Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

Sam will now do us the service of explaining away numbers, perhaps.

It should be a particularly fascinating exercise given this, from the same source:

According to Robert Davis between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries

What will the tool of choice be? Colonialism? Misinterpretation? Islamophobia?

Not...inexactitude and carelessness, certainly?
Why restrict yourself? Look up Jews and the hellenistic slave trade, Jews and the roman slave trade, Jews and the Arab slave trade, Jews and the European slave trade, Jews and the American slave trade. Look up the families in Barbados who got rich running slave ships.

And while you're at it look up judaism and what the Jewish religion says about slavery.

Slavery is a rich mans trade and poor men as many Arabs were before 1920 don't really run the slave trade ships.

Let's see how objective you are in your stand against slavery.
Tooooo late. You fucked up.

As for my stand against slavery, it is complete, irrespective of the parties.

So again: where did those almost 20 million people go?
Check the genes of the "Arabs":

It's not surprising that slave trade picked up in the Berbers after the Jews migrated there. Jews have a history of slave trade going back thousands of years
Check the genes of the "Arabs":

...oh? So what does this do to your 'pan-Arab' stance on the genetic integrity of Palestinians, out of curiousity?

It's not surprising that slave trade picked up in the Berbers after the Jews migrated there. Jews have a history of slave trade going back thousands of years

So do most peoples, Sam; at least as long as their history. Don't get too bent out of shape about it. It's more important what's happening now, to be honest.
What's happening now is that you're no longer interested in discussing Nebi Musa and trasferring violence to the descendents of imaginary oppressors by Jews from European countries.

Palestinians are still natives. They did not leave until the Jews forced them to become refugees. None of which has anything to do with a 4000 year history of slave trade in the Jews and their racist gene oriented putative rights to other people homes

Not to mention nothing to do with this thread
What's happening is that under gentle argument, your thesis has broken down. You are now casting about - as you have been much throughout - for something smacking of reasonability to thrust at me, as you might hold off a lion or a bear with a flaming brand.

Yet, indeed, we have got a bit off topic here, largely at the instigation of your "co-conspirator" (if you'll excuse the pun), DH, who is a dolt, and not your fault. I will let you up.
Unless you're advocating the murder of all Jews for the next 4000 years based on their history and religion, you don't have a point to make here
It is fundamentally inconceivable on what basis you would argue this.

This thread is off-topic. I am attempting to return it to its course.
as the intention of this thread has degenerated to pointing out the evils of
Muslims you'll find it's completely on course.

Much like any other thread about Muslims on this forum
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Rather, about using islamic religious law throughout civil law. You speak yourself of its misapprehensions; are we not likewise permitted to do so?
yet another conservative anti-jihad blogger who gets erections at the thoght of Muslims being bombed, no doubt
Slavery is HARAM in Islam. You can look up what the word haram means. It is something like forbidden.

All prominent traditional and modern scholars have studied hadith and gained guidance from Quran to provide us with the fatawa which regularly condemn slavery. You can copy and paste from whatever sources you wish, but if you go to a mosque or prestigious Islamic university and ask about this matter, they will give you the same answer as me.

There is one thing that irks me greatly, in fact, it angers the hell out of me, when people attempt to deny their own history. Especially when people blame the history of others for something while blithely ignoring that their own history are also guilty of the very same thing. As a descendant of a slave, I find your refusal to accept and own your religious history to be not only insulting, but also downright ignorant. What makes it even worse is that you dare call African slaves your "African brothers", but deny that people belonging to your own religion not only enslaved them, but also forced them to convert in many instances, further denying them their freedom and their freedom of choice.../sneer..

Muslims took a huge part in the slave trade, owned slaves, sold slaves, freed slaves, and took on slaves. It was going on for a hell of a long time before the Europeans started on the vile practice. In fact, some still continue it to this day. Now, you might very well be ignorant of your own religious history, or you are choosing to ignore the bad bits for some ungodly reason. But the simple fact of the matter is that slavery was as much a part of Islam's history as it was a part of Spanish or American history.

