Film returned in two capsules. Typical life seven days. References: 5 , 126"

Here's the link:

If the KH-7 satellite in 1963 had a resolution of 0.46 m, what was the resolution of the military satellites in the 1980's.

Resolution can't go below a decameter because of air distortion; even so computer-corrected images could help lower that to say 1 cm resolution.

why in all heck are we talking about this, we have been to the moon live with it!!!
1. Millions of people watch the rockets take off
2. Thousands of people design, built and controlled the rockets, and to think all of them could hold a secret like this would be insane!
3. Radio signals and camera images were transmitted from the moon, verified by Russian, Australian and British radio telescopes: faking these kind of transmissions were beyond the technology at the time.
4. 800lb of moon rocks were return that were verified by scientist from all over the world as being moon rocks.
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Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Resolution can't go below a decameter because of air distortion; even so computer-corrected images could help lower that to say 1 cm resolution.

why in all heck are we talking about this, we have been to the moon live with it!!!
1. Millions of people watch the rockets take off
2. Thousands of people design, built and controlled the rockets, and to think all of them could hold a secret like this would be insane!
3. Radio signals and camera images were transmitted from the moon, verified by Russian, Australian and British radio telescopes: faking these kind of transmissions were beyond the technology at the time.
4. 800lb of moon rocks were return that were verified by scientist from all over the world as being moon rocks.
Hear Hear. I seriously wonder what kind of medication the moon hoax people are on. How the hell do you fake something that big? Having said that, we've seen most of their "evidence" in this thread, and it keeps getting shot down at the very next post...
Originally posted by Prosoothus
Janus58 and James,

Here are the specs for the KH-7 satellite launched in 1963:

"Code Name: Gambit. Class: Surveillance. Type: Military. Nation: USA. Agency: U.S. Air Force. Manufacturer: Lockheed. Total Mass: 2,000 kg. Description: US reconnaisance satellite. Still classified. Camera believed to have ground resolution of 0.46 m. Film returned in two capsules. Typical life seven days. References: 5 , 126"

Here's the link:

If the KH-7 satellite in 1963 had a resolution of 0.46 m, what was the resolution of the military satellites in the 1980's.


Not much better. The resolution is limited by the size of the objective lens. So, in order to go from .46m to .02m (about the size of a match book the objective lens would have to increase in diameter by 23 times, which equates to a like increase in focal llength for the same magnification. So Let's assume an aperture of 6 in for the KH-7 and a focal ratio of 10 for a focal length of 60 inches. to increase this resolution to 2cm would require an aperture of 11 .5 feet and a focal length of 115 ft. Thats a little big for a spy satellite.

Instead of increasing the size of the lense in the satellite to get a higher resolution, why not just increase the chemical density of the photo film and then just enlarge the picture until the correct resolution is achieved?

BrainWithAGun: I do not beleive that we have ever been to the moon. there is just too much evidence. Photo inconsistencies, mostly. Too much radiation to survive.

Most of this evidence has been shown to be complete rubbish. The theory came first, then the conspiracy theorists simply made these allegations to make their case seem at least slightly plausible to ignorant people. A lot of the hoax “evidence” itself is filled with inconsistencies, and even, in some cases, outright fabrications.

Dr Lou Natic: There IS a [controversy] over whether or not the film and photos of the moon landing are authentic

I’m afraid that this brand of hoax “theory”, promulgated by Percy and Bennett of Aulis publishing, is similarly regarded to be complete nonsense.

There is no credible evidence for any brand of the hoax theory. If you know any different, provide the evidence.

Bemorphy: Check the paintings that Buzz did of the moon

I think you’re referring to the paintings by Apollo 12 LMP Alan Bean.

The rest of your post is piled with conjecture upon conjecture and you still want us to ponder the implications of your scenario. Find a shred of credible evidence that the moon landings were faked, or the “record” was, first. Then we can discuss why it might have been faked.

Rexagan: evidently, one of the items left behind on the moon is a mirror

The Lunar Ranging Retro-Reflectors (LRRRs) were indeed deployed by Apollo astronauts. However, I believe the Russians also managed to deploy their own similar devices with unmanned spacecraft. So the moon hoaxers claim, quite rightly, that it was possible to deploy them without Apollo astronauts.

Gnasher: Money. Lots of it.

Where was the money supposed to come from? Lots of Apollo equipment undoubtedly still exists. Real spacecraft would have had to have been made and flown towards the moon – if you swallow the conspiracy theorists’ argument. Literally hundreds of thousands of employees’ salaries would have had to have been paid as well as fees paid to contractors. After all of this expenditure, how would they been able to actually have any money remaining, enough to justify the risk and effort of faking the moon landings?

Rambo:As for the radiation, if the suits really could block out that high level of radiation I'd like to see someone wear one into 3 mile Island.

What high level of radiation are you alluding to that the suits were meant to block out? You’re just mimicking the words of “self-taught physicist”— and professional conspiracy theorist — Ralph Rene.
Rambo:Most of the tests before the moon landing had failed, so even if the US did land on the moon

Most of what tests failed? The risks were high, but acceptable.

The crosshairs being behind an object are due to emulsion bleed. There’s some really good examples of it on this page. Just scroll down until you see the examples. Like this one.

Patter: The first reason obviously is money the next being moral of beating the Russians at their own game.

I don’t see how any of these reasons are obvious reasons for hoaxing the moon landings. As I explained above, the money has to somewhere. Real spacecraft have to be made to show people. Employees and contractors have to be paid. And as far as beating the Russians “at their own game”, then I’m sure that this would best be satisfied by a real moon landing, don’t you think?

Wet1: Trouble with the tv documentaries is that they are not always what they seem.

The Fox documentary frequently bent the truth, and in some cases, made outright fabrications.

Doubters ought to read the Clavius website. It is a very good website discussing and refuting nearly all moon hoax claims.