Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

the question here is "whose justice"? i certainly do not want to be tried in some system that allows hearsay evidence.

"justice" is not only about convicting the guilty, it also involves "what is fair" to both parties involved. in this regard some cultures have no concept of fair play.

I agree. I really cannot understand all the hoopla about a husband killing his wife when you're throwing bombs on children and think that 500,000 children dying is the right price for your civilized society
I agree. I really cannot understand all the hoopla about a husband killing his wife when you're throwing bombs on children and think that 500,000 children dying is the right price for your civilized society
don't blame me, i believe i mentioned the events about trumans time and the suggestions of forrestall.
You're kidding. It was all over CNN. Unlike the Texas guy who called the police last month to tell them he had stabbed and filleted his girlfriend and was cooking her in his mothers house. They went over to find a pot on the stove with a human ear floating in it. And a slab of meat on a plate with a fork sticking out of it.

But nah, that's not news.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

He was on CNN previously, prior to this incident, due to his having a television station.
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I saw it on CBS. Wasn't interesting enough for MM.

If he hadn't called the cops she'd just be another missing woman. Like the Chandra Levy case.

But if he was Muslim, then everyone would pore over every gruesome detail
I'm presently purple if that makes you feel better. Occasionally I'm red, sometimes green (after drinking leftover soy milk). But mostly, I'm brown.
I'm presently purple if that makes you feel better. Occasionally I'm red, sometimes green (after drinking leftover soy milk). But mostly, I'm brown.

Okay :D... how about this... he's a Texan ...:poke:

Now I'm going to catch hell
Perhaps we should be glad that we are no longer in the Age of the Tartars, who collected heads so as to wear cloaks stitched from scalps and relished entertaining visitors with tales of their fallen enemies while serving them drinks in the jewel encrusted skulls of their hapless victims.
No Islamic court in Pakistan has ever ruled in favor of a husband killing his wife this way. I see it referred to here as honor killing, but actually that is a Western definition to try to blur myth with reality. In Pakistan and other countries, it is called qatal which means murder. Muslim countries also are not the only countries who have this problem, America, India, China, and many others have this problem too. A man does not have to be Muslim to be a murderer and criminal.

By the way, I hope the prosecution goes through. I would like to see this criminal behind bars. In Islamic Fiqh, he would be executed, therefore he should count himself as being lucky to have done this in America where punishments for crimes like this and rape (usually 15 years in US law system) are significantly lighter.

The fact that I have to say that I am against this crime to prove to you how I think is a telling example of prejudice and bigotry on this forum. Muslims are presumed guilty until proven innocent. Classic.
Lest we forget, this crime took place in America involving two Americans. Deflecting blame to a particular religion or country is a shortcut.

What we should really be asking ourselves is why are infidelity, prostitution, divorce, and martial violence so common in America. There is a reason for the rate of divorce in America being the highest, being related to infidelity. Too many childrens' lives are ruined in this country because of this problem.

This is not one people's problem, it is a global problem. That's all I have to say.
its too ridiculous to create a phony link between any religion or race and between individualism mistakes !

while if we look deeply we will find that crimes is unjustifiable in all ideologies, maybe with little difference between any nation and other, resulting from different criterions but the problem is when some one/people have a superficiality view to the life, focusing on phenomenons not on facts ....

like honor killing, or even murders which done by muslims, they don't say that's wrong no one should do that, but they say: islam is hoax, islam justified every thing bad, or even this crime have a root in islam .........they said

but if we look deeply, what we will see, that crimes don't know what realign mean, what charity or friendship mean, what islam christianity mean .......crime also don't know what borders mean, its not something jews have without the muslims or christians !!!!

in islam you can't kill any one with such reasons, we have very resolute juridical system, even if it was about "honor" ....because its "too hard" judge any woman and man by ADULTERY, u should have 4 witness saw this occurrence without any doubt, and if someone hesitate, the judge will punish him ...

in islam history we read two stories about man and woman FORNICATED, the man was his name" maaez" confess to the prophet, so as the woman, while its too shame to do that, but the prophet was sp wisdom, he didn't asked him/ and her about this offense in the beginning, he hope that he didn't told him, cus he knew that he will turn to God in repentance ....
he either didn't asked their about the partners, because the prophet knew that the penalty legislated to prevent the spread the adultery .... the islamic penalty distinguish between the married and signal, as confession, that the signal maybe accuse a mistake because his financial situation or even socialite situation, while the married have no excuse to do that while he comply with "needs" .
in islam we don't see any difference between men and women, if the man do a mistake he will punish in the same punishment which women will punish by it ....

at last i think that read some statistics will help some people to realize that crimes don't know what religion or race mean !!!!

-some statics about crime in usa from 2004- 2004
Violent crime

- in 2007 more than 90,427 rape state, 16,929 murders, 1,408,337 violence


- what you you don't know about rape in USA:


Ziad, BRILLIANT POST. You are completely right my brother. Look at those who are the 'champions of liberty' and look at their own society, they should fix their own problems before commenting on others. A country which engaged in wholesale slavery of black human beings, wiped off this map an entire race of human beings (native americans aka red indians), and continues to exploit the rest of humanity.

As for the idiot poster who said some particular country has 90% domestic abuse rate. Do you think we are idiots for you to pull out these numbers from unverified sources and for us to believe it? Get a life.
Ziad, BRILLIANT POST. You are completely right my brother. Look at those who are the 'champions of liberty' and look at their own society, they should fix their own problems before commenting on others. A country which engaged in wholesale slavery of black human beings, wiped off this map an entire race of human beings (native americans aka red indians), and continues to exploit the rest of humanity.

As for the idiot poster who said some particular country has 90% domestic abuse rate. Do you think we are idiots for you to pull out these numbers from unverified sources and for us to believe it? Get a life.

Yeah my bro, some people blindly eaogh to see the truth, its not about any race or any religion !!
its about human him self, but while western country full of ***** the just focus on some issues, i don't know but how many innocents killed for the honor of torah, the honor of israel !!!????
or maybe we should not count !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or how much of our fellow brothers taken as slaves from Africa because of some white Americans and Europeans interpretation of their holy book or superiority complex, or belief in survival of the fittest. In the end its all about dominance. These vultures want to prey on the third world nations and keep us in shackles. They want us to feel humiliated in ourselves, so they can easily make us worship them as some superior human being.

We know there is only one God, and all human beings are created equal, as the Quran teaches. Those who oppress others will have something to fear on the day when villians shall be called to account for their crimes against humanity.
Or how much of our fellow brothers taken as slaves from Africa because of some white Americans and Europeans interpretation of their holy book or superiority complex, or belief in survival of the fittest. In the end its all about dominance. These vultures want to prey on the third world nations and keep us in shackles. They want us to feel humiliated in ourselves, so they can easily make us worship them as some superior human being.

We know there is only one God, and all human beings are created equal, as the Quran teaches. Those who oppress others will have something to fear on the day when villians shall be called to account for their crimes against humanity.

Oh please. Stick a plug in it.

I never realised you were African or descendant from Africans or African slaves. Here I thought you were from Pakistan by the way your carried on:rolleyes:.

If you are going to have a rant about Europeans taking slaves, I'd suggest you keep in mind that your holy book has several mentions of the acceptability and conditions in which slaves could and should be kept. In short, slavery was well accepted and practiced in Islam in times gone by. So before you start getting all pious about "shackling" your "African brothers", keep in mind that Muslims also kept them shackled as well in the past. In fact, in some societies, it still exists.