It is a sickness of Western mind to deflect their own shame to someone else, and this sickness has lead to untold suffering of millions, if not billions, of people throughout human history, especially Africans and Native Americans, and now the Muslims of the Middle East.
Indeed. It is. And it is an equally pathetic sickness of your mind to attempt to ignore you religious history and its activities when it comes to slavery because you live in some deluded world where your people can do no wrong. Well let me tell you now, they not only took part in it, they also gained wealth from it.

So before you deflect your own shame and attempt to blame the West for being the only ones to take part in the slave trade, remember that not only did Muslims take part in it, they took part in it for much longer than the West did and some still continue to take part in it today in Africa.

Furthermore, to take the African tradition of taking war captives among the enemy men during a military victory and comparing it to stealing human beings from their homes and villages in the night to beat, shackle, and bring in inhumane conditions on slave ships to America, to be perpetually subjugated mentally, physically, spiritually, and morally and to have one's heritage, language, and culture forcefully suppressed, and finally to have one's children and wife also subject to the oppression of slavery along with all descendants perpetually is definitely the WORST CRIME in human history.
My god, you really are ignorant. Slavery was not solely to the US. It was also to many parts of the Middle East and to other parts of Africa and Europe as well as to Asia.

So you're saying that Muslims from the Middle East who came into Central Africa were only doing as Roman's do (when in Rome..) and taking African slaves under the pretext that it was as a 'spoil of war'?

Your taking the 'victories of war' is the same as coming in at the dead of night and stealing men and women, as well as children and putting them on ships. Many were taken that way to be slaves to Muslims. Muslim slave masters were also in many respects, cruel to their slaves. Children born of those 'captives' were not free, but were in fact slaves. The only exception to the rule was that Muslims could not be taken as slaves.. which makes the ancestors of your religion to be almost racist as well.. Conversion to Islam while a slave did not guarantee your freedom..

You want to balk at slavery, but you are only interested in ranting about slaves taken to the US. Because well, the US is the enemy, is it not? We'll forget that other countries also took slaves.. we'll forget that Muslims also took part in the slave trade. Remembering that doesn't serve a purpose, does it? If you want to get angry about slavery, why don't you get angry at your Muslim "African brothers" who are still practicing it in Africa? Oh wait.. they're not American, so it's all right.

While slavery is indeed a crime and always will be, the greatest crime was not it. The greatest crime that continues to this day is those who attempt to deny its existence when it comes to their own.

Another note, Saudi Arabia figures prominently in your debates to prove Islam is somehow erroneous. You should know that the Saudi royal family were puppets of the British And French until relatively recently, the Ottoman rule which they overthrew by the complicity of the Europeans was much more representative of the enlightened Islamic view. There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world, with more than 70 countries. To use Saudi Arabia as the example of Muslims is simply insulting to us.
They were puppets to the British royal house 1000 years ago?:rolleyes:

Don't you get it yet? Muslims were well into trading Africans as slaves long before the Europeans even set foot on the African continent.

With your rhetoric you are attempting to blame an entire civilization, religion, and cultural block. Please have some human decency. Most people, even in the West, have accepted that slavery in the Americas was the worst crime in human history, along with the genocide against Native Americans. It is only natural that this rhetoric come to an end. Indeed, at least of those who are intelligent among us, so we can prevent human tragedies like the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. Little do you know, you are serving the interest of the war hawks in the West in your false portrayal of Islam.
My false portrayal of Islam? That's laughable!

At least I am not the one denying what is a very distinct and direct part of my history. Americans came to understand that slavery was wrong. Your attempts to not only deny its existence in your own religious history is insulting to the descendants of the slaves that were traded, but your attempts to blithely act as if your religious ancestors are completely free from blame are ignorant in the extreme.
Slaves were traded between Africans long before Islam. They still are.


And attempting to deny it or state that Muslims did not take part in it and trying to blame it solely on the West is illogical and ignorant in my opinion.

And attempting to deny it or state that Muslims did not take part in it and trying to blame it solely on the West is illogical and ignorant in my opinion.

The difference being that slaves held court positions in the Muslim world and were not selected for being an inferior race or colour. Not that it's a justification, but we still have servants in India. Western slavery was entirely different and based on race and colour.